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  1. Maybe it was just me, but even when they ID'd Nell, I kept thinking that didn't look like her at all. Maybe with the scarf? Oh well, I am guessing it is implied that one or both of Kensi and Deeks are leaving NCIS for good because of the baby. I know Deeks has been the one that has been wanting to leave, so maybe Kensi goes on maternity leave from today on and then Deeks leaves so that Kensi can go back to NCIS maybe 6 months after the baby is born? OR maybe Kensi has a change of heart and realizes she doesn't want to have such a risky job now that she has a kid?
  2. I was so lost...so Beltran and Leah were both working for Pembrook? And the other Dronas wanted to sue Pembrook so Beltran was going after them to kill them, and Leah felt enough was enough so she was targeted too? Wait so why did Beltran want to kill Pembrook now? And was the reason he let Callen live was to lead him to Pembrook? This whole ending storyline was a mess or I am just too slow to decipher it.
  3. I might be late to the party since the next episode aired but Amy is suspicious. I don't know if she is acting on Veronica's behest (purposely trying to get on Samantha's jury to have an in with Todd) or if she is just manipulating Todd because that is how she is. The way she talked about not having a credit card when she knew Todd had the hots for her, the way she randomly says that she thinks her mom is a bad person to be even more sympathetic, and how she totally threw her mom as a possible suspect in the bleach attack. IIRC, the bleach attack was done by a man right? I can totally see Amy manipulating some guy to do it for her, even back in High School.
  4. I was thinking that was possible but I couldn't think of a show that might have had straight electricity (non-defib variety) bring someone back...except maybe Frankenstein?
  5. Biggest question I have, how did Thor realize he could shock Eric back? Like the odds are low that he would know how a defib works right or that electricity in general can help revive someone?
  6. Had to chime in after the first 5 minutes of this episode to say that the gang boss is like the worse gang boss ever. The way a gang boss survives is not being public, and he must not actually be in court a lot because, you know what happens in civil cases, discovery and the ability for people to testify all about what they hear from other people to form their judgements and opinions especially if you are claiming they are unfairly targeting you, because you know all those inadmissible and dead witnesses in all those other cases, they get to be testified to in court. Way to get all that dirty laundry aired in the public record.
  7. The whole case being dropped storyline made no sense, there was nothing revealed in the depositions that the DAs wouldn't have known and if every gang case would get dismissed just because some random jailhouse criminal tries to point the finger at one of the witnesses, then the DA wouldn't prosecute anyone. My understanding is that DA wasn't THE DA right? Considering everything that precinct has done to personally protect his ass, how the hell does he go to them and tell them that he is dropping a case that one of their own's family personally put his own career on the line to bring him. What a bunch of crock.
  8. My read on the whole thing was that the funeral was what they felt was their one chance at killing Andor and once it became a riot, that plan was out the window so they just had to cut their losses and leave. Cinta and Vel were all packing up as quickly and thoroughly as possible because they knew things were about to get a lot more crowded with Imperials on Ferrix soon. Yup I was telling my wife the same thing. None of the security guys really liked Dedra, she kept overriding what they thought they should do, and her only real ally (non-stalker edition) on the ground there just got himself killed, so all the security guys on Ferrix will love to point the finger at Dedra. IIRC, these guys were initially brought in by the other guy, Bevins, so any loyalty would be to him, not Dedra. Also, IMO, the ending was never designed to be a cliffhanger, it was just to end this chapter of Andor's life before he is fully committed into the Rebellion, and the way Luthen reacted, no one would think he was going to shoot Andor even without Rogue One, especially since Luthen had invested so much time and effort to track him down and try to recruit him initially. Andor was a loose end if he had no loyalties, but now that Andor was committed, he is another tool of the enemy to use on them.
  9. They did a nice job with the fake out in having it make it sound like Shota was talking about one dish seemingly more creative while the other one being the one he remembered when he closed his eyes (paraphrasing) and Tom being much more reserved in his compliment of Sarah's gnocchi during the tasting. Especially compared to the chef judges who all clearly voted for Sarah and were like super sad when they realized it.
  10. Yeah why do they need a green screen for the kissing scene? You are in freaking Hawaii, no one location scout could get you an appropriately mooded spot? I knew it was inevitable, but still disappointed Miggy happened. I wish they could have just said no. And I know this is way shallow of me, but I am always distracted by short Juliet's arms are compared to her torso. Like it was so noticeable in her opening scene jogging. Anyway will keep on supporting local...all those extras that look like prisoners need jobs too!
  11. Did they ever mention before what Tennant's ethnic background was supposed to be? It seems like this was the first time the mentioned she was at least part Filipino. The decision regarding letting Bao go was already put into place from the start. If they took the time to swap the data and everything, no reason not to let Bao go. The whole will they/won't they was to leverage Maggie to cooperate. It was a semi-cold to play on a mother's emotions but Tennant showed at the end that she was at that point with Maggie when she had no interest in reading the letter. It is funny how Sola was giving grief to Kai about being a "jarhead" since his character in H-50 was a Seal like McGarrett. Hope he comes back as an ancillary asset. I also hope they followed through with getting the sister and husband out.
  12. Wait did I miss something but didn't Drew have a pretty serious relationship with the other girl? Or did he dump her right before the transplant because of his crush on Gina? If so, why didn't they have that in the previouslies?
  13. Definitely curious if it was a rule for them to leave because they just put their heads down and left. It almost seemed like there was any thought of staying, even to hang around and watch.
  14. A very late comment because I keep forgetting things that I mean to say while I scroll through everyone's comments, but there was some discussion about how Jamie was the only one that ended up helping Dawn at the end with plating. From what it looked like, as soon as the chefs were done with their service, they left. I think it showed Shota packing his stuff up first and just putting his head down and heading out, and then Gabe. And by the time Jamie was helping Dawn, it looked like the kitchen was just the two of them. I have no idea if that was the rules, that the chefs who were done couldn't hang out, but considering the closeness and camaraderie this season, if Shota and Gabe were allowed to help, it is surprising they didn't offer.
  15. Yup, for those who claim that the only person to criticize Shota for the cold dish seems to forget Padma started with him and pointed out how he was supposed to have two ways. And I believe it was Nina who asked Shota about trying to pivot and do something without rice. In other words the lack of a second item was something they did note and feel was a negative. And for those claiming Kwame is jealous about Shota should also give Kwame an Oscar for his presentation of Shota as the winner, and giving pointed praise as to why.
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