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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 36 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

    It occurred to me that this might be a response to some post-partum depression. It may very well be some innocent subset of their Jesus-all-the-time babble, but it did strike me that it was similar to the "marriage counseling" exercises that Jill and Derick were doing a couple of years ago. If Jinger was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by motherhood, I'm sure that the "counseling" would involve telling her to say (and post) over and over "I love being a mother." She looks well and happy and engaged with her daughter, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

    It would explain why we see more of Jeremy with the baby than Jinger - besides the obvious.

    • Love 4
  2. 11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    When did he do that? Carolin used her family problems as an excuse for her behavior/attitude and he simply said that everyone was going through stuff but they needed to not being it to work  and mentioned as an example his dad died a month ago.

    I guess it just struck a nerve.  I've been hearing people pull out the "my parent just died" my whole life as a way to shut another person down.  A month after my dad died I was sitting in class in high school, and wouldn't have dreamed of using that to a classmate who was venting.  I guess it's just me.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, rustyspigot said:

    I'm like a bull in a china "cabinet". A very tiny bull.

    I had a coke problem, but then I went to rehab in Tijuana for three months and then I was fine. Alrighty.

    I'm sure D'Andra appreciated Mama Dee eventually saying she was agreeing with LeeAnne. :)

    What do you want to bet D'Andra went to Tijuana - when it was still safe - to hide her problem?  Was that before or after she worked for the kinder, gentler Bush?

    • Love 6
  4. I've never watched this show (nor any of its iterations) but tuned in due to the dramatic promo.  I'm not sure I'm going to repeat the experience if this group of "white trash with money" guests is typical.  No one who truly lives this lifestyle drunkenly dances and shouts, "this is my life!".  I was expecting a true Overboard moment and feared those ginormous breasts were going to drag her to the ocean floor.  What a bunch of ungracious, pretentious assholes.

    • Love 18
  5. 17 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    As much as I usually empathize with Tyler, I actually understood Cate's concerns about what happens after 30 days. Notice he never answered her....


    Dakota acts like Bristol is all about the cameras, but he sure likes to talk to thema lot. 


    I didn't realize the 26th birthday was such a big deal. Renting a house? Partying with several dozen friends. Clearly I've been doing it all wrong. 

    On topic, Cory and Cheyenne - just get together already. You're driving me nuts. I feel like they both want to; but neither want to be vulnerable and make the first move.


    I felt uncomfortable watching Jade navigate her tonsilectomy. I just found out on Friday that my daughter will require dental surgery. I'm quite scared about it. It just makes me sad, thinking about such little ones getting put to sleep.


    I am THRILLED that Gary found his father. Hallelujah! Dude looks like him too. 

    Typical Amber - pops into the doctor for a new diagnosis every few months. And I see the bloom is off the rose. She's yelling at Andrew, when he was just trying to be helpful. I guess charcuterie boards can only get you so far.

    What really pissed me off is how she acted like she couldn't join a support group because she just could NEVER relate to us "normies" down here on earth. Fuck. You.

    And if the camera in your face bothers you so much - QUIT. 

    I so want to like Dakota because I despise the Palins, but I cannot.  Bristol only calls because of the cameras?  Well, I certainly noticed that Dakota only called back when the cameras were on him.  He's a disheveled mess, and I wouldn't be surprised if her were a rage monster.  I do know that when Bristol originally called off their engagement there were rumors that Sailor wasn't his child.  He never spoke a word in her defense.

    • Love 4
  6. Forgive me if this has already been covered, but it was news to me.  Sarah Hyland has given an interview to Self in which she reveals she rejected her father's kidney two years ago.  She was on dialysis and suicidal.  Last year she received a second kidney from her younger brother.  Sorry I suck at links.

    • Love 5
  7. On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 6:37 PM, CheezyXpressed said:

    I forgot how awkward Sara looked whenever Meghan went on a rant. At the 12:50 part, she looks especially done so I'm glad she left the show and is happier now.

    Happy, but maybe unemployed soon?  Does she still work with GMA outside of her new show?

    • Love 3
  8. On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:15 PM, Gemma Violet said:

    Look what popped up on Youtube (Meghan McCain's Worst Moments).  I don't have the energy to watch it, but feel free.  It was posted on 9/2/18, so it doesn't have the latest hissy fits:



    I'll say something nice:  Meghan looked beautiful with the chignon and black glasses.  

    • Love 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, nexxie said:

    I’m thinking it was a church connection - private adoption, looking for a good Texas family of gingers through the Christian grapevine. Stephanie was a social worker - maybe she’s involved with a group that encourages women with unplanned pregnancies to have their babies and give them up for adoption.

    Brandi goes to church?

    • Love 3
  10. 8 hours ago, mytmo said:

    Jennifer's daughter reminds me of Violet from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

    People often compare obnoxious children to Violet.  Violet was a pushy, fast-talking loud mouth, but Verucca Salt has always been the stereotype of spoiled rotten to me.  "Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese Cat".

    • Love 11
  11. 7 hours ago, Ina123 said:

    My understanding was that it was an open fracture. Sadly, River's heart stopped during surgery.

    That’s horrible. I’m so glad I didn’t watch.  Was River an inside/outside cat?  I keep my cats strictly indoor where they’re safe and I can keep my eye on them. 

    • Love 6
  12. 14 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Jeremy did hit the gold mine in finding Jinger and attaching himself to her 'fame'. And maybe he wanted a wife who will stare adoringly at him. I think, however, Jeremy will tire of a partner who never has an opinion and who will always blindly go where he goes. He was part of the mainstream for many years and has examples of healthy, happy women who are their own persons to compare Jinger to, which makes me think he might encourage some independence if Jinger is not finding it on her own.

    I'm hoping that Jinger's less than sweet attitude during the episode where they babysat their friends' kids wasn't just overtired and queasy pregnancy symptoms. I hope she has a voice and uses it.

    There's a couple of posters over on the DuggarsSnark subreddit who claim to have known Jeremy, and talk of his history of prolific cheating.  One even says he had a side piece for sex leading up to his marriage to Jinger.  I'm not sure what to think on the matter, but thought I would mention it.

    • Love 4
  13. 2 hours ago, Mollysmom said:

    I think they are just baiting people - most commercials advertising upcoming shows like this like to create drama - then when you actually watch, it's nothing. 

    Amber says something like it's leg just popped out.  Cats just don't spontaneously dislocate their legs.  I just don't want to deal with it.  I'm still dealing with a dog and cat loss, and I can't believe they show the poor thing laying there suffering.

  14. 13 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    After almost killing Robert, torturing Robin and holding her prisoner for years, shooting Elizabeth in her own home, and being an accomplice to Faison for decades, sneering at almost everyone but Franco, and being utterly unapologetic about it all even after her own son was killed by the man she enabled, she deserves to be beaten by minions in hell. The actress is great; the character almost makes Carly look like an upstanding citizen. 

    I agree.  And it makes Anna look terrible that she could get past what happened to Robin, but the much shorter torture of her son drove her to bring Obrecht to justice.

    • Love 6
  15. 16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    I literally pee during Maci's segments. I do love me some Bentley, though. That's a good kid right there. 


    I feel like Dakota gets more scenes than Bristol. Here's an idea - if you're concerned about the situation with Tripp, just ASK Bristol if you can see him/talk to him. Damn. These two are worse than allies vs. axis.


    I feel stupid, but I'm kind of rooting for Cheyenne and Cory. They just seem so natural together. And I like that they grew into their relationship and didn't feel the need to get together right away because of their kid. 


    Are Tyler and Cate really going to separate? I'm having my doubts. He laid down some real truth, though - "I have to find a way to support Catelynn without destroying me."


    I am APPALLED that they shaved Leah's legs on camera. Come on. Give the girl some privacy.

    And I liked how Amber acted like she was some benevolent saint for allowing Kristina to be part of it, even though she's not Leah's mom. Bitch, you wouldn't even KNOW about the situation if Kristina didn't tell you.

    I've had the feeling all along that Cory and Cheyenne have been together since before filming, and Zach is there to build up the love triangle and make us root for Cory.  Zach has always been awkward around Cheyenne, and they seem to smile inappropriately in their scenes together.

    P.S. My feeling is only strengthened by R. KyleLynn (is that truly what they call her?) asking Cory to be godfather to her child.

    • Love 7
  16. 50 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

    What was even better was that it was a cartoon from The New Yorker.  lol!

    Bentley's a cool kid.  **he used to bug me**  Jen and Larry are getting a Ryan-do-over with him.  

    Bristol is a shitty mother for asking her son his personal feelings about Dakota on film.  

    I don't know.  Dakota's playing the traumatized war-veteran martyr, and is claiming to adore Tripp without having displayed any interest in him post-divorce.  If Bristol is simply documenting for the public that Tripp doesn't want to be around his former step-father, I kind of don't blame her.  I certainly don't blame Tripp, who is probably a little traumatized by the explosive PTSD moments with Dakota.  Tripp is too young to understand PTSD, and most likely sides with his mother who would be understandably frightened in these moments.  Even long-term loving marriages are destroyed by war PTSD, and Bristol and Dakota never had the pre-PTSD time together.

    I sympathize with combat veterans and the horror they've seen and experienced.  But Dakota opened with this story line and brings it up every single episode and marinades in his misery.  Someone needs to get this guy intense, ongoing therapy with a trauma therapist.

    Disclaimer:  I despise the Palins.

    • Love 19
  17. 7 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

    What find offensive about “Baby it’s cold outside “, “Blurred Lines” (?) and others is that it perpetuates The whole notion of “YOUR LIPS SAY NO BUT YOUR EYES SAY YES”. It’s a dangerous message to send to men and women. 

    Whoopie needs to shut the hell up. Premarital sex is not a new invention. 

    Agreed.  I actually casually liked the song and was surprised when I heard criticism.  I finally looked up the lyrics and understand now.  And personally, I could care less what movie this song is from.  The song has been played for decades with no pre-requisite of seeing the movie required.

    In the song, she states her mother will be worried and her father will be pacing the floor, as he dismisses her concern and teases.  He finally coaxes her into having a half drink.  All fine, whatever.  Then she asks him what's in the drink, which implies he spiked it.  But what really clinches it for me, are his lines:  "Baby don't hold out", and "Get over that hold out", and all I hear is the same BS men have always used to pressure women into sex and calling them a "tease".  

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