egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I'm going to look like a real idiot for supporting you if I'm wrong but it seems cruel to David Lynch based on descriptive words. Plus I learned the hard way not to trust stacey. 2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best. Link to comment
photo fox July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Sorry, spruce! But it's gotta be done. 5 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TJtrack99, TMunz, photo fox) 3 to David Lynch while dancing in the rain with cats 2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best 1 Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 (edited) I'm going to momentarily retract, as @egavasc is right, the "Stopping By The Woods..." poem is the "and miles to go before I sleep" one, not the two roads diverging. 4 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TMunz, photo fox) 4 to David Lynch while dancing in the rain with cats 2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best Now, we want to take the most advantage from Day that we can. And that's collaboration. Particularly if you're under suspicion, we have to find a way to share our info. Of course, since the Villains are here too, we could be trusting in deceptive words that are worthless. But we have to try. Otherwise we'll just get picked off one by one. , I'd like you to state what evidence you'd like to lynch @The Crazed Spruce on. Edited July 27, 2014 by TJtrack99 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 (edited) Here's what I got so far. The clue is the chipmunk in Wisconsin. Least Chipmunks live in Wisconsin in coniferous forest which includes spruce trees. I say this points to @The Crazed Spruce . Chipmunk does seem most likely, in which case poor Spruce is an option. But then @CuriousParker dropped the chipmunk research and whoa. Reference to above pointing at TCS. I'm into my Wisconsin theory. However it's useless as I have no clue where it points (aside from Spruce) which maybe is SO mean that it's true? So wood seems to be a general topic around these parts. As much as I hate it for @The Crazed Spruce , there has to be something to it. It might surprise you that chipmunks like to chew wood. Maybe that is a backhanded way of saying something about what has happened, or is going to happen to TCS? (So sorry dude, you know how I feel about you!) I'd really like to be bold - heroes are bold! - and David Lynch somebody right away, but the only likely candidate is @The Crazed Spruce, and that just seems mean. (Heroes are also compassionate.) ;-) Here's my gut feeling from after Day One. It just so happens that yes, @The Crazed Spruce was the first to go in the last two games, in which he was a hero both times. So that, combined with the clues makes me think that it's extremely possible that this time - not a hero so much. Add to that this quote from the last story; Trust me, nothing is crazier than waking up in the middle of the woods (Emphasis mine) I rest my case. Edited July 27, 2014 by stacey Link to comment
Athena July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I'm suspicious of everyone including Spruce too, but there are a lot of woods in these settings. I can't trust stacey ever again. On the other hand egavasc seems quite protective of Spruce. Does she know something? I also can't forget that Mark was killed and he accused photo fox. Link to comment
SVNBob July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Man, I've had a devil of a time with my Internet connections. And now I come back to find a dead Mark, and a binary lynch with me as one of the targets? Wow. I personally think photo fox is the better candidate. Mark has good instincts and is good at deciphering clues. If the Day 1 clue was the Wisconsin reference, as everyone seems to agree, then associating off that leads me to cheese. Which makes me think "Say cheese", as in getting a photo taken. Add that to the fox link Mark found... But since it seems to be either him or me at the moment, add me to the list of voters for Spruce. Copy-paste with my tablet is hard. But I make 5 now, with 3 to go. 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Helping out @SVNBob - 5 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TMunz, photo fox, SVNBob) 3 to David Lynch while dancing in the rain with cats2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best Link to comment
Guest July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I've gotta do it. 6 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TMunz, photo fox, SVNBob, CuriousParker) 2 to David Lynch while singing and dancing in the rain with cats that look like Gene Kelly. 2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best Link to comment
Athena July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 There doesn't seem to be any likely candidates so I'll go with Spruce again too. I still have my eye on other people though. 7 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TMunz, photo fox, SVNBob, CuriousParker, Athena) 1 to David Lynch while singing and dancing in the rain with cats that look like Gene Kelly. 2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best Has @RebelliousAngel posted in this game at all? Hmmm... 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Wood has been my focus since the beginning, and as much as I hate to do it, I have to: 8 The Crazed Spruce (stacey, JayKay, TMunz, photo fox, SVNBob, CuriousParker, Athena, BizBuzz) 0 to David Lynch while singing and dancing in the rain with cats that look like Gene Kelly. 2 SVNBob (Spruce, egavasc) 6 to cross our fingers and hope for the best ^hope that is right? 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 (edited) @BizBuzz, yep, you did it right! Also, Wood has been my focus since the beginning *snicker, snicker* I'm a 12 year old boy right now! Edited July 27, 2014 by stacey 3 Link to comment
egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Oh man. I'm so screwed if Spruce is evil. 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 ::giggle:: Ok, so I have been wracking my brain for days how to include this exchange in with my accusation, but alas, I couldn't fit it in ... just for fun, Stacey, I know you know this movie well, and that outside of PTV Mafia you have the reputation of being a smart butt, how would you (or anyone else) have made this apply: BEDEMIR: Quiet, quiet. Quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch. CROWD: Are there? What are they? BEDEMIR: Tell me, what do you do with witches? VILLAGER #2: Burn! CROWD: Burn, burn them up! BEDEMIR: And what do you burn apart from witches? VILLAGER #1: More witches! VILLAGER #2: Wood! BEDEMIR: So, why do witches burn? [pause] VILLAGER #3: B--... 'cause they're made of wood...? BEDEMIR: Good! CROWD: Oh yeah, yeah... BEDEMIR: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood? VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her. BEDEMIR: Aah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone? VILLAGER #2: Oh, yeah. BEDEMIR: Does wood sink in water? VILLAGER #1: No, no. VILLAGER #2: It floats! It floats! VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond! CROWD: The pond! BEDEMIR: What also floats in water? VILLAGER #1: Bread! VILLAGER #2: Apples! VILLAGER #3: Very small rocks! VILLAGER #1: Cider! VILLAGER #2: Great gravy! VILLAGER #1: Cherries! VILLAGER #2: Mud! VILLAGER #3: Churches -- churches! VILLAGER #2: Lead -- lead! ARTHUR: A duck. CROWD: Oooh. BEDEMIR: Exactly! So, logically..., VILLAGER #1: If... she.. weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood. BEDEMIR: And therefore--? VILLAGER #1: A witch! CROWD: A witch! 2 Link to comment
MarkHB July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Sorry, after I read that my mind went off to the Castle Anthrax scene and I got completely distracted. ;) 4 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Hmm, my takeaway from that is... @The Crazed Spruce is either a duck, a floatie, or makes gravy. Al, pay attention! Castle Anthrax will get a man killed! Or worse! 2 Link to comment
MarkHB July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I'm not afraid, I'll go back and face the peril! 3 Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Good, the lynch went through. I'm also glad we got more participation. I'll be interested to see what happens now. @egavasc, do you have reason to believe we're wrong and Spruce is not evil? It just seemed like you were pretty adamant about defending him, but if you didn't have any knowledge of it... @MarkHB, no, it's far too perilous!! 3 Link to comment
egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 It just felt like everyone latched on to Spruce right away and then tried to rework any other potential clue to make it fit. See Stacey's attempts to make Robert Frost be about Spruce. And I'm having a difficult time seeing wood as a clue rather than a descriptive term. I'm still trying to figure out the game and maybe jessied112's clues are less direct than Reb's were last round and maybe everyone else is right. And if I get lynched for it I get lynched. (But you really don't want to lynch me. Big mistake. Huge.) But my gut said that these were jumped conclusions and I went with it. Link to comment
Athena July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 And if I get lynched for it I get lynched. (But you really don't want to lynch me. Big mistake. Huge.) Oooh, is that a threat? You sound very dangerous. 2 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Aw man. I'm just a hero who thinks it's sad that Spruce gets offed early and that woods is probably just a descriptive word and not a clue. Although if Spruce really is a villian I will eat my words. But the Robert Frost poem is not "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." The poem is titled "The Road Not Taken" and appeared in the collection entitled Mountain Interval. While Frost often wrote about woods, this is not one of those times. Interesting that you're trying to call me out on the Frost stuff, @egavasc, considering this interesting piece of (intentional? or accidental?) misdirection that you gave on Frost yourself. If you hadn't said the bolded line, I wouldn't have gone looking for The Road Not Taken, where he is indeed writing about (roads through) woods! 2. @egavasc: Day 2 clue - Sam wished that "time could reverse" as he was murdered. Using the word reverse specifically instead of something like "go back in time" or "replay the years" has me on red alert. Something is definitely up, I think... Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I am LOVING this round so far. You guys are really making me happy. Maybe I'm just really good at clues and you guys are misinterpreting everything. Or maybe I just suck at them and you guys keep catching all of them. Whichever one makes you feel better! I'll get right on to the night story, so it'll be up in the next couple of hours. 2 Link to comment
egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Oooh, is that a threat? You sound very dangerous. Just a chance to quote Pretty Woman 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Oooh, is that a threat? You sound very dangerous. Um, if you reverse this egavasc - it becomes csavage, which then could also mean see savage, or see [the] savage. In the very first story, this sent up a red flag: The monster was staring at him and it was most unpleasant. Couldn't a monster be a savage? Or vice versa? 2 Link to comment
MarkHB July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 (edited) I'm glad that we're putting so much energy into this game... that's when the game's at its most fun! I'm also glad for drinking before noon on a Sunday (since I don't think that's allowed in my state). A Bloody Mary, please! (I'm assuming that 's post was effectively the calling of Night). Also: can't I have just a little peril? Edited July 27, 2014 by MarkHB 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Yep, game talk is over. But that's okay! BARTENDER! TEQUILA SUNRISE AND KEEP 'EM COMING! 4 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Yep, game talk is over. But that's okay! BARTENDER! TEQUILA SUNRISE AND KEEP 'EM COMING! Oops, I think I might have cross posted and missed the announcement, my apologies. Link to comment
egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Gin and tonic barkeep and keep em coming. It's hot here and I need something refreshing that will calm my nerves. 1 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Cruising up to the bar and asking for a double shot of Coconut Rum please, Malibu preferred! 1 Link to comment
halgia July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 My only morning drink is a beermosa: orange juice and Miller High Life, the champagne of beers. Sad that I missed all the action last night, but I guess we'll see how that turns out. :) 1 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Oops, I think I might have cross posted and missed the announcement, my apologies. S'ok @BizBuzz, it's your first game. Of course, we'll probably find your bloody corpse in the alley behind the bar, facedown with a knife between your shoulder blades.... 2 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 S'ok @BizBuzz, it's your first game. Of course, we'll probably find your bloody corpse in the alley behind the bar, facedown with a knife between your shoulder blades.... Ouch. 2 Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Story! Story! Story! Bartender, a tasty beer please! Last week I tried cooking some bratwurst in beer before grilling them, and they were quite good! Might try it again soon! 2 Link to comment
JayKay July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Just a kamikaze shot with raspberry schnapps, please. I have to meet my grandmother later. 2 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I'm just gonna nurse a rum & coke over here in the corner while I wait for the axe to fall... 4 Link to comment
BizBuzz July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Just made some kick butt salsa, who wants some??? Anyone is welcome, except , for some reason, she is gunning for me. 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Hey, hey, I've got your back! Oops. 3 Link to comment
JayKay July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Yikes, maybe you *don't* wanna go where everybody knows your name. 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Ok cool, so because I'm lazy and really don't want to write anything, this will probably be shorter than the other ones I've written. But who cares? It's night time (WHY IS IT NIGHT TIME?) so yolo. Ok, here we go. Night 2: Oh What a Night "Wait, he's dead?" Kevin asked incredulous as Cas stood sorrowfully by the door, his arms crossed, nodding ever so slightly. In response, Kevin buried his face in his hands, unable to believe that a Winchester could truly be dead. "It is hard to believe, but yes," Cas confirmed. Kevin got up from his seat, gritting his teeth as he shoved the books off the table. "Damnit!" he growled before turning to the angel in question, who seemed unphased by his burst of anger. "We need to focus on how to save Dean right now," Cas continued. Kevin just turned to Cas, a fed up look on his face. "You know what? I know we do, but Sam just died so why don't we take a little breather right now and just sit and relax?" he snapped. Cas seemed to take a moment to think about this. "There is a lot we need to start researching, like how you are alive and how to save Dean, so we should be focusing on that," he said. Kevin looked ready to retort but a phone ringing in the distance caused both of them to stop. Frowning, Cas went to go find the phone and Kevin followed. Who could be calling, and whose phone would they be calling from? One of Sam or Dean's burners? It didn't take them long to get to the bedroom and get to the phone, but it had already gone to voicemail. Picking it up, Cas looked confused at the device in his hand. "I do not know how to answer voicemail," he admitted. Kevin took it out of his hands and pressed a few buttons, lucky that Sam told him some of the passwords to their phones before he had died. It took him a couple of minutes but he managed to get the correct password and put the phone on speaker. "Sam? It's Jo. I tried the other numbers but this is the only one connected. I know it's strange to hear from me, but I'm alive. My mom's alive too and we don't know what's going on. We're in some place in Virginia called Mystic Falls and we don't know how to find you. So, give me a call back, please. We need to talk and meet up." Cas looked a bit more concerned now; if Jo and Ellen and Kevin were alive, how many others would be as well? He turned to Kevin, who looked a bit confused. "Jo and Ellen died a few years back, to try and stop the apocalypse. We need to get to them," he said. Kevin nodded as he turned to walk out the door. "I'll look up this Mystic Falls place on the computer. You should call them back," Kevin instructed. Suddenly a banging on the door caused the two to freeze. They slowly walked into the main room, looking at the door on the top of the stairs which seemed to shake the place. A very familiar voice started screaming through the door: "Open up, you idjits!" .-. Somewhere in Kansas Slitted eyes glared at the Original vampire as the man in question seemed to sense a whole lot of anger coming from him. Very angry, he decided as he saw Lucifer's eyes practically glow red. "Nothing I have told you has stuck in your tiny little brain, has it?" Lucifer asked, his steps becoming more menacing toward Klaus. Barely able to contain his fear, which was a major rarity for Klaus, he kept silent and stood his ground, knowing he couldn't stand up to the Devil, of all people; he may be a powerful Original but he still couldn't compare to Satan, who could torture him and made him wish he was dead. "Oh, but it has, your great liege. But I just assumed that when you said you wanted Dean to be reunited with his brother for the last time that you wanted the youngest Winchester dead," he said, keeping his voice calm and neutral. "And when I said get revenge, I didn't mean get his brother to kill him! I told you to keep him alive, or did you miss that part because of your thirst for revenge, power and death?" Lucifer sneered. Klaus always tried to stay away from Lucifer from all his time on Earth, because he knew what the man was capable of and after a particularly rough encounter with Elijah once, he knew Lucifer had to be dangerously bad, more so than him, to scare his own brother. Klaus crossed his arms, maintaining his composure as much as he could. "I would apologize for my lack of attention toward your goal, but when people do say revenge, and it is known that Sam had trapped you in the Cage, I would assume you would want his death to be at the hands of his own brother, much like your own family," he said. Lucifer just chuckled, a smirk appearing on his face and it didn't bode well for Klaus. It was the rare time he was legitimately scared but he had to keep calm even as Lucifer stood in front of him, looking right at him. "Well then, it's a common mistake. And it won't happen again, yes?" he asked. Klaus nodded, feeling a small sense of relief. "Never again," he said. At least he was being spared; maybe him being so powerful and almost as evil was a good sign. Lucifer just grinned before grabbing hold of Klaus and pulling him closer. "You're damn right it won't. See you in Hell," he murmured as Klaus' eyes widened. .-. The Deceased:MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good. The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.The Living:AthenastaceyegavascLisinRebelliousAngelphoto foxBizBuzzTJtrack99CuriousParkerDougalTMunzSVNBobJayKay See? Not too shabby, heroes.There is one clue in this story. Get your night actions in soon because I'd totally love to start the next story sometime tomorrow. So, like, another 24 hours? 4 Link to comment
egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Welp. 2 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Can I get you a refill on the gin and tonic, @egavasc? 3 Link to comment
Lisin July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Way to go Heroes! Woo! Thanks for getting that done while I was away from my computer! 2 Link to comment
egavasc July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Can I get you a refill on the gin and tonic, @egavasc? Yes please. And then about 12 more. Can't be lynched if I die of alcohol poisoning at the bar first right??? 3 Link to comment
caprice July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Castle Anthrax.... will there be spankingss? 3 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 I think Al was planning on that, @caprice ... 2 Link to comment
TJtrack99 July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Castle Anthrax.... will there be spankingss? "Well, I suppose I could stay for a bit longer..." 4 Link to comment
photo fox July 27, 2014 Share July 27, 2014 Yay! I'm so relieved. I was feeling awful for David Lynching @The Crazed Spruce, but he totally deserved it. :-) Margarita, please. 3 Link to comment
Guest July 28, 2014 Share July 28, 2014 Yeah Heros! I'll take my regular coke. Unless somebody knows how to make a great cocktail with muscadine juice. Link to comment
caprice July 28, 2014 Share July 28, 2014 I think Al was planning on that, @caprice ...Ooh, me first! 1 Link to comment
The Crazed Spruce July 28, 2014 Share July 28, 2014 Yay! I'm so relieved. I was feeling awful for David Lynching @The Crazed Spruce, but he totally deserved it. :-)Hey! :( I mean, yeah, I kinda did, but still, HEY! :( 6 Link to comment
MarkHB July 28, 2014 Share July 28, 2014 Castle Anthrax.... will there be spankingss? Ooh, me first! Never thought much about spanking Gollum before.... 1 Link to comment
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