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Supernatural & Vampire Diaries Mash Up Mafia

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Ok so... there are 9 characters in the story and only 8 players left.. we have


Luicfer - Obviously super evil
Cas- Good guy
Cirus- Demon seems evil (I think he's the extra character but I'll get there in a minute)
Dean- Evil...but can he be turned back without Sam??
Damon- Good?? I don't watch this show
Ellen- Good Guy
Bobby- Good Guy
Kevin- Good?? Not sure who he is
John- Good Guy

So by my count we have 2 Villians left..Unless I'm wrong which is a high probability.

So for cules I think that just the use of the name Cirus is a clue. Because when reading quickly I actually thoguht it said Curious at first....which makes me think it's leading to CuriousParker...
There’s also the fact that Cirus wasn’t mentioned in earlier stories, and then this is the last vote and Curious didn’t vote….

7 egavasc (TJtrack99, BizBuzz, stacey, Lisin, Athena, JayKay, photo fox) 0 to finish her off

That’s all I’ve got anyone else….

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I just realized that you were quoting egavasc's lynching vote. Duh-doy.


You just might be on to something with the Cirus connection, @RebelliousAngel. That name stuck out to me too (and according to Wiki it was a power plant in India that closed back in 2010 lol) but your idea makes way more sense... And I feel guilty for this because we killed egavasc even though she wasn't actually a villain (yet) so she wasn't even with Lucifer and Dean, but I still have Athena in my sights. It was the name of the story "Death Takes a Holiday," that did it. It could all be a massive case of reading too much into things, though. I don't feel confident nominating anyone yet.

Edited by JayKay
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Easy there @RebelliousAngel,  I promise you I'm a Hero.  I didn't get to vote last time because it was already @ 0 by the time I got to the thread.  


If Cirus is a a power plant that points to @BizBuzz.  I will also add that on our last lynch a few folks wanted to wait to cast the last vote so we could have more time to discuss the clues BUT Biz came in and said there was nothing to discuss and closed the lynch.  Seems to me she didn't want to give us time to figure out that a clue was shining on her.


Also?  Not @ mentioning somebody when you are making accusations against them is a villainous thing to do Reb.

Easy there @RebelliousAngel, I promise you I'm a Hero. I didn't get to vote last time because it was already @ 0 by the time I got to the thread.

If Cirus is a a power plant that points to @BizBuzz. I will also add that on our last lynch a few folks wanted to wait to cast the last vote so we could have more time to discuss the clues BUT Biz came in and said there was nothing to discuss and closed the lynch. Seems to me she didn't want to give us time to figure out that a clue was shining on her.

Also? Not @ mentioning somebody when you are making accusations against them is a villainous thing to do Reb.

We'll no one was speaking and I'm trying to get discussion going .. Worked didn't it? :p

Also not explaining how you think a clue leads to someone and just throwing it on them is a villainous thing to do @CuriousParker

And as for the@mentions thing if u look at my post I rarely ever do it anyways

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I am hurt, to the heart.  I am just this little ole hero just sitting in the corner, still a little hungover from that way long night, and wow, BANG, I get accused of being a villain.


Wow, that is cold. 

And for the record, @Athena is in my sights.  The whole Trojan Horse thing.  And the wood thing.  Yeah...

Start Game Talk: 


Oh Reb, unless you are a villain, that's a mistake!  I'm a hero. 


End Game Talk:


I find it very, very funny that @BizBuzz has liked my posts that say she's a villain and needs to be taken out, including the starting of a lynch.  That's my Biz, Queen of Likes.  @David T. Cole knows how to stop the likes though.

I find it very, very funny that @BizBuzz has liked my posts that say she's a villain and needs to be taken out, including the starting of a lynch.  That's my Biz, Queen of Likes.  @David T. Cole knows how to stop the likes though.


Yeah, just talk about dead puppies.  That will stop me.


And since you just reminded me of the back channel desire to usurp my throne, I go with:


2 (RebelliousAngel, BizBuzz) Curious Parker 3 to lynch, because, as Queenie says "It's my way or off with your head"


Start Game Talk: 


Oh Reb, unless you are a villain, that's a mistake!  I'm a hero. 


End Game Talk:


I find it very, very funny that @BizBuzz has liked my posts that say she's a villain and needs to be taken out, including the starting of a lynch.  That's my Biz, Queen of Likes.  @David T. Cole knows how to stop the likes though.

I am not a villian... I protect what's mine..and you know...I'm startng to see your point here the more @bizzbuzz post... soo....In the hopes of making some headway here


@BizBuzz (CuriousParker, RA) 3 to bash her head in

Edited by RebelliousAngel
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Wow, first, I am a her.  And second, you will be sorry cause I am a hero.


I have never seen a faster turnaround...

I'm cold hearted..ask my daughter. Also..your all over the place and playing evil very very well my dear. And you know what they say..if it walks like an evil dictator, acts like an evil dictator and smells like one....probably is an evil dictator.

Edited by RebelliousAngel

Whoa, a splinter vote? That's not good. I don't lean hard toward BizBuzz or CuriousParker, honestly. If there's two villains we would have been picking up on them before last night, right?

@Athena, it is true that I've thrown a few names out in my rambling, but only one (still alive) consistently. I swear I'm no villain, just a noob!

Whoa, a splinter vote? That's not good. I don't lean hard toward BizBuzz or CuriousParker, honestly. If there's two villains we would have been picking up on them before last night, right?

@Athena, it is true that I've thrown a few names out in my rambling, but only one (still alive) consistently. I swear I'm no villain, just a noob!


Ahhhh, the voice of reason.  Thank you @JayKay - even if you do decide to lynch me, I promise that I will not hold it against you.  The other two however, they are out for blood.  That makes me sad.  :(

  • Love 1

The Living:


@Athena has voted to lynch me
@RebelliousAngel has voted to lynch me after first voting to lynch CuriousParker
@BizBuzz has voted to lynch CuriousParker
@CuriousParker has voted to lynch me
@Dougal hasn't voted yet
@TMunz has voted to lynch CuriousParker
@SVNBob hasn't voted yet
@JayKay hasn't voted yet (although was the voice of reason)


Calling Dougal, SVNBoc and JayKay - place your vote for CuriousParker (and I will make sure you get two for one drinks when night falls, cause that is what heros do, they take care of their own)

Okay, I'm sorry to be a buzzkill (don't worry, not like that @BizBuzz) but I'm not voting for either. I went back and read the nominations for Day 1, when The Crazed Spruce was first suspected.


Here's what I got so far.  The clue is the chipmunk in Wisconsin.  Least Chipmunks live in Wisconsin in coniferous forest which includes spruce trees.  I say this points to The Crazed Spruce .

@CuriousParker was the first to submit evidence of it being him.


So wood seems to be a general topic around these parts.  As much as I hate it for The Crazed Spruce , there has to be something to it.  It might surprise you that chipmunks like to chew wood.  Maybe that is a backhanded way of saying something about what has happened, or is going to happen to TCS?  (So sorry dude, you know how I feel about you!)

And BizBuzz agreed. TCS is the only concrete villain we have to go by. Since both of them pushed for his death on Day 1, I don't think either of them are villains. I'm sorry. I think we're being manipulated into sending one of our own to the graveyard.

Fair enough @JayKay - do you have a suspect then?  My vote for CP was much more of a retaliation rather than a vote of deduction.  I have said since the beginning that Athena is suspect.  And I didn't know we were allowed to change our vote, so if you have a suspect, give me a clue and I will help you with the lynch.

Yeah, we haven't gotten any clues out of the most recent one. I'm going over it now but nothing's jumping out at me. The "Death Takes a Holiday" possible clue was from Night 3. I don't like lynching somebody without fresh evidence, after what happened with egavasc. There has to be something pointing towards someone, Day 4 has two clues in it. But @Dougal and @SVNBob still have to weigh in so maybe they'll have an idea.

Ok, in re-reading the story, this struck me, finally I must say:


thanks to some dumb cocky Original hybrid who thought he was the most powerful person in the world


When I think of a cocky original hybrid, sorry if this is stretching, but I think of the story of the one such angel that dared go up against the ruler of the universe and in so doing became ruler of the world.  So I am changing my vote.  Thanks @Athena for making me re-read the story after your mention of the title.


1 (BizBuzz) RebelliousAngel 4 to blow up

Ok, in re-reading the story, this struck me, finally I must say:



When I think of a cocky original hybrid, sorry if this is stretching, but I think of the story of the one such angel that dared go up against the ruler of the universe and in so doing became ruler of the world.  So I am changing my vote.  Thanks @Athena for making me re-read the story after your mention of the title.


1 (BizBuzz) RebelliousAngel 4 to blow up

And that my friend makes my vote on you feel even more correct and concrete. Cause I am a hero. But if you feel the need go for it..I'm a hero. It's inevitiable that something this game would point to me seeing as how Cas is an Angel and Lucifer is the ultimate Rebellious Angel. I'm just surprised it took so long for someone to lead it that direction. lol

I'm going through the thread and re-reading stuff and something jumped out at me. There was one clue in the Day 3 story. Later that day, we killed egavasc (again). @CuriousParker picked out the line “I'm not here to strike against you” from the story as a possible clue. Nothing really came of it though because most were already set on Offing Egavasc: Part II.


When someone goes on strike against something, sometimes they hold up signs like this:


In the most recent story, Lucifer tells his minion to "Fetch" Dean.


Now I've never suspected @Dougal at all up until now, but that's all I've got so far.

I'm going through the thread and re-reading stuff and something jumped out at me. There was one clue in the Day 3 story. Later that day, we killed egavasc (again). @CuriousParker picked out the line “I'm not here to strike against you” from the story as a possible clue. Nothing really came of it though because most were already set on Offing Egavasc: Part II.


When someone goes on strike against something, sometimes they hold up signs like this:


In the most recent story, Lucifer tells his minion to "Fetch" Dean.


Now I've never suspected @Dougal at all up until now, but that's all I've got so far.

It is intresting that @Dougal hasn't really voted or spoken up much either..maybe thinking he can slither by in the background and go unnoticed....

Well, Dougal's icon is a dog with a strike sign over it. (I feel like I should be familiar with the dog, but I can't place what it's from). I haven't got anything else to add to that, though.


Ok, now I'm with you.  I went back and looked and I think the dog is from The Magic Roundabout.  But I could be wrong.  Hmmm. 

First one accusation flies, then another one flies, then another one flies...lord is this confusing. That's why I've been standing back. Trying to stay out of the crossfire and waiting for something more stable and concrete to come out of all this discussion. There's no consensus yet to vote with or against. And I've got nothing to add that hasn't been brought up already.

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Okay, I just skimmed over everything again (focusing on player interactions instead of clues) and my main reaction is: well, that took a long time.


My second reaction is: @BizBuzz has been pretty aggressive, trying to get people after @Athena based on as far as I can tell basically nothing, for the whole game. She did go after Spruce who turned out to be bad, but only as the killing blow with 7 other people already voting, and plenty more (including me) who would have jumped on if they saw it in time, so that doesn't count much towards her.


Whereas CP started that vote, which is pretty strongly in her favor.


The RA clue strikes me as weak.


I'm not 100% on this, but David Lynch knows no notion of reasonable doubt.


4 BizBuzz (CuriousParker, RA, Athena, Dougal) 1 to find the beekeeper's outfits and fly swatters

1 RebelliousAngel (BizBuzz) 4 to blow up

1 CuriousParker (TMunz) 4 to exile.


@SVNBob, 1 away is now as close to a consensus to vote against or with as it's possible to get. :) @JayKay is the other non-voter as yet.

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