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  1. Do we know if ME was axed or if it was his choice to leave?
  2. I would not want a grungy old door as the headboard to my bed. Everything felt too rushed this week. Enough with the games, HGTV. Let's see more reno. The right team won, based on completeness and design. I loved that accent wall behind their bed. But I did think Taniya stepped too far away from being an advisor this ep. She basically took them by the hand and told them what layout to do for the rooms. Are these seriously the best competitors they could come up with for this season? Because they are lacking. Taniya's team (at least the lady) are the only ones who seem to have real talent for this.
  3. Here's an interview with Jeff Kober, discussing various of his roles including GH: https://www.tvinsider.com/1138779/break-movie-jeff-kober-general-hospital-walking-dead-china-beach/ Here is the GH bit for those who don't want to read the whole interview:
  4. I have to believe HGTV, or whomever ends up selling these homes, goes in and does a lot of "finishing touches" before they put them on the market. A lot.
  5. Battle on the Beach Season 4 starts tomorrow. Here is an interview with Taniya. How Season 4 of Battle on the Beach is Different
  6. I've been wondering about this. Was there any bump in the ratings when he came back?
  7. I don't remember what the appraised values of the final designs were for the houses, but I wonder how that asking price lines up with them. Looking at the pictures of the Bs' house on Zillow, it is very nice, but oh so bland. I guess that'll work for a lot of buyers. They can give the house character.
  8. Looks like there may be a Season 2: https://www.tvinsider.com/1132833/shogun-season-2-fx/ https://deadline.com/2024/05/hiroyuki-sanada-deal-shogun-renewed-season-2-fx-emmys-drama-1235911076/
  9. Yes, I thought she was really good, though I admit I had to check the cast list to see who she was. I knew she was familiar, but... I'm getting old.
  10. Just saw that Christian Siriano was on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune last night. Gonna have to hunt it up on streaming. While I'm here, any word on a new season of PR?
  11. I've been seeing them lately. I think they are.
  12. That's interesting. I had commented before that it didn't seem like the twins were spending as much money as the other teams, up to the week when they put in the solar panels and batteries. I attributed it to their wanting to save their pennies for that power move. This method of supply procurement certainly would've helped.
  13. Yep, I saw it and completely agree about the twins. So glad they left most of their antics out of the regular episodes. They would get on my last nerve if I had to be around that behavior much.
  14. No one will ever convince me that janky hammock "adds value." Likewise, that ugly, dysfunctional table abscess in the Bs' kitchen. Between that and the curved wall, they made the kitchen look small and cramped. Actually, other than the ceiling in the living room, I didn't like their kitchen/living/dining area. All the opened doors and windows during the walk-throughs made me think bugs, bugs, bugs. Aesthetically, overall, I liked the twins' house the least. And there're things I'd have to fix if I bought it - the pool, the wine cooler. I mean, I don't drink, and I'd imagine I'm not the only one in the world who doesn't, so what would I do with that space? Display my Coke bottles? But, obviously they won because of the solar panels and batteries. That was a very smart move, one I think they were planning from the start given their spending in the rooms previous. On that alone, I think they deserved the win. Based on overall design, though, I'd have given it to the guys. They did indeed elevate their game from their last season.
  15. So the Bs essentially move in some furniture, sparse furnishings at that, and do an okay bathroom... and win? Alrighty then. If that was meant to be a guest/craft room, it looked mightily uncomfortable for guests, what with that tiny bed and lack of storage. Again, the guys got robbed. They really transformed their room, and in a way that kept it perfectly comfortable for guests and no activities taking place in it that would make them feel like they were putting out their hosts. I liked the idea of caramel grout. It fit with the design - I don't think Mr. B or Mitch have artist's eyes. - and white grout doesn't stay white for long. I'd have given them the win, with the twins coming in second. The other two teams just moved in stuff. They didn't transform those rooms. At this point, I'm a'feared the fix is in on this show, and it isn't for the guys.
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