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I'm shamelessly stealing this one from another show thread :) Just fill in the answers to these questions along with any explanations you want to add, post new questions if you feel like it, and enjoy indulging your GG-related fantasy life! Oh, yeah, and no ties allowed :)


If I lived in Stars Hollow: 



My very closest friend would be...


If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...


The one person I would get along with the worst would be....


My job in Stars Hollow would be...


My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...


The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...


My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be traveling to ____ with _________


If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be... 


If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be... 


If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be... 

Edited by mstaken
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Oooh! Fun!


My very closest friend would be...Hmm, probably Rory. We're both academic and like to read. Or Kirk...I have a soft spot for poor Kirk.


If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...eee...Don't shoot me, but probably Christopher...I always found something about him charming.


The one person I would get along with the worst would be....Mama Kim, while I love watching her, I think she'd be too close-minded for me to have anything in common with.


My job in Stars Hollow would be...bookstore...or holed up in my house writing.


My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...I probably would just sit and people-watch at the gazebo. I love colorful towns.


The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...Mr. Kim. Just because...:D


My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be traveling to _Europe___ with __Emily...what can I say, I appreciate traveling in comfort.


If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...oooh toughie. April- I never really understood her point. Asher - The whole storyline was a bit creepy. TJ- although I will forever love the time he put a huge hole in Lorelai's house. 


If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...Jess - he had great scenes with almost everyone. Jaime - I loved him and Paris together. Dave - Just so Lane wouldn't end up with her fall back boy.


If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be...The festival of living pictures! I don't know who the heck I would be, but I've always thought that looked like fun.

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I love your answers, Alina!!! Attempting my own:


If I lived in Stars Hollow:

My very closest friend would be...assuming that age wasn't a factor, Rory. Well, S1-S4 Rory :) Like Rory, I'm a book-addicted introvert with a not-so-secret snarky side, a ton of passionate ideas and happiest with just a few close friends. 

If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...I totally get picking Christopher, Alina Ray! I, too, found him charming, engaging, and oddly sweet. I'll have to go with Digger, though, because I find him intelligent, witty, clever, layered and interesting, which is more than I can say for the majority of GG males :) He's endearingly neurotic, but totally a male me in many ways...I SO the sleeping alone thing :) 

The one person I would get along with the worst would be....Liz. I almost said TJ, but at least people acknowledge how annoying he is, while the degree to which Liz's nonsense is indulged would drive me all kinds if crazy. 

My job in Stars Hollow would be...Does SH have a library?! if so, I'd work there...or just do freelance editing and tutoring, which would leave me plenty of time for wandering around SH  :) 

My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...Movie nights at the Black, White and Red with plenty of junk food :)  

The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...Hopie, Emily's sister.

If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...Liz, TJ and Logan (the last mostly because of the effect his presence happened to have on Rory and her storylines, and I just CAN'T with the Life and Death Brigade!) 

If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...Jess, Tristan (stop laughing at me!) and Tana 

If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be...The dance marathon...though, interestingly,  I can't dance :) 

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If I lived in Stars Hollow:


My very closest friend would be...Early!Sookie.  And she is welcome to cook for me at any time.


If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...Luke.  After fighting Lulu for him, naturally.  And yes, I know the cranky was dialed up a bit too much sometimes, but Luke is truly a man's man and I need that in my life.


The one person I would get along with the worst would be....Michel.  He would hate everything about me and not be afraid to say so LOL.


My job in Stars Hollow would be...waiting tables at Luke's would be fun.  Or running a register at Doose's.  Or, oh!  Working at the Soda Shoppe.  Minus the crazy outfits though.


The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...the elder Mr. Danes.


My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be...I like the idea of traveling to Europe with Emily.  I could pretend to be a snob if I had to, and traveling in luxury is definitely the only way I want to travel LOL.


If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...Max, Colin, and Glenn.


If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...Jess, Tana, and Gran.


If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be...the Festival of Living Pictures.  It was amazing.

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If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...Jess, Tana, and Gran.


Oh, yes...these! 


If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...Max, Colin, and Glenn.


If we could have gotten rid of more than three (who makes these rules anyway?! Oh, wait...I did...) Max and Colin would have gotten the ax from me as well. 


The one person I would get along with the worst would be....Michel.  He would hate everything about me and not be afraid to say so LOL.


Ha! I just glanced down at my tattered, ill-fitting T-shirt and pictured just how horrified Michel and Emily would be by my (utter lack of) fashion sense :)


I need to add another question that allows me to give PARIS! as an answer :) If anyone else has further questions, please feel free to tack them on! 

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If I lived in Stars Hollow:

My very closest friend would be...  I'm thinking Sookie. 

If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be... Kirk .... Just kidding. You know I'm going to say Luke. But not PodLuke. IntelligentLuke the guy that knows to wear a coat in winter. 

The one person I would get along with the worst would be.... Carrie. She annoyed the crap out of me.

My job in Stars Hollow would be... Either the front desk at the Dragonfly or book store.

My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...  Going to the Soda Shoppe

The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be... I'd like to meet Luke's parents too.

My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be traveling to __Europe__ with _____the girls____

If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be... Colin (I like Finn) Floyd (What a jerk), Shira

If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be... Jess (I think Grown Up Jess was cool), Original Mia (to see how well the girls have done) Give me the Tana or Janet and get rid of Olivia and (I can't even remember the other girl's name

If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be... Liz's wedding

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get rid of Olivia and (I can't even remember the other girl's name


Lucy! How can you not remember Lucy, the greatest character EVER? ;) (Yeah, I couldn't have cared less about them either, though other characters annoyed me more) 


That book store better plan to expand...it looks like it's going to have to accommodate several new employees! 

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I watched The Reigning Lorelai today. (I'm doing a Season4 rewatch) and I adore Half lit-Ciggie smoking-Wearing a robe Emily. The fact that she totally threw Sookie for a loop ("I think she broke") tickles me every time I watch it.

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Bff- Kirk

Love interest - Gypsy, she's hot

Get long worst with....Taylor.

Job - Mrs Kim's store ebay lister

Social act - browsing Andrew's bookstore.

Meet invisible - Al of the pancake world

Vacation - an auction with Michel

Eliminate - drella, Taylor, the troubadour

Bring back - Dave rygalski, Gran, the tree guy at Yale

Event - the picnic auction

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Goodness, it's been a long time since I've been on any GG forum. :) I miss this show and really need to do a rewatch soon!

My very closest friend would be...

Lorelai! She's just the right amount of manic and crazy and hilarious for me to get along with perfectly (I'm the opposite but have a tendency to attract that type of friend)

If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...

Digger - 10 years ago, I found him charming if not kind of bizarre and was like "No way!" at the idea of dating him. But now? I'd so be down with my own bedroom. I cannot sleep with another human in the room. :)

The one person I would get along with the worst would be....

Michel. Hands down Michel. Though I loved his snarky on tv, I couldn't stand to be around a real life version of him.

My job in Stars Hollow would be...

Oh definitely bookstore. Can we get a Barnes & Noble in Stars Hollow? I already work at one now. And I think we definitely need to expand. ;)

My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...

Does hang out at Luke's count? How do you think he'd react to me setting up my knitting at a table for several hours? ;)

The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...

Luke's parents. Either one.

My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be traveling to ____ with _________

Anywhere with Emily. Especially if she paid my way. :)

If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...

TJ, Asher (yes to whoever said that was sort of creepy), and Lucy (I love Krysten Ritter the actress but couldn't stand that character most of the time)

If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...

Jess, Trix (can I bring back a dead person?) and Marty

If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be...

I guess the Firelight Festival, but only if I could sit on the sidelines and make fun of it with Luke.

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My very closest friend would be...Luke, I think.  I tend to get along better with guys than girls and I have a thing for the grumpy, outdoorsy type (my BFF is Luke only shorter with no LLDs)


If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...Luke again!  :)


The one person I would get along with the worst would be....Kirk.  I find him beyond annoying and would be trying to run him over at every opportunity.


My job in Stars Hollow would be...Dance Assistant.  I want to work at Miss Pattys!


My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...Hanging out in the bookstore


The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...Mr. Kim!


My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be traveling to (anywhere) with Luke


If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...Collin, Finn and Marty


If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...Lorelai I, Dave Rygalski & Digger


If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be...The Living Art show

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Awww, it makes me so happy that people are still around to answer my random GG questions :) 


Here are a few more:


If I could keep just 5-10 episodes of the entire series, I'd pick..... 


If I could own just TWO of the seven seasons, I'd choose.... 


If I could recast just ONE role, it would be... 


If I had to have one of these characters as my mother, I'd pick... 


If I could make one character change careers, I'd have _____ become a _____ 

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Attempting to answer my own questions... 


If I could keep just 5-10 episodes of the entire series, I'd pick.....


Mine change with ridiculous frequency, but today I'll go with Rory's Birthday Parties, Double Date; Like Mother, Like Daughter; Run Away Little Boy; Lorelai's Graduation Day; Lazy Hazy Crazy Days; They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?; Those Are Strings, Pinnochio; The Fundamental Things Apply; Bon Voyage. And, like, 70-80 more :) 


If I could own just TWO of the seven seasons, I'd choose....


Seasons 2 and 3! I love S1 and S4 and some individual episodes from S5 and S7, but S2 and S3 are my favorite by a surprisingly wide margin. 



If I could recast just ONE role, it would be...


Logan! I think I could have found him a lot more compelling if he weren't played by someone whose perpetual smirk made him seem like a smarmy, condescending, untrustworthy ass to me even when he wasn't supposed to be. And I hate his boy band-y hair :) 

If I had to have one of these characters as my mother, I'd pick...


An adult Rory...? If not, Lorelai, please :) 


If I could make one character change careers, I'd have _____ become a _____


Rory becomes an English teacher! I've bored you guys elsewhere about why :)  

Edited by mstaken
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1. Forgiveness and Stuff,Lost and Found, Dead Uncles, trilogy, WiTs, Bon Voyage

2. 2 and 4

3. Louise (she's the blond right?) She actress annoys me.

4. Sookie. I know I'd be fed well.

5. Kirk stick with Mailboxes Etc.

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Sookie. I know I'd be fed well.


Ooooh, how did I not consider this angle until now?! 


3. Louise (she's the blond right?) She actress annoys me.


She annoys the heck out of me, too, but I didn't pick her as my one recast because 1) she wasn't around quite enough to matter and 2) I think I'd probably hate her role as written regardless of who played her :) 

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1. I'd keep Fundamental things Apply,Scene in a Mall, Nag,Family Matter, Clamor, end of s4 trilogy, PS I Lo,, Kill Me Now, Tisket
2. S 2 and4
3. I'd recast Jackson - it might be the direction but I found him loud and annoying and considering this was NOT a quiet show that's really loud. And I never thought the actor was very good ( except for the sleeping with the zucchini storyline )
4. Can Luke be my mother?
5. I'd probably change Rory's career - she is definitely not cut out to be a journalist. I could see her as a writer though- like Anne Shirley writing about life in a small town or writing one of those every day life columns.


Edit: damn auto-correct!

Edited by nolieblue
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Let's see....this is harder than the first set.
If I could keep just 5-10 episodes of the entire series, I'd pick.....
Like Mother, Like Daughter - Love the fashion show and Rory's going off after the Puffs are caught (because she was actually RIGHT as far as the headmaster and his insinuating there was something wrong with her)
Those Are Strings Pinocchio - Rory's graduation speech never fails to tear me up (even though her becoming valedictorian doesn't set well)
Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doing the Twist - The only Madeline/Louise episode I find tolerable. 
Raincoats and Recipes - the KISS!
Written in the Stars - I LOVE the scene where Lorelai stumbles down to the diner for coffee and the whole town is just staring at her in Luke's shirt (with LG's long legs sticking out the bottom).
Bon Voyage - The whole town doing the party for Rory (and Lorelai), Emily and Richard coming to the party and admitting Lorelai built a good life for herself, the Lorelai/Emily exchange about future FNDs...the whole thing just makes me mushy inside.
If I could own just TWO of the seven seasons, I'd choose....
Season 1 & Season 3
If I could recast just ONE role, it would be...
Hmmm....tough one.  I think I would recast Zach.  I never cared much for the actor.
If I had to have one of these characters as my mother, I'd pick...
Sookie.  I always thought she had that care taker personality that would make her a great mom.  Plus, as lulu1960 pointed out, she would feed you awesome meals 3 times a day (plus snacks!).
If I could make one character change careers, I'd have Lane become a clerk at the music store instead of a waitress.  I would rather see her being a professional musician, but with the newborns, I will accept her just working around music.

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Wait, how come no one's picked S6 yet as one of their two favorite seasons? I'm shocked! ;)


A few more fun fantasy questions:


1. GG does an homage episode to another current or former show of your choice. What do you pick? (Anything from Downton Abbey to Murder She Wrote to Seinfeld to Dynasty to...well, you get the idea!)


2. There's a murder mystery in Stars Hollow! Who do you pick as your victim, and who do you pick as the detective(s) who solve it?


3. A few film stars of your choice are appearing on GG. Which ones do you most want to make an appearance, and in what sort of role?

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Some one finally killed Al. He served one too many blue manicotti.


Luke will lead the investigation because even if he doesn't talk much he's always listening to what's going on around him. Kirk will beg to help. Rory can keep all the data in order. Lorelai will be the one that comes up with crazy scenarios but ultimately they turn out to be correct. Think Castle in reverse.

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If I could keep just 5-10 episodes of the entire series, I'd pick..... I really don't know.  I'd have to sit here and look through the episode list.  Definitely would keep at least Double Date, ADFKT, TASP, and TFTA though.  Those are my go-to eps.  Oh and FoLA too.  Hey, that's 5!  LOL.


If I could own just TWO of the seven seasons, I'd choose.... probably 2 and 3.  Jess was a breath of fresh air to this show.  The show was beautiful, but a tad bit cloying before he arrived.


If I could recast just ONE role, it would be...Dean.  No offense to Jared P. or anything, but I am interested to know if I would like Dean better if a different actor (choosing to play him a bit differently) were in the role.


If I had to have one of these characters as my mother, I'd pick...Sookie!


If I could make one character change careers, I'd have Paris become a prosecuting attorney.  Crime would be reduced at an alarming rate!  LOL.

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If I could make one character change careers, I'd have Paris become a prosecuting attorney.  Crime would be reduced at an alarming rate!  LOL.


Absolutely! In my head canon, Paris is an attorney and/or a dedicated lobbyist who simply doesn't relent until said politicians vote the way she wants them to :)

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1. GG does an homage episode to another current or former show of your choice. What do you pick? (Anything from Downton Abbey to Murder She Wrote to Seinfeld to Dynasty to...well, you get the idea!)  I'd actually like to see them do a musical episode - I know most of the time those can turn out a little hokey, and after hearing some of these people sing, I may have regrets, but I still think it would be fun. They can put in the middle of season six where no one would notice.


2. There's a murder mystery in Stars Hollow! Who do you pick as your victim, and who do you pick as the detective(s) who solve it?

Hmm. Let's kill off Taylor. He probably deserves it the most. I'd like to see Kirk head up the investigation, just because of how serious he would be...of course, Kirk will probably be the one to snap and kill Taylor...


3. A few film stars of your choice are appearing on GG. Which ones do you most want to make an appearance, and in what sort of role?

Johnny Depp...I really don't care what he does, but shirtless at some point is required.

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If I lived in Stars Hollow:
My very closest friend would be...  

   Miss Patty - I'd love to absorb some of her devil-may-care attitude
If I had to have a romantic relationship with one GG character, it would be...

  Luke - I'm all in!
The one person I would get along with the worst would be....
   Zach - I have no patience for guys like him. 
My job in Stars Hollow would be...
   Internet shop - I can envision giving Luke a couple of very personal computer lessons
My favorite out-of-work social activity to do in SH would be...
  Mocking people, any time, any place
The person we never saw on screen who I'd most like to meet would be...
  The clown as he was getting arrested at an 8 y.o,'s birthday party
My ideal vacation from Stars Hollow would be traveling to ____ with _________
    The L&DB party that Rory attended as a reporter

   (was: Harvard with Lorelai - fun all the way, and we would find a better B&B)
If I could erase three characters from the GG canvas, they would be...
  TJ, Zach, April, we could have let Kirk put the hole in Lorelai's bedroom
If I could bring back three characters who departed before the end of the series, they would be...
  Asian Caesar as Caesar, didn't care for the new Caesar

  Manny - he could set Sookie straight

  Giselle, just one more time to wreak havoc in Michel's life
If I could take part in just one Stars Hollow festival/event, it would be...

  Lorelai and Luke's wedding - I've got it planned out already!

Edited by junienmomo
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I miss this thread! Trying to revive it with a few more questions:


1. If I could have had just 2-3 characters remain on the show longer than they actually did, I would choose _______


2. If I could have had just 2-3 characters depart the show earlier than they actually did, I would choose ____


3. If I could hang out with 4-5 female GG females this weekend, I would choose to hang out with ______ and we'd spend our time _______ 


4. If I could try just one of the cakes shown or chatted about on the show, it would be _____ 


As always, please feel free to add any questions that spring to mind!!! 


My sure-to-change-by-the-time-you-read-this answers:


1. If I could have had just 2-3 characters remain on the show longer than they actually did, I would choose _______


Jess, Tana, Digger (albeit probably not as Lorelai's love interest) 


2. If I could have had just 2-3 characters depart the show earlier than they actually did, I would choose ____


TJ, Liz, Dean (I hate Colin more, but he was such a relatively minor part of the show that it feels like a wasted pick!) 


3. If I could hang out with 4-5 female GG females this weekend, I would choose to hang out with ______ and we'd spend our time _______


Rory, Paris (I'm a masochist!), Lorelai, Gypsy and Tana. Movie/TV/mocking marathons, eating at Luke's, checking out some delightfully nutty townie event :) 


4. If I could try just one of the cakes shown or chatted about on the show, it would be _____The s'mores cake! It still pops up in my dreams :) 

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1. If I could have had just 2-3 characters remain on the show longer than they actually did, I would choose _______


Jess, albeit for scenes with Luke rather than as a love interest for Rory (even though you know how I feel about them!). 


Tanna, because she genuinely amused me. 


Beau, because he cracked me up.


2. If I could have had just 2-3 characters depart the show earlier than they actually did, I would choose ____


Dean.  He should have gotten married and we never saw or heard from him again.  Or at the VERY least, he and Lindsay divorced (even if it was because she realized he still had feelings for Rory) and then he moved away and we never saw or heard from him again. 


Max.  Rory's interview with him for the Franklin should have been the last time we ever saw him.


Marty.  He wasn't an important enough character to bring back, and he sure shouldn't have been brought back to be assassinated like he was.  What the heck, show.


3. If I could hang out with 4-5 female GG females this weekend, I would choose to hang out with ______ and we'd spend our time _______


Sookie, Lorelai, Rory, Lane.  We'd eat a ton of food that is not at all good for us and watch a million movies.


4. If I could try just one of the cakes shown or chatted about on the show, it would be _____


Seriously?  LOL.  Ummm, I'm not much of a cake person so I don't know.  Red Velvet Cake usually has cream cheese frosting and I do love that (eat it on slices of apples........yummmmmm) so I'll go with that one.

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Dean.  He should have gotten married and we never saw or heard from him again.  Or at the VERY least, he and Lindsay divorced (even if it was because she realized he still had feelings for Rory) and then he moved away and we never saw or heard from him again.


Hee---you're way kinder than I am! My preference would be that we never saw him again after dumping Rory in Star-Crossed. 


Max.  Rory's interview with him for the Franklin should have been the last time we ever saw him.


Can we maybe vote not to bother having him on the show at all?! If not, can he and Lorelai have stayed broken up after Paris is Burning? That said, I did really like that interview scene---it might be literally the only time throughout the series when I genuinely felt something beyond indifference or mild annoyance for Max. as many times as I've seen S3, I literally always manage to forget that he makes a wholly unnecessary reappearance for a couple of episodes that season.  He clearly makes quite the impression on me ;)


We'd eat a ton of food that is not at all good for us and watch a million movies.


Right there with you! Can some of those movies be at the Black, White and Red? I want to sit on that couch and sing the Pippi theme song...and then not have to watch Pippi. 


Beau, because he cracked me up.


Table for ywo, please. I enjoy him so much more than I should! 

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Okay, so we all know that there was a fair amount of relationship drama on the show, with many (nearly all?!) GG couples taking a while to get together and then breaking up and subsequently reconciling at least once and sometimes twice. (And at least 17 times for Rory/Dean, right? No? I guess it just felt that way :::) In your ideal fantasy version of GG, which initial breakups that proved temporary on the show were actually permanent? Which couples got together sooner or later than they did in reality? Which couples did and didn't end up together? You can include both major characters/couples here (e.g., Luke/Lorelai, Rory/Jess, etc.) more minor (e.g. Lane/Dave, Paris/Doyle)  and even couples who weren't together in real life but who might be in YOUR fun version of GG (e.g., Jess/Paris, Taylor/Michel, etc.!)

This one should be fun :)  

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In my ideal fantasy version of GG coupling, I have a weird, conflicting preference.

I either want Rory and Marty to be a couple (full blown OTP deal), or I want them to have NO interest in each other and be truly platonic. I'm just so tired of yet another boy falling for Rory and pining for her endlessly.

As for why I wanted them together, I just thought they fit together well. I liked how they were friends first without any masked flirting or whatever. I liked how comfortable and natural they seemed around each other. I liked that they were both from middle class upbringings, were both dorks enough to arrive to their first "class" super early, were both academically oriented, both had an interesting dynamic with Paris.

But if it couldn't be that either because of actor availability or that wouldn't be exciting enough for tv, then I just wanted Rory to have a truly platonic male friend, not just a male acquaintance like Brian or Zack. This show was all about different relationship dynamics, so why not include that one? I'd even accept having it play a part in relationship drama with Rory and a boyfriend (Logan or otherwise).

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Dave Rygalski comes back after the money runs out for out-of-state tuition in California and he and Lane become OTP after he becomes a member of the 7th Day Adventists at Mrs. Kim's insistence. Hep Alien is going well, but will never reach beyond a tri-state area. There is no Zach, but there is an awesome Gil and we get to know his family. Brian and Morey connect, with Morey mentoring Brian. Morey jams with Hep Alien for town events and he gets the band occasional gigs in New York.


Paris loses her virginity not to what's-his-name, but to Jess in a disaster of monumental proportions, not the least of which is Luke being forced to get to know Paris as Jess' serious girlfriend. Paris goes on to run Jess' writing career as a sideline activity to studying at Yale, and the career becomes wildly successful. (Oh! Jamie!) The career gives them a nice tidy income, so they can afford an apartment near Yale that can include Rory.


Rory remains a serial dater (oops relationship-er) throughout the series, having one boyfriend after another. Dean goes away after S1 and Rory dates a changed Tristan for a year, then encounters Logan while in her senior year at Chilton. She and Jess also date for a while, but it's simply too complicated because she's not at a stage where she can handle a bad-boy boyfriend. She breaks from her mother earlier and without committing a felony, and doesn't skip a semester at Yale. She actually fails one or more classes, forcing her grandfather to confess that he did the same. 


Amensisterfriend, please sit down for the next part. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself when you faint.


Now we get to the delicate surgery. 

Lorelai's wish for "the whole package" (delusionally without being willing to make the commitment, BTW), is surgically removed from her and she is fully committed to her motherhood/friendship with Rory and her life in Stars Hollow. Luke's surgery removes his unrequited love for Lorelai (and I swear, after seven years of keeping them separated, I'm beginning to believe it was unrequited for all seven seasons) and they become openly-committed friends on the freakish level that Rory and Lorelai have their freakish mother/daughter relationship. 

Both confirmed bachelor/ettes (not "confirmed bachelor" like gay, just not interested in marriage with anyone), their bond of friendship grows stronger over the years, with Luke getting real help from Lorelai in raising Jess, which becomes instrumental in his early writing career success. Lorelai and Jess have a relationship best described by the term "affectionate animosity."

After Jess and Rory are safely out of the house, it becomes known to the audience (only later to the town) that Luke and Lorelai have had a friends with benefits relationship since shortly after they met. Both have dated over the years, but the period in which they are mutually parenting teenagers is a time in which they slowly stop bothering to date anyone else. 

This is NOT an OTP true love schmaltzy relationship, with all the notions of romantic crap and dating because they have really learned that they suck at it; it's almost like they moved from friends to essentially husband and wife in a very pragmatic relationship. No marriage, no pregnancies.

Anyway, after the kids are out of the houses and the FWB relationship is known, they freely move between the apartment and Crap Shack, and no one in Stars Hollow think anything is too strange, giving them plenty of room to be real leaders in SH, and all kinds of raucous SH fun ensues. 


I think this might be my best fanfiction plot idea ever.

Edited by junienmomo
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And since we're all just gamely supporting each other's madness...


1) Rory can be with Logan, but it's a Logan who 1) was written as far less of a jerk in S5 and less condescending/smug overall, 2) played by Milo V or another, less smirky actor with whom AB has more chemistry and 3) Didn't sleep with every bridesmaid in the tri-state area---just one would suffice! and 4) Never proposes to her at the end of S7 because he, too, genuinely wants to experience more of their lives as a young dating couple before settling down. Oh, and his growth is quickly demonstrated by him breaking away from his horrid Life and Death Brigade friends (see ya, Colin! We...won't miss you. At all.) and forming unlikely but surprisingly believable friendships with cerebral 'geeks' who the show needed more of and who bring out Logan's best self.


2) Wondering about the fan favorite known as Dean? Of course you are! ;) Rory's relationship with Dean had ended back in Star-Crossed and never resumed because...*yawn* Until my fantasy version of Logan comes around, she's with Jess (which, weirdly enough, I really feel ended at the right time and for the right reasons!) and then single. She never steals a yacht, instead rebelling in more relatable and in-character ways. She does take a temporary hiatus from Yale, but instead of becoming a DAR darling, she dabbles in a variety of different vocations and hobbies until discovering that she really was meant to be an English teacher and/or book editor rather than a journalist. The goals we set for ourselves as kids aren't always reflective of who we're meant to become in reality. 


2) Paris was single for much of the series, working on herself and amusing viewers along the way, (no deadly dull Jamie, and I can personally do without Doyle!), but by S6 or so she's ready for the semi-reformed Jess...and he's as ready for the massive challenge that is Paris as anyone ever can be :) I proceed to write a flurry of Jess/Rory fanfics that no one except possibly juniemomo will ever want to read. 


3) Lane is with Dave, single and then with Brian. Zach is happy being with a succession of groupies and emerges as one of a few GG characters who realizes he's just not cut out for monogamy. 


4) I'll be back to discuss Lorelai when I figure out what the hell I truly want for her :) 

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What's your ideal "fantasy" date for any GG couple of your choice or even a pairing who wasn't actually a couple on the show? What kind of romantic stuff would you have liked to see on screen that AS-P et al tended to avoid in favor of more "hilarious" dysfunction?! 

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This question is way more fun for me to answer then it probably should be.

Rory is by far the easiest to place: she is a Ravenclaw, pure and simple. Arguably her most defining trait is her intelligence, and though she has aspirations, she loves learning for it's own sake. She's passionate about books and is a voracious reader, something most Ravenclaws have in common, is clever, and though she's not necessarily 'creative' in the way we might usually think of the word, she has what I would consider to be a creative outlet in writing. Early seasons Rory was also shown to be wise beyond her years in many ways. I think it's safe to say that Rory values knowledge above all else. Case closed.

I think that Lorelai is a Gryffindor. You could make the case for her being a Slytherin, since she can arguably be manipulative and ambitious, and certainly she can try to charm people to get what she wants (though it's usually in a playful way.) You could also make a case for Ravenclaw, since she is quick, witty, a walking encyclopedia of pop culture references, and quirky. In the end though, Lorelai went through with her pregnancy, left her parents house, struck out on her own, and worked her way into a comfortable life on her own terms. She is nothing if she is not brave, determined, and stubborn. She also always does what she thinks is right, and is not afraid to be blunt. At her core, she's a Gryffindor.

I don't really know what to do with Richard and Emily. Probably they are Slytherin, since they are ambitious and concerned with their position, and also willing to manipulate to get what they want..and not in a playful way like Lorelai. The incident of Richard cutting Jason out of the business to make the unpleasantness with Floyd go away..pure Slytherin. And yet, underneath that, there is a good deal of Ravenclaw in Richard..he is completely on Rory's level with his enthusiasm about reading and learning..just look at how much nostalgia he feels for his time at Yale. In Emily I can sometimes see some of the Gryffindor traits that her daughter possesses.. certainly in the revival she was brave and blunt. It probably helps that I think that Lorelai and Emily are a lot alike in personality, it's just their life circumstances that are so different.

 Luke is textbook Hufflepuff..loyal, kind, humble, hardworking, puts other's needs before his own, always tries to do the "right" thing. In fact I would place most of Stars Hollow in Hufflepuff...with the possible exception of Lane, who though she has some Hufflepuff qualities as well, was brave enough to strike out on her own and persist in being herself despite her love for and deep need to please her mother. Lane might be a Gryffindor. Oh, and Taylor. He's as Slytherin as they come.

I'm torn on whether Paris is a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw. She's so very intense and ambitious and can definitely be cunning. She does seem to love to learn underneath all of that though. She's probably a Slytherin, or if she's not, she's definitely a Ravenclaw hiding under a tough outer Slytherin 'shell'.

Rory's guys..I think Dean's a Hufflepuff. I know people get down on Dean, and I know he can be self centered, but even with the Lindsay debacle I think that in the end he is good hearted, it's just that the Rory situation brought out the worst in him..and he certainly is hard working. Jess is probably Ravenclaw. He is a secret lover of learning, and as Luke said, "reads more then anyone I've ever seen."  He's just not a conventional learner..and Ravenclaws are unconventional. My choice for Logan is probably controversial, but I go with Gryffindor. I know most people would probably say Slytherin..but honestly, I think Logan is a pretty upfront guy. He's not really cunning, he's just smart. He is blunt. He is definitely chivalrous. He is a bit self destructive and conceited, but I can see these traits as belonging to Gryffindor. Several times throughout the series I thought he displayed bravery, foolish bravery though it might have been. I also am of the possibly unpopular opinion that there are a lot of similarities between Lorelai and Logan.

Edited by Bumblebee Tights
Typo that I couldn't stand to ignore!
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I also am of the possibly unpopular opinion that there are a lot of similarities between Lorelai and Logan.

I said the same thing somewhere about Lorelai and Logan having a ton of similarities! I agree they're both Gryffindors for sure. Impulsive, bold, adventurous, usually follow their hearts and act on feelings and instincts instead of carefully thinking things through, vibrant, thrive on excitement and positive attention, like making grand gestures and surprising people, and can be a little dramatic.  They are such Gryffindors to me. There are also reasons why I don't think Logan fits as a Slytherin. He's not especially ambitious for most of the series, preferring to just live in the moment, and even when he does find a line of work he's into it's because he happens to be excited about it, not because it's especially high status, secure or successful. Slytherins tend to value traditions and customs and have a lot of reverence for the past, and Logan couldn't care less about honoring the history and traditions of his family or even establishments like Yale. People like he and Lorelai flaunt them! He does LDB because it offers excitement and camaraderie, not because he seems especially into the secret society and ritualistic aspects of it. He isn't even cunning or subtle or into planning and scheming - he's pretty open and up front and acts directly on what he feels.  Richard and Emily are definitely Slytherins for all these reasons. That doesn't mean they're evil - Slytherin has a lot of inherently good and decent people there too! 

I'm completely on board with all of your placements. I'm applauding you from my sofa! 

Edited by whateverhappened
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When I see this question I always think Dean is a muggle in love with a witch. I think he's all the good qualities of Hufflepuff but he's just not vibrant (magical) like most of the characters.

I also see Paris as both Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I think she would have a heated discussion with the sorting hat because of it. It would be fun to watch. 

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Ooh I love Hogwarts sortings! 

I'd agree with all your sortings @Bumblebee Tights, Emily to be is definitely a Slytherin: Ambitious about her place in society, cunning in how she manipulates people, fiercely protective of those in her circle. 

I was always on the fence about Logan with Slytherin vs. Gryffindor but your reasoning persuades me he's more Gryffindor and I agree with @whateverhappened that he's not ambitious, he just sees his wealth and status as a way to have fun and enjoy life rather than about status itself. He can be domineering and likes attention but those are also Gryffindor tendencies.

Imo ultimately Paris is a Slytherin, though she has a lot of Ravenclaw traits - she's intelligent and studious but doesn't love learning for learning's sake like pure Ravenclaw Rory and Jess. She see's life as a competition and learning/knowledge is one way to win it, and for bonus points she enjoys it. She has a great mind but wants to use it to conquer the world - totally wired like a Slytherin. 

Richard is so hard: I feel like he's more Slytherin in a work context (backstabbing Jason, starting his own company) but Ravenclaw in his leisure time (reading, Yale, his talks with Rory). It's hard to know what's more dominant, he doesn't care about social status as much as Emily does and often just wants to retreat into his intellectual world (Ravenclaw). But also doesn't appreciate feeling undermined and unimportant, see: when the company was pushing him out or when he was "retired." (Slytherin). 

Lorelai I'd agree has a lot of Slytherin and Gryffindor traits but is slightly more Gryffindor - ultimately she's more brave and daring than cunning but her Slytherin traits crop up a lot around her Slytherin-ish parents especially Emily.

Lane I can never decide with Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor.

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On 2/10/2017 at 8:57 PM, tarotx said:

When I see this question I always think Dean is a muggle in love with a witch. I think he's all the good qualities of Hufflepuff but he's just not vibrant (magical) like most of the characters.

I love this idea! It also really fits with the way that Dean idealizes Rory and in later seasons seems to view her almost as a magical creature.

I realized as an afterthought that I didn't sort Chris...it didn't even occur to me. Which probably tells you everything you need to know about how I feel about him, ha. Weirdly  I was always rather nuetral about him, or even enjoyed his interactions with Lorelai well enough, until his one scene in the revival which for some reason left me with a really sour impression, and has colored my views of him in hindsight. I'm not even completely sure why that is, except that maybe seeing him in a context that is completely about Rory and in no way about Lorelai really drove home what a poor father he was and the ways in which it ultimately affected Rory.

But I digress. The point is, I just don't think he fits anywhere. He is certainly not what I would call brave, or strong.. Gryffindor is definitely out. Hufflepuff is out too, because no Hufflepuff would be comfortable having such minimal involvement in their daughter's life. I can see people placing him in Slytherin, but in my opinion that would be more out of a knee jerk reaction to place people who seem like 'the bad guy' in Slytherin, and as @whateverhappened points out, this isn't really fair, as being a Slytherin is not synonymous with not being a good person. I guess you could say he's self centered, but again, that's not exclusively a Slytherin trait. He's also definitely not driven or ambitious, doesn't seem to care too much about status for it's own sake, and he's really not what I would call cunning. He does some not so great things, but I don't see many of them as being calculated. The incident at Richard and Emily's vow renewal, for instance, although it was sort of loosely 'planned', struck me as more impulsive as far as how it actually went down. I guess mayyybe I'd have to very very reluctantly go with Ravenclaw, because he can be witty, and he keeps up? Honestly I don't know how much of that is his actual personality and how much of that is just a reflection of Lorelai. And, it would be more out of process of elimination then anything else. 

Maybe I'll go with @tarotx's idea that he's a muggle in love with a witch. Even that doesn't fit in the way it does with Dean though. Anyone have any thoughts?

Edited by Bumblebee Tights
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