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Everything posted by Shibori

  1. I really wanted one of the guys to bust out some really obscure passion to see if Britt would still find a way to agree that it was her favorite too. Especially after her comments about loving baseball for the social aspect: Guy: I'm a Proust scholar, working on my PhD in French Literature. Britt: I LOVE books, how they have pages and covers and things! I saw one once! Guy: I'm a trust fund baby and I play on the US Polo Team. Britt: Ponies! I love ponies! Guy: I fish for wild salmon off the coast of Alaska. Britt: I love fish! Did you ever find Nemo? Guy: I'm a physicist, I'm studying neutrino oscillations. Britt: I watched Big Bang Theory once! It's my favorite show! I can't stand Britt but I'm almost rooting for her since this bunch of guys seems like loser city. I can't stand Kaitlyn constantly making duck lips, but I do appreciate she brought the snark about how ridiculous and awkward the whole situation was. To me, it looked like Britt felt the same way, but the wheels were spinning in her head trying to say something positive in response. I can see how that would divide a group of potential suitors- one group may be prefer the honesty (even if raw) others may appreciate that Britt makes a conscious (if fake) effort to play the part. I did feel like Britt came just shy of straight up saying she assumed she'd win over Kaitlyn. Her comments suggested that she felt that if she just played the role of the perfect bachelorette (angelic in white!), it'd be her. I'm here for love! To find a friend and husband! All the usual nonsense people on this show say. She had a few comments that read as: of course it'll be me, I mean, Kaitlyn? Really? No competition. She seemed genuinely stunned that the guys showed any interest in Kaitlyn. She said something to the effect that she expected to be the one coming in and was surprised that some guys favored Kaitlyn. That may be editing, but it does reiterate her behavior with Chris where she threw a tantrum when someone else got more attention. I love that Kaitlyn got moonshine and a hockey puck, and Britt got sarcastic Kleenex.
  2. Even if they get this pilot, a $200k pilot program won't save a company that lost over $100k on $1M in sales last year. They likely wouldve negotiated the price down for a large order, and it's $200k in sales, not profit. My goodness did bikini guy crash and burn! Wonder if Barbara's money ever changed hands, and if so, how much went for that party? I'm thinking the deal never closed, because I can't imagine she wouldn't have made sure their tech could handle the bump. And was everyone involved at the party with no one back at the office to see how things would go? You'd think they'd at least have someone checking sales throughout the night in anticipation of big numbers. My problem with both the Bantam Bagels name and Bagel Stuffins (besides being a stupid name that came from Lori's stupid smug face) is that they're expanding into sweets! Which aren't bagels! If the unwashed masses are going to be confused by Bantam Bagels, their brains will really scramble at banana bread balls (brought down by angels from heaven and Lori's sainted mom) which aren't bagels and didn't appear to be stuffed? Kraft has been selling Bagel-Fuls to the WalMart set for years, and the category's not exactly on fire. And donut holes have been around forever and the cake balls trend has already peaked, so I don't see sweet balls with a Bagel Stuffins label being a big hit. Lori, I think there's a reason the name hadn't been trademarked yet!
  3. I think the problem they're glossing over with the Chord Buddy (and most Shark Tank businesses, I suspect) is that most businesses will have a hard time sustaining the Shark Tank bump for long after it airs. Sure, they'll probably settle at a higher annual sales number one it two years out, but it's not going to keep going up and up unless you have a good sustainability plan. Chord Buddy is a one time purchase per person that would use it, and the market is finite. Eventually you're going to saturate the market, and then what? I chuckled at his meeting with the state rep and senator- I run an educational nonprofit that relies heavily on government contracts, and I can tell you what we saw means nothing. He stated a cost of $250k per school for 50 schools- $5,000 per school. To get that kind of money you have to have research to show that your product and method produces some kind of result- research like that takes years and can cost millions. You can't just say, hey, theoretically this will improve math scores. "Evidence-based programs" are the hot commodity in education now, and evidence doesn't come cheap. Not to mention that this kind of stuff doesn't come top down- individual school districts ultimately make these calls. At best some government office might offer a grant to use the product, but a state doesn't put in a PO for a few thousand Chord Buddies and then just hand them out. Which leads to the next question- who is going to train teachers how to use the program? How much does the training cost? Math teachers or music teachers? Getting into schools on a large scale is no easy feat- politics, unions, elections, etc. I've had teachers unions oppose good programs with a proven track record provided free to a school because the teachers didn't want outsiders (or non-Union teachers) coming in classrooms at all, but they also didn't want teachers having to be trained in the program to do it themselves without more pay. I've also seen millions committed to programs that magically disappear (or end) when an incumbent loses an election. This guy doesn't know what he's getting into.
  4. I'm glad they put these two together so that I could fast forward through almost of all of it. I think they're both insufferable egomaniac famewhores, and I was genuinely bummed to see they were wasting an episode on them. The little bit of the episode I could stomach did nothing to change my mind.
  5. The squatty potty is the only Shark Tank product I own, and it was worth every penny. Even if I feel a little sick that any of my purchase price is lining Lori's pockets. As to the spray sunscreen thing, it seems like you could adapt the stuff they sell for spray tanning, and you can get a start up kit for that for about $100. I'd hate to be the one inhaling that all day, though.
  6. Doctor/dentist/lawyer doesn't automatically equal wealth and/or happiness. I left a lucrative job as a lawyer for a huge oil and gas company because it was soul-sucking misery. My law school roommate has his dream job as an Assistant DA in a big city, but still has to bartend to make ends meet and he's hardly living extravagantly. Law Clerks for judges in my area need a JD and make from $18-35k. Lots of lawyers can't find jobs, and many would be thrilled to make $40-50k a year, while law schools keep cranking out new grads. Doctors need a minimum of 10 years of education after high school with college, med school, and residency and lots of student loans, while private practices are disappearing as more and more docs work for huge hospitals because the costs and risks of running a practice are becoming prohibitive. There are lots of legit reasons why someone would walk away from one of these professions.
  7. I've purchased glasses online before, and I can say that those "try on" features aren't very accurate. If I'm going to pay upwards of $100 a pair, I want to see them in person first. Warby Parker sends you frames to try on before you pick to address that issue. I've also ordered from the super cheap online retailers with good results. I've gotten a total of six prescription pairs from eyebuydirect for less than $100 *total*, including shipping, and I really liked 4 out of the 6 and wear them regularly. At about $10-15 a pair, I'm ok with that ratio. Interestingly, my two favorite were the ones I liked the least as I was ordering, and the two that I thought I'd love are the two I never wear. The take home for me is that markup on glasses is insane. There were a lot of good reasons to dislike the Paleo lady, but I wish they hadn't focused so much on her having three kids. I'm single with cats and find most of the "momtrepreneurs" on this show insufferable, but I bet if it had been her husband up there the Sharks wouldn't have mentioned his kids over and over like that. taljing about her other jobs is legit, and they could have just left it at that without mentioning the kids.
  8. What was Derek trying to do when he kicked that light? He was sitting, then hopped right up and went right to it. I was on the phone with the volume off when it was live and thought he was throwing a tantrum. When I rewatched with volume and context I'm still not sure what was going on. It wasn't in the middle of a dance or anything. He didn't even seem to be doing any steps when it happened.
  9. I'm not sure whose head could be further up his own ass, Mark or Derek. It's like Nastia doesn't exist, it's just the Derek show. And I have to think Willow and Mark leaving was because the idea of Mark and all his pretentious bullshit winning is vomit inducing. Sorry you got such a tool, Willow!
  10. It was driving me nuts that the guy on the left during the men's clothing line pitch was wearing a shirt that didn't fit! It was pulling so badly from the neck, causing big creases coming down from the collar. If you're going to sell classic, perfectly made clothes, how about some that fit properly? I'm surprised Damon didn't comment on it.
  11. I'm not sure who I was the most embarrassed for/offended by in that whole Barbara/Lori kerfluffle. I've seen the men make an argument that they're better to work with than another, but I couldnt imagine say, Kevin and Mark basing their pitch on who will give you more warm fuzzies and treat you like family. And I guarantee Barbara and Loti wouldn't have I used that approach with two men. That said, the product and the moms were also stupid and pointless, so I guess they all go together. I guess I'll spend tomorrow brainstorming some other products that taste great and resemble dangerous household items. Maybe grape flavored shampoo?
  12. And calmly posed there until the camera was ready to capture the confrontation! That said, I posted back in Ep. 4 about how my office's Christmas party randomly got sucked into the filming for the twins episodes. The mom here, Angelina, is always stirring shit on her FB page and starting or getting into fights. Frankly, I'm surprised she's only done time once. They're a classy bunch, to say the least.
  13. Mark guest hosted Live! with Kelly and Michael this morning, and they had had Charlotte and Keo on as guests. He may not have wanted a late night with the guest host gig booked first thing this morning. I do think it's disingenuous to have someone who's competed in DanceSport and not acknowledge it. As others have pointed out, You don't just take one class and hold your own in a competition, especially the boys. It's not a natural style you'd pick up elsewhere. So either he's a dance prodigy or had some serious training. I'd say whatever, but own it, don't cover it up. Between that and the fact he's related to half the cast, it just seems shady. Sorry, Mark and Willow, but Will Ferrell and Jon Heder did it better...
  14. Huh. Apparently muskers is gypsy slang, but musters is also a word that would sort of make sense, in a historical recreationist sort of way? I was giving them too much credit. Heh. I grew up here and never heard either word used that way before tonight. See? TLC *is* the Learning Channel! It's even worse-she had the baby before the wedding- but not long before. Maybe a few days. I just thought it was odd they much such a big deal about the other girls kids, but didn't mention Alyssa's at all.
  15. Just got a chance to see this ep- so I ended up inadvertently involved with the Alyssa mess. My office was having our office Christmas party at the bar that they showed in the exterior shot (a neighborhood favorite with party and event spaces), which was NOT the same place where the bachelor party was filmed. Two different places. Anyway, I went to the bathroom and there was a whole group of Snooki looking girls in the bathroom, tarted up in black and bling, and behaving badly. After the party, some of us went into the actual bar, and these girls were in the corner being obnoxious with a guy filming. Not a big crew or anything, just a guy with a camera, so we didn't think much of it. One of my coworkers went out for a smoke break, and the cameraman and another TLC guy were out there and told her they were filming for this show. None of us knew the girls involved at this point. It was also snowing like crazy, and the roads were starting to get bad, so we all left. When I got home, I posted a comment on Facebook about the roads being bad and about the Snooki girls at the bar behaving badly apparently being filmed for the show. I didn't name anyone by name because I didn't know them, just saying they were trashy looking girls acting like trash, which they were. A friend of a FB friend, who I didn't know, starting posting nasty comments, saying she was the bride's cousin, and that based on my profile pic, I shouldn't be insulting anyone's appearance, and other bullshit. I blocked her (only my 2nd FB block ever!). That bachelorette/birthday party is apparently in an upcoming episode, even though it happened before the wedding, so Ill be curious to see if any of us are in it, as we were just a few feet away from them in the bar. There were no releases that I'm aware of, and the camera was facing away from us. I have friends in the state police, and that weekend one emailed me the police report from the fight the morning after. It made the local news. A few random thoughts- -The chyrons kept saying "Uniontown, PA" and showing shots of downtown Uniontown, when the families and places (except for the wedding venue) were in Connelsville, another town about 10 miles away. -TLC apparently paid for the wedding gown, the Boston trip, and the Wedding/reception. That venue, The Stone House, is actually nice (the summer before a friend of mine ended up between John Boehner and a secret service guy at the urinals when some big political thing was going on at the resort up the road) and the management was not happy about how this all went down. Apparently TLC paid a big deposit. -The bride was looking for a hairstylist on FB the night before the wedding- you had to sign a release to get the job. -the groom got a horrible tattoo in some guys basement shop the day before the wedding -I've never heard anyone refer to the police as the "musters" before. That's oddly hilarious since the wedding venue is only about a mile or two away from the site of George Washington's only surrender in battle- during the French and Indian war. It seemed like a very historical sort of slang word, not something I'd expect as a gypsy thing. -the whole gypsy culture isn't really a thing here, but trashy people certainly are. We were all surprised when TLC showed up around town- not because there aren't plenty of TLC-worthy families around here, but because you don't really hear about gypsies here. -The bride works (worked?) at Dairy Queen and had a baby recently. Not sure if it's the grooms. I'm surprised they didn't mention that. The groom was fired from Walmart a few weeks before the wedding. You saw their respective houses, there's no way they paid for any of this. -The brides mother and grandmother have their careers on FB listed as "TLC Actress"
  16. I had a silly little grin on my face through both episodes (no commercials for me either! Yay!) because I just love this absurd little mess so much. I knew Paget Brewster mostly from Drunk History, and I like her role here. There was lumber involved! I like the idea of the straight man pointing out all the Greendale things that are just ridiculous. These episodes really seemed to have the feel of some of my favorite Community eps. I give it 5 MeowMeowBeanz.
  17. I think the reason the producers wanted Britt has nothing to do with looks and everything to do with the potential for drama. A Britt season has far more potential to be the Most. Shocking. Bachelorette. Ever. Had it not been for Kelsey and Britt, this season would have been a snooze fest. But the tide really turned against Britt, and they were left with a controversial b'ette that wasn't particularly well liked by BN. Either the producers really, really hated Britt and just like fucking with her to get viewers to support Kaitlyn, or they did everything they could to get her in but couldn't find a way to get viewers and the guys to go for her. Once they decided to do this stupid double girl thing, they could have made a compelling story from either option. So I'm just not buying that the men picking Kaitlyn could only be producer manipulation. I think it's more plausible that the men responded better to Kaitlyn because she's much lower maintenance and her "one of the boys" personality is more appealing.
  18. I cringed a little when Robert referenced "silicone" valley. But maybe he was just thinking too much about bras.
  19. We need to start a Hall of Fame for obnoxious tank-ers. Because lingerie lady would have to be near the top. I hated that they ended on her, because now I feel stabby.
  20. That may be the only redeeming factor of a Britt season. And I suppose if we want to slam every ER in the country with alcohol poisoning cases, we could just drink every time she tosses that ridiculous fake hair!
  21. I'm actually pretty devastated when that happens! This was my first season watching, so I'm pretty bummed that the b'ette is going to be the duck lips and pony hair show. Grrr...
  22. I agree, Mu Shu, Whitney may not be my cup of tea, but I think she has a successful career and an identity of her own, and there are easier paths to gold diggery. If she was only out for money, I think she'd have spent her 20s going that route, not investing in building a career. Also, given Whitney's family history, her desire to settle down and start a family is understandable. Britt and Whitney are only two years apart in age, but Britt makes your average tweener in crisis look mature. I agree that Whitney is more WASP-y in terms of beauty, while Britt clearly cultivates sex as her image. Whitney is well established in her career, Britt is still "waitressing" and giving out hugs on the street. To me, the difference between the two in terms of this show is that Whitney has a sense of self but is willing to make some sacrifices to start a family, and no doubt Chris's life (and spending a life with lunkhead Chris) would be at least some amount of sacrifice. Britt, on the other hand, seems used to getting what she wants, but doesn't seem to have any real sense of self. She's willing to be whatever a guy wants to get what she wants. She didn't seem that interested while she was the front runner, but once he showed some signs that she might not be his first choice, and she doubled down- at that point it was all about winning and not at all about Chris himself. The problem is that Britt's a shitty actress and couldn't pull off the facade once she wasn't comfortably in the lead.
  23. I do regretfully give Kelsey credit for one thing- that article about the taping said it lasted six hours- and Kelsey was sitting up the whole time with an uncomfortably ramrod-straight posture. I mean, I'm sure the stick up her ass helped, but I wanted to pop a Flexeril or two just looking at her sitting that way.
  24. I agree, Kendra. The Britt section was a free for all, but no one could interrupt Kelsey? (Not that I like either of them.) I didn't have much hope that anything of significance would come from the Kelsey part. Nothing the girls could say could make a dent in that level of crazy. I was glad that Juelia spoke up so fiercely- her words damned Kelsey more than anyone else's could. And I only wish that when Kelsey tried to call out Ashley I for suggesting that the husband story was fake, that Ashley would have said that if everyone else there could honestly say the thought never crossed their minds that she'd apologize- because I thought I heard someone else in that section saying they thought the same thing too. Had I been Ashley (yikes!) I'd have pointed out that it was Kelsey's crazy behavior that made me question her story. Kelsey was completely unwilling to acknowledge that it was her own behavior that generated the reactions she got throughout the season.
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