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Supernatural & Vampire Diaries Mash Up Mafia

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* floats over to join Betty and caprice at the bar *


Hey, we're out of rum again!  However, since this is a magical bar, I'll have a Molson Brador!

What kind of sicko enjoys hanging out with their friends more than writing the fictional deaths of strangers?

The kind that forgets the Official Mafia Motto: "Because Having a Life is Dumb!"

  • Love 1

* floats over to join Betty and caprice at the bar *


Hey, we're out of rum again!  However, since this is a magical bar, I'll have a Molson Brador!

The kind that forgets the Official Mafia Motto: "Because Having a Life is Dumb!"


Al! Dude, it's been ages! Barkeep, a freshly poured Guinness please, and do it right this time thank you!

Night Four: Heaven or Hell


The aftermath of the destruction of the Salvatore home was hell to clean up. John stood in the middle of the mess, looking at the rubble surrounding his feet. It didn't take him long to find a letter near the source of the explosion, somehow undestroyed. It was a very simple letter, reading: You think I'm going out quietly? Damon, you've underestimated me then. Have fun with the clean up. I'm sure it'll be a blast. -xoxo Kitty Kat.


It was unfortunate because it took a bit for John and Ellen, the only two conscious, to rifle through the rubble to find Kevin dead, Bobby barely conscious and Cas very disoriented. As for the others, Damon was found with a piece of wood in his heart and Bonnie was still unconscious too. Two more people were dead now, two more that didn't need to be. John didn't like how many people had died in such a short amount of time. His son had only been the first casualty, with his other son being missing and probably working for other demons. He didn't like the odds of their situation. They were losing quite quickly and John was running out of people to trust.  He hated feeling so helpless, like he had no control over anything that was happening. He needed to feel like he was being useful somehow, but he had no idea how. He grunted as he leaned against a tree, his arms crossed. Ellen stood near him, glancing at the unconscious bodies before looking toward John. She seemed to understand him because she moved to him, a sympathetic look on her face. "We're going to find out where Dean is and save him from himself," she tried to reassure him. John just kept his eyes forward, his teeth clenched. "You better be right," he muttered lowly.




Lucifer stood in a room with Dean, staring at the Winchester boy silently for a while. Dean remained quiet, his face in a stoic look as they remained unblinking at each other for a bit. It seemed like it was happening for a while before Dean finally spoke. "What is it that you want me to do?" he asked. Lucifer stood from his seat, his eyes boring into the Winchester that should have never been. He was still bitter over Sam's death, if he had to be honest. "I want you to serve little sandwiches to the rich and famous. What do you think I want you to do? I want you to cause some death and destruction," Lucifer answered, annoyed. Dean just clenched his jaw tightly. "Well, if you specified what kind of destruction you want, maybe I could," he snapped back. Lucifer's eyes narrowed and within seconds, he had Dean pressed up against the wall. "I have a plan, Dean Winchester, one that you'll find out when you need to. Now, be patient and let me work in silence. Then, when it has been finalized, I'll call you back. Now, leave," he demanded. Dean rolled his eyes but left the brooding Devil to his work.




The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.
TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive.
Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?
Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not.
Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well.
Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are.

BizBuzz: Damon Salvatore- Hero. You can communicate with Bonnie’s player due to their connection with dying together.

The Living:



Ok, so I got lazy and didn't feel like doing anything that long, so it's short and not very well written, but it's out and there's one clue in the story. I kind of just wrote whatever without thinking much, but oh well.

Edited by jessied112
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Ah, sorry guys, things are getting busy for me right now. I'm moving back to university in a couple of days and then I'll pretty much be busy with a whole lot of stuff for a week or two. Just in warning, as the stories might not come up quickly (like they're coming quickly now, jessie). So yes, I will review the night actions now and I'll make sure I have them all and if I do, I'll get to work on the story. 

  • Love 2

She says:

Ah, sorry guys, things are getting busy for me right now. I'm moving back to university in a couple of days and then I'll pretty much be busy with a whole lot of stuff for a week or two. Just in warning, as the stories might not come up quickly (like they're coming quickly now, jessie). So yes, I will review the night actions now and I'll make sure I have them all and if I do, I'll get to work on the story. 


Guy hears:

Room party in Jessie's dorm!!!!!!
  • Love 5

Ah, yes! We shall party and drink until the sun comes up!


So, I'm doing some packing and other last minute things but I am also partially writing the story. I will be getting it up before I leave tomorrow afternoon, though, because I'm not quite sure when I'll have the time to post the next story so....just be patient and it'll be up in the next 20 or so hours.

  • Love 3

Ok, so I'm gonna lay out some life lessons, for y'all: never, ever live with four other roommates. Ever, when you're in university/college. It creates more drama than it's worth. To further this fact, never EVER EVER live with two people who have been dating because they will most likely break up and you will most likely get caught up in unnecessary drama. Seriously. Long story. But the short notes version? My female roommate is pissed because me and her now ex went out to the movies and he grabbed my hand and I told him afterward 'no don't do that I don't like you like that' and then I told her right after it happened. She's pissed at me because I didn't rip my hand away fast enough and...urg, it's just so stupid and unnecessary and I'm too old for this shit (and I'm only 20). This is why I've been happily single.


I'm heading off to my campus library so I don't have to feel awkward in our apartment anymore, and I will have the story written there.

  • Love 1

I know, I know! It's going to be a pretty horrible week. Today was a long day and the next three/four days sucks too. I have a partial story written (I ended up making up with my roommate and then she didn't stop bothering me for the rest of the day yesterday) so I am posting the story soon, before I go out tonight, because really, I just need to get the story over with so I'm not prolonging it anymore.

Day Five: Highway to Hell


Bonnie sighed as she was piled in the car with the others. John had suggested that it was time to leave and she couldn't argue with that. She was tired of people dying all around her. Jeremy, Stefan, Elena and now Damon; she didn't even care about the blue eyed Salvatore brother. Now she didn't have many people left in her life. Caroline and Tyler and Matt she did have, but they were out of the line of fire, for once, and she wanted to leave it that way. So, taking off with these strangers to find their friend Dean and whoever else was a part of it was something she felt like she had to do. Maybe she would be of some help.


It was pretty silent in the car. Nobody was talking, nor did they want to talk. Too much had happened and they all needed the time to process. John had an idea of where to start looking so they were heading to some place near Mystic Falls to check out anything suspicious.  Bonnie just didn't feel that comfortable with these people. She only knew them for a short amount of time and she didn't fully trust them yet. She sighed as she looked out the window, letting her eyes close so she could have a few moments to relax.




A little while later because the mod is trying to get the story posted in the next ten minutes so she has to jump straight into the action so insert your own missing pieces here...


Bonnie glanced into the house that the others had sent her into. Well, she had more like volunteered to check it out but it was sending chills up her spine. She took a deep breath before glancing around, hearing noises from the upstairs. She moved upstairs quickly and glanced at where it was coming from. Opening the door, she saw a slew of demons alike, one of them staring straight at her. "Welcome. He has been waiting for all of you," the man said lowly, as he gestured to a man hidden in the shadows. Bonnie took a step back as he emerged, a smirk on his face. "Bonnie Bennett. I've heard about you. I'm Lucifer. Satan, if you will. Actually, I prefer to be called Lucifer," he said. Bonnie gritted her teeth and held her ground. "What are you doing? Are you trying to torment those people out there?" she asked. Lucifer nodded as he picked up a knife, twirling it in his hand like a moustache. "Yes, pretty much. But I've been keeping an eye on you and your now dead friends. I hear you were a powerful witch," he said. Bonnie nodded as she conjoured a fireball, tossing it at his head. "I still am," she said, her voice even. Lucifer just smirked as he walked up to her, grabbing her hair and pulling her toward him. "Well, let's just give a message out to all those people out there, huh? I think your magic will be good for something," he said and before she knew it, the knife was plunged into her stomach. She could feel the magic being slowly drained out of her and it took all her energy to send a powerful blast at not only Lucifer, but the rest of his demons, blinding them temporarily but ending in tragedy for her.


The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.
TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive.
Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?
Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not.
Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well.
Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are.
BizBuzz: Damon Salvatore- Hero. You can communicate with Bonnie’s player due to their connection with dying together.

TMunz: Bonnie Bennett- Hero. You can communicate with Damon's player.

The Living:


Ok, so I legit had to write that just so I'm not continuing to prolong it, so there it is. Honestly I've had no inspiration for this part until yesterday, so this is what you get. The day will be open fairly long, and I can tell you that much. I won't have a chance to write until Wednesday, at the earliest, so there's no rush for lynches. There's one clue in the story, at least.

That sucks! TMunz was going to be the only person I trusted from here on out! Now what? Heroes, we need to get it together or else someone's going to... join that really raucous ghost party over there.

Hey, question for the dearly departed. Do ghosts get to have extinct animals for pets? Just asking for a friend so don't get any ideas, Villains.

Okay, well, my worry re Biz and Athena before was that maybe Biz was suspicious of her because she was an investigator or something and knew details. But we've seen the powers and that's not the case, so....


Started at 15, have 7 dead heroes, 1 dead villain, 1 dead serial killer, 6 left. If we started with 4 villains plus a serial killer, that means we're 50-50 and so without someone's power saving us we heroes are dead; otherwise we probably started at 3 villains plus the serial killer and it'd be 4-2.


Haven't gone through carefully for clues yet, but will try that tomorrow....

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