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Everything posted by Shibori

  1. Agreed. I was really put off that she was mad that Chris said it was uncomfortable watching her videos with her. Wouldn't most guys? She tried to spin that those videos were a mistake that she made when she was younger that she regrets, but 5 minutes of googling suggest otherwise. The pics and videos were done within the last two years, she's well into her 20s, not 18, and she regularly appears in pics and events for The Chive (which is known for slutty selfies from model wannabes and Jades pics for them are no exception). You don't get to make that your "career" and then be shocked it limits your options. Plenty of guys like their sluts on the screen but not in the bed.
  2. The only bummer about people like Kelsey in reality TV situations like this is they're teflon. She's so far removed from reality that nothing anyone says here will actually make a dent in her ego- as Padma said, she's above them. So she'll be fake hurt and fake surprised, but if we're all hoping for a true takedown or any kind of self-realization, I think it won't happen. The only thing that might be truly genuine is watching how she acts when Britt's the one in the hot seat- Kelsey won the batshit award this season, but the love story plotline Kelsey tried to pitch ended up being more about Britt, nudes, and virgins, and I do t think she can deal with not being the center of attention. #immeasurablyblessed
  3. Britt's line to Carly in that preview clip could support a whole thread on its own. Britt is front and center with Chris H. And all the other girls are sitting together arguing over each other as to whether she's fake (and some support her and some don't). Interestingly, the early girls are more pro-Britt and the later ones anti, so the answer to Chris H's question about whether they were just jealous she got the first impression rose seems to be no. Carly starts saying that she liked Britt at first, and then they argue for a minute, and Britt says to Carly, "can I just say one thing without you trying to interrupt, because you've pretty much narrated my love story for the past three weeks." And again she busts out the most fake looking tear-free tears. I honestly got the sense watching the season that initially the girls might have been jealous of what was clearly an instant connection between Britt and Chris, but at the same time, they also didn't seem to hold it against her. It was more, "I wish I had that but I see why she does." It wasn't really until the babies discussion and then turning on Kaitlyn and throwing a fit that they really seemed to turn on her, and IMO, justifiably so.
  4. I honestly think that lipstick is from Jade's "cosmetics" line. She has friends raving about it on her social media and it looks like the same hideous color. Maybe she handed out samples first night?
  5. I think its demeaning to suggest that anytime a girl dislikes a "pretty" girl, they're just hating on her looks. Kaitlyn had plenty of reason to dislike her for basically saying in front of Chris and other girls that he shouldn't have given Kaitlyn a rose. But other than Carly, it didn't seem to me that the other girls turned on Britt until she pulled that nonsense of, I'm leaving, but not yet, and I have to talk to Chris first but nothing he could say could change my mind unless he totally says something that changes my mind. And Her comments to the girls in their living room were completely inconsistent with how she behaved when she actually talked to Chris. If her mind was 99% made up, when Chris wasn't apologetic and fawning over her, she should have walked out, head held high. If she was out the door by her own choice, she wouldn't have given two shits what Carly said to Chris because it was one more example of why they weren't right for each other. But instead she bawled like a two year old throwing a tantrum who keeps peeking to see if you're still watching or not. When Britt asked to talk to Chris, all four of the remaining girls reacted immediately, and it was Kaitlyn (who is plenty gorgeous in her own right), who said it best- Britt couldn't stand there through the rose ceremony knowing she might not get picked. I'm not willing to patronize all four of the remaining women by suggesting their anger was nothing more than simple jealousy of the pretty girl. Britt's cutesy little "can I just talk to you for like two seconds," the way you could see her wheels turning in panic when she was talking to Chris, and that ridiculously over the top fake crying scene all suggest to me that she's a shitty actress, not to mention a shallow and obnoxious person.
  6. Or that patents are the only thing she knows much about. She seemed awfully confused by the wireless vents, which I think my cats could understand. She seems to zone out when the conversations get technical. And I don't remember her ever doing anything unusual with her offers, Kevin and Mark are the ones more likely to offer venture debt or something beyond the standard equity or loan (or in Kevin's case, royalties). I may be projecting because I don't like her, but it seems like the only maneuvers she does use (you have to accept now, or maybe a royalty offer) she's picked up from the other sharks.
  7. I wondered about the vent sizes too. I only have one vent that's that size in my house, the rest are other shapes and sizes.
  8. What you said- her whole persona is about making sure that the maximum number of men who would be inclined to like that type get hooked, and she has at least enough of a Bratz doll look to support it. I have to say, as obnoxious as Carly was about it, she was spot on in seeing that. And if you decide to compete for that same group of guys, it would be demoralizing to see them fall for the games of Britt types over and over again. (Which happens plenty in real life.) if you don't have the maturity to see that you don't really want those guys and should be glad they're self-selecting for you, you end up damaged about it like Carly is. I'm genuinely curious of how much of Britt's behavior is conscious and how much of it has just developed in a feedback loop her whole life. I suspect from her tantrums and inability to hold her tongue when it mattered, that Britt grew up as a pretty girl that had her pick of men and learned over the years what kinds of behavior the pretty but empty guys go gaga over. I haven't seen anything to suggest she's smart enough or self aware enough to intentionally act in some of the ways she does (like being all snuggly with the other girls) to achieve a specific end. But I'd note that for all her appeal to a certain type of guy, she hasn't parlayed it into a real relationship, or she'd be famewhoring somewhere else. I was hoping she'd win, in a schadenfreude kind of way. She's clearly been gunning to be the next bachelorette from the beginning, and was only derailed (though she might get it anyway) when her desire not to lose showed us her ego and narcissism is stronger than she may have anticipated. I'd have loved to see her win the "prize" of Farmer Boring and life in Arlington while someone else is the next Bachelorette.
  9. Though I don't have a problem with the concept of Scholly, I do have some issues with it in practice. The main one being that the guy seemed to be perpetuating a lot of misinformation about how financial aid formulas work. (I'm simplifying a bit here.) Everyone seeking financial aid does a FAFSA, the government form for student aid that determines what you "could" pay. Say school, including living expenses, books, etc. are estimated at $50k, and the formula decides your family can afford to pay $10k of that each year (actually paying, not taking out loans). The $40k difference is your "need". Any savings the student has in their own name, outside scholarships, etc. reduce the need first, so in this example you'd have to come up with $40k plus a year in scholarships before it makes a dent in your $10k family/student contribution. Now, if you're from a poor enough family, you might have a minimal contribution under the formula, so scholarships help reduce your needs for loans, which is certainly good. When I applied to colleges (in the dark days of the 1990s), I got into 7 schools, all around the country, ranging from the local state school to Ivy League. The financial aid packages I got from all seven were remarkably similar, and closely followed the FAFSA determination. So I guess I'm actually questioning whether the Scholly guy just assumed he couldn't afford school or whether he made that decision after seeing financial aid offers from schools where he was accepted. Because most schools, esp. more prestigious ones will come up with need based money and loans for students that have a demonstrated need. The other issue I have is that the more people using the service, the less valuable the information gets. If they have 50,000 scholarships and 100,000 users and grow to 500,000 users without adding more scholarships, the competition for the ones in their database will significantly increase. Also, the reality is that the more "unique" you are, the more luck you'll have. An orphaned minority student in a science major with a 4.0 GPA who plays an obscure sport is going to find more options with fewer students competing for them than a middle class white kid with a 3.0 who's third string on their HS football team.
  10. Lori is such a joke. I wouldn't want $40k if it meant I had to listen to her patronizing, condescending drivel. I really wish they'd replace her, because she brings nothing to the table but QVC and hate, and the show doesn't need that drama to be a hit.
  11. As a former Chevron employee, I'd prefer VerizonChipotleExxon to AT&TPaneraChevron.
  12. Nosh and Swig has to be one of the stupidest, most twee restaurant names ever. If I gave someone a few thousand dollars for a pop up, and they spent almost as much on a spray painted blue twig as they did on the food, I'd be hella pissed. Though I'm considering moving to Vegas and getting into the spray painted twig business. I have enough inventory in my yard and garage for a few millions in sales. Also, when Joe and Tim walked in, it looked like they had Christmas trees with bulbs on either side of the door. WTF? And I don't see you hat the silhouettes had to do with the food. Even after the crash, Vegas real estate is pricey, and they don't lack for restaurants. I think you'd either need a really good concept and spectacular food to make it in a sea of low priced options.
  13. There's a difference between the population for a city, which only includes people within the city limits, and the zip code, which would include people whose addresses are still the city but outside the city limits. My parents and I both live in a small town, have the same city in the address, and get mail from the same post office. I live in the Village of Bumblefuck, on a double "city" lot (about 1/3 of an acre) and could easily walk to all the other houses in the Village. My parents live a mile away, outside the village limits, but still colloquially considered Bumblefuck, and the houses there each are on a few acres. If you looked up the population for Bubmblefuck, it would include me and not my parents, but looking it up by zip code will give you both. Zip code gives you a better sense of the real population, because lots of people in rural areas aren't in city limits. That's why Arlington gives you a number in the 400s, but the zip code population is almost 900. Similarly, looking up the population of a big city (Pittsburgh is the closest to me) will give you the population in the city limits, but Pittsburgh metro, or statistical metro includes many more- from suburbs and even some surrounding counties. There is technically nothing "recreational" to do in my town (other than bingo), but there are lots of options within 10-15 minutes, and you just get used to driving. I spent more time in the car when I lived in Pittsburgh to go much shorter distances because of traffic, so for me it's not a big deal. I make the hour + drive to Pittsburgh once or twice a month when I want more options. It's really a matter of preference.
  14. You're right, Saber5055- the 2010 census has the population for Arlington's zip code (50606) as 885 people. Still small, but enough to support a few small businesses.
  15. The Chive did a birthday tribute to Jade around Christmas time, and she still tweets about her "Chive Family", so I'm thinking she doesn't regret her "modeling" career at all. She was still regularly making appearances at Chive events last year. IMO, the more interesting thing is that there are quite a few pics on her twitter of women wearing "Naturally Jade" lipstick (Pink Wisteria) that looks a whole lot like the heinous pink some of the girls are wearing in the show. Remember they listed her job as "Cosmetics Developer". I'm thinking this was just a way to promote her modeling and lip gloss, and if she ended up the Bachelorette, all the better. If that is in fact her stuff the girls are wearing, she'll have tons of pics (and probably supportive tweets, since she seemed to get along well with the girls) to promote it (though it's funny everyone seems to universally hate the obnoxious pink). In that light, I could see her family's response being more of an eye-roll knowing that this was just another of her schemes rather than a search for love. (the elusive "right reasons.") Look how much traffic her pics on both the Playboy and Chive sites have gotten- I guarantee both will be happy to have her back now.
  16. Yeah, Jade's pics/videos are in the "amateur" section of the Playboy website, and they look it. I realize I'm not the target market, but nothing about that video seemed sexy to me. It looked like her panties confused her and then got stuck on her fringey boots as she struggled to get them off. I wonder if the hideous pink lipstick plaguing the girls is from Jade's line of lip glosses? We never got a car interview from Britt. She just wandered off. I'd like to think she and crazy Ashley are still wandering the grounds together. I know it's bitchy, but I could watch her ugly cry for days. She was doing that thing little kids do where they scream and then look to see if you're paying attention, and if not, they cry louder! I can see why she's not getting much work as an actress.
  17. Does anyone know when Jade posed for Playboy? The show made it sound like a youthful indiscretion, but what I could find seems to suggest it was around 2013-2014. She supposedly graduated culinary school at 21 (she was 27 when the show filmed) then worked in Vegas and Omaha before moving to LA. In my mind there's a big difference between regretting at 28 something you did when you were 18, and getting all shy now about something you did last year.
  18. That picture of Britt crying on the recap is genius.
  19. I don't think it's any kind of spoiler since she's off the show- according to some googling, Jade has an arrest history that rivals Chris's, with a DUI conviction of her own. Both have quite a few charges from multiple incidents that never resulted in convictions, and at least one DUI that did.
  20. Chris said in his People blog (I think the link was in the media thread) that he spends a lot of time in Des Moines and that his friends live there. So it's not all farm, all the time.
  21. Leslie Jones looked fabulous. That dress was gorgeous and very flattering on her. I was surprised they didn't bleep Dick in a Box for the 8 o'clock hour when they did for the original.
  22. You know things are crazy when the woman using her hand with makeup on it as a puppet still comes across as far more sane than the "mental health professional."
  23. Have we ever heard Chris ask one of the women about what they do for a living? Seems like that would be a logical conversation and relevant to the expectation to move- though I realize it might have been cut if he did. I wonder if any of the early cuts would have been less drama and more interested in farm life. Do the women know who the Bachelor will be when they sign up? (This is my first season watching.). It'd be a bummer to sign on only to find that you got stuck with the farmer that won't move.
  24. Sorry, Superpole2000, I didn't mean to imply that it wouldn't be a big change and sacrifice for the women. I meant that portraying it as a ghost town that's 3 hours away from civilization isn't really accurate. It might be a ghost town, but there are other towns with signs of life much closer than Des Moines, and you won't really be loading up the runaway mule for your twice-a-year trek to the general store. If Chris wasn't a total dullard, it might be a little easier to deal with. I wish they'd address the job question, though. If they wanted to work, could they? (Both in terms of logistics and Chris's attitude?). Could Whitney, for example find work as a nurse within reasonable driving distance? if any of them were so inclined, they could probably parlay their 15 minutes of fame into a Pioneer Woman style blog or something.
  25. I realize Arlington was probably culture shock for most of these girls, but I think in the proper perspective it's not that big a deal. I grew up (and intentionally moved back to) a small, mostly defunct, former mining/coke oven town (technically a village) in Southwestern PA. There's been a recent boom due to fracking, but my whole life if you wanted to go anywhere, you had to drive. It was 10-15 minutes to "town", for a crappy mall, Walmart (opened in the mid 90s) and a handful of chain restaurants and stores. To get anything trendy or for serious shopping we made the 60-90 minute drive to the "city" (Pittsburgh), though in the last 10 years or so Morgantown, WV has really come into its own. But lots of people choose to live in rural areas where you need to drive to get to anything. The closest Walmart to Arlington is 21 miles (and there are grocery stores closer) that's not outrageous to me, though I get that these girls aren't Walmart girls. I saw the vacant buildings and immediately thought, ooh, I could do something cool there. (I live in a converted church.) I'd love to take over one of those buildings and make a modern general store- little bit of groceries, lunch counter, coffee, etc. and maybe combine with an online business of some sort. Which made me wonder- what if Chris's pick wants to work (whether or not they have kids). Would he be ok with that or just want Susie homemaker baby factory?
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