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Everything posted by spiderpig

  1. At least only one gets to FNS. How many new competitors will there be? (too lazy to look)
  2. Was it on Previously that someone posted the story about LittleBigHead (Giada) having an off-camera staffer holding a spit bucket so LBH didn't have to swallow what she appeared to be tasting?
  3. Now that Hotel Impossible has devolved into inspecting dumps for vermin & filth, I'm hoping GR can find some properties that are redeemable.
  4. My feeling too. She comes across as mean-spirited.
  5. Haven't seen the promo, but the 3 guys are Matthew (please-oh-please-no), Chris and Dom. Hope not because Michelle is my favorite of the bunch.
  6. Could this have something do do with...CHEESE??? This and Hillshire Farm in the same season. The humanity!
  7. Was that a weird ep or what? I know they're gung-ho with the theme baskets, but this was just odd. All the dishes looked the same to me. Maybe because I was comatose before the final judging.
  8. The snark at findadeath is rivaled only by Michael K's snark at dlisted.com
  9. I was thinking the same thing. This show has become more & more like Restaurant Impossible. I enjoyed the episodes where the properties had potential & motivated owners. Lately it's just Anthony finding vermin/mold/filth/horrible staff. As far as last night's Winter Haven property, no matter how much lipstick they put on this pig, I'd still never stay there. *no offense to pigs*
  10. I kept wondering during the whole freezing house scenes why they just didn't take advantage of the "12 rooms, 12 vacancies".
  11. Mr. pig's from Boston, so I found the Boston Cream Pie challenges hilarious.
  12. Ari, when Mr. pig & I saw the lineup of busted chefs, we both said "girls, you are in big trouble". Danni & Frank being the worst - but that's not saying much for the others.
  13. Totally trivial here, but when Ariel & Kristen were standing together waiting for the verdict, their otherwise identical chef jackets buttoned on different sides. Is there a reason for that? (Gordon hasn't sent me mine yet * taps foot*)
  14. If I'm ever imprisoned & tortured for information, send in Penny & Matthew. I'll confess to anything.
  15. Anybody watch the advance showing of episode 1? It's online & On Demand. No spoilers here...but those who annoyed before did not disappoint. They are even more obnoxious now.
  16. It's like an entire cast of Kim (Too Stupid To Live) Bauers from "24".
  17. Chef I-used-my-$10000-to-get-married beat out I-haven't-seen-my-mom.
  18. $500 a night at The Sandy Shore Motel?
  19. (Yay - we're back!) I liked this Chopped Champion. And I'd never heard of 3 of the appetizer basket ingredients. Maybe this has been asked before, but when they bring out a loved one at the end of the show, do they have somebody standing by for each competitor just in case? Or do they edit it in if the winner happens to have a loved one already there?
  20. This is the only series I watch where I pretty much loathe all the regular characters. That said, this was the best ep so far. I went back & watched the online Flt 462 arc which made all the difference in the show. Alex is the best survivor of the bunch & she'd better come back. (Looking at you, writers.)
  21. Thanks for clarifying, Sir Duck. My comment was poorly worded. I think many viewers think "head chef" means "celebrity chef" and expect a high-profile position. Nothing at all wrong with a solid job at a known restaurant. One thing that all these cooking shows have done is increase my respect for chefs. I love to cook, but don't have the concentration or stamina to actually work a line.
  22. I'm not on either team but see all ^ points of view. Both finalists were serious at the pass. As a lifetime carrot-hater I was amused at the sabotages. Even though we all know the position at BLT is mostly a smokescreen, I think what it comes down to is which finalist has more potential in a brigade kitchen.
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