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Everything posted by OhGromit

  1. TOTALLY agree with this except the part where you say all this shows she has self-awareness. That she saw John and got embarrassed shows she has awareness, not self-awareness. Self-awareness would help her acknowledge the effect of the five dirrrrrty martinis.
  2. So like how small... how much shorter than you did they seem to be? Like just a little, or several inches?
  3. I don't know... she seems to lack the capacity for self-reflection or introspection. Not sure if it's a lack of self-awareness; you'd think seeing herself played back on TV would make up for that. It's strange to me, too. I don't know what makes people blind to their own faults, but she sure seems unwilling to acknowledge or apologize when she's done wrong.
  4. John is the one who made a fool of Dorinda. Personally, I think Dorinda is redirecting her (IMO legitimate) anger at John onto Kristen. I wish Dorinda had more self-awareness-- it's one of her weaknesses. She doesn't realize when she's being unfair, or reflect on her emotions and apologize for them later.
  5. So true! I normally get into the reunion shows-- and I've noticed I'm very "meh" on RHONY's reunion this season. And that's why-- it's so obviously rigged. Bethenny will get (is getting) the kid glove treatment, and she gets to arbitrate others' fights as she chooses. No one will be taking her on, or taking her down.
  6. So true!!! It was so unprofessional. And plus, who would want to sign up for that class (or anything else happening at that gym), knowing how mean and childish Tamra, and perhaps other instructors, are? Who wants to go there and be subjected to nasty comments, even (especially) if they're being made behind your back? What an unsupportive environment.
  7. You can see it in her TH from this clip as well: http://www.bravotv.com/bethenny-getting-married/season-1/episode-104/videos?clip=14754362
  8. OMG yes it was: http://a.dilcdn.com/bl/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2010/04/Bethenny-Frankel-.jpg http://www.bravotv.com/bethenny-getting-married/photos/episode-5-so-hoppy-together/item/9472821 http://www.bravotv.com/bethenny-getting-married/photos/episode-4-let-me-eat-cake/item/9471276 http://www.bravotv.com/bethenny-getting-married/photos/episode-5-so-hoppy-together/item/9472806
  9. You know you're absolutely right. Unless she was still vomiting then, which is REALLY hard to imagine, would be so troubling and I have a hard time imagining Bethenny's that ill with the eating disorder.
  10. I wonder if it's just that her bulimia isn't as bad as it used to be. She may have had swollen glands/ jaw muscles from that, which may have subsided if she's throwing up less.
  11. Meghan thinks it's QUITE the big deal that she gets backstage passes to Nascar and such thanks to being married to JIM EDMONDS. What's funny and sad about that is-- what's the big deal? Seems to me she gets nothing more fancy than anything any other corporate non-famous somewhat rich big-wig might get. They got a meet and greet with Danica Patrick-- who was clearly practiced at the "who do I have to meet for 5 minutes today?" gig, she's a pro. They got to go in the pace car. But it's also clearly part of the package you get if you're getting backstage Nascar access-- everyone asked afterwards, "did he take you close to the wall?"-- so this was not such a unique event, even if it was the first time they'd experienced it. It looked interesting and cool, but like something that everyday at least one person gets treated to. My point being-- being married to JIM EDMONDS is not that HUGE a freaking perk!! Meghan is just SO green and so fame-hungry that she is way, way too impressed with this stuff. Like I'm sure if and when they divorce, for the rest of her life, she's going to remind people that she was once married to Jim Edmonds. Probably ala Sonja Morgan, she'll make sure to tell people how fabulous her life was, how she got to go backstage at Kenny Chesney and such. Woo freakin hoo. [i'm not saying this isn't fun stuff. Just that it's not worth being married to Jim Edmonds. And it's not as HUGE and UNIQUE and "you little people wouldn't understand!" as Meghan seems to think it is.] Also, did you all notice in the previews how Jim kept introducing himself, every time, as "Jim Edmonds." Even if Meghan had already said "this is my husband Jim." I think Jim Edmonds knows he's not famous enough to get instant facial recognition, so he always makes sure to tell people his full name-- in case people recognize the name, even if they haven't already recognized the face. He wants people to know he's famous, if he can. Ugh, these two.
  12. See, my mom taught me to add half and half... there must be different ways to make it. I've never tried water, I'll have to see how that is-- less calories!
  13. ... Yes I've seen the sloth video!! LOVE LOVE love it, the most endearing thing ever.
  14. Whoa. Super creepy, especially toward the end when she crouches down to play dolls on the sidewalk.
  15. I see her totally differently-- I think she's an awful person, lacking in empathy, egotistical and truly mean.
  16. Oh Ramona! So sad, and so her, to think this meant anything...
  17. I totally know what you mean... I have this weird sense of wanting to know how the kids are looking, how are they growing up, etc.! It's this weird thing like I'm sort of relative, which is nuts of course. But even if I'm curious, I just feel like the stars I respect (e.g. Kristen Bell whom I've mentioned a zillion times now!) go to great lengths to protect their children from the paparazzi. http://jezebel.com/kristen-bells-anti-paparazzi-campaign-actually-worked-1638509915
  18. That is the thing, I think she is that good. I don't hate her, I used to love her but now I like/ kind of hate her. I just think she's so, so desperate and so smart about the press. This with Brynn really bothers me. I'm also really turned off by the whole fame obsession thing. Sadly, I disagree with you about Brynn not being aware of the cameras-- I felt like I caught her glimpsing shyly toward the cameras a couple times. MMV on that one no doubt.
  19. We just disagree, bottom line. Why I disagree: paparazzi are frequently called. One, they were already there, waiting. I've not seen tons of pictures of famous people specifically taken at that Ralph's... I seriously doubt paparazzi just hang out there all day, every day, just because maybe! Two, paparazzi work that way, frequently-- by being called/ alerted that someone famous is going somewhere. Three, Bethenny was aware of the cameras and could have (but didn't) just say hey, honey, let's eat in the car instead of here on this exposed bench. Four, she could have easily (and discreetly) had the driver stand in front of Brynn, just talking to her and Brynn like you often will in a group of people. But she didn't. Five, the driver knew right where they were. That spot right out front was open and he parked perfectly where it wouldn't hide the bench. Six, Brynn if anything seems aware of and shy about the cameras, and my impression is she doesn't like it but is not given the choice. Seven, I live in LA and see famous people surprisingly often, but I don't see paparazzi everywhere all the time just hanging out just in case, you know? Maybe in NY things are super different, but I just don't think so. That would lead to a lot of days of waiting and waiting for zero money. I think this is all part and parcel of the paparazzi being alerted, and Bethenny expecting them to be there and playing to the cameras. It's not like she stepped out of the car, saw them, and turned around, or saw them and said hey, let's eat in the car. Eight, yes I know this numbering is obnoxious but once I got started I couldn't stop. And yes, I've repeating myself and more than once, too! ;-) /rant
  20. LOL from the recipe they seem to just be scrambled egg style scrambled eggs!
  21. It does go with the territory, but like I said, other famous parents, Kristen Bell to name a great example, take great care to shield their children from the paparazzi. Which Bethenny made no effort to do here.
  22. Okay I give up! If I was a wife (I'm divorced), and a single gal cried about wanting to be someone else's husband, I would totally judge and give the side-eye. In fact my wife friends tend to have those kinds of boundaries, like whoa, girl, you talking about having a connection with a married dude... married dudes are off limits yo! So I can definitely imagine feeling that way about Meghan when she says she wishes the kids came out of her. Especially with Vicki and Tamra being moms whose children have step-moms. Although this is not meant to be about wives and husbands, just about intruding on boundaries and so on! And understanding the various reactions.
  23. Well, okay, come on now, though, okay so now imagine that you're *crying* to your *married* girlfriends about how you wish you were your married (guy) friend's wife. Also, I'm quite sure Allison Edmonds ain't too happy about it, because even if it wasn't said to her face, it was-- ahem-- sobbed over on cable TV. And then repeated all over the internet. So to also add the fame/ TV element... WHAT IF you were (pre-Brad) Angelina Jolie, and you were sobbing publicly, on TV, because you wished you were Brad Pitt's wife... that's an example of where it wouldn't have to be said directly to Jennifer Aniston for her to get pissed, and for others to freak out on Jennifer's behalf!! Like that. And again.. this is all for a friendly game of comparing, illustrative, imagining the emotions purposes only... I am not saying any of these situations are even close to identical. I am certainly not saying Jimmy is Brad Pitt, or that Meghan is Angie, none of that none of that. Just imagining how the boundaries start to feel invaded and why.
  24. It's a new day, and I still really detest Meghan. Thanks for listening.
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