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  1. Public Service Announcement: If you foolishly decide to click on Jill's video of the Rods singing Happy Birthday to Gabriel in 14-part screeching harmony, make SURE you have the volume turned down, especially if you're around other people. Someone might wonder why you're watching a video of a dozen cats simultaneously getting their tails caught under a rocking chair. You're welcome.
  2. Whoa, TWO cheesecakes for Gabriel? Dang, even after Dave dips up first, Gabe might actually get a slice all for himself. Actually those look very similar to the cheesecake samplers I get from Aldi and if so the slices are very small, so I might have to walk back my enthusiasm.
  3. I realize that these kids have been brainwashed by Jill since birth, but does Jill hold any space in her brain for the fact that she might just drive one of her kids away with her treatment/neglect? And that they might spill the tea on her? It's probably a longshot, but I am thinking of the Duggar girls who have written books, Ethan Plath's divorce from Olivia, who is now telling us how it was, etc. We know that Jill is extremely aware of what goes on in other people's houses (so she can measure herself against them and find herself superior) - but she should be careful who she choses to ignore. Or "My Manly Men"
  4. Poor Gabriel probably couldn't even eat the pudding cup because there was a one-inch thick layer of candle wax on top. If Jill's claim to fame is that she birthed eleventy-seven kids and still looks like a hot yet modest model from the 1981 JC Penney catalog, one would think she'd blast her kids' birthdays all over social media. It probably depends on the kid and how many gifts they've given to her over their past year of life.
  5. I wonder when it will stop being cute and adorable for Janessa to fall asleep in church. I'm betting Jill wouldn't take kindly for any of her older kids to do it.
  6. Jill's little loving Mahmo post to Janessa contained no less than four similar pictures of the top of her daughter's head - during a church service. I am betting Jill has the volume on her phone turned all the way up so each time she takes a photo, it makes that loud "CSSSHH" sound. And if Janessa really does sign "I Love You" to Jill 20 times a day, then IMO she's not doing it because she wants to or because it actually means something, she's doing it because she's been indoctrinated to do so. I'm certain Jill thinks it's sweet, but I find it culty. At what point does their reputation precede them and they stop getting invites to these revivals? It seems like a fairly small circle, so people must know that they're going to get more than they bargained for when they sign up the Rods for a performance or two.
  7. This is hilarious and awesome. I listen to one of his podcasts. This morning, his co-hosts mentioned that he was going to be on the next season and I literally thought they were kidding. I even watched a clip but I don't know enough about what he looks like. Looks like I am 100% in on season Forty Several. Herein lies the problem. Either it's a rule or it isn't. Jeff didn't stop Liz so now I foresee that very scenario re: the Plinko board coming true, or variations of it, and then what is Jeff going to do? It's like the first time a player got up at TC to whisper to another one - it led to so many players wandering around at TC now, it's practically mandatory, and Jeff pretends to sit there and eat it up like popcorn and licorice. The less completely obvious thing would've been to have Kenzie run back down for the plank while Liz stayed put and counted the puzzle pieces. I was irritated that Liz chose to run all the way back for the plank on Kenzie's behalf, but whatever - it's done now. Have fun controlling it going forward, Probst. Other observations - Charlie looked so broken during the reunion, but managed to pull himself out of his funk to give Kenzie her props, and I thought that spoke volumes about the way he handled it in the moment. I hope Charlie's faux nephews take note. Did CBS allow a band-new intern to cast this season? Between Jelinsky, Bhanu, Q, and Liz.....well, I guess one good thing is that I probably won't immediately forget this season's cast like I have with seasons 41-45. I guess that's good? Bring on Big Brother, I guess.
  8. "For I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe." Is there a typo in there somewhere? I'll admit to not being familiar with this particular verse. I've read enough fiction that centered around "tent revivals" that just that phrase makes me shudder a little bit.
  9. "Tabu" is a lovely, old-school perfume, Jill. You are playing "Taboo." And it's not like you're not going to load up the rust-bucket caravan in a few weeks and invade Nurie in Florida, so relax.
  10. Ewww, I never thought of her using the next generation. Those poor kids....... I can see her parading around with Gideon, etc., trying to get people to think she's his mother 'cause she looks so young and all...
  11. My question is, if the grown Rod boys are paying Mahmo for room and board (and makeup and hair dye and garden decor), how are they supposed to save to buy a house and get married? I wonder if there are a couple of sons that she plans on making the "Jana" of her house (excluding Renee) by keeping them under her roof for their potential meager paychecks, or is marriage the end goal for all her boys? If they all cleave to their helpmeets and move out, who on earth is going to support her? David? We all know that's not going to happen. Maybe, Jill, you giving your sons a 4th grade home-school education and sending them out into the world to support you isn't going to work out as fantastic as you think it is.
  12. On that note, I would watch the heck out of James or Katie on DWTS. Jo seemed profoundly uncomfortable on that stage with Andy and the group. It was hard to watch. And Schwartz patting her on the shoulder repeating "Joseph, Joseph" made me want to throw something at his head. Not everyone should be on reality tv, so I hope Jo moves on.
  13. We love you Lord and may we. remember, Marriage take 3 Everyday, every hour, every moment. 💕💕 I have read this "sentence" several times and still have no earthly clue what she means. Up until this part, I was only partially convinced that Kaylee actually wrote this novella (constant misuse of commas not withstanding) but I feel certain that she did.
  14. I am having a hard time moving on from my old-school love of snarky Probst to the new funny, caring, popcorn-loving concerned Uncle Jeff of the New Era. And I keep thinking that these last few seasons have been so meta, as in some of the players seem to be performing for the viewing audience and possible a call-back to the show more than they are playing to win. That's my take, anyway. Regarding the jury, again - old school thinking here - but I feel like this cast in particular seems completely unaware of how they are coming across to the jury. Bitter or not, they will be the ones to hand the winner a million dollars. It bugged me how the tribe sauntered in this episode with Ben saying, "have we got a show for you, Jeff!" That's on Probst - he's the one who pulled out the popcorn and licorice, so he's only encouraging these people to be over the top at TC - but if I'm on the jury, I don't know how funny I am going to find their antics with Jeff. I am reminded of one long ago TC where Tyson cracked a snarky joke with a smile and looked to the jury for their reactions, and they stared back at him and gave him nothing...dang, I just miss those days. I think I am bitter that the New Era is likely here to stay, and we are never going to get a season of old school play again Jeff seems to be enjoying his banter with the players, but I also think they are playing to get those reactions out of him...like a snake eating a rat its own tail.
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