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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. I agree in that a bromance can't be all Lima had going for it. But as a storyline, it was..like I said..about the only thing Season 4 had going for it. I think Chord and Darren were going to quite obviously be the lead actors in the Lima group, as they should be (just considering popularity.) But one major problem was that..this was all Lima had. Tina and Artie weren't really that popular, and Tina wasn't going to be able to fill the female void. They were good as the background characters in the first three seasons. And the new characters weren't too great either to fill the void. There needed to be more interesting characters..or perhaps more of the main cast to not graduate..(like say, Santana..).
  2. Well, I didn't like her with Finn either. To be honest, of all the guys, I thought Puck was mostly the best to her.
  3. I don't think Blam was the problem in Season 4, it was like..the only redeeming part of the Season. Between the four minutes per episode of NY and the boring less talented newbies rehashing the exact same storylines as the previous seasons..Blam was at least something different. They've got a good friend chemistry. And they have a tendency to not show either of the characters worst traits when they are together.
  4. I agree. Honestly, if they weren't going to have her end up with Sam (Which was blah, but what were the alternatives?) They should have just had Rachel's OTP be Broadway. You know, what it was in the pilot. I don't mind Rachel being KurtcoBlaine's surrogate, but as others have said..it would have been better had it been more than five years from then. I will say, her speech..and everyone watching at Will's house, was made me tear up. (Especially Sam running around like an idiot) I know Will wasn't the perfect teacher, but they always showed him as someone who strongly cared for his kids..so despite his mistakes, I thought he was a great teacher. (And I get that practice beats heart in the real world, but that makes for terrible tv. )
  5. Santana dated men though throughout the series. More women than men, actually. And if I was an actor or actress I'd love to share screen time with the character. So I'm not sure it's all that offensive.
  6. The studio is excellent. My guess is it got high enough on the charts for people to see, and some people who aren't show viewers bought it. Its one of the best studios I've heard from the show. I will say, Sawyer sounds fantastic in studio in general. Some of the younger contestants can struggle a bit there for various reasons, but he's as solid as he is live. I think some didn't notice how good he was in the battle because most of the battle was edited so that he was singing the harmony part as opposed to the melody. (It's likely that the whole song was performed when Pharrell chose as well.) It makes Noelle stick out more.
  7. Honestly, I think Hanna and Caleb have and have always had more chemistry than any of the other couples. The only difference between hem and the others is that they are in a healthy stable relationship..which will lack drama. (The small problem, of course, is that Spencer and Caleb have more chemistry than any two actors on the show.) This season, Caleb was just injected into the plot. He's the fifth liar in some ways..(except not really in other ways because he keeps insisting they stop lying.)
  8. I thought it was pretty obvious that Mona liked being popular. She liked feeling superior to everyone else. She liked the power. She's a brain, but she was also a teenager. And I think Mona being A was out of fear. She used A to get rid of Ali, and she was trying to use A to split the girls up, but it didn't work.
  9. Her response seems odd. If you were going to take a break from the world (essentially) wouldn't you let your friends know? Plus..her explanation...seems to be almost at the cultish level of religion.
  10. I wonder why Big A doesn't want Ali for his/her dollhouse?
  11. I get why Aria wanted Mike to keep his mouth shut, she doesn't want him dead. And it doesn't seem like it would have done much good for him to talk anyway, considering Tanner's stance and how his testimony would look. But they need him to testify. Poor Caleb though. Surrounded by so much stupid.
  12. I actually like Lea in it and I don't like Chris in it. (Popular.) But that's only because the purist in me doesn't want it to be a duet. (Also..with the exception of Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy -..which is my favorite performance on the show ever..I actually don't like Lea and Chris' voice together.) Although, I might like it better if it was just Chris. Daydream Believer - So...Kurt's last song has no falsetto? Really? I do like this song..but..really..last song for the two of them? This time - As everyone else says..the beginning is beautiful. It's too bad it didn't continue with just Rachel and the piano. I don't mind her belting..but too much instruments and everything. I lived - It's okay. I can see where it would be a decent group song.
  13. I actually loved her monotone voice for the part of Quinn. It was like ice woman..which I thought fit Quinn well.
  14. I actually thought he did an excellent job with conveying his emotions for Kurt this season..given the little he had to work with. He was very good with the "I still have feelings for him/but we're over/but maybe we're not over/but I'm dating someone else." I don't have a problem with Darren in subtle acting moments though. I think he does a good job. IMO, when talking about Darren as an actor..his biggest issue is that he can drop character and become himself. (Which surprisingly, no one calls him out on.) I think the most glaring line recently where he did that was the "not sexually" line when him and Kurt had been stuck in an elevator. ) But I think he's actually quite good at acting with his eyes. And although I agree that Quinn did have some looming insecurities (sometimes. Only sometimes.) Blaine didn't have any until season 4. When suddenly..he was the one who was more head over heals in love with Kurt. (Instead of it being the opposite..which is how it started..) and he was a needy, clingy, controlling boyfriend with OCD tendencies. (#thenewrachel) But still had no background or motivation (other than being with Kurt. )
  15. I disagree on that. It's a genre difference. R&B and soul is filled with those runs. Sure, it's not some people's taste, but it's also not necessarily a bad thing. Blake gave Sisaundra music more outside of her wheelhouse than Adam ever gives his contestants, and his suggestions..although good for country music..are somewhat irrelevant in R&B and soul.
  16. I think in general, it wouldn't. But I think with Blaine, it did. Darren had played Blaine as both a confident golden boy...and somewhat of a mentor for Kurt. The Sex talk, something Chris has talked about as being one of the most important things the show has done with Kurt and Blaine, doesn't really work with Blaine as the younger less mature of the two characters. It changed the dynamics of the relationship completely. I maintain that there was no way for Darren to make Blaine consistent. Because Blaine was never a character, he was always a prop for the plot. The only motivation the character ever had was Kurt..and of course RIB had Blaine doing everything in his power to ruin things with Kurt. Without motivation, a character is nothing. What's interesting to me..is that this also happened with Quinn, IMO. And when you talk about motivation..although Rachel, Finn, Kurt, Mercedes etc..(every other character, essentially) had goals and other motivations, they all shared a common one which was a need for acceptance. Quinn and Blaine already felt accepted. And it's like RIB had no idea what to do with a character like that. With Darren...I think he had created his own motivation with Blaine..which was to help guide Kurt through this need to be accepted. It was in line with his character's actions and the way he played the characters personality in seasons 2 and 3. But once there was more focus on the character and the character was suddenly different from that original person..and the character was a plot device..it was impossible to have any sort of continuation. Because even when other characters are written with OOC traits..their motivation is the same and an actor can play off of that. But Darren didn't have that.
  17. Ian Harding is actually a really cool guy from what I've heard. He seemed to have a blast as the bad guy, it's too bad the writers didn't continue that for him. He's much more attractive as not Ezra, but he reminds me too much of Seth Macfarlene.
  18. They've barely been in any episodes since.
  19. The idea that Darren really wanted to write a song for her probably meant something too.
  20. She sang a few folk pop songs (Let her Go, Foolish Games)..which honestly, are more country sounding than a lot of current country music anyway. But Shakira seems to actually really love country music, and IMO she did her best job with Kristen. I think Blake can get them every once in a while, but Adam has done a good job in branding Blake the country coach. And he also kind of alludes to the fact that Blake doesn't know about music outside of country..which I'm sure makes contestants who aren't actually country think twice about picking them. (And for the most part, Adam's right...as you noted..the job he did with Reagan and Sisaundra wasn't too great. )
  21. Well, I just also remember Carson telling Christina that him, Cee Lo, Blake, and Adam were talking...and they were glad her boobs didn't get smaller when she lost weight. There's just no way that Pharrell or Usher would participate in that, IMO. In fact, I remember an interview where Usher was being prodded into saying something like that about Shakira, and he just said she was a very beautiful woman, and left it at that. There's just a big difference. Sure, Gwen could probably take it better because she's been around guys...but to me, Pharrell is just someone that gives her a break. :P If you notice the behind the scenes stuff, she actually talks to him a lot. *This is not to say that I don't think they are all friends. I do. I just think...a girl needs someone civil around sometimes..you can get overpowered.
  22. Well, she worked with Marlene. Marlene..i'm not sure she was supposed to be Miranda or just an extra though.
  23. I think when Pharrell says "other" he means it as a compliment.."out of the box" and "extraordinary." When he mentored season 4, he was the biggest Michelle Chamuel fan. (Probably even moreso than Usher.) And all he kept talking about was how different she was. And Usher agreed..but they way he sold Michelle was as a relatable "quirky girl next door." I don't know that Pharrell has learned that people vote for..and really..like..who they can relate too.
  24. Chris is hilarious though. For someone who is hyper all of the time and talks too much, someone like Chris..a person who is understated but quietly hilarious is probably the life of the party to him. Lea has so many qualities of Rachel its kind of hilarious. (In a good way..she's got a certain eagerness to her personality that Rachel has.)
  25. I think Sam got it during the time Ryder confessed to being raped. But most of the time, he's the male Brittany. You really can't have a PSA thing because what he says is so idiotic.
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