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Everything posted by kitmerlot1213

  1. I really liked Sarah in today's episode--her tear filled apologies were gut wrenching to watch and I loved how kind Eric, Nicole and Rafe were to her. They know the woman has been out through the ringer and that she is only recently back to reality. Leo's taunting Nancy with how young he is grows more laughable each day-there's, what, ten years age difference between the actors? And I'm sorry, but Leo has a list of people he's going to wreck revenge on? He's the guilty party, his lies were exposed, he needs to take his beatdown and get on with life.
  2. I just watched the episode The New Order and it's damn terrifying how easily people with money can destroy the lives of people less fortunate. And regarding the female hormone therapy Stanley was forced to undergo--wouldn't the effects wear off once he stopped taking the hormones?
  3. Yes, Gwen had a horrendous childhood but she's using that to hurt people who weren't even involved in her abuse in any way, shape or form. And then when she does have to face some consequences like she did in today's episode, Gwen immediately lashes out that Abby lied to her, Abby deliberately took away her happiness, SHE's the true victim, not Sarah. While the actress is fabulous, the character she plays is completely beyond redemption. I LOVED the little insolent head tilt Clyde gave to Chloe and Brady when Nancy defended him, saying she believes he's a changed man. Re: Leo and Craig, Leo was rather believable with his remorse but he's still legally married to Darius, so there's no possibility of marital bless for them--maybe that's a good thing.
  4. Lana was very interested in Superman and I loved her little wave good bye before she went back into her house. Guaranteed that his turning down her subtle come on will add to her anger--she's going to feel foolish that she never realized the Clark/Superman connection. The fact that no one from Smallville recognized "the Kent boy" as a superhero really doesn't seem that far off from me--sure you could see the physical resemblance but would you really be able to wrap your brain around the idea that this kid you've grown up with is an alien with super powers? I don't know if I could. I can't really see how Jordan's mental health is affected by Clark and Lois' keeping the truth about Clark's identity from him. I think it's more hereditary because it seems like Lucy's also struggled with depression. Jonathan's lying about Candice hurt more then just himself, it hurt the entire community because it allowed a drug dealer to run free. Who knows how many other people are now using the green k inhalers?
  5. For me, the worst part is that Jon seems to think that lying to protect Candice, a freakin' drug dealer, somehow makes him more noble then Clark because Clark's lying to just protect his secret identity. Like bad guys the world over wouldn't jump at the chance to hurt Clark's loved ones to get to him. I have no doubt that Lana will be angry that Clark lied to her for years but she will eventually understand, especially because we know Bizarro Lana's going to show up to cause some mayhem and Clark will have to step in and then Lana will be Team Supes :) Sarah's starting to annoy, first with her anger that Jordan's not paying enough attention to her and then we were treated to her obnoxious eyeroll because "Jon" wasn't excited about her new car. She seems incapable of understanding that other people have problems too and not everyone exists to cater to her. I did like Sarah's conversation with Lois though, especially Lois' talking about deliberately choosing bad boys to date. I like Natalie and John Henry but I need to see Natalie interacting with her psuedo-brothers more, especially if she's the brains behind their brawnier adventures and lastly, will Lex Luthor be making an appearance? I would kill to see Jon Cryer on this show :)
  6. Today's episode was interesting in that we had Gwen looking sickened by her own actions which is a nice switch from the completely remorseless actions of Ava and Kristen but it still feels false? Like she only regrets hurting Sarah because Xander learned about it? Because otherwise the wedding would have gone off without a hitch and Sarah's brain would still be destroyed and Gwen wouldn't have cared at all. The Abs/Jenn scenes were also well done--was Gwen telling the truth or did she say it just to hurt Abby?
  7. I like the mother/son scenes between Susan and EJ --the actor has the right blend of fond exasperation when he deals with her over the top-ness. Evan is such a good looking man and good actor--the show needs to find a way to keep him around.
  8. This was a superb Bizarro World episode and I especially liked that Bizarro Superman wasn't inherently evil, he loved his publicity and became a vapid famewhore :):) But when he saw just how much danger his family was in because of Ally, he went back into superhero mode and risked his life to save everyone. Anderson turned out to be rather brave and I liked the sincerity of his apology to both Jordan and Clark--Ian Bohen can sell character redemption like nobody's business. The Bizzaro versions of Kal-el and Tal-rho had a great sibling relationship and good for him for choosing to help Clark--watching the two Allys meld into one must have really freaked him out :)
  9. I know Phillip has been mentioned but didn't Belle cheat on Shawn when they were married and living in Maine because he was working too much and not paying enough attention to her?
  10. The dad in this episode needs to get out of the deep well of denial he's steeped in. HIs daughter has ALS and was so afraid of his boundary stomping controlling ways that she didn't tell him how ill she actually was--I loved it when she told him that his voice was always the loudest in the room--and now they're unable to make amends. That is tragic but by no means is it the fault of Mags or Bash. And what was June supposed to do with her obviously ill patient? Send her home even though she couldn't keep any food down? DAMN!!
  11. So I just finished watching the episode with Flambeau's wanting Lady Felicia to go to NYC with him and I just about rolled my eyes out of my head. Why this show insists on acting as if their rather banal leads are these irresistible sexually alluring people is beyond me. Flambeau is ridiculously smarmy with his leer and "clever" disguises and Lady Felicia is a mildly attractive woman in her late forties/early fifties. Enough, show. And now there's a retcon that Lady Felicia loves Monty and she can't stand that they're fighting? So we're supposed to forget all of the episodes that had serial cheater Lady Felicia throwing herself at any good looking man in the vicinity?
  12. Man alive, but I still love Gabi and Jake and want them to get back together--however, I want them away from this stupid Dimera Enterprise CEO crapfest story line. Is Ava for real? Forget about an apology, she really thought Gwen was going to talk to her again? I know Gwen's guilty, but on what planet would a newly arrested person want to speak to the person who ratted them out? I can't deal with Belle's petulant expression whenever she talks about Shawn's lying to her. Yes, Shawn should have been up front but he was understandably freaked out.
  13. THIS! I rewatched the wedding episode and I loved Jenn's reactions and two moments really stood out: when she stopped Jack from interrupting Abigail by saying "Look at Gwen's face, she knows what's coming and she knows she deserves it," and when Gwen asked Jack, Jenn and Abs if they were going off to gloat and Jenn simply responded, "No." Well played by Melissa.
  14. Today's show was fabulous--all of the actors were spot on-- and MM's Abigail was the star. She played all of her scenes with this thinly veiled anger that barely disguised how horrified she was by Gwen's actions, especially because she knows exactly what Sarah's going through. I appreciated that Abby made sure to point out that Sarah not only went four months without any treatment but then she received another dose which is beyond contemptible. KM would have played Abigail as gloating or vindictive but MM seemed sickened by the depths Gwen sank to simply keep Xander away from Sarah. I liked that Abigail didn't look triumphant when Jack told Gwen to never call him Dad again and that he was done with him--Abs just looked sad that this has all happened. I thought it was weird that Jake and Ben are sitting around eating all of this food that Ava's cooked and Jake didn't look the least concerned that his friend was arrested. Weird and of course Ava doesn't admit to Jake that she cut a deal with the DA, she just talked about Gabi's lying.
  15. I kind of hope that's the last we see of Rania--she didn't really add anything to the show and she was non-existent as a character. I do feel badly for Amira in that she wanted to talk to Theo because she trusts him and clearly needed someone to confide in but Bash put a stop tp that. Damn same. I like that Mags has man options but I don't know if I'm sold on the med student as a good boyfriend, but what do I know? :)
  16. I was loving Justin's calling out the names of the wedding party and talking about how fabulous everyone looked and I also loved Jackie Cox's "Hold it Mary Poppins!" to Gwen--too funny :)
  17. I just watched the episode with the child killer/secret twin episode and man, was that lame. I did enjoy Mallory's getting punched in the nose--we need more episodes featuring Mallory's getting hit :)
  18. Delusional characters are always good for a laugh--Ava's bitchy comments at Gabi's telling Rafe about Ava and Jake living together made me grin because all Ava did was whine and bitch to Rafe about Gabi's being mean to her. I know she whined about other things but there was a lot of bitching about Gabi--tough mob princess my ass. But now we have Nicole warning Jake about Ava's dragging him back to a life of crime and I'm wondering, is Jake going to save the Hernandezs' and Nicole from Ava's plotting revenge? That might be an Interesting twist :) I liked the Leo/Gwen scenes, the actors worked well together and I totally believe their friendship.
  19. Unfortunately, Sarah had months of being untreated and then injected again with another dose, so things are not looking well for her which is damn tragic. In no way does Sarah deserve to be inflected with this much horror. Kristen yes, Sarah no. I was also riveted by the Abby/Gwen's scenes and I loved how MM played it--she's astonished by Gwen's request but she's also reluctantly moved to tears by Gwen's words, Well played by both actresses. Re: Leo's mysterious phone call, he's obviously not sincere about his "love" for Craig? Good, I hope Leo takes Craig for all he's worth.
  20. Yeah, the Mags/Bash scene was odd in that he understands her better then anyone else, but he's clearly committed to Rania, so he won't be cheating--go Bash :):)--but why is NBC acting like they're a "thing"? Khalid just seems like such an idiot who keeps dragging Bash into his badly thought out schemes.,
  21. In the previous seasons, Mrs. McCarthy had always came off as a gossiping busybody but she was never actually malicious. To find out that she's deliberately writing letters trying to destroy people's livelihoods was shocking. And I know Ruby was a murderer but I kind of enjoyed watching Mrs. M in actual fear for her life--serves her right for being so willfully destructive.
  22. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but isn't it Ms. Wu? Like the evil Mr. Wu from the fabulous Asian Quarter storyline back in the 80's? I hope we're going to see some old school spy adventures now that Valentin's involved in this Ice Princess nonsense and I also hope Anna pulls out the stops with her going undercover in French Polynesia.
  23. It isn't so much that I'm waiting for Mags and Bash to make out, I just want acknowledgement that he does care for her and that Raina's being gone from his life for the past five years has affected him. The best part of the episode? Besides Mag's defending herself from her attacker? Bishop's shutting Novak's sense of entitlement down HARD!! And I liked Bishop admitting that he was too hard on Novak and that old school style of teaching needs to go by the wayside..
  24. Ava's calling Gabi a snake made me laugh--as horrible as many of Gabi's actions have been, she is no where near the level of Ava Vitalli's many crime sprees. I enjoyed the Gabi/Sonny scenes, especially his pointing out that Gabi will always have Ari, Will, Rafe and Sonny in her corner. I hope this means Gabi's going to have a non-Jake, non-Dimera Enterprise story soon.
  25. I just watched the episode when Sgt. Goodfellow sees Mallory plant the knife at the crime scene and two things jump right out: Where's Bunty and why is Sid back? The last we saw of him he was leaving with his girlfriend to live on a barge, floating down the river. It's bizarre how characters just stop appearing without any context--just like when Sid was no longer on the show and a couple of episodes later Father Brown and Mrs. McCarthy casually talk about Sid's being released from prison. WTF? Is Bunty going to suddenly show up a couple episodes in having joined the nunnery? And this idea that Sid's an irresistible ladies man needs to stop. I can buy him being able to talk to people and win them over but trying to portray him a Lothario is cringe-worthy.
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