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Posts posted by RedheadZombie

  1. 24 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    Abby and Megan were ready to jump on the NYT re the alleged victim who said she does not remember the incident with Kavanaugh. More likely she saw what Christine Ford went through and decided it wasn’t worth putting herself and her family through the mud and death threats. It doesn’t mean it did not happen. 

    Exactly.  It's pretty expensive, not to mention terrifying, to flee from your home in fear for your life due to multiple death threats.  Unfortunately, this debacle has completed the martyrdom of Kavanaugh (in some people's eyes).

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  2. 14 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

    Did Meghan just say “supposubly”? It’s supposedly, Ms. “Pundit”. 

    Surprisingly, supposably is a proper word.  Clear Meghan was using as supposedly, so a malaprop.

    3 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

    For someone that loves FOX so much Abby sure hates the media.

    It disturbs Abby's role-colored glasses.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Tammee said:

    Same here. Another thing i always loved is how most of the stories tqke place in New England.  Mostly Derby, NH.  And how characters from other books will pop up in the current book.  'Chrisqtine' is my favorite Christmas book.  Have to read it every year. 🤪

    Most of the books I’ve read have been set in Maine, which is where King was born and raised. 

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  4. I know we often mock Whoopi's rambling and inability to make her point, but today she said something so moving, so evocative, I will never be the same:  "Ya know when ya know, ya know?".  We should all be guided by these words.

    24 minutes ago, lusinia said:


    I don't think Abby is unintelligent, per se.  She's well spoken and can ask clear, concise questions.  But I think she's still partly influenced by her time at Fox News and being immersed in their way of thinking (such as it is).  She's mentioned still having friends there, and I imagine she still watches.  There have been a few times when she's said something that sounds just like something they would say over there.  

    I don't remember thinking she wasn't very bright when she was on The Cycle on MSNBC.  With three kids under 2, she's probably not spending a whole lot of time thinking issues through, and just says the first thing that comes to mind.

    So, since The View chooses to talk about Biden, Warren, Sanders and Yang, those are the ones to watch, according to Meghan.

    Does Whoopie realize how selfish she sounds when she says that all she wants to hear about in the debate is what's in it for her and she doesn't care about anything else?  There are issues that aren't ever going to affect me personally, but will affect others, and the way a candidate addresses them gives voters insight into the values that person holds.

    Whoopi's self-interests have always been the thing she cares about most.  She's kind of passionate about civil rights, but not if it costs her a penny.  She did participate in Comic Relief, which is huge, but I have a feeling that if she comes across a panhandler she probably reacts like Michael Jordan - if you can ask for money, you can say "welcome to McDonalds can I take your order". 

    She hates de Blasio because her chauffer is delayed due to bike lanes.  She doesn't seem to feel people are capable of being guilty if they are a personal friend, and she defends them to the ends of earth.  She has defended an athlete who whipped his small child's genitals.  The list is endless.

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  5. 12 hours ago, Tammee said:

    I think she will be awesome also.  When i picture that character, W is not far off.  They need to age her some, add a shawl on her shoulders, in a rocking chair on the porch of her house in an apple orchard.  The Stand will always be my #1 book.  When he did the miniseries, the opening segment of it will forever be remembered as the BEST ever of any movie, tv show, miniseries.  The music was 'dont fear the reaper' by BOC, and the offices were seen from the CCT monitors.  In every office the people were dead at their desks or trying to get to the door, etc. And then that one car got out before the facility lockdown happened, thus exposing it to the world. It just chilled me to the bone. It was sooooooooo good!  I think its so terrifying because any second it could really happen.  And he wrote this, what 30 yrs ago?  Bloody brilliant he is.  Love that guy!

    PS.. ditto clowns.  Thats what makes this so good! 

    I remember where I was and who I watched the premiere episode with.  Steven King doesn't often write books where good triumphs over evil, a lesson I learned when watching the disturbing Storm of the Century.

    4 hours ago, Haleth said:

    And now of course both their boys are writers too.  Joe is enormously successful in the horror genre.

    Ha!  At least Debbie knew she lacked the intellect of the other women.  Abby thinks her opinions are original and profound.  Bless her heart.

    I appreciate that Joe goes by Hill instead of using his name.  I really liked Heart-Shaped box even though I thought it fell apart in the last half.  He managed to take a character that I would typically despise (all of his lovers are very young and he calls them by the states they come from), and make me root for him.

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  6. 48 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

    Add me to the list of those who were shaking their heads at Sunny's son's comment about "You were alive for 9/11??".      I'm assuming he knows how old is mother is; I'm assuming he heard '18th year since 9/11' on the news somewhere;  I'm assuming he's got a modicum of smarts since his mom is a lawyer and his dad is a doctor.    He couldn't put the clues together and realize she was no only alive, she was an adult on that day.   Maybe he's just really really bad at math.    And it's really all on Sunny for even repeating that story.   She should have realized how crazy it sounded.   I'd hate to be a child of any of the hosts, as nothing said or done at home seems sacred.  

    Joy seems pretty decent about Eve.  I had to google to actually see what she looks like, and even though I remember Joy mentioning her grandson's name now and then, I had to google it to remember.

    Whoopi is also pretty good about her daughter, although I remember she was included in Whoopi's stand-up rather tastelessly - if she has sex I'm going to have her sewn up, etc,

    • Love 6
  7. 8 minutes ago, Aileen said:

    No, he wasn't. Because math.

    What MM said about NYC was positively hilarious since she's stated so many times how much she dislikes NYC, even saying that she can't wait "to get the hell out of" NYC in an live video on social media a few months ago. She's proud of her city today and then will go back to Litterbox Queen tomorrow.

    I'm as bad at math as Sunny!  You know, Bethenny Frankel viciously attacked poor little 4 y/o, uh 7 y/o, uh . . . yeah that was before Beth's baby was born so let's correct the age . . . 

    Sorry!  Math is actually one of my faves.

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  8. 45 minutes ago, deirdra said:

    9/11 was 18 years ago.

    I know!  I had a Gabriel Hostin moment.  Sorry!

    33 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Help me out here. Who is Gabriel? And who is she? Mom?

    Yep.  Sunny's boy.  He apparently thinks 9/11 was more than 50 years ago.

    • Love 2
  9. On 9/5/2019 at 6:28 AM, Lizzing said:

    Kam's voice when she was talking to her kid & packing seemed a little deeper than her usual helium sound, and not as air head-ish.  Then, in the confessional, she was right back to sounding like she did previously.

    I really like Stephanie, so I hope I'm wrong, but Travis is cheating, right? Vow renewal + manscaping + working out a lot...just seems shady.

    But I totally buy Jeremy stepping out on D'Andra.  I can't remember where, but I could swear I've read several blind items suggesting he has been.

    Dee totally set D'Andra up to fail.  It's probably equal parts narcissism and story line creation.

    To be honest, I wouldn’t even feel for D’Andra after she confronted Leeann on camera about Rich’s alleged cheating.  I wouldn’t mind seeing D’Andra being put on the spot in the same way. 

    • Love 18
  10. 2 hours ago, Ellee said:


    Thanks for your post. I didn’t think of it that way at all.  Hmmm. 

    I like Nicole so I like the idea 😁but the jury won’t think at all much less look at things closely.  

    Have a feeling Dr Will (if he’s there or anyone else) could draw a diagram and .... 

    I wish they would hurry up and give us a peak at the jury house to see the dynamics. It would help to know if Jack is still riding roughshod over everyone and if he will be influencing others’ votes. 

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, watch2much said:

    how I wish Holly would win the next competition and turn on him.....it's so embarrassing to watch her kowtow to him.  he was being a jerk to her, she called him a name....big deal, Jackson.  if other people you've been involved with have done it, then maybe you need to get some insight into your own behavior. the kissing his mother's photo was precious.....

    and eating all that watermelon?????  there's a screw loose there....a normal person would be sick to death of it by now.  maybe he'd be a good candidate for Survivor--contestants complain they are so sick of coconuts after being on it....probably wouldn't bother him to eat the same thing everyday

    I think it’s been established that Jackson has a history of disordered eating. 

    • LOL 1
  12. 1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

    When the season started, the two "alpha males"  were Jack (now eliminated)  and Jackson.  After a few weeks, the show decided that this was confusing, so they tried to have everyone call Jackson by his last name, "Michie"  but the opening credits still had him as Jackson.  People on this forum, and I assume most watchers, struggle with learning and remembering who is who, and resist the producers trying to change the names once we've learned them.  

    I remember it as Jack proclaiming that HE is the only Jack in the house and Jackson will now be called Michie. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, Nashville said:

    In truth?  I thought this season’s rendition of Hide and Go Veto was a good bit tamer than what we’ve gotten used to the past couple of years.  At least they weren’t wading through milk.  And I’m pretty sure the furniture relocation (not just the beds) has always been a part of it.

    I agree. Isn’t the garbage usually upended all over the floor?

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  14. 11 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

    I think he knows they're 'together', Jackson said a bit earlier that he & Holly are working against 2 teams, Cliff & Nichol and Tommy & Christie. Jessica is a wild card,  which is why her needs her gone.

    Uggggg,  I was really hoping this was the end of Jackson & Holly.  The way she was crying and apologizing,  as he coldly held the door open for her to leave,  turned my stomach.  She is going to watch this & cringe, she was an embarrassment to herself.   And now Jackson has her where he wants her... with him holding all of the control cards. 

    Did Nichol just realize that she is playing Big Brother? 

    I don’t like Jackson and think he treats Holly like shit, but she was just standing in front of the door and wailing. I would have opened that door, too. Good Lord pull yourself together. There are two bathrooms and one shower you can hide in and do that type of thing. Holly was being performative. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

    I missed this! What did Angelique do? 

    She sent a drink over to the non-drinking table full of alcoholics to pressure Autumn, who has stated multiple times she doesn’t drink, to take a shot.  Angelique and Cole were laughing their asses off. Autumn declined which is why Cole then took the crotch shot off of Angelique, and snapped and swanned and proclaimed that he had demonstrated how adults do a shot. 

    Tonya had a talking head saying something like this was not how Angelique was raised. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

    They are real and they're spectacular.


    4 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

    Did she get implants? She’s very petite otherwise, and I don’t remember her being that busty on Colton’s season. If those are real, she’s incredibly lucky. 

    They look real to me. I have a matching pair and most implants are firmer, higher, and less mushy/mobile in my experience. 

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