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Everything posted by kitmerlot1213

  1. If the show’s going to be revisiting Anna’s DVX.double agent past, then Robert needs to be heavily involved, it won’t make sense if he isn’t.
  2. So is Taylor’s simmering rage stemming from Brooke’s refusal to believe that Thomas has changed? Has Taylor, the world renowned psychiatrist, forgotten how much hurt and pain he’s caused, especially to Brooke and Hope? Brooke and Hope both need to stop being polite and they need to start launching some truth bombs.
  3. I'm kind of enjoying this new angry Hope, especially if she's able to bring the anger to Liam. I hope she reminds him of the numerous times she's forgiven his vast array of betrayals and yes, I have no doubt Hope is horrified by her own lustful thoughts but she needs to cut herself a break for being human. Tomorrow's Brooke/Taylor conversation if going to be epic.
  4. The Sheila/Taylor scenes were well done with Taylor getting some good shots in but were we supposed to be amused by the weird James Corden scenes? Hope was killing me with her reactions but I’m still confused by the whole thing.
  5. I sort of looked at it as Cam's giving Esme fair warning, that this was her opportunity to change for the better or else face the consequences. I also stand by the belief that she truly does have amnesia but that doesn't mean she's lost her intelligence, she realizes she has few allies and I hope she truly starts trusting Laura and Kevin because if you have the mayor on your side, you're golden. I sort of appreciate that the show's going for a slow burn with Trina and Spencer. They're getting to know each other, the good and the bad and then you look at Joss and Dex--he's boring and bland but Joss thinks he's hot and that's good enough for her. This is not the beginning of a great romance.
  6. A seriously stupid plan that no one in their right mind would agree to and I can't believe Laura was on board with it. Good for Esme for refusing to be separated from her baby son--he needs his mom far more than he needs his strangely possessive older brother.
  7. Are we supposed to be charmed or amused by Lucy's antics regarding the Nurses Ball? Yes, it's a worthwhile cause that she is very much apart of but is it more important than gathering evidence to put away a dangerous criminal? I hope Anna uses her martial art skills and karate chops Lucy into submission for being this unbelievably self-absorbed. And this may be an unpopular opinion, but if Drew and Carly being involved makes this story line wrap up faster, more power to them. I think Spencer is so deeply hurt by Esme and his dad's actions that he's operating completely out of spite--Laura needs to help reel in his anger or he's going to lose any access he has to the baby. I've said it before but it bears repeating, if the show plans on Dex being a major player wit his own storyline, he needs to step up his acting.
  8. I think the actor playing Dex is a talentless block of wood but I would still love a Joss/Dex/Esme triangle, especially if Dex is super sympathetic toward Esme. In fact I would love it if Esme slowly won over everyone in her life, especially Trina, Spencer and Laura simply because it would ruin Carly Jr's day--anything and anyone that makes Joss unhappy and forces her to admit that she's not the center of everyone's universe is a winner in my book :)
  9. THIS! Dex acts so differential with Sonny but now he's trying to stare down Spencer like he's some kind of tough guy? And did I hear Cam correctly? Joss has always hated Sonny and the mob life? SInce when? She'd still be Sonny's biggest supporter if he was still married to Carly. I'd like to take a minute to say how impressed I am with the ease the actress playing Esme has with the baby playing Ace. She's very good with him and natural with how she holds him and picks him up. And I also loved Laura's whispering her lines when she realized baby was asleep--I bet that was Genie's own ad lib. I hope Kevin and Laura become Esme's firm allies because I really think Esme could use some legitimate support.
  10. I know this is in reference to Michael but this also applies to Dex--the actor has a very limited acting ability and zero charisma but we're supposed to believe that Joss is completely enamored of him? Re: Liesl, she has admitted to Anna that she let her obsession with Faison get the best of her and led her into making criminally horrible choices and I do think that her losing both her kids is karmic justice for her bad deeds.
  11. I massively agree. The show is treating Sheila like she's a heroine now with her choice of suitors. What the heck is going on?
  12. I hope Nicholas isn't actually truly honestly and sincerely dead--if only because it would devastate Spencer and Laura. I'm loving the new hair color on Liesel and how easily she got the truth out of Scott about Elizabeth made me laugh--she really needs to work for the PCPD's interrogation unit.
  13. I think there's a part of Joss that's ticked off that she doesn't have Spencer wrapped around her finger like she had Cameron or has Dex. I think she craves male attention and Spencer won't give her any and it annoys her. The Spencer/Laura scenes were superb--he feels guilty for his relationship with his dad falling apart but he needs to remember that Nicholas is just as responsible for the rift--but he needs to tread carefully with Esme. This amnesiac version is very much a wildcard and he doesn't know how she'll react to being threatened with having her baby taken from her.
  14. I'm kind of okay with Esme's being redeemed, the actress is believable with her sweeter personalty and genuine fear of Ryan and Heather's evil actions. Esme's now being seen as one of Ryan's victims--it was Ryan who ruined Ava and Nicholas' life and Ryan who destroyed Spencer and his dad's relationship. Also, Esme and her baby are now being tied to existing families and I'd love to see her and Spencer form a real bond over caring for the baby and if Esme and Trina could become true friends it would be worth it to watch Joss' head explode,
  15. I think the best part of this show is the camaraderie that exists between the team. I cracked up when Chelsea said she was taking all of the good luck because she needed it the most and Alex said that's not how it words and that he has a force field around his--extremely sibling-esque. I also kind of loved how they kept filming while the batteries in each of their cameras died--very dramatic. I'm going to miss this crazy show :)
  16. Re: Old Harriman Hospital: I do love everyone's reactions to the "unexplained footsteps" but I legitimately gasped when the lights on the grid went completely dark and I loved Dakota's running up to check on Chelsea-=he is a good brother :):)
  17. The last two episodes had some extremely scary/freaky moments--Tanner's audio going out when he was in the tunnels in Cresson was odd and I was especially freaked out by the music playing in the gym of the Defiance Jr high-school episode. I did laugh at Tanner and Alex's "Dude!" every time they found another radio on though. I also like the familiarity in that they've known each other all their lives and they're obviously all very sibling-esque in how they relate.
  18. I'm not trying to be mean about an actor's looks but KB has seriously scary looking feet--the scene where Sheila was painting her nails was not attractive in the least. Now onto Hope being her awesomely badass self-she didn't hesitate to ream Thomas for all of the pain her caused her mom or for mentally abusing their son and it was all for the glory of getting his parents back together. I also liked that she brought up his trying to kiss her and it was all part of his delusions that they have a future together and then she dug the knife in further by talking about his keeping Beth from her. Hope is truly done with him and it's glorious to watch her turn stone cold on his pleadings. And I have to give kudos to Matthew Atkinson's acting in those scenes--he started off with a smug "Are you going to let me explain?" and then his smarminess disappeared and his genuine pained reaction to Hope's tears was well done. I think that was the first time that he realized he's truly screwed up and that his crimes aren't going to be swept under the rug.
  19. I like that Ridge's total focus was on Thomas, his boy, the self-involved man child--great insult by the way--and all the pain he's caused, to his son Douglas who can't even look at him. Good for Ridge for being appalled at that as well as the angst involving Brooke and the CPS call. I have zero pity for Taylor because she knowingly accepted a proposal from a man who was clearly rebounding. Thomas didn't show any type of remorse until the possibility of his no longer being employed was brought up and then the tears came. How exactly did he think he was going to keep Hope and her fashion line in his life after all of his evil plotting came to light?
  20. Neither Thomas or Taylor have any remorse for the people they hurt, so they could get want they want--it doesn't even faze Thomas that his actions have hurt Douglas and damaged their father/son bond. I did love it when Ridge called Thomas' actions evil and calculating and for Thomas to try to downplay it as a "mistake" is laughable and insulting. Hope better rip him apart.
  21. I feel exactly the same way. I loved the little nod she gave to Douglas on last Wednesday's episode, and he nodded back to her and then she just coolly slipped his phone back to him--she's doing the right thing by her young nephew and I respect her immensely for it.
  22. Best part of today's episode? Rafe freely admitting he's an idiot :) The two "actors" playing Rafe and Sloane are both so bad at this acting gig, they kind of cancel each other out. I actually like Leo when they have him doing more then playing "the allegedly hot young stud" but then again, I like Gwen too--I think the actress is talented and I hope she starts to be redeemed. I'm glad that Sonny is alive and recovering but who is this knife-wielding psycho and who's going to be attacked next?
  23. I loved the moment where Joss paused after she told Dex she had a boyfriend, like she was waiting for him to have a breakdown. Any chance of liking Dex went out the window he went starry eyed over such an obnoxious twat. I also loved the minute Anna realized that Victor's behind Charlotte's staying at the equestrian school--she's such a good detective :) Don't care one iota about Lucy and her angst over "Marty"--they are two unscrupulous characters who have zero problem hurting people in the name of business, so watching Anna manipulate them to uncover Victor's unsavory dealings doesn't bother me in the least.
  24. I sort of liked Allie and Chanel laughing at Alex's trying to be suave with Gabi and I really liked Gabi's getting to hang out with Allie and Chanel--I could see them potentially becoming friends. Again, Kristen works best as a villain and the show seems to realize it too.
  25. I think there are always going to be characters that you'll love, no matter what they do and I feel that way about Theresa, Gabi and ORK's Claire--they could do the most heinous crap and I'll still find a way to root for them. So I cheered out loud when Brady defended Theresa after Kristen's nasty comment about drug addiction--besides it was always Brady who was the substance abuser. Re; Rachel's picture: does this mean that both Tate and Rachel have been aged up? Also, Kristen is much easier to watch now that they've dropped the whole "reformed" bit. And I really hope the Gabi/Rafe scene mean Gabi will have conversations with people outside of Dimera and I kind of want Gabi to have a real friendship with Nicole--as awesome as Sonny and Will are, she needs female friends. Question: so are they just rooms to rent above the Brady Pub or is it a full apartment? Does it have a kitchen or will Jada have to eat at the Pub every day?
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