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Everything posted by LakeGal

  1. I spent seasons waiting for Clay to pay. I realize now I am going to spend the final season waiting for Gemma to pay. Will it happen? I will be very disappointed if it never happens. I do love the music on this show.
  2. Well it didn't take them long to blow up at each other. I will stick with it because I am curious who will last and who won't.. How many will just up and quit. A year is a long time to be gone. That is probably the reason for a lot of the strange pioneers. Most normal people can't just take a year off of their lives.
  3. Graham is so not into AshLee. But she has claimed him and he has given up and accepted it as his fate while he is there. AshLee wants the date card so Graham is forced to spend time alone with her. It seems like he surrounds himself with others to avoid being alone with her. I also believe the reason she (& others) want the date card is so they get camera time. Lacey & Marcus seem to spend a lot of time alone/dating even without date cards. But if the media whores on this show want camera time they have to go on a date.
  4. I really did start to wonder if the twins had problems with the Mentos roadblock because the one was colour blind. It was ridiculous how long it was taking him. Even going line by line he should have been able to redo it and see his mistake. I didn't really see the big problem with them U-turning Alain & Audrey. I believe Alain & Audrey only went up to the twins to make nice because they knew they were an hour behind them. It was in their interest to make the deal about not U-turning each other more than it was in the twins benefit since they were in the lead. I do not like U-turns in the race. I never have. But if you are going to race you might as well take advantage of what you think will help you. Sukhi and Jinder continue to annoy me. They are the ones always asking for help. Yet they got so upset that the boys had the nerve to ask them for help in that one challenge. It upset them enough that they used it as a reason to U-turn the boys. Sukhi & Jinder can't be eliminated soon enough for me.
  5. Michelle is acting like she is Aunt Michelle. The older female the other females all confide in and get advice from. Aunt Michelle has to keep up on all the action and gives us the play-by-play of what is happening. I started expecting to see several of them carrying baskets around. So much talk about putting eggs in baskets. AshLee is pretty until she opens her mouth. I always wondered why she needed this show to find a man. But I expect she has a lot of first dates and then the men run. She is very insecure. I believe she is still steaming about Clare having the nerve to ask Graham on that date at the beginning. She hasn't let it go and hates the competition. She has to knock Clare down to make herself feel better and secure. But she also wants to put on the perfect act. She has her image and she doesn't want anyone to see her fall off her pedestal. She acts for the cameras. Marquel is getting some of his own actions back. He ignored Danielle to go with Jackie. Now Jackie did the same to him to sample Jesse. Marquel looks nice but his personality is showing and he has really gone down on the likeable scale. What is wrong with Jackie's cleavage? Cody seems like a teddy bear. Clare should have went out with him. Zach pretty much admitted he is only with her till someone better comes along.
  6. Both Linden and Col Rayne had a lot of close up shots on their face with no makeup. I laughed that Holder finally had a cell that wasn't a flip phone at the end. I assume that was their way of showing it was years later after his daughter was born. I noticed the death date on Bullet's gravestone and it was May 2014. That seemed odd since it was 2013 when she was killed. But with this added season they used a more recent date. I also found myself wondering who paid for the nice gravestone for her. Bullet didn't really come from a family that could afford that. I enjoyed this season. I loved all the callbacks in this episode. I was shocked when Richmond wheeled into the room. I was certainly not expecting to see him. The seal-like body on the beach in Linden's dream. Just a lot of little moments that brought back earlier seasons. I was happy with how they ended this series. It is very bittersweet for me. I enjoyed the series and will miss it. But they ended it just right. I don't often say that. Seeing Linden & Holder later and in a better place. Linden almost even smiled.
  7. I watched all the seasons that were on Netflix and then started getting the DVDs. I am up to the end of 24 where Ben Jones has his last episode. I haven't seen the new guy yet. But I liked Troy, Scott and Ben. They were all appealing in their own way. I have even warmed to John after missing Tom. I do like John's dog Sykes. I do not miss Cully. She annoyed me so often.
  8. I have been watching one episode a day to be able to sit back and think about each episode and enjoy the buildup to the finale. I really wish Wilson Cat would have spoiler tagged that post like was asked by others. I just got spoiled and it ruined it for me. I now don't dare read the ep 5 thread till I have watched the entire series. I do not want to have the finale ruined too. This episode was a bit hard to watch at first. I didn't like the itsy bitsy spider slapfest. The boys really have a strange relationship with Rayne. Linden can really be very unlikeable. Last episode it was Holder with his family. This time it was her. I am glad neither is in my family. I really liked the final scene.
  9. Well a lot happened in this episode. Linden and Holder are both falling apart. They are both seen doing/saying things. We find out about Lincoln. We even find out more about Cat. The dead family were all pretty dreadful people except the child Nadine. I am really enjoying this short season.
  10. I am enjoying this case more than the season 3 case. Too bad they didn't do this case sooner. The show might have lasted longer.
  11. I finally sat down and started watching this final season. I enjoyed the first episode. But I did not watch season 3 recently so I was trying to remember things. I remembered Skinner being killed. But it took me a minute to remember Adrian and everything else. I know I should go back and re-watch the final episode of season 3 but I just didn't want to. I do like the camera work on this show. Linden sitting in her car in the empty lot. Holder leaning on the balcony deep in thought. And it isn't raining all the time.
  12. I got all weepy too. What a great episode. I am really enjoying our Canadian version.
  13. Every time I hear about Heather I have to stop and think "who is Heather?" I keep forgetting about her and her name. She is not making any impression on me at all. I cheered when they shot Drew. I just wish they would continue to kill off the Ramos family and the entire cartel storyline. I am watching a show called Dallas. They keep trying to make this show Mexico. I love the chemistry between John Ross and Pamela. I could watch them for the entire hour. I am glad Emma has been exposed. She lost the hold on John Ross that Pamela might find out about them. She can no longer use that to blackmail him into seeing her.
  14. I wanted Jackie or Danielle to pick Graham for their first date. I just wanted to see AshLee's reaction. Elise must have gone shopping with Big Brother Rachel. The green sequins on that swimsuit gave me Rachel flashbacks. The bachelors have to start wondering if they are in Paradise or in a pool of delusional desperate women. Why do these women immediately grasp onto a guy and then feel ownership of him? Too bad they were not forced to go on different dates similar to speed dating. I would like to see some of the different hookups that could occur. Once they hookup for good they should be forced to leave Paradise like Chris & Elise did. Sarah and Michelle both need to realize they are allowed to find men to date that have never been on the Bachelor franchise. They are both coming off as desperate like this is their last chance at a relationship.
  15. Well I am glad I checked to see who won. Now I don't have to bother and watch the finale. I hate Lenny.
  16. Julia Roberts. I have disliked her forever. I have never understood the appeal. I wish she would just go away. Paul Rudd. I don't hate the guy. But I am sick of him being in so many movies. He is everywhere and I wish he would just take a couple years off acting.
  17. I have never understood why Graham is considered so attractive. I think he is rather average.
  18. I had not heard of this most recent case with the twins killing their mother. But I guessed that was where they were going when they started out talking about how angelic the girls were. I always enjoy a new case with Keith narrating. The one hour format also doesn't get quite as repetitive as some of the dragged out 2 hour ones. The girls showing up wearing long sleeves and killer gloves should have been the first clue to the cops. I also wanted them to check if anyone could prove that either of the twins was in the habit of biting herself. That did seem to be an excuse for the bite mark by her mother.
  19. Before the show even started I expected Rocky or Nikki to get the boot. I assume they kept Nikki since she is the last female standing. Comedy is something that nobody can really describe and what one finds funny another does not. I have even felt up and down on various comics this season. One week I like them the next I don't. I normally love Rodman but tonight I found his right arm flying around to be kind of distracting. Joe's little quirks are not as funny anymore either. I do wonder if NBC is looking for the best standup comic or for who they can build a TV show around. Would this person be the star or the comic relief crazy friend? It all makes a difference.
  20. I knew it was going to be a non-elim. It always is when I dislike the last team. Sukhi needs to do her own racing. She acts like the others should stop and help them. What part of RACE does she not understand? Yet she keeps asking rather than doing her own thing. I believe the teams that showed up later had an advantage finding the clue box in the market. The first teams were fighting heavy crowds and all the market place was open. The later teams had very few people in the way and some of the stores were even closed by then. I am still happy the hockey gals are in first place.
  21. I always thought Ronn was a strange dude. This just verified that.
  22. I just can't support Rex & Bob anymore after this. They gave up not once but twice in the same location. I understand getting exhausted from the surfing and realizing it would only get harder because they were sore and tired. But to give up on making a chair. That was ridiculous. Bob could have slowly worked on that a little at a time and got it completed before that penalty of hours was up. I don't like that they took a spot on this show from people who really wanted to compete. Face it. They got on this show because of Rex's celebrity. They owe it to the viewers to at least try and run the race.
  23. I can't believe Mr Fister had a wife that stuck up for him. Why Why Why? He was so tall he had to be so intimidating to all those women he abused. I truly hope he gets convicted.
  24. I just saw this episode. The husband really came off as guilty. I wanted to see what he looked like today. I also was curious what he did for money now and if he was remarried. His wife is missing for 4 weeks and he doesn't inquire with her parents if they have heard from her. Unbelievable.
  25. OK Thanks. She acts so entitled I thought she was born a princess.
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