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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

    I think they wanted to surprise us later that the relationship with a family member was same-sex.

    Maybe he didn't want to out the family member?  

    3 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    If I wanted to hear knees cracking and creaking, I'd turn off the TV and do my own high kicks, except no, because then I'd hear (myself) screeching and crying right afterward.  But that sound effect is going to get old fast, especially since there is no indication Tommy's joints are starting to bear the brunt of his career.  

    I assumed the intro with Nick counseling the kid was a "reenactment" with an actress, not a real patient.  

    Nice lines, though--"How you feeling?  good?  it wasn't that long ago you were breaking lamps and throwing chairs!"  If any therapist had ever said that to my kid (who did act out his anxieties when quite young--didn't break lamps or throw chairs though) I would have been really mad.  The kid's made progress and then you remind them of their inappropriate behavior?  Greeeaaat.  Take a few more visits with someone else to get past that one!

    Thank God!  I thought he said breaking limbs, and thought WTF!

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Bill1978 said:

    According to the previous series that Spanish Princess is a continuation of -The White Queen- Beaufort is the one that made the call to kill the Princes, Richard was totally innocent. So it makes sense in this series universe for Maggie to be pissed at Beaufort. I have no idea historically if Maggie ever lied about Katherine's virginity or whether she hate Beaufort like the series portrays but what the 3 series has taught me is that everybody only has one focus that drives their plot. You are not allowed to deviate from it at all. So Maggie's plot is They killed my brother woe is me. I can only imagine if they ever got to the end of hr story

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    As they are hacking into her neck, she would be forsaking the Tudors for killing her beloved Teddy to her last breath and calling out to Teddy that she is coming as her head finally gets chopped off.

    Wasn't her husband a Tudor cousin?  So as Maggie curses the Tudors, she curses her children.  The character is just so exhausting.

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  3. Not many impressions so far, but Jackson is - by far - my least favorite.  Mama's boy redneck shooting a shotgun at nothing while mama pours his chocolate milk.  Cannot stand him.  Of course, he has to get power because he will be a target because of his "looks" and perceived threat.  Because everybody knows it's the nice looking athletic males who get voted off first.  Moron.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

    I just caught the first few minutes before needing to go run some errands but I did love the twinkle in Max Gail's eyes when he referenced Barney Miller among his favorite TV shows.  Mine too, Max, mine too. 

    And his was always my favorite character. 

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  5. Oh, I'm so tired of moaping Maggie.  Yes, the real life woman's life was horrendous.  But this Maggie chose to lie over saving her children from starvation.  She actually chose to farm her children out rather than keep them and tell the truth.  And now that she's really pissed - not at her uncle Richard for murdering her cousins and starting all of this nonsense, at the Tudors - she's the head schemer at over throwing the Tudors.  It's so silly.  Mousy Maggie planning the revolution.  And all in the name of her precious Teddy.  Guess what would have happened if your cousin became king, Maggie?  Arthur's siblings would have been dealt with just like Teddy.

    Catherine believes she was born to marry Harry?  Well how convenient now that he's going to be the king.  She will stop at nothing to hunt him down and have this marriage.  She should have gone back to Spain and married an easier man - perhaps one who would actually let her keep her child.  Instead, she plays the perfect wedding planner, advising the staff and talking down a panicked bride, followed by stalking Henry to the ends of the earth.  She's so fanatical about landing Henry, I almost down mind what she gets with him.

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  6. 21 hours ago, maggiemae said:

    I want to know who has lied to her during her whole life.

    If Meghan had an ounce of self-awareness, she would realize she’s been lied to her entire life because people have been sucking up to her parents through her, and she’s received breaks from birth because of who they are. 

    But I doubt this is what she’s referring to. 

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  7. When the professional athlete whipped his young son’s genitals, and Whoopi talked about giving a kid a “thump” when they needed it back in the day. She absolutely disgusted me. 

    On 6/20/2019 at 1:45 PM, Blergh said:

    To take the spotlight off of Miss O'Donnell for the moment. I've never forgotten (or forgiven) Miss Walters for shutting down any and all non-worshipful POV's of Tom Cruise by telling the others that he was a 'wonderful young man' (compared to her) and that was THAT! Yeah, shutting down others' POVs on a show that was supposed to promote 'differences' is but one reason she would have deserved one or more of the other co-hosts skipping her final tribute show! 

    She also blindly defended Paris Hilton because she was friends with her mother. Barbara was a horrible snob. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, xingu said:

    Sad, but true.  Slavery has existed in one form or another since the beginning of time.  From Egyptians to Romans to Normans to current day Sudanese.  It is the worst trait of what we call "humans".  IT IS REPULSIVE!

    As an Irish-American, I think Mr. Will is way off track in equating the perils of the Irish immigrants (who chose to come here) vs. AAs who came in chains.  My grandparents came from Ireland to NYC and upon seeing the filth of the city, made some money and got on the first train to Scranton, PA, where he worked on the railroad while my grandmother cleaned houses until they had enough money to open a successful restaurant.

    African-Americans never had that opportunity.  

    I am so sick of Republicans like Mr. Will proclaiming to be former Republicans.  Just WTF does that mean? At least Nicolle Wallace admits she's a former Republican and states why. I miss her on The View.  

    Mr. Will pontificates on and on about the failings of the Republican party but never offers an alternative.  Another old white protestant man looking to sell books.  You're time has come and gone George; retire gracefully.

    The only time I’ve ever found George Will tolerable was when he was discussing baseball.  He pulls the stick out of his butt, unwinds slightly, and shows some enthusiasm. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, Katy M said:

    WEll, that's what you get when you marry some unscrupulous guy who will just switch out a dead baby with another one.  I really can't feel much pity for anyone in this story except Willow and the baby.

    Come on!  Anyone would stop to pick up a hitchhiker while rushing their dying/dead infant to the hospital. It’s not like ambulances exist. 

  10. On 6/20/2019 at 9:34 PM, jumper sage said:

    It reminds me of the poor baby girls who have to lay there and let their mom put some kind of girly thing on their bald head.  At least the babies are without power to move on their own.

    Or worse, pierce their little tiny ears because it’s cultural. I’m sickened that pediatricians have gotten into this act. 

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  11. On 6/16/2019 at 11:17 PM, ferjy said:

    I think that was just her memories of Perry which we keep seeing at intervals, wasn't it? She was in a housecoat in the car, not in sexy lingerie like in the vision. Shortly after she told her therapist that she can't stop thinking of Perry, misses him and doesn't want anyone else.

    I’m confused by the very heavy eye makeup. Celeste never wears that much, yet she put it on in the middle of the night before taking a sleeping pill?


    On 6/17/2019 at 12:33 AM, VagueDisclaimer said:

    Their default to violence is very disturbing, but they also learned to not respect their mother. I think that’s part of the reason Celeste appreciates Mary Louise’s presence. Because it seems they hear her more than their mother. I just want to ship the whole family off to some intense, immersive rehab program. 

    I don’t know how to feel about the fact that Celeste has strangled Perry in the past, and it didn’t seem to be in self-defense.  Maybe Max learned violence from both parents. Plus, she threw him down pretty hard while he was fighting with his brother. So far they’re ignoring this, even the therapist. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    I don't understand how posting racist things on social media is a "mistake".  So the mistake was letting people know you feel that way?  I totally agree with Sunny's son. Why should he have to attend school with someone who would think he is beneath him?  As much as I hate racism and any form of bigotry at least social media has shown us the people who have those beliefs and we are free to not associate with them.

    The kid’s an NRA loving guy. Rules are different for that side. Intolerance is only forbidden when you’re liberal. 

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  13. On 6/15/2019 at 3:02 AM, bannana said:

    Oh my, NutMeg finds herself once again in a twitter feud over a RHOwhateverwannabe.  Didn't she also feud with John Mellencamp's daughter (that in itself, should be reason enough to condemn NutMeg!).

    This time it is both Mooches.


    Meghan really struggles with understanding this. Her statement about Teddy Mellencamp was she wouldn’t be on the show if her dad wasn’t famous. 

    56 minutes ago, 17wheatthins said:


    Evil liberal soil!  Gotta burn my boots!

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  14. 2 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

    This Joss story is assinine. I could almost understand it if Oscar died suddenly and Joss felt they didn't have a proper goodbye, but they knew for months that he was gonna die, they made a list of things they wanted to do before he died and did them. 

    Didn't he expressly say he DIDN"T want Joss to mope about it?

    How much friggin closure does she need?

    Equally stupid was Maxie's party for LWB/FS. It just underscores how he has so few ties to the canvas-- Anna didnt even show up (FH is on vacation) and Valentine wasn't invited? He's the only person in Port Charles who might consider Heinrich a friend (is he still the best man for the Val/Nina wedding?)

    I find Joss’s story believable. Losing your first love in this manner can really mess you up. You never go through the stage of growing up, going to different colleges and realizing you need to move on, falling out of love and knowing it’s okay. You’re frozen in a fairy tale where you are meant to be together forever.

    I had a co-worker who went through this a couple of years older and she was lost for a long time, even disappeared for a couple of months and freaked out her parents. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

    It is ridiculous that Jordan and Curtis will not accept Drew's help in paying her medical bills.  I understand she is concerned about the ethics of a police commissioner accepting money from a media mogul.  However, Drew (although not his fault) caused Jordan's injuries.  What Drew should have told them was to sue him.  That way they could stay friends and have Alexis,  Diane and Drew's insurance company come up with a settlement that would take care of Jordan's medical bills for life.  Jordan would not have to make a claim for pain and suffering if she does not want to.  She would not be "profiting" from her settlement.  Her current bills would be paid and any future medical bills would be sent directly to Drew's insurance company.  

    And it’s even more ridiculous that he asks for their permission to pay Jordan’s bills.  Although it wasn’t his fault, Drew caused Jordan’s injuries. All he needs to do is call up and pay the bill. No permission needed.  Dude, your mom is in charge. Get it done. 

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  16. On 6/13/2019 at 5:50 PM, film noire said:


    And this is who Bethenny is, full stop. She didn't go postal because of Dennis, or his overdose, Luann's entitlement, or the custody battle, or Jason or a millon other reasons. She did it because that's who she is, now: a woman who feels no hesitation (or remorse) about savaging people who have displeased her.

    As @watcherwoman mentioned, they played the RHoNY clip on The View and Megan McCain went into a laundry list of reasons defending Frankel (Bethenny's grieving, etc)  and Sunny Hostin cut her off and said Bethenny went after her young son in exactly the same way.  A boy playing on the beach in the afternoon was subjected to Frankel screaming like a lunatic at him. Bethenny's "reason"? The awful thing motivating her to lose her shit on a child?  Bryn (then a baby) was napping with an open window, and Hostin's son - deserving of being attacked merely for playing - and his friends were on Hostin's beach area during Bryn's nap time.

    That's who Frankel has become.  It's not a phase, it's who she is. It's not a life event, it's who she is. The  charming wiseass who used to hawk muffins and cheerfully roller skate into the New York city night is no more.  In her place is a woman who vomits her unresolved rage and bitterness onto anyone annoying her, be it Luann, a stranger standing in her way at a concert, a woman with an eating disorder  - or a little boy playing on the beach.

    I watched The View that day and I don’t recall Sunny describing Beth as screaming like a lunatic. I do not doubt that Beth yells at people. But Sunny first said she yelled at a group of kids, then it turned into just poor 7 y/o Gabriel. Also of interest, Gabriel is seventeen and Bryan wasn’t even alive when he was seven. 

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  17. Unpopular opinions:

    I enjoy Nelle, and I don't even hate Carly.

    I loved Michael telling Willow that he used to be a life guard.

    I've always liked the chemistry between LW and IR.  I love their scenes together.  

    Sue me.

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  18. 16 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

    That was almost 40 years ago. Times (and people) have changed. I doubt that would be accepted if they tried it today.

    That said, I adore TAWP Shiloh. He's got an easy charm and plays the character exactly as you would expect a cult leader to act. Very charismatic. Maybe Shiloh can have a twin brother who is repulsed by DoD and comes to town to make amends? Or you know, a brain tumor...:)

    They hired a charismatic actor.  But they're stuck with the crap they made him do.  I agree in the past they would have definitely turned him into a leading man, much like Luke and Sonny, or Todd on OLTL.  Why they can't see ahead of time that these are good, charismatic actors and hire them for heroes, I'll never know.

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  19. 3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Sunny’s son keeps getting younger when she tells her Bethenny Frankel story.  He was nine in some video I watched, today he was seven.

    Bethenny's daughter wasn't even born when Gabriel was seven.  I'm believing Sunny's story less and less.  Randomly yelling at a group of kids to pipe it down is completely different from personally yelling at poor little Gabriel.  It doesn't even make senses because yelling shut up is just as disturbing as loud children.  I can see Beth marching down to the beach and telling the children to be quieter.  Definitely.

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  20. 5 minutes ago, Jewell2 said:

    And did you see the look on Meghan’s face when Joy called it fake? She looked stricken

    Two nice things I'm saying about Meghan this year - I can't handle it!  BUT, I hated how Whoopi started with her condescending valley girl, dismissive talking.  Meghan is the only one who watches the show.  Perhaps she could have read the intro and guided the topic.  I don't appreciate the panel acting like I'm a moron for watching this show.  Maybe they shouldn't handle these topics at all.

    16 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    Just to illustrate how fake the Real Housewives are, did you notice in the clip that during all the drama not a single person looked up at them?  Even in NYC a commotion in a restaurant will elicit stares, unless of course the director instructs you to ignore it. 🙄

    More and more the housewives shows are filling restaurants with staff members.  Or so I've read.

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  21. 3 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

    What is the holy hell is Nutmeg wearing?!?!?!?    That dress is beyond atrocious, and even skinny minny Sunny would look big as a house in it.  This is proof positive that wardrobe loathes Nutty as much as we do, and also that she herself has not an ounce of self-awareness.   No one should be wearing that monstrosity, much less MM.

    It's shocking, but I kind of liked it and thought it made her look slimmer than normal.  I also liked her seemingly extension-free hair.

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  22. 17 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    The thing about robocalls and the Do Not Call Registry is that under current law, the laws only apply to the continental U.S.   The FCC and FTC cannot regulate calls that are made from outside of the U.S., so, a lot of the calls are being outsourced are coming from other countries.  That's also why more and more calls are coming in the middle of the night.  The calls are being made in different time zones.  Some carriers have a system in place to block the calls on request, some don't.  My carrier, AT&T does not.  I get calls where the caller ID says "spam", which aggravates the crap out of me because, AT&T, if you know it's spam, block it!  Hopefully something more effective will be put in place soon.

    They are also routed through fake numbers.  My mom is obsessed with calling back unnamed cell calls she misses, and a huge number of them are non-working numbers.

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  23. On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 1:40 PM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    Yes to both. I hate what they have done with this storyline because I want them to keep the actor around and in not sure how they will do that now.

    They've rehabilitated rapists before, but Shiloh has a decade or so history of raping women.  After seeing him slobbering all over unconscious Sam, I don't think it would work for a large segment of the audience.  At least it won't work for me.  Yuck.

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