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One Night Ultimate Werewolf (ONUW) Mafia Games

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11 to DL @caprice (Silverstormm, CP, aquarian1, Deadpool, Ser Jorah Mormont, Drogo, egavasc, MMCS, Lady Calypso, Athena, Dougal)

2 to DL @Lady Calypso (MarkHB, saoirse) to be different.

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That said: is it possible that Drogo is a bad guy leading us astray right now? For example, if he and egavasc are both wolves, then they could totally be lying about this all as long as there's no other Troublemaker in the game to call him on it...would be a pretty risky move I guess, since (a) they wouldn't know that the Troublemaker is unpicked and (b) even if it were, the seers might realize that.

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Personally, I wouldn't falsely claim a role before the Seer and Robber confirmed that they saw/robbed someone else and I could be sure they didn't know who I was.  (I almost always get 'touched'- I actually think this is the first ONUW where I didn't get Seen or Robbed.) 

If @egavasc and I were both Wolves, we'd know who each other were but it would be extremely ballsy for me to initiate a strategy that really requires players to be in cahoots, since Wolves in this game don't talk to each other.  I'd have to rely on her (a) joining the conversation and (b) picking up what I was putting down.  Also, how could we be sure that the "victim" we'd choose - @caprice in this case - wasn't the Tanner and wouldn't win by being DL'd?

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I don't have my spreadsheet here, but I don't know that we have other options.  I could save caprice, but that would mean we hang Lady Calypso and she's one of the very few we know are innocent.

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Yeah, I'm not saying we should do anything else – just that it's kind of weird the same thing happened two games in a row, and since Drogo is known to be tricksy, I'm just putting it out there that something else is going on. I still voted for the DL and still think it's the right move. :)

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I'll go ahead and call it.

Two important facts to clear before the reveal.  Doppelganger copied nobody, as it was initially unclaimed.  And in the end the Bodyguard was indeed Mark, so the majority vote for caprice does stand.


And yes, she was a Werewolf.  Two in a row for Team Village.

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Full breakdown of actions:

  • Villager SilverStormm and Tanner Athena slept all night, the former wanting to live and the latter dreaming of death.
  • Hunter Lisin loaded her gun, and Bodyguard Mark sharpened his sword; then both went to bed.
  • Doppel-Nothing, as said before.
  • Werewolves egavasc and Spruce met while saoirse (Dreamwolf) napped nearby.
  • Minion Deadpool saw the three wolves.
  • Masons caprice and Dougal talked at the Lodge.
  • Seer CuriousParker checked unclaimed A and C, and found a Villager and the Doppelganger.
  • Apprentice Seer aquarian1 double-checked A.  Still a Villager.
  • Ser Jonah gave up Robbery to become a Villager, while Silverstormm unknowingly became a klepto.
  • Drogo troubled egavasc and caprice, somehow managing to find a wolf again in the process.
  • MuuMuu got so drunk she forgot how to copy someone else (she picked C, the Doppelganger)
  • Lady Calypso woke up early, but didn't see any changes.
  • Which leaves the last Villager as unclaimed role B.
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17 hours ago, Drogo said:

I'm down for ONUW as long as I'm not the Tanner.

Depending on how many want to play, I might not even include the Tanner this time.  There's a lot of roles we're using (and more I can and want to add), so having that one may not be necessary.  But if he is included, no guarantees. 

Sign-ups thus far:

  1. Drogo
  2. Hanged Man
  3. Lisin
  4. MuuMuu

On a related note, the company that makes the card game I've been basing this on is running a Kickstarter for the 4th game in the series.  And one of the add-on perks is a hard-cover Compendium for the 4 games; covering all the roles, including strategies, and the story behind the village itself.  In the preview for this book, they show the pages about the Troublemaker, and there's a lot of fun details just there.  Her "official" name is Tara Villhaven, and she's the daughter of Val Villhaven, one of the three vanilla Villagers.  It turns out the 3 Villagers are all brothers, so Varick and Virgil are Tara's uncles.  She's also got a cousin that I haven't introduced to you yet (but is coming soon).  And it seems that Tara the Troublemaker occasionally dates Dwayne Dosserts...the Drunk.

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I was anticipating using this weekend for sign-ups and role discussion, and not starting until Monday at the earliest.  Since that's the case:

  1. Drogo
  2. Hanged Man
  3. Lisin
  4. MuuMuu
  5. MarkHB
  6. aquarian1
  7. CP
  8. SilverStormm
  9. TCS
  10. saoirse
  11. Oinky
  12. egavasc

If use all the roles we have thus far, except the Tanner and any of the Villhaven brothers, that's exactly enough.  Of course, there's always room for more.

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I take it since there's been no activity since the last post that everyone that wants to play is in, and that everyone is ok with the following role list:

  • Doppelganger
  • Werewolf (x2)
  • Dreamwolf
  • Minion
  • Mason (x2)
  • Seer
  • Apprentice Seer
  • Robber
  • Troublemaker
  • Drunk
  • Insomniac
  • Hunter
  • Bodyguard

I haven't started assigning roles yet, so there's still time to join in or suggest a change in the line-up.  Roles will be going out sometime tomorrow.

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13 hours ago, TJtrack99 said:

I want in on the One Night game! If it's not too late...

Not too late at all.  And so everyone knows (and so Drogo doesn't get yet another reason to kill me first in the future...), the added role is a vanilla Villager.  I'll let you all decide whether its Val, Varick, or Virgil Villhaven (with extra weight given to the word of whoever ends up with the Troublemaker.)

PMs are on the way.

Edit: Correction.  PMs are out.  Awaiting Night actions from they that have them.

Edited by SVNBob
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I just want to point out that I didn't act alone in killing Bob that one time.  I was pressured into it by very bad people.  Very bad.  (Looks around to make sure they aren't listening)  And they're still around...

I am not the Troublemaker.  But if I were, we'd have locked this ish up already. =P 

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Ok, Night is over and Day has begun.  48 hours seems to be a good timeframe for these games, so we'll go with that.  Votes need to be in by 8 am CDT Thursday, with extensions applied as needed.

I think everyone gets the rules by now, but as usual, I'll leave you this reminder of the order of Night actions.

  • Doppelganger (including the action of the role they copy (in most cases))
  • Werewolves
  • Minion
  • Masons
  • Seer
  • Apprentice Seer
  • Robber
  • Troublemaker
  • Drunk
  • Insomniac

Hunter, Bodyguard, Villager, and DreamWolf do not wake at Night.

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9 hours ago, Hanged Man said:

I went to my lodge meeting and saw my fellow mason. I will wait for her to reveal herself, or not.

I can confirm this. We had a lovely time. Who knew the lodge was so festive! 

2 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Right now, I'm waiting to see what trouble @MarkHB made....

ooooh! sounds interesting! 

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