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  1. This hospital has another hitherto never before seen entrance ‽‽
  2. So Charlie is developing an eating disorder?

    Season 01

    Yeah I couldn’t work it out either. Appeared female though. ETA: apparently it was the blonde woman who was fighting with the mother over locker space.

    Season 01

    Good cliffhanger for episode 3. Now to wait a week

    Season 01

    Brilliant first two episodes. Shame Apple didn’t release the first three episodes at once like they usually do for debut series.
  6. John Cera's voice was giving me Rick n Morty vibes.
  7. Just finished watching the Ellen x Katherine interview and I absolutely adored it. I could have listened to that for hours.
  8. The guy who chased Beard in season 2 Beard After Dark episode or what ever it was called. Super obscure to bring him back.
  9. Yeah I noticed her lips looking a lot fuller than normal. Nice to see Daryl from Charmed as one of the doctors.
  10. I really want to know more about this mysterious Richmond coach that has popped up a couple of times this season. Must be a character that was cut in post production.
  11. One of the football tv pundits was the coach that Rebecca sacked in the pilot, right?
  12. Does anyone know what shoes Colin was wearing in the opening scene ?
  13. Katy Wix (CFO) is an amazing talent so hopefully she has more to come. She’s too good to waste on a single 5 second one shot, so fingers crossed there’s more for her.
  14. Was it mentioned prior to tonight that Mika was a lesbian? That was one not so hidden filming cut between the indoor and outdoor sets at Meredith‘s house. Adam’s coat switching positions incorrectly gave it away.
  15. Nice to see Altman skirting her responsibilities 5minutes after becoming chief. This bodes well. /s
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