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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 10 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    I think the Lucy situation comes down to money.

    Even if Dorit didn't read the contract, PK did and they don't have the money to pay the $5000 penalty fee, so they got rid of the dog.

    It sounds a bit unrealistic that some random woman wanted the dog, DoDo-rito and the Boiled Ham probably brought the dog directly to a shelter and don't want to cop to it.

    There's a $5000 penalty fee to return a dog?  That virtually guarantees a dog will be pawned off or kept in a bad home.  I've never heard of such a thing.  Sounds like a motive to adopt out a biter.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, lids said:

    I thought it was strange that she was using that conversation to justify why she’d be comfortable dating a virgin. I didn’t know how old she was, but she looks really young. Basically she was making it seem like she was already the way more experienced person in that relationship almost 10 years ago. And I started to worry that she had lost her virginity when she was 12 or something.

    Also, she told Colton his situation was so similar because her ex was really religious and was saving himself for marriage. Colt responded that it kind of wasn’t the same because he’s not staying away from sex because of religion or anything like that and isn’t saving himself for marriage and Kirpa was kind of just like yeah, yeah whatever. Same diff. They really weren’t listening to each other at all.

    These are the things I contemplate while watching the show: How many adult women in America are wearing their blonde hair down to their butt? Did Colton specifically ask the casting agents for blonde women with hair down to their butts? How did the casting agents go about finding these women? Did they look for butt length hair. Their hair isn’t even really styled or anything, it’s just hanging there... to their butt. I don’t know, it’s not really a thing in NYC, so I don’t often see this look. Interesting.

    I think a more accurate question may be:  How many adult women in America, on reality shows, are wearing their blonde hair down to their butt.

    I've found that women being cast on this type of show have a higher incidence of breast implants, hair extensions, botox, and blindingly white veneers.  It's why I appreciated Becca on Arie's season, because she didn't seem to adhere to those rules.  It's almost like a "to do" list the producers hand out to the cast.

    • Love 7
  3. 21 hours ago, After7Only said:

    I thought the performance started out OK.  However, as it went on, it became a very JLo performance with Motown songs vs a Motown tribute.  The skimpy costume, butt shaking and Salsa dancing is all JLo.   Didn't feel very Motown.  But for me it was a minor annoyance rather than a controversy.   I figured they were saving the star power performances for the Motown 60 taping.   

    Combined with the fact that Motown was created because black artists couldn't get record contracts or mainstream radio play.  They chose an artist who has a weak voice, has no connection to the Motown sound, and who has to rely on lip synching.  It makes as much sense as honoring Latin music with a non-Latino.

    • Love 24
  4. 23 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

    If you missed it

    Joy must've made a face or gestured off camera when Meghan interrupted and then Meghan pitched her hissy fit in response

    The thing I found irritating is Joy was reading from the monitor.  This wasn't an off the cuff remark.  Maybe Meghan should have taken up her issue with the producers.  Could you even imagine if she interrupted Whoopi in this situation?

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  5. On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 5:39 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    Yes. My Sib Group is enraged about this story and we are following it. 

    But i do wonder why are these rapists SO STUPID as to not use a condom in a world where we have dna tests. Do they WANT to get caught after she gives birth?!!

    Since he stuck around and voluntarily gave a DNA sample, he seemed to think he might not be the father.  I hate to think that there was more than one male predator in that facility.

    • Love 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

    Could be that she doesn't feel comfortable around Bonnie, her former MIL and didn't want to risk former husband, Adam may show up. Such a tangled vine of a family!

    I think Robyn may still have Mindy living at her house and I sure wouldn't expect Annie, Christine's mom to show up to celebrate Bonnie as the hostess.

    I think it was last episode that I saw Janelle and Meri's mother interact.  I was hyper scrutinizing the moment, and it seemed natural and normal.  Whatever problems they may have had seem to have been resolved years ago.

    • Love 4
  7. 25 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

    I think Mitch will want to live a polygamist life.  His sister is Vanessa Alldredge from Seeking Sister Wives.  

    On a shallow note, that's some beautiful hair genes.

    • LOL 2
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  8. 22 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Missed you all on Thurs and Fri!

    Abby's interview  girl talk with Ivanka was terrible.  What a waste of time.

    It was cringworthy that Sunny continued to throw shade on B Smith's husband for bringing his gf into the home.  The Today Show did a segment on the topic and interviewed their daughter who is mad as hell at people criticizing her dad for doing this.  She's furious that so called "friends" (like Sunny) haven't bothered to pick up the phone or drop in to see how her mom is doing, yet they judge her dad for needing help and support in this awful situation.  So shut up, Sunny, with your pearl clutching and "disrespect."

    I'm torn on the topic.  I wonder if people would feel differently if this were a woman moving her lover into the home of her Alzheimer's spouse.  It's typically the wives who are caregivers in this scenario, and they typically do it without their lover taking care of their husband.  These wives are long-suffering, and I've never heard one complain that they deserve to be happy and find romantic love while their husband still lives.  

    • Love 8
  9. 6 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

    The stepson who was at the charity event is talking to Marge (clearly) but not to his dad. They’ve not explained why. I guess his siblings still aren’t talking to her.

    Marge and Jan have one biological son. He’s never been on the show and wants to stay private. 

    Yes Joe has grown kids. They’ve never been on the show either. 

    Jan's children are damn lucky Margaret helped raise them.  Compare Jan's lack of interest in having a relationship with his son with Margaret's continued attempts to make a connection, even after years of rejection.  I understand his children's anger, but I also respect Margaret's refusal to give up on them. 

    • Love 13
  10. 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Who is this Turbo person? Like what reality show is he from? He is fine as fuck. Finally, some male eye candy for me!

    Amanda and Josh as partners seems like hell on earth. I look forward to seeing where that goes.

    You're not kidding.  They were intimidated by him before the first challenge.

    I hope Josh makes Amanda's life hell.  

    • Love 6
  11. 6 hours ago, Coco88 said:

    Lost a little of my Jenna like.  The thing she said about being glad her parter didn’t have an accent, bugged.  I know she thinks thinks the world revolves around New York but geez broaden your horizons.  

    I like Jenna but she’s really quite dim. I think she genuinely can’t understand them.  She’s that simple. 

    • Love 9
  12. 15 hours ago, suomi said:

    I was born in 1950 and my mom was pregnant with my sister in 1953. I caught chicken pox during my mom's second trimester and she came down with it as well. My sister was born with mild-to-moderate mental retardation. 

    My cousin is profoundly deaf because she was exposed to measles in utero. 

    • Love 2
  13. 16 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    They were talking about anti-vaxers and they neglected to mention former co-host Jenny McCarthy.  Color me shocked.  Not.

    Mention of the topic was verboten when Jenny was on the show, so I'm not surprised they don't mention it now.

    • Love 3
  14. 33 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

    Oops..I posted in the wrong thread. I'll put it here where it belongs:

    Yep..she got to make ONE statement tonight....exactly.

    (well known news guy.....I'm blanking on his name) talks about late term abortion being brought up during the SOTU:
    "this is an issue that resonates with Republican voters, and those legislators."

    (throws to meh-gun)
     [I swear she says ALL of the following without taking a breath, and was obviously reading it off of a blue card her husband wrote for her  teleprompter]:
    Meghan: "Hard to say it resonates with a lot of American voters the polling on this suggests that 70-80% of Americans including women and Democrats are against abortion past twenty weeks, you can thank Ralph Northam for bringing this conversation onto the national stage, obviously the controversial governor is the one who ignited a firestorm with his radio interview over these comments, it's interesting to note that Nancy Pelosi's guest tonight was the head of planned Parenthood, who spent over two million dollars backing Ralph Northam, this is a political issue that is designed to force Democrats to answer questions that they aren't necessarily comfortable answering, whether or not this is the party of abortion being safe, legal, and rare, or now going on to being the party of late term, twenty week abortion."
    (I put in commas for you guys so your eyes wouldnt cross like mine did when I reread what she had said) 😁
    I swear it all sounded like one sentence..it exhausted me.

    I would never wish an unwanted innocent child on anyone, but I violently wish two week late periods on these people so they can sweat it out and see what hypocrites they may be. After all, abortion is always fine for mistresses and daughters whose “lives shouldn’t be ruined from one mistake”.  

    • Love 21
  15. 9 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

    It's sad that I had to Google TSTL....it fits her so perfectly.

    Too Stupid To Live

    (in case anyone else didn't know)😂

    There’s more than one definition for TSTL.  When I referred to Abby as such, the “S” stood for sweet.  It’s not aimed at a kind person, so much as someone who’s cloying. If Abby were from the the south, she’d be dropping a lot of “well bless your heart”s. 

    • Love 7
  16. On 2/3/2019 at 10:50 AM, Barb23 said:

    I thought I was reading Chuck's eulogy except for the last two paragraphs.

    His line "As a young boy, I stood beside him as he tenderly loved my mother" gave me a whole different picture than the one he was trying to get across. Am I the only one who interpreted it this way? 


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