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  1. Re Evie's surgery, far be it from me to defend Kody, but I never had any grandparent present during any medical procedure, even when we all lived in the same city. Cross-country flights during Covid for a grandchild's operation...no.
  2. John Oliver was making fun of Jamie Oliver, but I watched both the UK and US versions of Jamie's School Dinners, and they did address all kinds of real problems on those shows. The core point is that you can't change the food without providing a lot of context and support OUTSIDE the lunchroom. Kids will rebel and the parents will back them up. To have even a chance of success, you have to integrate lunch into the curriculum; gradually teach kids about one or two unfamiliar foods at a time so they can see, touch, and taste; get kids involved with growing, chopping, and cooking ingredients; educate the parents too -- it requires a massive cultural shift. In the UK, it was wild -- 300-pound parents were sneaking McDonald's to their kids while demanding to know what the problem was with the old school menu.
  3. Thanks to TLC for letting us experience this 56-hour labor saga in real time.
  4. Birth control? That was obviously a planned pregnancy on her part.
  5. I remember the food at a number of weddings where it was unusually good or bad. But that depends on the caterer and only minimally on which dishes/flavors you choose. A good chef can turn out chicken, salmon, AND steak. You choose custard vs. cannoli filling based on personal preference, not because your guests will hate it if you choose wrong.
  6. I'm watching the lightning in the western skies from my high rise. Stay safe.
  7. I feel sad for any mom who wanted a vaginal delivery and has to get an emergency C-section after getting all the way to 10 centimeters. Especially a scared kid.
  8. I want a cookie for choosing a $320 wedding dress/sash when I was a fully-grown bill-paying adult and could have afforded a $10k dress if I wanted one. Instead of a cookie, I get a fully funded retirement account.
  9. Yeah, I know. Her bio dad is also black.
  10. Boy, I would never guess that Aaliyah has a black dad. She sure favors her mom.
  11. She went viral for pulling people out of a porta potty by the hair?!
  12. Note that she said she'd have to find something reasonable because otherwise Lawrence would lose him mind. Not because HER CHILDREN need that money!
  13. Mother Lawrence never lets us down. :)
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