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  1. That's exactly who he reminds me of! I couldn't remember his name, just that he was married to the one that had "the cancer", and he was on during the season with the twins and the guy who stenciled on his eyebrows.
  2. You forgot to mention the best part! He added his own photos! Must I do everything? The thirst is real
  3. https://allaboutthetea.com/2024/05/10/dorit-kemsley-and-pk-not-discussing-divorce-prioritizing-protection-of-their-kids-after-separation/ They are copying (or mocking?) Mo & Kyle: and So, it seems, for now, they can still share Boy George
  4. Is Gia taking time off from school so she can appear on the show? Do we have any one who applied to or went to law school here? Shouldn't she (theoretically) have taken the LSATs in her senior year so she could apply to law school and continue her education uninterrupted? I would love to be a fly on the wall when/if she realizes her father was rightfully deported
  5. Don't give them any ideas or the reunions are going to start to resemble elementary school science fairs! (Teresa can sub as the volcano experiment -since she's so explosive). I'm picturing a series of tri-fold poster boards behind the couches with receipts, proof, timelines and screenshots
  6. I had only known the lunchmeat as "gabbagool". So imagine my surprise the first time I tried to order it at the deli. 🤣 I still have no idea how the non-Northeast US Italian Americans pronounce it
  7. I think that's the whole problem in a nutshell
  8. Some gems from the Fupa press release: Esteemed entrepreneur and philanthropist? 🤣 Do we know what he does for a living? I think he's doing a pretty good job of casting himself in a negative light. He doesn't need any help, imo IOW he can't hold a job He's so authentic he got veneers and had liposuction, not to mention his stenciled spray on beard
  9. He was going to meet with Fupa (thank you @snarts), but Teresa would probably tell you he's an entrepreneur.
  10. Interesting that none of the condolence messages listed in the article came from other RHSLC. Just sayin'
  11. knowing what we know about how Bravo deals with these women after all these years, it wouldn't surprise me if they decided if they got rid of Annemarie, they'd have to get rid of someone from the other side of the couch too. Like you said, Crystal would be least bothered. I wouldn't mind leaked tapes of Dorit groveling for her job, now that I think about it. She wouldn't be able to turn to Kyle to save her job; a) according to Kyle they're not close friends, and b) if Kyle had any pull, we'd still be suffering through Teddi
  12. She probably didn't realize it until people started making fun of her for it. (iow told her) She usually doubles down when called out so it will be interesting to see how she responds. Every time this woman opens her mouth she digs herself in deeper. Not gonna lie, like @Stats Queen said, it is kind of fun to watch
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