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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

    Except when she’s badgering her husband to have another kid he clearly does not want, and joking about his height.  

    These two don’t really like each other.  And I’m sort of digging Shane’s lack of bullshit.

    and her mouth looks like Mr Bill.  

    why do they always introduce that dog( and it’s asinine to introduce a dog) as Tamra’s, when the dog is Eddies?  

    In the article discussing Bronx's cancer, the dog is described as being Tamra's via Ryan.  Speaking of Bronx, how long ago were these episodes filmed?  Bronx was set to have his cancerous ear removed, and there he was with two beautiful ears.  Tamra was planning on something stupid like having the healthy ear removed to balance him out.  Stupid shallow bitch.

    • Love 6
  2. 14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Emily seems like a nice woman.  She’s also bright, well educated and a working lawyer.  So, I really don’t understand why she’s married to a tiny little unattractive troll who doesn’t seem to like or respect her.  I’m also not loving the “gotta have two daughters”stuff.  She’s always dreamed of having 2 girls because she’s so close to her sister but did her sister always dream of carrying all these babies for her?  I also agree with whoever said they liked her better after they saw her with Archie.  Unlike Gina and her ”I didn’t know she had dawgs” reaction.  Get her, Archie!

    The more I see of Gina, the more I realize I like Emily.  Now if Shane can be relegated to the Matt role, and simply be a picture frame on the counter that the camera doesn't quite focus on . . .

    • Love 12
  3. 6 hours ago, geekburger said:

    Just a theory BUT it sounded during MMs thank yous that she specifically asked for Yvette to be here the week of her return, maybe as emotional support? It would also make sense that Joy would suddenly take a vacation just a month into the new season....there’s not room for 6 panelists. 

    It also wouldn’t be too far fetched that part of MM signing onto this season, she wanted Abby in the vacant seat as a condition to return.

    I just hope that Meghan didn’t request that Joy be off during her return. 

    • Love 3
  4. On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:00 AM, Sterling said:

    I grew up in Dallas, and I still live in another part of Texas, but I'm in Dallas a lot because I still have family there.  I grew up in the 70's, so I've "known" Dallas through the decades.

    I've never once heard of any of these people:  the Westcotts, Dee Simmons (or her company), Cary's husband (the "well-known" plastic surgeon), The Hollman company, etc.

    So they're not as "famous" as BravoTV would have us believe.

    That being said, I'm here for every minute of it.

    Here's what I admit:  I admit that I've already looked up Mama Dee's house, and D'Andra's house.  Both are in the very exclusive Highland Park, and each is worth >$2.5 million.  D'Andra's house is owned by the trust that Mama Dee controls.  And yes, next time I'm visiting family, I'll be doing a drive-by, y'all.

    Wait, wait, wait . . .  Let me get this straight.  Little Miss Independent of the three trust funds, not only has a skin care brand owned by her mother (a line I wouldn't wear if it were free after seeing D'Andra's neck), but her home is owned by a trust?  And this bitch sits around whining day and night that her mother doesn't hand over a long-standing, successful company?  Dee's a cold bitch, but there's a reason she hasn't trusted her daughter to run the show.  D'Andra is fifty, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, yet doesn't own her house outright?  I bought my first home when I was 25!  Something tells me D'Andra truly does have only $200 in her account, and is incapable of controlling her spending.

    • Love 5
  5. 11 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    First of all, I am so Grey's bitch that I just allow myself to enjoy enjoy enjoy as a guilty pleasure and tear up at least once or twice an episode. Sorry not sorry. 

    That said, there was a moment that is so incredibly picky of me that it took me out of the moment (probably because I am an officially-retired-as-of-tomorrow sportswriter of three decades). 

    Dr. Gorgeous Hair was the team surgeon for the Seattle Mariners. So WHY OH WHY is the lone sports reference he uses (I can't recall if he said third-fourth stringer) a football and/or basketball analogy, not a baseball analogy? He doesn't name the sport, but there is virtually no such terminology as a third or fourth stringer in baseball. (And if he said "rounder," which I don't think he did, it still wouldn't make sense because basically any player who makes it to the majors is no longer viewed by what round they were drafted -- it's old news other than the bonus they received when they signed and will rarely if ever affect playing time or salary).  The better analogy for baseball would probably have been the starting pitcher and the bullpen. Okay. Off to being a civilian now.

    If I misheard or misremember, mea culpa. That's my brain these days. But my ears perked up like a dog who hears the can of dog food being opened four rooms away (or maybe that's just MY dog). 

    I'm a huge baseball fan of the Cardinals. Today my team had the opportunity to force the Cubs into the wildcard slot or at the very least cause them to have a play off game to earn first place. 

    While I absolutely agree that third and fourth stringer is not very common, I was loudly using that terminology as player after player, that I've never heard of, came up to bat. 

    Regarding sensitive pet ears:  I used to hide a tennis ball to use against the wall for sore spots on my back.  I could tiptoe and do it in the dark, and my sleeping dog would jerk awake and start barking for it. 

    4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    In my opinion the ortho god is a little too stuck on himself to be really attractive.   I wonder if the matchmaker remark to the young female intern about liking women was one of the coming out stories this year?    I found the Maggie / Hipaa storyline ridiculous for an experienced doctor, but they keep writing Maggie as clueless which I find absurd for a department chief at a world class hospital like Grey-Sloan.      I think Alex as interim chief might be fun.      

    If thought it was because his character on Nashville was gay.  

    • Love 2
  6. On September 28, 2018 at 4:25 PM, chitowngirl said:

    Where does Asian Doctor fit in to all this? He seemed to show up with Ortho Doctor.

    And with Alex interim chief and Arizona gone, who is taking charge of the tiny humans?

    I assumed hot Asian guy was Lincoln's PA.  They said Ortho God singular, which led me to that conclusion.  Plus, PAs to surgeons, IMO, are as arrogant as the surgeons themselves.

    On September 28, 2018 at 4:55 PM, ams1001 said:

    Her blood clot foreshadows some dramatic health complication that necessitates lots of doctor visits? And we all know the only place to get medical attention in Seattle is at this hospital. There are no other hospitals or private practice doctors or clinics anywhere in the area.

    Or Alex'll find her a job, seeing as he is now the acting chief of surgery and will therefore be able to hire and fire at will with no input from anyone else on the board that supposedly runs the place.

    I thought it was pretty significant that Teddy stressed she was eleven weeks pregnant, which is close to the cutoff for most terminations.   

    • Love 1
  7. 3 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

    Law school terror can make for some good tv, and while true that we didn't know ahead of time when the professor was going to call on us to answer a question, going all the way back to kindergarten, I can't think of one time ever where I was given a head's up that I was going to be called on in class.  TV/movies like to portray law students being humiliated in front of the class if called upon and he/she is unprepared or doesn't know the answer....because that's entertaining, and the purpose of tv/movies, by and large, is to entertain.  While I can certainly only speak to my experience, which comprises some infinitesimally small percentage of all the times professors have randomly called on law students during class, so may or may not be of much value, I never once observed (or experienced myself) a professor terrorize a student in class.  (Keep in mind, also, that when someone was completely unprepared/behind, it was common to just skip class that day and stay home reading like a fiend trying to get caught up for the next class....and you can't get called on if you aren't present lol).  I also never experienced any of the cut throat, classmates purposely sabotaging/undermining each other crap you hear about.  Not saying it never happens, but from my experience, it seems to be the exception, not the rule.

    As far as Jill attending class with Derick.... I sincerely hope that she went only because the professor was indeed encouraging it for whatever reason.  If that's the case and Derick wanted her to accompany him, then it was a supportive, kind thing to do for Derick.  If it wasn't by invitation, then I can't imagine why in the world you would choose to attend law school classes with your spouse - unless you're jealous AF, needy AF, or happen to be really interested in law (and I seriously doubt the latter applies to dear Jilly Muffin).  And I don't mean that last statement as an insult, but Jill has never given any indication that law interests her at all.  I mean, I was enrolled in law school, I (mostly) enjoyed what I was learning, and I can tell you that often, given the choice, I could have come up with A LOT of things I'd rather have been doing than going to class.  ;-)

    The Reddit guy posted it's his understanding that this was the only class Jill attended, and she had only been twice.

    • Love 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Christina87 said:

    Exactly!!! If they were spending all of their own money from the show, I would maybe side eye it a little, because that money won't last forever and they don't have jobs. I would be saving as much as I could for a rainy day in their shoes. However, it is totally ridiculous for people to give them these frequent vacations!!! Where do us normal people sign up to meet these "generous friends?" I would give Jana a vacation before these two, or even Joy and Austin! Do they get vacations given to them because of their slick image? Does Jeremy know millionaires? Even millionaires would be well advised to spend their money elsewhere, though. No way does Jeremy need a vacation in the slightest!

    They really have no shame.  I can't imagine how it looks to their humble parishioners at Jeremy's church.  He obviously has no interest in these people, as he's a grade A climber.  He yearns to be with high society, and my pride would not allow me to constantly have my hand out accepting gifts.  When is it Jeremy's turn to give?  Does he know it's better to give than receive?  Does he even read his bible?

    • Love 20
  9. 23 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    What the heck is with the thing on her head? I love the look on her little face.

    I cannot stand that thing.  She looks like an infant cancer patient, or an exotic creature who tells fortunes with her crystal ball.  Her ears will be pierced any day now.

    22 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Did Phil and Darlene also pay their airfare and hotel? 

    Better question: Do Babe and Jingle ever give instead of receive?  

    • Love 15
  10. 5 minutes ago, CaseyRe said:

    I thought Dayton as the only cut lask week, and the only brunette called into the office.

    I think I've just confused myself.  I think I thought Kristen was two different people depending on how heavy her makeup was.  Dayton is a lovely young woman with a lighter hand in the makeup area. 

    • Love 2
  11. 16 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I thought Kristen and the brunette cut last week (Rachel?) were the same person.  The only difference I see is one wears more/heavier false eyelashes.

    It's not Dayton I'm talking about.  It's the girl with false eyelashes so heavy she can barely hold her sleepy eyes open.  Maybe it really is Kristen and she varies how thick her eyelashes are?

  12. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I thought Kristen and the brunette cut last week (Rachel?) were the same person.  The only difference I see is one wears more/heavier false eyelashes.

  13. 2 hours ago, go4luca said:

    Expensive as heck.  Jinelle shared on the live Twitter last night that each pair is custom made for each cheerleader.  I can't even imagine how much that costs. =:-O

    The franchise has plenty of money considering they barely pay the cheerleaders, make money off the show about them, and keep all the money the calendar earns.

    • Love 6
  14. 2 hours ago, Kate2006 said:

    Why haven't they cut Malena yet? 

    Melissa Rycroft looked weird tonight. She was dressed like a 12 year old and looks a lot older than her age with her lip injections and her strange hair color.

    Marshall is hot. 

    To be honest, he really creeps me out.  I thought he was Chaz Dean at first with those horrid lip injections.

    • Love 16
  15. Am I the only idiot who finally figured out that Langdon was Tate's last name?

    On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 11:11 PM, TobinAlbers said:

    It's especially funny since the trailer for Dark Phoenix drops tonight!

    So Coco got resurrected over Emily? That means something else is up with the horny special DNAers. We got robots, witches, and demons so I'm leaning towards the alien theory.

    If it truly is Halloween then the Coven witches may not be alive but their ghosts that are able to come back for the one night. Explains why they looked so damn amazing as they swanned in out of nowhere. Gives them a time limit on whatever they're trying to accomplish.

    So what became of Nana's body? Venable couldn't fool them twice, eh?

    So Adina's character and Michael have met and dealt before. Seems like she may have made a deal to forgo witch powers and bow out of whatever issue happened for fame and fortune as an actress. With Mallory seems like he feels he wiped out the witches and Mallory was an unexpected missed one. And she's powerful. She knocked for a loop twice - the second time with him somewhat prepared. Boy was shook and went crying to daddy.

    Here's my theory made up out of whole cloth:   Adina and Angela Bassett played the same character in Roanoke.  I'm wildly guessing that Adina is actually Marie Laveau from Coven.  And didn't Marie make that deal with the devil to murder a baby each year?  That would have been Adina's past with Langdon.

    16 hours ago, jmonique said:

    The "Constance" personality was pushed down until Michael got there, is what I believe he was saying. Her "beautiful boy" comment upon blinking and looking at him seemed to indicate she was becoming aware.

    And if I seem like I'm hedging, it's because I am. I was multitasking and I mainly watch the show because I think the visuals are amazing, while the writing is kind of insane. :)

    In this series, Murphy always prioritizes style over substance.  I'm barely hanging on all these years - I can't remember a season I've actually liked in years.

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  16. On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 11:02 PM, Chaos Theory said:

    So I guess it is true.  When one Sarah Paulson dies another takes her place.

    Mallory turns out to be a Coven witch and serious freaks out Michael.  I really liked the “Who are you” scene between them.

    Anitger fun episode 

    Yes!  And I forgot how beautiful Cordelia is.

    On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 11:11 PM, Straycat80 said:

    Coco is so mean but she’s funny as hell. 

    I’m confused as who Kathy Bates is suppose to be to Michael, aside from a robot. 

    I don’t believe all the people who died are really dead. 

    His childhood nanny?

    • Love 2
  17. 4 hours ago, Trillium said:

    According to the Reddit user verified to be one of Derick’s classmates, OfDerick was in class with him again today. 


    He’s been given the gift of being accepted into law school, and all he seems to be doing is strutting around campus with his wife and posting about it on SM. 

    Thank you for your posted link last time, but it brings me to the basic Duggar site.  Does this classmate tend to post under a specific thread?

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