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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. Michelle is awesome live. Her voice is unbelievable and she's adorable in her audience interaction. I think it's just the style of the song that makes Jacquie sound a little different. It's a pop rock song, and that's a little different than what Jacquie normally does.
  2. Then maybe it wasn't a stunt casting so much as he earned the part? To me, Darren is a bit of a "renaissance man." He's not great or amazing at anything, but he's essentially good at everything. From singing, to dancing, to acting...in theatre and television..with diverse genres, to song writing, to playing instruments. And I'd be willing to bet that entire skill set is pretty rare, especially considering people tend to specialize. But that being said, I'm still not sure why they'd hype him to this degree. Unless they are really just excited about having a younger guy play the role.
  3. Apparently Corey has never heard of the song he's singing this week. So I'm not quite sure it's going to be a great moment for him.
  4. I think there's a difference between saying that killing someone is justified and killing someone is right. it's a perfectly valid position to say killing someone isn't right..and for heroes it's even more valid. But I agree that Emma has always been somewhere in the middle. Much more so than her parents.
  5. Beauty is subjective. But Lea is definitely 100% not high school hot. Which is pretty easy to define. (Quinn, basically) And it is very easy to imagine someone like her feeling insecure. Not only that, but I don't think Rachel was ever supposed to be ugly. She just wasn't supposed to be high school hot.
  6. I honestly think Adam is the best at giving honest feedback..mostly because I don't think he hides his feelings too well. It's usually like "You sucked at the technical parts of singing, but don't listen to me I'm stupid." Like he's afraid to say "dude..that was flat the whole way through.." which is unfortunate because it's damned if you do or damned if you don't on this show. I think Blake is more strategic in his feedback. And I think Usher and Xtina visibly bite their tongues sometimes. Although both try and be strategic. But I actually liked the way the panel was in the Shakira/Usher seasons..were they didn't concentrate on constructive feedback (as I don't believe that is for the benefit of the contestants) but rather were entertaining/cute/funny and that was their role during the live shows. edit: Usher might change his mind though. I don't think Shakira is going to come back. (Unfortunately, she's easily my favorite personality on this show..even if it doesn't make sense for contestants to pick her.) On the other hand, it's a good way for Usher to stay visible, make a lot of money..and have some down time with his kids (because the time involved isn't that much.) I'm sure the show would love to have him back.
  7. I think though, that coaches/judges comments are more to direct the audience than to help the contestant. Really, what contestant doesn't know when they mess up, or when they are great? And how much can one or two lines help them? Especially in a show like The Voice, where the whole premise is to get the opportunity to be guided by industry superstars. The couple of hours that Kimberly spends with Xtina is going to help her far more than a comment Adam might make. So I'm okay with them just being nice overall..because if it's for The Audience's sake, then sometimes judges/coaches can really steer the audience wrong. (Big problem with Idol.) I'll never forget American Idol making like Phillip Phillips was an equal vocalist to Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez. If the judges were equal in praise, instead of downplaying Jessica and overstating how great Phillip was..maybe the audience would make better decisions. (As they do in The Voice, more often than not.)
  8. Yea, my guess..given the outside of the show issues, Xtina doesn't really want to work with him. (I don't blame her.) Heck, Adam might not want to either. Blake likely just took one for the team. Gwen probably prefers Pharrell outside of that. I'm a little surprised they didn't pair Xtina and Usher though. Give Usher more than one person to coach..and perhaps see how Usher and Xtina would work, chemistry wise..for future seasons.
  9. I think it's easy to explain..the people who aged with Idol are the people watching The Voice (or switching over to The Voice) now. I think The Voice might have caught some viewers early on in the show, but younger viewers can essentially watch the whole show on youtube or later on Hulu if they want to see the whole show. No commercial breaks. No filler. Any younger person that's interested might decide to not waste the two hours. But those of us who watched Idol from the beginning..might prefer the show because they enjoyed watching the show.
  10. Interesting though, Joshua Davis has a Michelle Chamuel connection. They were part of the same Michigan musicians circle, and quite a few of Chamuel's close friends have talked up Joshua on The Voice (Tuna, Theo Katzman). So I wonder if this will be brought up. I always wonder why they pair up Adam and Usher so much though. They always sing together (We've never gotten a Blake/Usher or Shakira/Usher duet. Despite Blake and Usher being better friends than Adam and Usher)..and I always got the feeling that Adam was kind of like an annoying little brother to him. And yea, I wonder what they would have done if Adam was wiped out. No Usher advising? Move Usher to Xtina's team?
  11. I usually don't get the WGWG. Usually they struggle to stay on pitch (which Sawyer did this week in the beginning, but he usually doesn't) or they bore me. But I love Sawyer. He's not the best this competition has to offer (Kimberly, Meghan, Mia Z *weeps*) but he's been one of my favorites from the beginning. He's just interesting.
  12. I thought Christina was hilarious tonight. She was throwing shade all over the place but trying really hard not to.
  13. DeAnna's tone was great in "Somebody To Love" but she's not a good performer and when she tried, she lost her pitch. Joshua..wow..just bad. Terrible pick on Adam's part. You can't pick songs for singers that they can't sing. Koryn was fantastic. Really fantastic. Sawyer was great in some parts, but overall I'd say his weakest performance on the show. Rob was a little too much, and my guess is he's in trouble. India's song pick wasn't great. She needs to figure out where she wants to go musically. Kim was fantastic as always. Meghan was probably my favorite performance again. Fantastic job. Girl can sing. Great song choice. I loved Hannah's performance. She's a little different, but she's a lot of fun. Corey can just go home. He was meh. But it's time to exit the show now. I don't want another Mia incident with one of the more talented contestants.
  14. It wouldn't surprise me if Darren used the singing live example because it wouldn't be controversial. "Oh, I like the studio..I wanted people to hear it." It's not "That was an incredibly stupid thing to do with my character." Which puts him in bad graces with RIB. (Who might give him a job somewhere down the road.) And in general though, Darren doesn't like to cause any sort of controversy with what he says. When talking about Klaine, sometimes he'd say something like "For Better or for Worse" when talking about fans, Chris would laugh his ass off because to him it was definitely "For worse" and then Darren would spend then next five minutes trying to clear up that he really meant "for better" even when he probably didn't. And I don't think him being a "yes man" means he didn't think out who his character is..but rather he knew where he wanted his character to be/do, but he didn't want to speak up to his bosses. I'm sure some of it was because of what happened to others on the show that did speak up.
  15. I can see where people might not have loved Sawyer's cover. He made small changes to the melody, and Lennon songs can sometimes be considered untouchable. Plus the song has an angelic quality, whereas Sawyer's voice is kind of raw. My comment wasn't in reply to what you said, I saw a significant portion of complaints about that one note..and although it's an iconic part of the song that he missed on (and then changed the note the second time around) I give him a pass because it's one note..and my guess is given his age, that's one of the qualities of his voice (His falsetto) that he has to re learn. Looking at videos when he was younger, he was quite good at it, but his voice has changed (and given he's 15/16 I'd say quite recently)...and it was just one note. Sawyer and MIa were my personal favorites, though I really like Kim a lot..and I'm now definitely rooting for a Kim or Sawyer win. I didn't love her rendition of "House of The Rising Sun" for the same reason...her interpretation did not fit the song. However, her voice is incredible and stage presence and performance ability is second to none on the show right now..so even though I much preferred "What's Up" this performance won't deter me from being a fan.
  16. It really is amazing how people go over and over about that note. He was certainly not the only contestant to miss a note on Monday. It's a darn shame Mia was eliminated. Especially considering some of the people we still have around. Song choice and Reba's comment got her in the B3, but going first + a commercial break put her dead in the water. I hope Pharrell uses a bit more strategy with his other two young but talented contestants.
  17. A little off topic, but if your interested, take a look into JoJo's career. (Although a similar thing happened to Katy Perry early on.)
  18. It could actually be worse than that for people like Lea, Darren, and Amber who have/had a contract. Columbia seems to be okay with Lea, but we've gotten nothing out of Darren and Amber. I don't know if they are still in contract or if they've been dropped..but record companies can be nasty about some of that stuff. As in..not let them out of their contract but not plan on actually releasing an album either. (Basically, don't want the competition to get them, but don't really want them..or think at some point they could use them when they are more successful in something else.) If you are on a label that isn't interested in you, it can be much worse than being unsigned.
  19. Yea, I think Mia's been doing that for a while because it's part of the stylized singing she does. She's not going to stop doing it automatically. Personally, I never have a problem understanding what she's saying. But I do know she slurs her words. She's still the most talented kid in the competition. And that's saying something considering the kids that are in the competition.
  20. I think Chris is cute. And I think he'd play the sweet R&B singer well (straight Sam Smith)...I didn't like the direction Adam took him in. (I'm not sure Chris did either.) His voice is absolutely beautiful though.
  21. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if it was from both sides.
  22. With all the talent this season, I really hope Corey doesn't stick around too long. He's already going to knock one of his more talented teammates out of the top 12.
  23. Mia blew me away. Sawyer was great. Those two should get the public vote. It's really too bad that we'll have to lose one of Caitlin or Koryn. I'm hoping Pharrell chooses Caitlin even though I think Koryn had the better performance tonight. Terrible song choices got Brooke and Hannah. Both of their vocals were good but the songs weren't right. The opposite is true for Corey. Meghan and Sarah fought wit the band some. Meghan won, Sarah didn't. I expect will get a Corey/Meghan public vote..but I think Blake will pick Brooke as his save.
  24. Michelle Chamuel did an encore of "Baby One More Time"..I can't tell you how much I love this.
  25. I'm okay with montages too. I mean, I know I would have loved to have seen Michelle's performance of Titanium..but I have a feeling she kicked the other girl's butt. And the show is the nice show..you don't want to show a butt kicking or an overall terrible battle/audition.
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