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Everything posted by BooksRule

  1. Oops, I read the TV guide wrong. Mark's Hawaii episode just aired. I didn't watch it (it was on the background in another room), but I did hear 'Over the rainbow' just now. 😞
  2. Each morning, I've been keeping Pop Channel's airing of 'ER' episodes in the background (in the next room) as I work from home. I see from looking ahead in the TV guide that episodes next week will include Mark's Hawaii episode ('Somewhere over the rainbow' gets me every time) and Romano's first helicopter encounter. I'm not sure if I'll watch those or not.
  3. Part of my job at my library is collection development. I'm currently working my way through the history section to see what books we have and where I need to add new titles. I just saw a list of some books about Millard Fillmore. I know he's not exactly the most well-known of our presidents, but he would probably be unhappy that whenever I see his name, this is the only thing that comes to mind:
  4. This reminds me of Nestor Carbonell ('Lost', 'The Dark Knight', etc.) who always looks like he is wearing dark eyeliner, but it's just the natural coloring around his eyes.
  5. Unless there was a scene that was cut for us U.S.. viewers, how could Dr. Turner have been so sure that what Grace had was fibroids and not cancer without doing any type of internal exam or more tests? He assured her that she didn't have cancer and that it was fibroids. What if it had turned out differently? It was an interesting story, and I felt bad for Grace, but she should have spoken up. She definitely wasn't a meek and mild person (as shown by the way she snapped at Sister Frances). Maybe being brought up in an era of having to be the dutiful wife, daughter, etc. and that it was just your 'lot in life' to do it all? I loved the Turners' story and yay! a Tim sighting!
  6. I'm back on my diet as of tomorrow (or maybe Saturday) I swear, but I wanted something sweet to finish out the week. I picked up a Krusteaz Meyer Lemon Bar mix at the store (I love anything lemon), but decided to save it for another time (probably for when everybody gets back to work and feels safe eating a co-workers baked goods). I realized I had the ingredients for a homemade peach cobbler (except I had to substitute half and half for the milk in the recipe) and I just took it out of the oven. The house smells like peaches and nutmeg. I plan to have a serving (or two) as soon as it cools off enough so I can eat some without burning my mouth. Yum!
  7. I'm hoping this fits here (since it is TV), but some of you of a certain age probably remember the 'ABC movie of the week' that aired every Saturday night. There was a new movie each week, some good, some cheesy, but most were great fun to watch. Steven Spielberg's 'Duel' was one of them. So was 'Trilogy of Terror' (with the evil killer doll). One of my favorites was the scifi TV-movie 'Where have all the people gone?' and the comedy 'The girl most likely to...' (with the great Stockard Channing). A really cheesy one was 'Killdozer'. Most are available online and bring back such fond memories. Speaking of a nostalgic memory:
  8. I was a little worried about Eddie, but then I thought that there was no way they would do that to Christopher. But you never know. The episode was definitely intense, because the whole idea of being in a small space (like a cave) with potential darkness and rising water gives me the wiggins big time (the recent episode of '9.1.1. Lone Star' had the one with the dad trapped face down in the cave with his arms pinned and I had sweaty palms the whole time).
  9. My shows are starting to run together, I guess. When Vic was telling about her first call on duty I thought to myself 'hey, the woman-stuck-in-the-window-with-poo couldn't have happened a while back because it just happened'. Then I realized that the exact same story was on an episode of '9.1.1.' several weeks ago (except the woman managed to drop the bundle of yuck out the window). Does this sort of thing happen much in real life? 🙂 I liked the episode okay, but everyone was right when they told the newbie that he really, really needs to let his fiance in on his big news.
  10. The TV guide description was for 'Vice', but this was a repeat from -- I think -- last season. If they had to show a repeat I wish it had been one from earlier this season. I missed a couple of episodes.
  11. Did another show have the 'bone marrow transplant DNA transfer' plot at some point? It sounds vaguely familiar. At least they didn't go with the worn out 'yes, I killed a man years ago but it was justified because he was a bad person blah blah blah...' story. I hoped the Choi/April romance was over for a while, but now I don't know. Sigh.
  12. Sausage jambalaya for dinner. It's almost ready and the house smells like tomatoes, garlic, onion and sausage. Yum!
  13. Danny Goldman had roles in tons of TV shows (and some movies) during the 1970s onward, but I'll always remember him as the snotty medical student in 'Young Frankenstein'.
  14. I liked it. And even though there was some violence, no one got killed (except for the girl's father in a previous heist, apparently), so I watched it as just a reasonably light 'caper' episode. And, although I've deleted the episode already so I can't check the other names, did anyone else notice that the 'thieves' were named Van Cleef and Arpels (the name of a famous jewelry company) and the 'brain' (driver) was named Tiffany (like Tiffany & Co.)?
  15. Googling told me that it was a show called 'The Third Man' starring Michael Rennie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Third_Man_(TV_series)
  16. Thank you for mentioned this program. We have the DVD in my library's collection and I'll have to check it out (as soon as we re-open, of course).
  17. Maybe it was the editing for the U.S. audience, but everything seemed to have been wrapped up very quickly and neatly. The woman who didn't like Lucille very quickly changed her mind about Lucille (I know that she needed Lucille's help, but she went right from sneering at her and ordering her to pick up her magazines to almost being besties in about 60 seconds), the husband of the Pakistani woman went from being angry and ashamed of his wife to being ashamed of himself, swallowing his pride and was well on his way to being a good father/husband. And what about the young woman who had to go home and was terrified of being alone with the baby? We immediately skipped to a happy home with her mother there to help. I know there had to be more story that I didn't see. I'll definitely have to get the DVDs from my local library and catch up (as soon as they are back open, of course). So far, every season of the DVDs have been uncut. I thought the Pakistani woman's problem would have been that the placenta hadn't been delivered and caused an infection (but she had the baby long enough ago that if that had been the problem it would have killed her, I guess).
  18. I actually shouted a Nelson Muntz (from 'The Simpsons') 'Ha ha!' and pointed at the screen when he kicked her out. Good for him.
  19. This episode wasn't too bad, mainly because I was not quite sure how it would end. The discussions with the therapist made it seem that Buck had committed suicide, but I thought that they might be able to save him in the end and they would be sad about their friend needing help and no one noticing. There was a little suspense. The part near the end when Deacon confessed about wanting to commit suicide last year was very well done. Jay Harrington knocked it out of the park in that scene. I also liked the way that they didn't totally abandon the job (meaning letting another squad handle things) in order to save their friend. They did what they could, but understood that the job had to come first.
  20. That was supposed to be a coral snake, right? Then why did it sound like a rattler? The episode was okay, but I'm just hoping that someone returned the little doggo back to the 'ghost lady'.
  21. I thought for sure that when Bobby and Harry got back from picking a place to plant the tree, they would find Michael either unconscious or dead in the tent. As for the ending, I knew that we would see the guy who assaulted what's-his-name (sorry, I can't remember) again, but I didn't know when or where.
  22. Children's author/illustrator Tomie dePaola has died (from injuries sustained in a fall). Even if you don't know his name, if you have children, you are probably familiar with some of his books. I have several of them in my Scholastic Book Club paperback collection (My favorite is 'The popcorn book', since that's my favorite snack. 🙂 ) So sad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomie_dePaola
  23. BooksRule

    S03.E12: Fools

    I think the fishing trip story in the description was last week, wasn't it? (With Shari Belafonte and Greg Evigan? Although if you go to imdb.com, Shari is listed for this episode also as well as last week. I'm confused. 🙂 ) The 'bullet in the head' story turned out differently than I expected. I thought we were going to find out that she tried to shoot her husband and the bullet ricocheted somehow and hit her instead (although I wasn't sure how she could have shot herself in the back of the head). Her husband tried to cover it up when she forgot about being shot (so she wouldn't leave him?). I dunno. I loved seeing Patricia Belcher as the neighbor. She's good in everything she does.
  24. I did like Ben and Pruitt's little adventure. Ben: 'If I was gonna give Death a name, it would be...Chad.'
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