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Everything posted by geekamonggeeks

  1. For years, Tyler made Catelynn jump through hoops until he finally agreed to marry her. I think he's going to do the same thing but with kids now. "Yeah, honey, I'll have another baby with you if you drop fifty pounds this month" or something. Or, "I'll definitely consider having another child if you don't have an anxiety attack for three whole months." This is inherently not a bad idea because Cate really does need to better herself before she even thinks about getting pregnant again. But this time she'll be doing it for Tyler, not for herself or for the sake of her children. Once again, she'll drive herself crazy just trying to appease him so he can throw her a bone. Her anxiety will probably rev up because she'll be so scared of failing Tyler or bothering him. She'll never be free or truly happy until she's away from him and his constant scrutiny.
  2. I realized something interesting about Cate and Tyler's talk of having more kids someday. Last season. Tyler was gung-ho about having another baby while Cate seemed scared shitless at the mere thought of getting pregnant again. Last night, Cate was all about having a large family while Tyler was rolling his eyes and looking extremely irritated. I don't think he wants anymore kids period. Like Ryan with Bentley, I think Tyler learned his lesson with Nova. However, Cate almost seemed desperate to hear him say that he wanted to have another baby with her. How she could even think about having more kids when she's depressed and miserable is beyond me. I don't think she wants another baby because she has that desire but because she thinks it might keep Tyler around more because she's so terrified of losing him. Honey, look at his face. Look at how bothered he is. He does not want more kids, especially with you.
  3. I think it's because she's so short that she looks a lot heavier than she would if she were any taller. She has a compact shape and very large breasts which look like they weigh her down. Cate definitely needs to get her eating habits under control---the fast food and garbage need to go---but I'm more worried about her face. She looks exhausted all the time and she had several open sores last night. She's probably migrated from chewing off her fingernails to picking at her face. Not good.
  4. I was surprised by how normal she seemed. I know it won't last.
  5. I was kind of surprised when Cate admitted that her upbringing was traumatic when in past episodes she claimed that she had a happy childhood and was thus blindsided by her depression. The walls are finally coming down. Maybe this means she'll finally admit that Tyler makes her feel like crap, but I shouldn't hold my breath.
  6. I barely remember Maci being in this episode, but I did love when she was bragging about finally getting engaged and then said in the same breath that she didn't want to plan the wedding and it was going to be so "stressful" because she and Taylor were going to invite over a hundred friends. Her friend looked so disappointed that she was complaining once again about something. She can never be truly happy unless she has something to bitch about. And look at the baby belly when she's in bed with Taylor. There's no way she didn't know she was pregnant with that thing hanging around. she's such a liar.
  7. Did Catelynn really just cover up the camera with a Post-It note so she could take a drag? Honey, it isn't a secret that you smoke. In fact, there are rumors that she smoked during her pregnancy with Nova. She's also been seen smoking in photos. Who does she think she's fooling?
  8. Kim finally lost me when she laughed over Tyler calling Cate a heifer. Something tells me she wouldn't be laughing if Cate admitted that she insulted Tyler's tiny head or something. And then Kim has the nerve to complain that Cate has no drive to do something with her life. Meanwhile, her son has not only not finished college, but has admitted that he doesn't want a regular job because he thinks it's beneath him. Suck on that Kim; your precious baby boy is a complete and total loser.
  9. That wedding ring convo was hilarious. Who expects to be paid back for something you bought yourself? And did Farrah say that she got herself an engagement ring when Simon hasn't even proposed yet? What a dingbat. My dad was watching the beginning with me. He said that he already didn't like Tyler after hearing him say just three words. Enough said.
  10. My heart goes out to Catelynn because I always think of what it was like, right after she gave Carly up, and the time came for her to go back home. I hope Kim let her stay with them for a little bit shortly after the adoption was finalized, but at some point Cate returned to April because she moved out temporarily in season 1. I mean, Jesus Christ. Cate just gave her baby up, feels so alone and torn up about it, and her mother and stepfather are carrying on about how she abandoned her daughter and she's a piece of shit mother for daring to place Carly with a more suitable family. That poor girl. At least Tyler had Kim; Cate had absolutely no one in her corner since day one. No wonder she's so broken down these days. You can't go on forever without addressing those types of issues.
  11. I think Cate really wanted to be a mother...until the hard work kicked in and she realized she was truly out of her depth. What's odd is that she and Tyler both realized how difficult it would be to raise a baby when they were teenagers. Then they were completely thrown off when they had a baby of their own. I definitely think the adoption messed with their expectations of parenthood and they thought it would be all fun and rainbows like it was whenever they visited Carly. They don't want to admit that they weren't ready to be parents.
  12. For real? Ugh. He's most likely bitching to his "therapist" about how nobody understands him and he feels so judged and triggered from people calling him out for insulting his wife. And that woman will just nod and say, "No one really knows what you've been through, Tyler. It's normal to lash out", thus completely validating his shittiness.
  13. I'm actually interested in seeing whether or not Cate's treatment-trip will be filmed or not. Her father posted photos of the MTV crew at the rehab center, so time will tell if it was filmed. And if it was, then I have no hope that the therapy worked. How could it when you have cameras shoved in your face all the time?
  14. Speaking of April, I read an interview with Catelynn's maternal grandmother years ago. She said that April actually wanted to give Cate up for adoption, and Grandma pressured her to parent because "Our family doesn't believe in giving up our own flesh and blood." Grandma also more or less disowned Catelynn for adopting Carly out. After reading this, I've always wondered whether April's anger towards Cate during the adoption mess was really resentment or envy that Cate got to give up her baby and keep her teenage years---something April was prevented from doing when she was stuck in the same situation. Food for thought, at least.
  15. Ryan is dead to me. I used to find him sort of attractive (it's the silver fox thing), but not anymore. Did he really confess to killing cats? What a scumbag. I don't like Maci, either, and I think she tends to use Bentley as a pawn sometimes. But I wouldn't blame her if she kept him away from his paternal family for a while after this. I don't think Ryan would hurt him, but it's still a screwed-up situation to subject to a little boy who's already uncomfortable around his father to begin with.
  16. I'm not sure if Cate would even be on the show given that the only reason she was picked on "16 and Pregnant" was that she and Tyler were giving Carly up for adoption from the get-go. It's been said that for the first season, the show's producers were specifically looking for a couple who were giving their child up, and C&T agreed to do the show when Dawn ran it past them. Maybe if Cate kept Carly at the last minute she would still have gotten the chance to be featured on "Teen Mom", but she was only on TV in the first place because she was placing Carly. If she's still thinking that everything would've worked out if she chose to parent the first time, then she needs to let go of that idea because who knows what would've happened? Catelynn's present-day life is exactly what it would've been like if she kept Carly. She's got no job, no education, is still living in the same dead-end town, is still in close contact with her awful family members, is still clinging to her middle-school boyfriend, and is virtually a single mother. Her life hasn't changed at all since the adoption, and she never did any of the things she said she would do to justify placing Carly. I think in her mind, she's never done anything remotely important that would have warranted giving Carly up. I can see why she'd be depressed.
  17. The new season is coming on tomorrow. There will actually be two episodes back-to-back.
  18. I'm not sure what he thought would happen when he called his wife a heifer on national TV. Like, did he think people would be cool with it? Even the viewers who don't think it's emotional abuse were calling him out. Here's a hint, Tyler; if you don't want to be judged for the shit you say on television, maybe rethink being on television.
  19. Cate's generally unwashed appearance and the omnipresent zebra-print hoodie are clear indicators that she's still depressed, in my opinion. I went through a brief bout of depression as a teen and did the same thing---I barely showered, barely washed my hair, and wore the same long-sleeved shirt all the time. In fact, when I started coming out of it, my mom actually threw the shirt away and a couple other choice outfits. Cate wears that sweatshirt all the time because it's comfortable and she doesn't want to try anymore because she doesn't have it in her to try anymore. As for her sickly looks...homegirl isn't taking care of herself. She's also not doing anything remotely stimulating during the day. Even just getting up and walking around the neighborhood for half-an-hour a day is something that can motivate her. But she just doesn't care anymore. She needs serious help; going to that quack "therapist" on TV and only spending a month in a therapy center aren't going to cut it.
  20. I think Cate actually tried pointing that out when Tyler threw his bitch-fit at the gender reveal party. I'm not if he listened because, you know, Tyler's an expert on everything imaginable.
  21. I agree that the open adoption may be too open, despite the fact that Cate only physically sees Carly about once a year. She was losing it hardcore when she visited Carly before the wedding. Even after, Catelynn was still very upset and emotional. I can't remember if she's acted this way before, or if the situation was getting to her more often than usual because of Nova's presence and the reminder that while Catelynn biologically has two children, she's only raising one. I think it's getting to be too much for her to handle. Maybe putting an end to physical visits until Carly is old enough to decide for herself is the best way to go. Cate seemingly breaks down both before and after each visit, and Tyler uses the visits to act even more self-entitled and lord it over everybody that he's Carly's genetic father ('She called me Daddy", anyone?).
  22. That's a really good question: was Carly's adoption as beneficial for Catelynn as it was for Carly? I have no idea because Cate just seemed to struggle so much with her decision, especially since she received no support from her family members for it. I think if she really did do all the things she said she would do post-adoption---go to college, get a great job---that it really wouldn't be a question. Instead, she barely finished high school, never really bothered with college, stayed in her dead-end town with her horrible family, and married her middle-school boyfriend and had a kid with him. It's like Cate's life has been stuck on pause for the past seven years, and she has no idea how to restart it. It's weird because in some ways I think Cate has more or less come to terms with her decision and just wants to move past it while Tyler hangs onto Carly and starts pointless fights with Brandon and Teresa over it. I get the feeling that Cate knows that the ship has long sailed, that she'll never have the mother-child bond with Carly, and just wants to be content watching Carly grow up in some way. But on the other hand, it doesn't seem like she's ever really gotten over it and deeply regrets relinquishing Carly. All her talks of Nova and Carly having a sisterly bond and being super-close as they get older---is that what Cate truly believes, is it wish-fulfillment of some kind, or is she saying it for the cameras? How much does she believe herself and how much is just grandstanding for the show's sake? How much of it is Cate trying to appease Tyler's massive ego? I honestly cannot tell what she truly feels or thinks at this point, but I know it isn't good. She should've been in therapy for longer than a month and she shouldn't have come back to do the show or any kind of TV series at this point. We're talking seven years of somebody trying to bury her true feelings; it's going to take more than a month to sort through her psyche.
  23. Oh, damn, my mistake. How could I doubt somebody who's writing TWO books and gave his kid up for adoption?
  24. April is probably very thin due to prolonged drug abuse. Tyler, on the other hand, just has a very fast metabolism. His face was looking pretty chunky in the "Being Butch" special, so I reckon that his unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle are slowly but surely catching up to him. There are also rumors that he and Cate party and drink a lot more than they let on; excessive drinking can also cause weight gain and bloating. Catelynn's only five-foot-two, right? That could explain why she looks so heavy; she's shorter than Tyler and his mother, so her weight gain is more obvious than theirs. I do really want them both to get healthy for Nova's sake. They're the ones who are modeling this kind of behavior for her. I know it's been said that healthy food choices were not modeled for them growing up, but it's 2016 now. We're living in the age of Google, where most of the time you can find any kind of info on any kind of subject of your choosing. If they can go online all the time to monitor their social media accounts and sell their bullshit stories to tabloids, then they could be doing a whole lot more research on what foods to eat, what diets may work for them, etc. They really don't have any excuses whatsoever when it comes to knowing this stuff.
  25. What's not embarrassing about Matt? The fact that he has all these kids and does nothing for them? The fact that he's in his forties and dresses like an emo teen? That he tried his moves on Jenelle Freaking Evans before realizing Amber was an easier target? Please, stop me if I get it right.
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