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  1. Yeah, I actually thought that why Dante was upset. Instead it was to introduce a crisis for Dante where he may be reconsidering his profession as a police officer. Even though everything that we know about Dante from all his years on this show and everything that we heard about his childhood, he always wanted to be a cop.
  2. It was. Funny as hell. Ryan and Emily have great chemistry and the love story was good. A couple of cameo appearances in the last couple of minutes.
  3. So what happens to Holly in that scenario? It's not like Nicole has any other family for Holly to stay in Salem with unless the show just decides to soras her to the actress real age.
  4. Would that be the writers or more likely the producer and director?
  5. Yep which is why I fear an ugly custody suit if the baby is born.
  6. Oh look all those kids were almost going to walk in on Michael and Willow having sex. What would Olivia had told them since she deemed that Sasha isn't allow to have sex in her room when she is not working. The New Tomorrow Institute sounds like the name of a cult. To be fair, her last two meals look plain as can be. White spaghettie and a piece of bread/pound cake.
  7. Molly has zero rights to the baby because in NY, Kristina has to sign away her parental right when the baby is born and then Molly has to adopt the baby. It is why Alexis thought it was not a great idea and she tried telling Molly and Kristina to think about it before they moved ahead with the surogacy.
  8. Last week in NY schools were off for spring recess. Aiden doesn't need to be picked up and fed. He is old enough that he can get home and as a baker, I am sure he knows how to use the oven and make himself a meal. However, it gave him a chance to talk shop with Sasha. I am glad dilettante BLQ was not going to be the spokesperson for Deception. Why am I having fears that something is going to happen to Tracy.
  9. I honestly don't think none would care except to make sure Drew hasn't lost his mind.
  10. If only she succeeded, we would have ended the dumb triangle years ago.
  11. If she wasn't already a manager at Charlies, she could have taken the job as Cook at the Qs. Nina and Drew are fine. The hate sex works and they could be a power couple when the hate goes away. Unlike when she was with Sonny, Drew gives a soft push so that Willow is more open to the idea and he stops Nina from going overboard when Willow gives her an opening.
  12. They didn't make any mistakes on their fish pod build. Danny was just taking a bunch of extra time to make it look pretty.
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