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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 13 minutes ago, Orillia said:

    Thanks Swaggy for using up all the non jurors time and making Julie have to rush reading the votes. I'll sleep so much better tonight knowing what's going on in your life

    I also noticed Tyler reacting to Julie saying Moonves.

    I blame CBS - it was obviously set up with Julie and the producers.  It strangely didn't bother me.

    • Love 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, aurora296 said:

    Just curious and I'm not a live feed follower. What did Tyler lie about?

    I'm actually the one who said Tyler lied.  This is why, IMO, he was a liar:

    Bayleigh asked Tyler why so many on the jury shouldn't have a sour taste in their mouth after their evictions because of him.

    Tyler:  "Alright Bayleigh, first of all, I just want to sincerely apologize to you specifically [Nice and sincere seeming].  Before we had our crazy blow up, and before I put on my glasses and drank my tea, I had such good relationships with everybody, that I felt like all the people who wanted me to go to the end with them were probably gonna feel - start feeling some type of way, because everybody liked me.  I needed to make some sort of enemy on the jury, and unfortunately, I put on my glasses, drank my tea - I only made it about game with you and I really never, ever, had anything personal to attack you with because I really think you're an amazing person and I just needed people to think I had an enemy."

    Tyler not only ignored the question in general, but while apologizing to Bayleigh, he totally made up (lied) that he made a calculated game decision to make an enemy of her, and he claimed to be so clever that he pre-planned their entire argument because he knew she was going to jury, and he had decided he was too beloved and needed an enemy in the jury house.

    Bayleigh had made statements at the round table that implied she disliked him, but his game play was superior.  I think he blew it with his answer.  There's a reason they left Bayleigh's vote until the end - instead of Sam's - and I think that's the reason.

    It had nothing to do with the feeds, only the finale.

    • Love 12
  3. 7 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

    Wow. The best woman won.

    I have no idea what happened with Tyler and Sam, but wow, I thought he for sure had her vote.

    I'd also like to very publicly eat crow as I denigrated Kaycee here several times, and never thought she could win, but I thought her answers were terrific, whereas Tyler's were a bit all over the place. She was extremely straight-forward that she won comps and relied on her social game. Didn't try to pretend she was a strategist, but made a great argument that she didn't have to be. She was loyal and kept to her word. Not a bad argument for a winner.

    I thought Kaycee would choke and Tyler would smooth talk the jury.  I was so wrong!  Kaycee was honest and lucid, and Tyler was making shit up.  I really think Tyler would have won if he handled his questions better.  Bayleigh has acknowledged that Tyler deserved to win, and then he lied outrageously on her question.  Big dummy.  Good for Kaycee!

    • Love 12
  4. 5 hours ago, Lunera said:

    Dullard's classmate posted again. If you click the link you can read the whole thread. 

    While wanting the death penalty for rapists is a bit extreme, I think it's understandable as his wife is an incest survivor.  To be honest, I far prefer his suggestion versus sending the offender off to Jesus camp and then Jesus forgives all.  Serial predators are serial predators - they rarely stop on their own.

    In the current climate, I'm increasingly frustrated at the the number of serial sex offenders who never get punishment or even consequences.  Too many believe women were created for their use and amusement, and women should keep our mouths shut because boys will be boys.  Men need to get serious about this shit because women simply don't have the power to shut this down without a few good men pitching in.  It's one step forward two steps back.  Just look at current headlines. 

    • Love 17
  5. On September 24, 2018 at 3:13 PM, Thorkim said:

    Sam still looks pissed.

    I think he was more likely flustered with attempting to dodge Josie, who'd been carrying him around in a precarious manner in the video.  She's even reaching at him in the picture.  He reminds me of my cat when she's clearly pissed at the little kid who's been holding her too long. 

    • Love 7
  6. On September 24, 2018 at 11:53 PM, LillyB said:

    Snarly will never forgive Liz for bearing Jason a child, something that Carly never could do. Carly is very jealous about that.

    Well, Carly certainly bore the only son that Jason cares about. 

    • Love 6
  7. 4 hours ago, watch2much said:

    I kind of felt sorry for them replaying Bayleigh's entire melt down.  I thought it was cruel.  They could have shortened it.

    Agreed.  And while others seemed to love it, I was very uncomfortable that we were supposed to laugh at Sam's melt down in the DR.  That seemed more like a break down than a temper tantrum.  It reminds me of how they aired Zach's crying break down when he was clearly momentarily unstable.

    • Love 2
  8. Why did this show wait until Angela was gone to show me a sympathetic version of her?  I still can't forgive her for her attack on Rachel (one in which Angela flat out denies in interviews), but I felt a great deal of empathy for her last night.  I have walls and I have been called an Ice Queen.  What I haven't done, is attack my BFFs and turned my back on them.  But I could handle Angela showing up as a veteran on a future season.  I reserve the right to change my opinion based on finale night behavior.

    Watching the clips of Brett remind me of how much I despise Brett.  It boggles my mind that he has so many supporters on SM who find his vicious sense of humor rootable and even admirable.  I regret feeling for him during his "blindside".

    *I just learned that a blindside can only refer to a person who did not participate in the veto comp.  Apparently Nakomis (BB5) thought up the concept back when the HOH controlled who played in the veto comps.

    • Love 1
  9. On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:14 PM, Cherry Cola said:

    I know some dudes will stick their penis in anything, but how did Kyle go from Cara and Faith to Ashley.  Yuck.  She is so gross and homely.  

    Marie was surprisingly mature! I am glad she stuck up for Cara.  And Amanda wishing Cara's horse dies? Who does that.  Sick.   Horses are majestic and beautiful, I can see why Cara likes them.  Why is that dorky? Amanda must be jealous.  


    I despise Amanda.  She swans around like the queen of the house, loudly bad mouths Cara - including an attack on her looks - then acts shocked, shocked I tell you, that Cara would attack her "unprovoked" (or whatever basic term Amanda used).  And to top it off, she hides in her "boyfriend's (fuck buddy's) bed as he holds her back.  It's only when she's backed up by her gang of bullies that she hops down and starts getting in Cara's face.  She's a nasty bitch, and as a fellow nurse, I fear for her patients.  

    I actually dislike Amanda far more than Ashley, because Amanda has an education and an occupation and should know better.  Ashley has a win - no matter how dubious some find it - and more challenges under her belt to match that attitude.  Amanda has nothing but an apparently unfailing stiff dick to back her up.  Joss is tainted by Amanda and I may never get over it.

    • Love 5
  10. 9 hours ago, PBSLover said:

    Rodeos freak me out. I went to one. Once. Never again. 

    I agree!  I despise rodeos, and I hope that woman who's so proud of her record of roping calves is made to witness a slaughtering which shows the serious internal injuries the baby cows experience.  I despise that woman.

    • Love 4
  11. On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 12:25 AM, MinorL said:

    Sorry, I have no tears for D’Andra who has a trust fund she says she and her husband could live on for the rest of their lives. It’s not like she needs her business to live off the income. She just wants it. I understand wanting to get out from under her mother’s thumb but she isn’t exactly struggling financially. She seems more worried that a bunch of rich assholes will shun her. 

    Ahhh, I cannot stand this bitch.  She actually charges clothing on her business credit card!  And let's not forget that she couldn't get her stupid personalized skin care sold until she marketed it under her mother's line.  She's a failure on her own, yet complains that her mother doesn't sign over a very successful company to her.  Boo hoo.  I'm so over D'Andra.  She trashed her mother non-stop last season, yet can't handle her mother's response.  

    Don't you know how tortured I am!!!!  My billionaire friends are questioning my personal wealth!  That is so wrong, and I'm far richer than any of my co-house wives.  I have two trust funds and a husband who lives to fuck me!

    • Love 8
  12. On ‎9‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 3:57 AM, yourmomiseasy said:

    According to LeAnne's blog, LeAnne chipped in on the necklace too and Brandi said it was from "all your hoochie mamas" or something like that and on WWHL last night they taled about there being a card that said it was from everyone.  So I don't think Brandi was trying to make it seem like it was just from her.

    D'Andra never said that she had to scrimp and save for a few months to save $400k.  She said she invested $400k of her own money that she earned and it was a big deal to her and she was having trouble adjusting to her new budget.  For all we know she drained her liquid assets or leveraged her house and the budget cuts are so she can rebuild a cushion or make the new loan payments.  It's actually kind of relatable -- or at least more so than getting your husband to give you money to make pink dog food.

    After D'Andra found it necessary to stress that she has not one trust fund but two, nothing about her is relatable to me.  I really just don't like her.  She's a child of privilege who constantly complains about how unfairly she's treated.  And her unnecessary pointing out of her wild sex life grosses me out.  Those who brag the loudest have the least to be proud of.

    And I LOL at the blogger who pointed out how D'Andra feels the need to brag that she found a man who wanted to have sex with her.  Welcome to the club, sister!  I imagine two trust funds makes it all the easier!

    • Love 5
  13. 1 minute ago, CaseyRe said:

    If you don't drink enough water, and thus are dehydrated, your body will retain it. sounds contrary, but it's true. Water retention can be a classic sign of dehydration. once you up your water intake, then your body flushes that retained water too as it no longer needs to keep a hol d of it. there are a number of reasons the body retains water and dehydration is one of them

    I'm a nurse and this is a new concept for me.  When you're dehydrated, the body holds the water because it's necessary for hemodynamics.  I never heard that it can make you look heavier, but maybe I need to do a little research.

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

     I don't care who her mother is,

    I'm quoting myself here.  When I posted this, I didn't realize that Dayton's mom posts here.  Knowing now, my post seems like I'm having a go at her, or even seeking a response from her.  Please know this was not my intent, @ShellyB.

    • Love 3
  15. 1 hour ago, CaseyRe said:

    yup, upping her water will a)help drop any water weight if she's not hydrated enough and b) anyone on a diet is generally told to drink a glass of water before a meal to help fill the stomach and make them feel more full so they eat less.  plus its just good for you to get your water intake sorted. so many people are dehydrated and don't even know it

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point, but being dehydrated does not make you retain "water weight".  Excess sodium with water intake is what does it.

    • Love 1
  16. 3 hours ago, hathorlive said:

    I know nothing about the world of dance, but is dancing on a cruise ship a prestigious thing? I would hope that something better than DCC might involve college and dancing on another team to gain experience.   Dayton can dance.  She just has trouble learning DCC dances and popping.  I don't see how dancing lyrical on a ship will build those skills to make the team.

    I also don't think Kelli and Judy were unprofessional or harsh.  They know these girls and it's hard.  Dayton struggled and didn't look great most of the time. Melena, in my opinion, has moments where she's stunning.  I didn't see those moments with Dayton.  I did cry along with her and it was heartbreaking to see her sob. But if she really wants it, she can work toward it.

    No words on VK.  She's had every freaking advantage you can have to make this team and she's clueless. Her parents could afford to get her a professional trainer and a nutritionist. I think she's learning the hard way that our bodies start betraying us around 19 and it's not pretty.  You can't eat like you did in high school and not gain weight. She's fighting genetics because Mama K looks like she's all for the comfort food and not for healthy and nutritious.  I can't see her making this team between all the negatives.  Kitty sold her soul fighting for a girl who doesn't deserve it.  VK is about to learn some hard lessons in life.  Sometimes, wanting it isn't enough. You have to work really really hard.

    Brennan rocks.  She's so well spoken.  I'll be crushed if she doesn't make this team.

    The talent on cruise ships are often the "help" when not on stage.  It doesn't sound like a step up from anything, IMO.  

    1 hour ago, sATL said:

    re: Jinelle & clean eating habits : She is also a big water drinker.  ( link )

     "I'm all about water, so I'll drink about 1.6 gallons — between 5 to 6 liters — every day. If I'm not hydrated, I can feel a lot less able to do my workouts. Water is so important and makes such a difference to your overall performance."

    So, I guess part of the sessions with VK will include monitoring water intake .

    I hope she's an excessive sweater to be drinking that much.  Water toxicity is a real thing and if your urine is clear, you need to back off.  

    Water in this amount is often used as hunger control.

    • Love 8
  17. 16 hours ago, healthnut said:

    Mileage varies, I think Malena is prettier than all of those except maybe Jacie. 


    You may have a point there, usually several are heavy at auditions but this year not so much but some have issues now. Of course, that wasn’t the excuse in other seasons...so who knows. 

    I think Malena is drop-dead gorgeous, and I'm not just comparing her to other African-American women as OP did.  I think it's her looks and her ability to speak intelligently, versus some of the dimwits on the team, that's kept her so far.  I find her unusually beautiful.

    • Love 12
  18. 19 hours ago, blairwaldorf said:

    Wow. That is just so wrong. I would have been furious.

    I was fired at 16 while my mother worked one department away.  I never would have wanted my mom to be told before me.  Dayton is an adult, and she deserves to be the first told.

    • Love 12
  19. On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 9:05 AM, RedDelicious said:

    Bottom line is Dayton couldn't perform the dances.  She had some nice facials but she couldn't pull off the rest of it.  It was sad but it wasn't that surprising.  I thought the sobbing was melodramatic.  She's a very, very young 21 and has a lot of maturing to do. 

    Thank you, I was beginning to feel heartless when I'm usually an empathetic crier.  I was ready for her to go.   Other than the rare cases in which Dayton lights up and beams, she's perma-sulking in appearance.  She's extremely low energy, and lacks enthusiasm as compared to the other ladies.  I don't care who her mother is, and I found her sobbing, especially just outside Kelli's door, on the manipulative side.  How many others have been hugged out of the room, and then immediately coddled in the next pair of arms?  Plus, Dayton was being personally trained at home by her mother.  If that doesn't help her learn choreography, she's not going to learn it.

    I have no doubt VK will be cut in time.  The differences between the two, IMO, is VK is bubbly and smiley and brings more drama to the show.  Now I'm not dissing Dayton for her personality; I think the DCC constant orgasmic smiles with the baby whisper "yes ma'am" is incredibly creepy, but that's the desired affect.  They're like athletic beauty pageant contestants.

    I saw no difference in Kitty - I've always found her nasty.

    Can they please focus on those who are thriving, like Jalyn?

    • Love 8
  20. On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 12:05 AM, katie9918 said:

    True that.

    I found the hug awkward.  He was avoiding pressing against her belly, and it made me wonder if she's expecting again.  Ugh, I meant to quote the post about Robert and Robin hugging.

    • Love 1
  21. 12 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    She is beautiful, but surely she doesn’t need to sleep with those damn mittens(or whatever they’re called) on!  

    I'm irritated by it, too.  Another Duggar (Jill or Joy) used these and I believe the word "torture" was used here.  

    12 hours ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

    Meh. No matter how short you’re able to cut their nails, those things are like razors. Babies tend to scratch their faces up pretty bad. I have more of a problem with her sleeping in head bands. But a sleeping baby is a happy baby. 

    Felicity must always be camera ready for Babe's perfect family image.  He may decide to take an adoring picture, gazing at her wonderingly in a perfectly choreographed "natural" moment. 

    • Love 7
  22. 2 hours ago, backformore said:

    WAY out of date?  Sept 9?

    OK - But everything I've been reading says he may or may not get severance, it has been put aside pending results of an investigation.  

    All articles from this past week. 

    It seemed like they were going to reward him with $120 million.  That was before the most recent woman came out that talked off her ruined career and being thrown up against the wall.  And Linda Bloodworth-Thomason just wrote an essay about Moonves destroying her career (she was set to be the Norman Lear of her time - Designing Women, Evening Shade, and an unheard of deal for five new series - then Moonves was hired ), ending what had been a very pro-woman network, and turning it into dude-bros, cop-bros, and torture porn.

    I posted weeks ago that I believed Julie could stay at CBS if she left her husband.  The very fact that she's singing Tammy Wynette means she is calling the accusers and the brass at CBS liars, and accusing them of unfair removal of Moonves.  I think there's no way she can stay, and I don't want her to.  I try to have some sympathy, because it's quite possible she was one of his victims.  But the arrogance I've witnessed in the history of The Talk leads me to believe she lorded her husband's power over the heads of others.  I've posted this before, but on the day of the Casey Anthony verdict, The Talk was told to go to network coverage.  Julie not only refused, she announced it on air, and said her "husband" could talk to her if it was a problem.  In that moment I realized she was untouchable and she abused her husband's power.

    2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    God, no; let one Scientologist HG in the door, and they’d have to take Leah off the set in restraints.  :>

    I would like to think that $cientologists would not be cast.  Plus, $cientology is out to destroy Leah, whereas she's simply putting the truth out there.  I love her, she's funny, and has filled in on Dancing with the Stars, so she's good with live shows.  It would also prove that Moonves' era is over.

    • Love 10
  23. 6 hours ago, marie said:

    I'm kind of wondering if a reason we haven't gotten a renewal announcement is that they likely knew this was coming and it's easier to just not renew her contract because there technically ISN'T a show after BB20 yet, than to push her out after the fact. Even if they didn't know for sure Moonves was leaving, there had to have been murmurings for months about the possibilities.

    Anyway, good riddance. That was a pathetic move last night that pushed me from "she's not responsible for her husband's actions" to "let her go down with that ship then". 

    That said, I don't see CBS trusting an amateur with a major hosting gig, so I don't think it'll be any former houseguests. They'll want someone stable and reliable. Mark McGrath is about the only possibility I see from past houseguests. But I find it more likely that they find a Julie 2.0, an up and comer looking to move beyond co-anchoring the 10:00 news in Dallas. 

    I'm all for one of the women that Julie forced off of The Talk.  My vote is for Leah Remini.

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