1.5k -
Christine would have an even bigger fit when I informed that I want actual advance notice that someone is even coming over to my house. Christine/Janelle and Robyn/Meri clearly had polar opposite parenting styles. I don't see how this polygamous arrangement would ever work with everyone happy. I suspect most of the kids had few to no rules when Christine and Janelle were in charge, which made it impossible for Meri and then Robyn to enforce reasonable rules, never mind their more neurotic rules as well. No kid is going to want to go to Meri's house when they can stay home and do whatever they want.
Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
Kellyee replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/sister-wives-kody-brown-christine-171225223.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABboJUNRcxI9i4KvI-o7BsZTmzG6R9gK0CFWDyg2USuziuX1N2tYli4474WwmlUH6Nrf8P4bRV5RvKprlnaqxH-Ic-0tBpeWVHqesTLRsoYij7QE9VFAk0lRI7vZ2dchRN0G4BUCsK3CEHN6L9byJlj6rSGkISBRHRBagtI5MYFU I really hope that Christine doesn't come to regret taking this custody issue to court. Kody allowed her to leave the state with no visitation or custody plan. The court could now make decisions that are not in Christine's favor. I had a friend who tried to do something similar, and her ex ended up getting a lot of visitation time, and my friend had to get her child there and back because she moved for questionable reasons. -
S19.E16: A Time to Weep, A Time to Laugh
Kellyee replied to Mod-Tranquilizer's topic in Sister Wives
The best part of this entire episode was the shot of Kody's hair after Robyn's accident. It's looking pretty sparse on top of Kody's head. Other than that, I have no interest in the bullshit scripted discussion between Kody and Robyn or having to watch Christine's wedding AGAIN after they already did a 2-part special on Christine's wedding that I didn't watch. Watching Meri burn those t-shirt squares would have been super entertaining. -
I really hope we get some talk back episodes for this season. I would love to hear their opinions on what each of them is saying after the fact.
I think Meri offered to divorce Kody because she secretly wanted Kody to refuse and declare his love for her and his commitment. The whole thing is just sad. Didn't Kody and Robyn even take a second honeymoon after the divorce was finalized? I don't believe Christine on all things, but I believe her that Robyn brought up the divorce idea early on. For someone supposedly so devoted to Meri, Robyn didn't bother to call her during Covid or keep commitments to spend time with her. Christine is right that Robyn's words never match her actions. I feel bad for Aurora and Breanna. I think they are forced to film this crap because their parents need the money and have no other storyline. They should be allowed to go to church without their mother. I went to college Christian Fellowship for several years and it was a great way to make new friends. And my mother didn't need to chaperone it.
Robyn's older daughters need more independence. They should be able to check out churches without Robyn weighing in. From the way they talked, it sounded like Robyn and Kody had to approve the church or something. There is a huge difference between how Robyn parents and how the other (ex) wives parent, and I think Kody likes how Robyn enforces more control over her kids' lives. I got a real "Duggar vibe" from the church conversation with Robyn and the girls. Even though it looked totally staged, I thought the women having lunch with Meri gave her some really great perspective. Meri would really benefit from some therapy to help her unpack everything that has happened since she got married at only 19 years old to a guy who later told her he wished he never married her.
I want someone to tell me what ever possessed Meri and Janelle to hand over money that was going directly to purchasing a massive house for Robyn?? At least Christine bought her own home. What hold did Kody have over Meri and Janelle??
I was happy to see that Christine is sensitive enough to Ysabel's feelings that she told her about the engagement ahead of time in private and didn't spring it on her at the party. I'm also glad to see Meri getting away from Flagstaff. As others have said, I think a lot of these interactions between the wives and also between wives and Kody are forced by TLC at this point. Janelle would have just called Meri and not gone to see her in person if they didn't need to film it. At least we saw Robyn walking around someplace besides her own yard and off her couch, but her crying was once again horribly fake. According to Meri, Robyn barely saw her when she lived close by, and didn't see her at all during Covid. I'm curious about why Meri didn't see her sister and bro-in-law during Covid and doesn't appear to be spend holidays with them. Are they only close while filming? I can't care about Kody, no matter how hard I might (not) want to try. He made his own bed and he can lie in it.
I want to see a show where Meri's friend Jenn asks Robyn all the questions the rest of us want answers to. For example, if Robyn is so desperate for the big family, why does she avoid spending time with Meri and letting Meri see the kids?? Why do Robyn's words not match her actions?? Has anyone else noticed that they keep showing Meri, Christine, and Janelle out doing things and seeing people, and all they ever show of Robyn anymore is her either sitting on the couch in her house, or the interview couch? What else does Robyn do all day? Or is the Nanny just taking care of everything?
They actually sold it at a profit. There are news articles about it that you can Google.
Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore
Kellyee replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
I have no interest in the entire Christine/David storyline. They come off like horny teenagers and Christine doesn't appear to care how any of this affects her children. The Christine/David thing is now eating up more than half of every episode. I've started fast-forwarding through it. It's becoming more obvious that they have no show because the original adults don't interact. Even Christine and Janelle are going in separate directions. They are all in completely different geographic locations. I think they are feeling us out for a Christine/David spinoff series, and I wouldn't watch it. -
Janelle only came around to "warn" Meri when it would benefit Janelle. I agree with Janelle about Kody and Robyn, but I also agree with Meri being skeptical of Janelle claiming to have her back. I think Janelle does what works for Janelle most of the time. That visit wasn't really for Meri. Janelle needs an ally. Janelle has no intention of being Meri's friend in the future. Janelle doesn't really care about Meri any more than Kody and Robyn do. Janelle and Meri just happen to be in the same boat right now, and Janelle wants to use that to her advantage in getting her money out of Coyote Pass.
I think that neither Meri or Christine were cut out for polygamy, despite how they were raised. Meri reacted to an additional wife (who was also her brother's ex) with jealousy and controlling/manipulative behavior. Christine reacted by trying to get more of her husband's time and mostly rejecting Robyn from the start. In different environments, they both behave very differently. I'm glad we are seeing a different side of Meri. Polygamy assumes that someone can get past the jealousy of having to share a spouse (especially when the sharing isn't even equal). Not everyone can do that. Janelle seems cut out for polygamy though, because she seems to love time to herself and the ability to make all her own decisions. I think all 3 ex-wives are happier and better off without Kody.
I never liked Christine much, but she often gets a pass because of the crap that comes out of Kody's mouth. Christine parentified her kids years ago, and she continues to treat them as friends/equals by making out with her new boyfriend in front of them. She doesn't even care that Ysabel is uncomfortable. I would never be interested in any Christine/David or Christine/Janelle spinoff series. Kody sounded like a huge ass in his talking heads during his meeting with Janelle. He basically admitted he is just playing/manipulating everyone, and is using asking to reconcile with Janelle as part of that. Then he wonders why his kids don't speak to him. I don't see how we have a storyline past this season, unless they go into the issues between Christine and Kody. Which isn't likely. Half the show has become Christine and David, and I just fast-forward through it.
But I think he sees himself as equal to Sonny Bono fame-wise. Which is comical. Maybe Sonny's estate loaned him the money for that new house.