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Everything posted by geekamonggeeks

  1. Totally true, you guys. Gross people attract gross people, I guess. I questioned Taylor's decision to have a baby with Adam after seeing all the crap he put Chelsea through. At least she had the decency to kick herself in the ass when he did to her and Paislee what he had done to Chelsea and Aubree. Thank God Adam got himself fixed so Aubree and Paislee won't have a slew of half-siblings littering the Midwest.
  2. I'm so confused why any woman would hitch herself to Adam Lind after seeing him act like a human garbage bag for the last six years or so. He hasn't changed at all. He's still a neglectful father who can't have custody of his older daughter and who always complains about having to pay support for his children, who always badmouths the women who gave birth to his kids for being selfish hags because they have the audacity to ask him to help financially support the children he fathered. He's endangered Aubree's safety and then basically said Chelsea was being a bitch for being concerned and angered. He almost killed two elderly people in a fiery car crash and then blamed them. He's a total scumbag, and any woman who willingly dates him or gets engaged to him is an idiot.
  3. So is Jenelle really having Uncle Dave's baby? Please tell me it's not true. Please tell me she's not having another kid with another scumbag. I'm sort of out of the loop, but the question is...do I really want to know the truth that this complete waste of human life is having another child to abuse and ignore?
  4. I rolled my eyes when he was apparently lambasting Cate for having Nova too early. "You thought you were ready to be a mom, but it's just not working out" or whatever the hell he said. Where were you when your wife was getting pregnant, you asshat? Did she use a turkey baster to impregnate herself? Did she take advantage of Tyler when he was drunk and passed out? Both he and Catelynn defended their choice to have a baby together, saying they were ready because they were twenty-two and had their own cell phones, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tyler is going to turn around and act like conceiving again wasn't his idea. I mean, he already ignores Nova and didn't even realize she was out of their house for several days at a time. I can see him trying to twist the situation by saying, "I sort of thought we weren't ready for a kid, but Cate really wanted one because she already missed out on so much with Carly" without outright saying, "I regret having another child with Catelynn" or admitting that he only agreed to have another kid to secure a story line and that rumored second baby bonus. Speaking of Nova, Cate is doing her a huge disservice by staying in such a toxic, unhealthy marriage. How can she teach her daughter how to have good self-esteem when Cate is keeping herself tethered to a man who puts her down constantly. If Cate really wanted to be a good role model for her child, then she'd tell Tyler to start treating her with some respect or else he's out. She's already put up with his crap for the last seven years. Is she really going to deal with this for the rest of her life? Is it worth it just to say she married her middle-school sweetheart? It's like they're both stuck on being the ultimate success story without wanting to admit that things have changed drastically between them and they're no longer compatible.
  5. I feel like Tyler really didn't give a rat's ass that Cate "cheated" on him and was just looking for an excuse to break up with her without looking like a total ass for doing so. He tried to paint her as this cheater to look sort of justified for dumping her. I think this was around the same time Cate was living with him, and Tyler had Kim throw her out, knowing she would have to live with abusive April and Butch again. I think that was the worst thing about it. Not only was he giving her crap for something she had done years before, I think it was worse that he threw her to the wolves because he didn't want to date her anymore. As cruel as he was, Tyler would have done a great service to Catelynn if he had broken up with her at that moment. It would have been the best thing for both of them. Unfortunately, he was too chicken-shit to follow through, and Cate was too sad and traumatized from placing Carly to lose the only thing they had in common.
  6. Then again, this is the woman who let an ex-con from Walmart change Leah's diapers while Amber rested in the other room. I mean, I hate Maci, but when she had Kyle King change Bentley's diaper, at least she stayed right there to supervise and make sure everything was okay. And she did that with a guy she had known for years. Granted, I think that was less like, "Let me make sure this guy doesn't do anything weird with my son" and more akin to, "Let me make sure he does this right and doesn't get baby crap everywhere." But, still, she stayed like she should've. Amber had a felon changing Leah's diaper and left him to his own devices. Thank God the cameras were there. It's all a blur since it happened a few years ago, but didn't it turn out that that dude was a pedophile? Or was that another pre-gel boyfriend? Anyway, it doesn't surprise me that Amber is hitching herself to a creepy, skeevy, abusive alleged rapist who's also a deadbeat dad to boot. Matt really isn't any better than the weirdos she would pick up at Walmart.
  7. I'm guessing they were a lot like Amber---weak-willed, desperate to be loved, easy to manipulate with obvious lies and deceit. We saw Matt practically sweep Amber off her feet when he claimed that he, too, used to be a drug addict. One of the women he tried to scam was the director of some group that helps victims of child molestation. Matt got close to her by claiming he had been sexually abused as as kid and had written a book about it. Who knows what other stories he's pulled out of his ass for the others, but I'm sure he came up with some wild ones. Also, I know it was said already, but it bears repeating. The dude was accused of sexual assault and the woman who made the accusation ended up committing suicide. I don't know if Matt did it or not, but how Amber could rationalize having him around her daughter when he's had that sketchy of a past is beyond me. Never mind the fact he has a history of treating women and children like shit---he's also an alleged rapist. What a great guy to leave around Leah unsupervised.
  8. I'm guessing he used them to further his manipulation of their mothers. Then, when Matt no longer had any use for the moms, he had no problem dumping the kids because he never truly wanted them in the first place. They were just means to an end for him. He's so disgusting.
  9. They haven't saved shit. They're constantly throwing money away like it's Kleenex. Maci and Amber were both in massive amounts of debt, and I know that Amber couldn't pay rent at one point. Then you have Catelynn and Tyler, who were both working very minimum wage jobs when "OG" was resurrected. All of them talked a great deal about going to school and getting good jobs, and now look at where they are. They're all still stuck in the same dead-end towns, dating the same type of dead-end losers, two of them have had subsequent children to ignore and pawn off, and they haven't accomplished anything despite having literally all the time and money in the world to do so. It really is a sad day when Farrah seems like the only one who's financially stable and doing crap.
  10. Amber is screwing up her own life as she sees fit. There's no hope for her whatsoever. I agree that she doesn't really deserve "better" because she's not bettering herself and blatantly ignoring all the red flags. I mean, if she doesn't want to face facts, then what hope is there?
  11. Talk away, my friend. There's a huge difference between having to take time off due to health or financial issues, and then taking time off because you're a lazy slug like Maci.
  12. So they're running an "OG" marathon and Maci (who's newly pregnant with Jayde at this point), tells her friend that she first started going to college in January 2009. And she's still in class and talking about graduating that spring, which I'm fairly sure didn't happen since she pretty much dropped out as soon as her second pregnancy got confirmed. Anyway, I graduated high school in June 2009. I already have my degree and am going back to school. At the time this episode aired, Maci spent about five years getting her Associates Degree. It's just...my God. She's spent five years trying to get a degree that can usually be obtained within two. At this point, she'll probably get her degree by the time Maverick's in college. It's almost insulting that she's still trying to act like furthering her education is her top priority when there's literal video proof that it never was and never will be.
  13. There's an "OG" marathon on MTV right now and they're airing the episode where Tyler posts that Carly video on his fan page and then throws a shitfit when Brandon and Teresa get upset that he deliberately broke their rules. And he's sitting there ranting and raving about how they shouldn't have adopted Carly if they didn't like the fact that she had pseudo-famous birth parents. Catelynn's crying, and Tyler has the audacity to ask why she's so upset. Gee, buddy, it couldn't be because you're jeopardizing her relationship with her firstborn over the fact that you're not allowed to share photos with your crazy, sycophantic fans? No, she's obviously crying because B&T are just being so unfair by asking these two clods to do one simple thing. It's so clear. I read this somewhere, and I forget who said it, but I think it bears repeating: Tyler will be the worst thing to happen to Cate's relationship with Carly. I can see him interfering in their conversations or intercepting Carly's letters or emails to Cate to see if she's saying shit about him. He'll constantly be reminding her, "I was the only one who wanted to give you up for adoption. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have had that really nice upper middle-class lifestyle. So you better be nice to me or else." I mean, he plays these games with Catelynn, B&T, and other people in his life. I can totally see Tyler trying to manipulate Carly to fit his goals and narrative. God help her if she ever decides she doesn't want to have a relationship with him when she gets old enough to make that decision herself. I mean, it's already bad enough that his child's adoptive parents don't really like him and only put up with him for his wife's sake. But if Carly herself---the only reason why he even has a modicum of fame---wants nothing to do with him? Tyler will never get over it, and he will rake his own flesh-and-blood child over the coals just so he can remind everybody of the one mature decision he's ever made in his entire life.
  14. I personally think part of the reason why Cate got so depressed after her wedding was because she was realizing that she married a guy who really wasn't worth squat. The way he so blatantly puts her down, the way he ignores their daughter, the way he jeopardized the adoption because his ego was bruised, the way he doesn't hide the fact that he dislikes her and regrets being with her. I mean, you're spot on with your comment. How does Catelynn get through each day, knowing she only went through with the adoption to appease this assclown? I know she had so many legitimate reasons to initially place Carly, but she only went through with it because she knew point-blank that Tyler would've left her to be a single mother. Giving up Carly really was the best decision, but I think Tyler played on Catelynn's abandonment issues and fears of being dumped to convince her when she had her doubts. He didn't want to raise Carly, and now he doesn't want to raise Nova. No wonder Catelynn's depressed.
  15. It's bad that I found that the only genuinely shocking thing about the trailer.
  16. God, she seemed so desperate when he proposed. I'd be embarrassed for her if I actually liked her or gave a damn about her. I don't think Maci even likes Taylor enough to marry him. I think she just wanted to get married because she was embarrassed that she was approaching twenty-five with three children by two different fathers. It wouldn't have mattered who proposed to her as long as she gets her ring and wedding. Hell, I think she'd be even happier if Ryan was the one who proposed.
  17. I discussed this quite a bit back in my TMJ days, but if Matt has to pay child support for these children, then that means that he is the father, correct? I mean, there's paperwork showing that he's the father. It's not these "crazy exes" gunning for Matt's money now that he's living off of Amber's MTV moolah. They want child support because he's their kids' FATHER and he owes it to them to at least financially support them. I was really hoping that Amber would've come to her senses between seasons and realize that this guy is bad news, but she's so stubborn and pig-headed. It's like, the more proof there is that Matt is a total liar and scumbag, the more determined Amber is to marry him and prove all the ~haters~ wrong. I just hope she doesn't get pregnant by him; that would be truly awful news.
  18. I just watched the trailer for this upcoming season, and they're trying to play off like Maci's third pregnancy was a total surprise. There's a scene when Taylor asks Maci if she thinks she might be pregnant again and then another scene where she acts totally surprised by a positive pregnancy test. Meanwhile, not only was she a few months along last season, but she was trying to hide her baby belly. Who the hell does she think she's fooling?
  19. I just watched the trailer and I think Tyler actually said, "You may have thought you were ready to be a mom, but it's just not working." It sounds like he's projecting to somebody else (probably Kim) about Cate's PPD. I think he was talking about Nova. Those two should just admit that they were not ready to have a child, no matter how many cell phones and cars they own.
  20. Exactly. It's kind of a moot point because, as you've said, Catelynn and Tyler never would have been picked to be on TV if they hadn't chosen adoption in the first place. So I think they need to work on letting go of that constant, "If we had kept Carly, we still would've been on Teen Mom and everything would've worked out." Maybe if they decided to keep Carly at the end of "16 and Pregnant", things would've turned out the way they wanted it to. But Tyler made it clear to Cate that he would walk if she parented, and she admitted that she went through with the adoption so she wouldn't end up a single mother. That's what gets me. Cate ultimately placed Carly because she knew Tyler would've left her holding the baby, while Tyler admitted a few times that he couldn't see himself being with Catelynn forever. Now they're married with a child and they're both miserable. Gee, I wonder why? These two should've taken a well-deserved break from each other after the adoption; instead they clung together even tighter. There was absolutely no room for any individual growth for either of them.
  21. Man, Nova looks just like Catelynn, and she's got the patented Lowell five-head to boot. I wonder how much it annoys Tyler...if he's even around Nova long enough to realize that she doesn't really look like him.
  22. I think the opposite will happen, that B&T will close down things with Tyler but still keep contact with Catelynn. I think they recognize that Tyler is mostly to blame for all the issues they've had, and that Cate is way more respectful of their boundaries and rules. Tyler is very lucky that Teresa has such a good relationship with Catelynn; if she didn't, I think the adoption would've been closed by now.
  23. Or Butch, because I don't think Kim has the time or the desire to take care of Nova three days out of the week. I mean, April raised Catelynn and Butch hardly raised Tyler, and look at how well they turned out. I'm sure Nova will be fine.
  24. According to MTV.com, Catelynn and Tyler went to Comic Con in costume (no sign of Nova). You'll never in a million years guess who Tyler went as, you guys. Never.
  25. I was honestly surprised when Catelynn got pregnant again because she and Tyler just seem so sexless. They totally give the vibe that they sleep in separate beds even though they don't. Hell, they don't even give off the vibe that they're in love with each other. Catelynn is always depressed and withdrawn; she looks like she's waiting for the day when Tyler runs out to get a pack of cigarettes and never comes back. Meanwhile, Tyler is clearly annoyed and regretful of some of the decisions he's made lately. Their relationship makes no sense to me.
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