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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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I have to say, the fact that she said the team will be in awe of the new character just screams Mary Sue and I hope that EM is just exaggerating on that part. And my cat Captain Fluffy wants me to appreciate her awesomeness and just jumped on my arms as I was typing. Now she's digging claws in and headbutting my chin.


I wonder if we'll find out if Morgan still has Clooney or if any of the other team members have pets. I could actually see Garcia getting a pet dog trained as a service dog and bringing it to work. For some reason I think it would be hilarious to see Hotch playing with a dog and being all silly like he can get with Jack and then straightening up when someone walks in. Of course, dealing with animals can be a real pain for continuity since they move so much.


I think I would rather have moments with pets than children though.

Remember how playful and receptive he was of the dog in Extreme Aggressor? You have to love a man that loves animals.


I don't want to see the team "in awe" of any new member, either. Appreciating her skills is one thing, but I don't want to think that someone is so great the team couldn't have done without her. I just plain can't stand Erica. I wish she'd shut her pie hole.

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Yeah, sometimes I just want to send this to Erica: 



I don't really remember him interacting with the dog in Extreme Aggressor. I'll have to re-watch. I do remember Reid being afraid of the dog. I still found it funny when he told Lila that she should get a dog. Although, I believe statistically, dogs do make it less likely to have your house broken into. We rescued a couple of rottweilers and that really put the kibosh on my unsub neighbor trying to sneak into my yard. People sometimes pull up to my front gate, see the dogs, and back away (its a one-lane road so they can't really turn around until they get to the fork in the road several hundred feet back).


For some reason I remembered the time my rabbit had bunnies and it was time to find homes for them. My father brought them to the office in a box to see if anyone there wanted them. They all said "No". So he went to go do something and when he came back the box was empty. He looked around and there were bunnies on various desks with some of the most macho guys cooing over them and playing with them. They were just friggin' adorable. I would love to see something like that happen with Hotch-- only maybe with puppies. I could see him playing with puppies and deciding to adopt one. 


I know Thomas had a dog related to the one on the show Mad About You. A black lab or something. IIRC, she's a pretty dog. And the dogs chewed on a few of his CM bobbleheads.


Anyway, here's a picture of I think Harry Bring's daughter, Ava, on the set of CM with Thomas and Joe nearby



Script cover for "Boxed In"


Edited by zannej
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Sounds to me based on the spoiler that the team won't have any issues with the Kate Callahan hire, but it also sounds like Callahan will eventually be in "way over her head". I'm okay with that- if Callahan will eventually take over the team I want to see flashes of her brilliance but a steep, steep learning curve, and I think that's what we'll get.

Edited by Danielg342
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This sort of expands upon the previous spoilers we have heard.


I have to say that I find it tiresome that Penelope is such a special little snowflake with this. If she has SUCH a problem with violence, why the hell is she working with the BAU? She didn't even freaking kill the guy!!!


Can you share anything new about Criminal Minds? — Owen

Garcia will be suffering from major PTSD after shooting the "nurse" who tried to poison Reid in the season finale. In fact, look for her to visit the incarcerated guy for closure. As for Reid, who's recovering from his gunshot, he's putting up a strong front, but keep your eyes peeled for something that suggests that not all is right with him. Just as long as it's not Dilaudid again...



Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 3

This sort of expands upon the previous spoilers we have heard.


I have to say that I find it tiresome that Penelope is such a special little snowflake with this. If she has SUCH a problem with violence, why the hell is she working with the BAU? She didn't even freaking kill the guy!!!


Can you share anything new about Criminal Minds? — Owen

Garcia will be suffering from major PTSD after shooting the "nurse" who tried to poison Reid in the season finale. In fact, look for her to visit the incarcerated guy for closure. As for Reid, who's recovering from his gunshot, he's putting up a strong front, but keep your eyes peeled for something that suggests that not all is right with him. Just as long as it's not Dilaudid again...



Need to second the "not the Dilaudid" part, because if the writers go there they'll definitely define themselves as the laziest writers in all of television.

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I also think the Garcia thing may be their way of counteracting fans that complained that JJ didn't have PTSD. So surely Garcia will have more PTSD over shooting someone than she did from actually getting shot /rollseyes


Of course, maybe if they are clever it can be more about her experience being shot and surviving and somehow having some weird empathy because she caused someone else to have that pain-- BUT, its just idiotic IMO because the person was trying to kill Reid and possibly would have killed her.


I do hope they stay away from Dilaudid for Reid. and I am a bit worried that they will further try to make him seem "weak" in comparison to superbadassJJ. I wonder if maybe it will be physical issues for Reid rather than emotional. I was so pissed off when they made his headache story end up being all about stress and not anything physical because that is just so dismissive to legitimate migraine sufferers who were told it was all in their head only to find out a real reason later on.

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I agree the whole thing sounds ridiculous. I know Garcia is suppose to find some closure in Texas. My guess is she is going there to confront that guy.

Garcia is probably going to lash out at him for trying to harm Reid, at least I hope she does.But then she will probably ask the guy to forgive her for doing what she felt she no choice but to do.And then the 2 of them will probably watch kitten videos together and bond over it.

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Willowy, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have made my day. I haven't been this happy about CM since I learned that Paget would be back for season 7 and the dreaded Seaver would be gone.

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You know Daniel, I think they might do that. I wouldn't be surprised if they liked planting that seed, and seeing all the positive reaction to it. 


I also think that they are going to revisit Reid's addiction. I know some think that it's cheap and lazy writing, but I do not. It often happens with real addicts and I am fine with them going there as long as he is ultimately victorious over it. I think it could mean some really emotional storytelling for and with our good doctor, and I am always up for that. For him to experience Maeve's murder and then feeling his own mortality from being gunshot with only a couple weeks of depression isn't really how he, a very sensitive person, would go through it.


His superior intellect would not let it heal and scab over like ours would. He would have no choice but to revisit/relive these things every single day. I can totally see how the Dilaudid would numb that. And how he would know that it would.

Edited by Willowy
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Hey, if Hotch is available now, can we bring back that teacher who had the hots for him in "Fatal". That might be fun.

She seemed kind of immature to me, too, as Beth did. And I'm not talking about age. I think that is Erica's idea about what is good for Hotch because I think deep down Erica has the hots for Hotch/HTG and sees herself as the perfect mate. I was sick to death of all the giggling Beth did, and they seemed to make that teacher the same way. Also she had the long, brown hair like Erica and Beth. Hey, here's an idea. How about having someone mature that can listen to Hotch talk about his career and the things that have happened to him in his personal life and just be supportive of him? I know I'm going to get slammed here because some people thought Beth did that, but I just hated her sooooo much.

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Beth was always supportive of Hotch, and understanding about his time away the job required. Some women are easier to laugh than others, her humor never bothered me. I think they went with the brunette thing because it was different from Haley, not a conceit from Erica. You have just as many people saying she's in love with Morgan, so... I dunno. 


I'm looking forward to Aaron being the awkward bachelor. A complete 180 from the serious, on-point Unit Chief he is at work. 

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Well, I'm glad Beth is out of the picture, but I hope they deal with it in a decent way. I really want them to do Hotch stories that don't involve love interests, but it seems to me like they really didn't know what else to do with him than to give him a girlfriend. I'd like to see them bring out something we didn't know about him that actually makes sense with his past. It doesn't have to be a big thing. I found some of the best moments were subtle little things that gave us insight into the characters.

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I'm looking forward to Aaron being the awkward bachelor. A complete 180 from the serious, on-point Unit Chief he is at work. 


That would be funny. Seeing Hotch navigating the dating minefield is something we haven't seen, and would be the perfect contrast to the character we know. He likes to be able to control everything and believes every action has a logical reaction to it- and in the dating world (where I'm at right now), we all know that *nothing* ever seems to work out the way we think it would.


I can just picture Hotch complaining about how he had such a wonderful date and wondering why she isn't calling him back...with Morgan and Rossi chuckling, knowing that's just "part of the game".


His superior intellect would not let it heal and scab over like ours would. He would have no choice but to revisit/relive these things every single day. I can totally see how the Dilaudid would numb that. And how he would know that it would.

It's a rational storyline, I won't argue that. My only problem with the storylines for Reid is that they're almost always ones that are sad- we never get to see him experience some real joy in his life. Perhaps if he met a girl in rehab then I'd accept the storyline.

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My only problem with the storylines for Reid is that they're almost always ones that are sad- we never get to see him experience some real joy in his life.


I agree. Plus---and this is obviously just a personal preference thing---I can't stand addiction storylines in general. I'd far prefer my dramas to explore other common results of trauma (anxiety, depression, severe trust issues, etc.!) I'm trying to keep an open mind, but Reid's addiction was my least favorite aspect of S2---and back in S2, the writing was, IMO, much, much, MUCH better than it is now. So as realistic as relapse is in real life, it's hard for me to believe I'm going to like Reid's Addiction: The Redux. I'm actually much more wary of this storyline than I am about anything having to do with Kate Callahan. (I find Jennifer Love Hewitt inherently likable and, while I don't have much faith in these writers to create multi-dimensional female characters with well-defined personalities, am hoping she'll add some exuberance and energy to a team that's sometimes a little staid and flat!) 

Edited by mstaken
  • Love 5

It's a rational storyline, I won't argue that. My only problem with the storylines for Reid is that they're almost always ones that are sad- we never get to see him experience some real joy in his life. Perhaps if he met a girl in rehab then I'd accept the storyline.


Two joyous moments that pop to mind are when he's asked to be Henry's godfather (and even then he's so tentative with his happiness about it, like he just doesn't quite trust it), and the home run in The Apprenticeship. You're right too, in that those are just moments, not entire storylines. Though I'm not sure how 'Joyous Spencer' would be sustainable as an ongoing arc, as much as I want that for him. 


I like it when we get to see him take his moments, things that give him pleasure like playing chess in the park, which I'd love to see again... especially if they could get that same guy to play Eric. 


Interesting idea him meeting a girl in rehab. I can see this tatted, noseringed, hard-core girl, maybe a couple years younger than him. Underneath all her false fronts, he comes to see that she's very vulnerable, optimistic, and intelligent, and they begin spending time in conversation... 

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I'm with you on this, mstaken.  Writing an addiction storyline (or a PTSD storyline) requires patience and subtlety, and a commitment to accomplishing it over a long arc of time and episodes.  As demonstrated back in season 2, the show 'forgot' to incorporate it in the episode following Revelations, and had to completely rewrite the closing scene on the plane in Fear and Loathing, as well as insert a couple of moments of Reid staring at himself in a mirror.  It was a poorly integrated hodgepodge.  And that was when the writing was strong! 


I don't think subtlety is either valued by, or part of the skill set of, the current writing team.  If they can bring someone in who can do it well---maybe.  But, otherwise, i think they should avoid it altogether.  I'd rather see depth come to Reid's character through continued maturation, and maybe the demonstration of some true team leadership skills.  Oddly, I think it's been pretty well demonstrated that Hotch has respect for Reid, but not so much the others.  That's what I'd like to see change this year.

  • Love 4
Oddly, I think it's been pretty well demonstrated that Hotch has respect for Reid, but not so much the others.  That's what I'd like to see change this year.


You mean, like, maturation and growth and actual shifts in the flat, staid team dynamic  that involves everyone doing everything with equal perfection and getting along with each other in an equally dully friendly, can't-tell-one-intra-team-friendship-from-another way?! You're asking way too much, my friend ;) This is why I care more about the cases and profiling than most do; I have sadly little hope for most of the characterizations and intra-team interactions outside of fanfic :)


Honestly, I've always wished they'd never gone the addiction route with Reid in the first place and dread revisiting it years later with a markedly inferior writing staff. Battling other PTSD symptoms would have been so much more unique and interesting---and watching Reid overcome it would be made all the more interesting by his understandable fear that he inherited a predisposition towards mental illness from Diana. Why they went the all too commonly tread addiction route is beyond me, but I'll be fast forwarding through Reid getting high, the same 'what's wrong with Reid?! looks and comments among the team, Reid's defensiveness and eventual admission that, yes, he needs more help. (I know we don't have information as to exactly how this storyline will progress, but I'm just taking a stab here since pretty much EVERY addiction storyline unfolds in this exact same way!) It just sounds way too depressing and angst-y for me, and I agree with JMO that it's not likely to make the team (or me!) respect him more---it just positions him as a 'sick' guy who needs help. Been there, done that, and very unethusiastic at the prospect of doing it again! 

Edited by mstaken
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I don't want to see a return to addiction for Reid, either. I don't have to see him have a romance, either, but I'd love it if he met a woman on a case that expressed interest in his intelligence and what he does in the BAU. You know, in the past whenever they've had Reid mention his degrees he gets the blank stare in response, or worse looks of horror or as if he's some kind of freak. Why can't someone be genuinely impressed with all of his academic and career accomplishments?  With his brains he could have gone into any number of fields and probably earned a lot more money. He's out there saving lives. He's not a freak. He's a hero.

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I too want to see the team respect and appreciate him.


I see them revisiting his addiction as a chance for some deeper team bonding, as this time they do NOT ignore it, but recognize and help him. So yeah he has to stumble a bit, but he'll come back even stronger. Even if I don't believe this is the strongest writing team, I do not believe they will assassinate Reid's character and re-infantalize him. I believe he'll push through and come out of it strong, even during.

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My biggest concern with them possibly revisiting Reid's addiction is the writing team. They have a common tendency to sometimes mess up a timeline of a previous story. I would rather them not revisit that though. They have definitely thrown Reid things that would lead someone back to it, but maybe even just a little thing like Reid mentioning to Rossi, Hotch or Morgan that he considered taking it again would even suffice for me, personally.

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I'd rather not even see Reid mention Dilaudid at all, but just have him mention that he goes to "the movies" or some meetings. Or that he's having some pain or *something*. It would be a very bad idea for him to talk about it publicly in front of the team lest someone from the outside overhears it.


If anything, I would think it would be the pain management he had issues with.


So, a breakdown of what is coming so far: A tribute to Mesasch Taylor's character in an episode Joe is directing, bye bye to Beth, hello to Kate, and Garcia flipping out. We *might* get a Reid story, but I won't hold my breath. I'm going to speculate that we'll have more of JJ showing people up and a lot of Kate being what the writers think is "badass". I'm hoping she can actually pull it off believably. I want to like the new character.


I think we should have a drinking game for any time they have a female unsub, multiple unsubs, some sort of complex "twist", and whenever they find an excuse to show Morgan shirtless.

  • Love 3

I'd rather not even see Reid mention Dilaudid at all, but just have him mention that he goes to "the movies" or some meetings. Or that he's having some pain or *something*. It would be a very bad idea for him to talk about it publicly in front of the team lest someone from the outside overhears it.


If anything, I would think it would be the pain management he had issues with.


So, a breakdown of what is coming so far: A tribute to Mesasch Taylor's character in an episode Joe is directing, bye bye to Beth, hello to Kate, and Garcia flipping out. We *might* get a Reid story, but I won't hold my breath. I'm going to speculate that we'll have more of JJ showing people up and a lot of Kate being what the writers think is "badass". I'm hoping she can actually pull it off believably. I want to like the new character.


I think we should have a drinking game for any time they have a female unsub, multiple unsubs, some sort of complex "twist", and whenever they find an excuse to show Morgan shirtless.

Oh, I knew I picked the wrong season to quit drinking…. [jk]


zannej, as usual, you express nearly 100% of my opinion on the dilaudid do/don't story, as well as my trepidations for the new season, and I also want to like the new character. We really should start a new thread on female unsubs on the show, how it began believably proportional and got out of hand with the present and recent past writing and producing crew. A statistical analysis comparison to the true numbers would be interesting. And, no, I'm not saying we have to strictly adhere to realistic numbers on this TV show, I know it's hugely fantasy.

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Regarding Beth, I do think that Bellamy is way too busy and in demand to want to come back to play the boring Beth again and say those dumb lines they give her on CM. Even if she said she would do it. She is an Emmy nominated actress and also a winner of Critics Choice Award for Best Supporting Actress. Critics and fellow actors rave about her performance, so no of course she won't come back to be Beth again. 


I would say that is also the reason why Jane Lynch has not come back on the show. Ever since she hit big on Glee, she has yet to come back even though they have said they have approached her but she is way too busy. And yet she made appearances on other shows too. But it could because she is other contract with Fox. 

Regarding Beth, I do think that Bellamy is way too busy and in demand to want to come back to play the boring Beth again and say those dumb lines they give her on CM. Even if she said she would do it. She is an Emmy nominated actress and also a winner of Critics Choice Award for Best Supporting Actress. Critics and fellow actors rave about her performance, so no of course she won't come back to be Beth again. 


I would say that is also the reason why Jane Lynch has not come back on the show. Ever since she hit big on Glee, she has yet to come back even though they have said they have approached her but she is way too busy. And yet she made appearances on other shows too. But it could because she is other contract with Fox. 

Another reason Jane Lynch might not have been back is that EM hasn't even really bothered asking her.

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So I guess Erica was lying then.

Yeah.. Big surprise eh? 

Like when she talks about how they don't need a show "bible" to keep track of continuity because she and Rick Dunkle keep tabs on that. Or when she said they were going to do certain stories for Reid or Hotch and it never happened. Or when she said that JJ would be turning to Reid for guidance as a profiler when she first started out... yeah... So much stuff that she said was going to happen that never happened.


Granted I get that things change as they start flushing the stories out (and yes, I'm intentionally using flushing-- because some of the stories and unsubs really seem to come out of their asses), but if they tell the fans they are going to do something, they should at least try to follow through or just not make those promises or statements to begin with.


I saw some photos from Harry Bring. TG is location scouting.

  • Love 4

Yeah.. Big surprise eh? 

Like when she talks about how they don't need a show "bible" to keep track of continuity because she and Rick Dunkle keep tabs on that. Or when she said they were going to do certain stories for Reid or Hotch and it never happened. Or when she said that JJ would be turning to Reid for guidance as a profiler when she first started out... yeah... So much stuff that she said was going to happen that never happened.





If I'm remembering correctly, I believe that in a chat they did a few seasons back, when asked if the show had any sort of bible both Messer and Dunkle said it wasn't necessary to have one,because they were a couple of walking bibles.

I too remember Erica saying that about Reid and JJ. But instead they ended up dumbing him down at times just to make her look good. 

Edited by missmycat
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mstaken (I find Jennifer Love Hewitt inherently likable and, while I don't have much faith in these writers to create multi-dimensional female characters with well-defined personalities, am hoping she'll add some exuberance and energy to a team that's sometimes a little staid and flat!)



I've never missed an episode of Criminal Minds.  Sadly, for me, I think they've just lost me with Jennifer Love Hewitt.  I'll give the show a try, but I can't imagine a worse fit for CM.  Hopefully,  I'm wrong and I..uh..who am I fooling? I don't care for her as an actor in anything, much less the formulaic but tight acting that has made this show better than your every day slaughter fest.  Although I hate being negative, I did want to express my unhappiness about her joining the team.  I'm sure she will do fine. I'm the one with the problem.

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To be totally honest. I really don't have a problem with the actress herself. I'm willing to give her a chance. She may end up fitting in quite well.

I have way more misgivings about how she is going to be written. I did a facepalm when I saw that one spoiler about the team being in awe of her credentials. 


Do they plan on having Reid get all fangirly over her, like he did when Rossi first joined the team.Which was perfectly understandable, what with Rossi being an accomplished author and one of the founding members of the BAU. I certainly hope not.


Like Zannej, It just screams Mary Sue to me.And this show definitely doesn't need another one of those.I can barely stand the one(JJ) they got now. 

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For those who wanted to know what happened to Alex. 



Will we find out what happened to Blake on Criminal Minds? — Mindy

Yes, and you won’t have to wait long to get the scoop. “You’ll learn in the teaser that she’s actually moved to Boston and she’s teaching full time,” executive producer Erica Messer tells me. “She’s not an FBI agent anymore, but she’s taking all of her skills and teaching them to others, which is a pretty honorable thing to do.”



  • Love 1

I'm not surprised they're handling it this way, especially since it sounds like the new agent will already be joining the team (or has already joined) for the first episode.  They won't give Alex's leaving much weight, since it will already be significantly in their past. 


Which doesn't keep me from hoping that the remark happens in the context of a larger discussion about what happened to Reid, and how he's recovering, and how Alex was traumatized by the experience.  I would love for the others to have to wonder what Reid is thinking about as he recalls Alex telling him how he reminded her of her son.  Since his mother was 'cured' and went on vacation without telling him, it's probably comforting to know that he might have another maternal figure out there.

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I wouldn't say it was an outright cure. Sometimes they find a medicine that works for a short while or even a long while but there are diminishing returns. Having known some schizophrenics, I've seen the ups and downs of the joy of new medication that works to the disappointment and freakout when it isn't as effective.


So his mom might have been having a good patch and then suddenly went downhill again. Or maybe she leveled out, but would still need supervision. One of the big problems I've seen is that the patients start to think they don't need the medication or other side effects come up that make them want to stop taking it. Some of the meds can cause depression while others cause anxiety and the meds to treat the anxiety cause depression and vice versa.


I wonder what is going to happen in the episode Kim Harrison is writing.

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I was being oh so ironic, zannej. There are some advances that allow some recovery of normal life, sure, but it is much less likely to work with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia of at least 30 years presence, some of it untreated, and the last 15 heavily medicated. I hate that they took a seminal character and just waved a magic wand and poof - ReidHappyTime! Stupid writing and stupid show running. Better that they had never mentioned her again.

Edited by normasm
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