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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 18 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    I kind of felt sorry for Dan during his final words, because he's right.  He played an idol thinking it meant guaranteed safety, and said 'whoever heard of an idol nullifier.'  I do think he's going to be bitter.  At least he and his bro are reunited.

    I’m not sure he will be bitter.  He fist bumped Carl which was big of him. 

    • Love 16
  2. 4 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

    Ashley banana-ed Hunter, but he kind of deserved it

    Also, remember when the final was more challenging?

    Remember when the final was compelling?  When people dropped in agony and were literally carried by their partner?  When they had to wear water packs to prevent severe dehydration?

    Wine, warm beds, and a painless stroll across warm coals. Thanks whiny Millenials. And God save me from sobbing second place bitches Joss and Sylvia. 

    • Love 15
  3. 2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    It looked like they thought it was a BDSM party.  

    I HATED the way Emily made her mother, who is struggling with mental health issues, her storyline.  I thought it was disrespectful and unfeeling and made me feel really icky.  That poor lovely woman had a really hard time apparently and she is fodder for a stupid reality show.  

    Tamra's makeup made her look like she had black marbles for eyes.  The more I am seeing of Eddie makes me think he is a dick but I was LOVING Pary asking if he was Tamra's son.

    Vicki looked terrible and she REALLY needs to leave her pudding face alone.  I wonder what she would look like today had she done none of that nonsense to her noggin.  I am not sure any of Steve's family enjoys Vicki but they enjoy being on tv.  Now that OC has turned blue, I think Steve has less of a chance to be elected there.  So next season I would not be surprised if they weren't together.

    I would have left to see Poison also.  None of these women are really Shannon's friend.  I was not a fan of her finale attire pre concert.

    Still loathe Gina.  Her voice grates, I am not interested in seeing her live in a studio, I am bored by her story, and she is a shitty shit stirrer.  I will say Mr. Natalie walked through when her mother was on screen and asked when Penny Marshal joined the cast.  Also, that white frosted eye shadow has GOT to go.  Take Tamra's advice sweetie and spring for a make up artist.  

    Next season, NO kids please!  I also don't want these 2 newbies back.  WORST season ever!

    She chose money over love.  That's the breaks.  That doesn't mean Shane isn't a little shit.  After reading some articles about Emily and her family I have no like for any of them.

    I wonder if Emily chose security and the money was a nice bonus.  Unstable childhood, being the caretaker to younger sibling and probably her own ill mother.  I think she married Shane because she thought he was a solid, steady guy, who was also a loving father.  He’s very close with his own family which seems to be stable, loving, and “safe”.  I think she’s all about making the family she wished she had growing up and she’s quite happy with Shane because he’s 100% trustworthy and reliable. 

    I can’t stand Shane, but in the brief moments we’ve seen him interacting with his kids, he’s affectionate and hands on, and the kids cuddle right into his arms.  Emily married the man she wanted to be her children’s father, and I kind of get a kick out of the fact that she doesn’t seem to mind that most think he’s a little troll.  She’s non apologetic and ready to throw down in his defense.  Now if only that sentiment were returned ....

    • Love 10
  4. 6 hours ago, jmcd44 said:

    Thank you!  God they are so dumb.  I was thinking immediately I'd be Mrs. White from Clue.  She was a real femme fatale.

    I think she’s more a Black Widow.  Love her though.  

    Miss Scarlet was the femme fatale. 

    • Love 6
  5. 49 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:


    I remember at a gymnastics meet, a few seasons ago - Tre & Joe's mom had something for the kids, but gave it to Joe to bring to the car because of MELISSA being there!  Oooh she hated her.  Nona was a real bitch (god rest her soul).

    And remember how nast Nonna, God rest her soul, went in on Kathy about being a horrible cousin.  You remember the situation?  Nonna’s precious angels were trying to kill each other and Kathy rescued abandoned Audrianna who had been left unattended in her stroller.   

    • Love 14
  6. On 11/14/2018 at 5:43 PM, ginger90 said:

    No clue when the picture was taken. They could be filming the talking heads for the wedding episode, I suppose. There was/is a  producer of the show named Scott.

    How many Duggar children have the crew babysat and kept alive??

    • Love 3
  7. On 11/12/2018 at 8:11 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    At least Felicity doesn't look like a character from Little House on the Prairie, so well done. (You can really see Mollie's outfit in the second pic.)

    They both look ridiculous to me, tbh. I’ve never seen a baby dressed either way - pilgrim or oncological. 

    • Love 10
  8. I see not much has changed in Nonno’s treatment of Melissa. He’s still drunkenly barking in her face.  Remember when she committed the unforgivable crime of not sitting home 24/7 just in case his majesty decided he wants to stop by unannounced?  I think he’s a nasty old man, and Nonna was a piece of work - God rest her soul. 

    1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

    I thought Teresa's parents have lived there for a long time? Even before the legal trouble? 

    But didn’t we see Tre helping him pack up his home he shared with his wife?

    • Love 15
  9. 1 hour ago, jaync said:

    And downright delusional. It was shown in the flashback that the only reason D'Andra's finger made any contact at all was because LeeAnne jumped up against D'Andra and physically pushed her hand away.

    I don’t know. I’ve watched it several times and it sure looks like D’Andra gave LeeAnne a shove. 

    41 minutes ago, Marley said:

    Is cloning a phone easy? If Leanne actually did clone Brandi’s phone that is really bad. I don’t think it happened tho because I think she would’ve been fired for doing something like that and we would’ve heard about it. Even if she wasn’t fired then Brandi would for sure be suing Leanne at this point.

    I’m assuming saggy and droopy.

    Okay.  I guess Brandi’s are fake and thus stand unnaturally upright. 

    • Love 5
  10. 4 hours ago, sATL said:

    I agree. Yes plastic surgeon make money.. but I didn't think they made NBA money. And if you have no interest, circle of friends or experience in the sport - just don't see asking a builder to do a custom court..

    and there is more to the house.... like his and her toilet rooms  -b/c you both can be on the same "schedule" - her words not mine. :)


    Somehow this house is even more cold and soulless than Tre’s.  Not exactly an admirable feat. 

    • Love 10
  11. On 2/8/2018 at 7:44 PM, Pippin said:

    Bewitched.  Dear God.  What can I say? Fucking Darrin.  What did Samantha ever see in that domineering, chauvinistic, obnoxious creepazoid?  You don't even have to be a feminist to cringe.

    Why Samantha never turned this turd into a toad (don't mean to insult toads; useful creatures, unlike Darrin) is beyond me.

    What makes it ironic is that Endora, who was portrayed as a right bitch and Generally Awful Person is actually a liberated woman (does not allow her husband to dictate to her, does her own thing, calls Darrin on his constant and consistent suckery) whereas submissive little housewife Samantha is held up as the right role model.

    Dialogue that still makes me grind my teeth:  "Look [Darrin], I've got dishpan hands!"

    Why in hell should Darrin complain about how she does the housework?  It's no skin off his obnoxious ass.

    And to think when I was a kid, I really liked this show.

    (PS: Although it'd be nice to be a witch.  (Think of the savings in travel alone!  Broomstick vs. airline!)

    It never bothered me much as a kid, because the other rerun I watched was I Dream of Jeanie.  At least Samantha didn’t bow at Darrin’s feet nor call him Master (gag).  And Samantha defied Darrin when she really wanted to. 

    Didn’t Samantha put up with all that crap because she yearned to be “normal”?

    • Love 4
  12. 3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    She was still in the process of adopting Brune when this was being filmed just because she had the baby at the time doesn't mean she got to keep him the child was placed with them temporally until the adoption was finalized they do this a lot so the baby will have bonded with the new family before being permanently placed there.... if they found something in her our her husbands background or if they were shown not to be able to care for the needs of the baby. Brune would have been removed thats why she still had to do those home visits.. they didn't just hand her the baby and say bye good luck lol just because they didn't show every home visit doesn't mean they didn't happen even Brandi said they had more visits to do ...this something shady adoption thing is getting really funny .... a PRIVATE adoption goes much quicker esp when you know the owner OR are best friends with someone who is really good friends with the people of the adoption agency they have said over and over how they got the baby and being on a national tv show there is no way anyone would get away with trying to pull something over without it being called out quickly it just doesn't happen esp in this day and age of EVERYTHING being online  ...... and she has kept her two daughters alive this long so i dont think that would be a problem ..... its super easy to judge people's parenting when we aren't seeing their whole life but snippets edited together to create a story line.. thats like seeing someone out in public when their having a bad day and their kids are throwing tantrums and trying to act out because people are around and judging their whole life .... parent shaming is far to real esp now with everyone posting their opinions online in a blink of an eye with out having full knowledge of whats really going on...good god my own mother would have been shamed for allowing me to go down the street alone to my friends house or letting me play out side with out her being a helicopter parent and watching me 24/7 or walking away from me when i was throwing fits out in public trying to get my way ( I threw tantrums when i was little when people were around because i knew it would get me attention and it would make her give me my way just to shut me up  kids are smart they know how to work around the system)....How did kids survive before? i mean the 70s and 80s and 90s all those kids would have been taken away just from neglect with the way parents get judged today .... Does Brandi do stupid shit yes, is Brandi stressed with everything that is going on? yes! Does Brandi make mistakes? yes! but so does everyone! Brandi hasn't been shown to neglect her children or beat them or ignore them.  She has been shown to be super protective of her WHOLE family and really loving to the two girls she already had...NO one can say they make the right decisions 24/7 and never make mistakes. We just dont have a posting board were everyone can log on a judge us like us we do them to see just how nasty sometimes it can get.. How hurtful would it be to me to log in and see someone talking about what a shit person I am because I dont parent the way they would or think i should and I am doing the best with the situation I am in at the time?... Id be depressed 24/7 and would never want to leave the house ......just my 2cents

    I had to read this twice before I realized you weren’t referring to Bruin’s biological mother as his owner. Lol. 

    • Love 5
  13. 4 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    Awww, heartwarming photo of Scott Wilson with Nicotero and Andy. Scott was such a talented actor. I have missed Hershel and will forever.

    I want to see Michonne and Rick's son so I might watch tonight. I am torn about Daryl getting a dog. I have always said that the lack of animals has been one of the show's flaws, but on the other hand, I don't want to see the dog die and you just know that is in the cards.

    I know what you mean.  Daryl couldn’t even keep Anthony the turtle alive. 

    • Love 4
  14. 5 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

    Thanks for the link


    So at the reunion there was some 'make up' and then freezes them out after these Jamaican episodes.  Still talking some with Vicki.  


    Shannon lives in tv time, haha
    “I sent her a message that day and I’m like, ‘Hey listen, you know, I know it is a hard episode for you but I love you and this was so long ago.’ But, she lives in TV time,” Tamra explained.

    I don’t do twitter, but a commenter on the above article states that Shannon’s twitter tells a different story, and Shannon, Kelly, Tamra, and Gina just hung out together. 

  15. 1 hour ago, sATL said:

    Did we see the middle daughter- gabriella? She looks the most like Joe. Gia being 17 is drama all by herself.

    Kudos for whichever daughter rode the good  old yellow bus to school. Usually RHO* kids get chauffeured to a fancy private school.

    I think it was only Audriana catching the bus.  She also looks more like Joe than Tre, in my opinion. 

    • Love 3
  16. 10 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

    The world ended because Evan Peters did not like traffic and the coffee was bad. Yea Billy helped.

    I am tired of watching Sarah cry.

    Time Travel I knew it!

    Michael is a bit of a dope. He was played lol.

    Two nihilistic “Coked-up nerds” manipulate a whiny, petulant, weak anti-Christ to destroy the world to get back at a lady who didn’t turn left and a coven of witches. Really?  How does he always fuck this show up so bad?

    • Love 10
  17. On 10/20/2018 at 2:45 PM, BitterApple said:

    Why do the Swanson kids look so unhappy? I think they inherited their RBF from their mom.

    Regarding the infamous mustard cardi, I'll admit it looks better on Lauren than the Duggar girls. She has a warm skin tone and brown eyes, which work well with fall shades.

    Eta: I just realized in the second to last picture the boys were likely told to look serious in order to mimic the wood statue they were posing next to. So maybe they're not a sad bunch after all.

    Pigtails looks pissed in that third picture. 

    Has Lauren’s bosom always been this full or should we expect an announcement?

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