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Well, I envy anyone who can trust anybody this game. It's Day 2 and we had a splinter vote! One Night and it's already time to start sleeping with baseball bats under our pillows.


That said, I don't really know who to vote for. The stuff I may have found lead me to The Crazed Spruce, but then MarkHB mentioned (after I posted my clue stuff, dang) that maybe the clues took some deeper digging. So I'm just gonna vote SVNBob. Because he's actually Satan.


2 to David Lynch SVNBob (The Crazed Spruce, JayKay); 7 to lose sympathy for the devil

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A woman who likes Guinness and is a smartass.  You could grow on me, Betty.


@Lisin can vouch that I told her I was tempted, if you all didn't give me something to write about, to come up with 500 words of Laurel lying in her hotel bed, chewing gum and reading trashy romance magazines, and make you search it for clues.  You have spared yourselves that fate.


The story will hopefully be up tomorrow night around this time or a bit later, and the clock won't start ticking on night actions until then.  That will be late Tuesday night, so to rephrase my question, what shall we do about the game for the rest of this week?  Shall I plan to post the Day story Sunday night, or do you want it earlier or later?  I can promise you I will not be posting it during the Patriots' game Sunday afternoon.


Also, in a tangentially related note, The Hollywood Reporter is saying that Michelle MacLaren will be directing the Wonder Woman movie, with Zack Snyder producing.


Keep Calm and Don't Bother Searching This Post For Clues.

Edited by MarkHB
  • Love 5

*saunters into the bar*


I'll have a Piña colada to kick things off please


The story will hopefully be up tomorrow night around this time or a bit later, and the clock won't start ticking on night actions until then.  That will be late Tuesday night, so to rephrase my question, what shall we do about the game for the rest of this week?  Shall I plan to post the Day story Sunday night, or do you want it earlier or later?


Personally, I always prefer it earlier (oo-er saucy!); better to have Day span if not all of, at least part of the weekend imo so everyone has time to join the discussion. OOoooosh.

  • Love 3

Markbro, I think we would like to see the results of this. Maybe post the Night story and it can be extended Night until after the holiday?



Personally, I always prefer it earlier (oo-er saucy!); better to have Day span if not all of, at least part of the weekend imo so everyone has time to join the discussion. OOoooosh.


I like both these ideas.   I would like to see the results of Day 2's discussion, and I would like to have a longer time discussing clues for Day 3.


In any case, my head is hurting so barkeep, please make me a hot toddy.


ETA:  To be clearer, I would like to see the night story before the holiday and a day story as soon as you can after the holiday.

  • Love 3

So, if I get the story up tonight, can folks with night actions support getting those to me in the standard 24-hour time?  That's Wednesday, the "heaviest travel day of the year," and at least where I am we're getting a snowstorm.  I'd then try to get the Day story up by Friday night, because L-tryptophans, and leave things open until Monday night again.  Silver, you spoke of the weekend, but you guys had the whole weekend this time and hardly anything was said until after I gave the Monday extension, so are weekends actually bad for people or was this an aberration because of the holiday week?


Night action folks, if you can't support getting your actions in on Wednesday, let me know ASAP via PM.  Otherwise I'll assume you're OK with the timeline for Night I stated.


Insert standard "no-clues" disclaimer here.

Edited by MarkHB
  • Love 3

So, if I get the story up tonight, can folks with night actions support getting those to me in the standard 24-hour time?  That's Wednesday, the "heaviest travel day of the year," and at least where I am we're getting a snowstorm.  I'd then try to get the Day story up by Friday night, because *L-tryptophans, and leave things open until Monday night again.  Silver, you spoke of the weekend, but you guys had the whole weekend this time and hardly anything was said until after I gave the Monday extension, so are weekends actually bad for people or was this an aberration because of the holiday week?


Night action folks, if you can't support getting your actions in on Wednesday, let me know ASAP via PM.  Otherwise I'll assume you're OK with the timeline for Night I stated.


Insert standard "no-clues" disclaimer here.


*No idea what that means??


Speaking for myself, I guess I didn't get involved sooner, partly due to being a newb and not really knowing what I'm doing, and partly because I couldn't find what I considered any concrete evidence. At least I did get in amongst it eventually....for better or worse haha. I have no idea what everyone else's excuses were ;)

  • Love 3

So, if I get the story up tonight, can folks with night actions support getting those to me in the standard 24-hour time?  That's Wednesday, the "heaviest travel day of the year," and at least where I am we're getting a snowstorm.  I'd then try to get the Day story up by Friday night, because *L-tryptophans, and leave things open until Monday night again.  Silver, you spoke of the weekend, but you guys had the whole weekend this time and hardly anything was said until after I gave the Monday extension, so are weekends actually bad for people or was this an aberration because of the holiday week?


*No idea what that means??


Sounds like a plan, Al! I'll be one of the non-travelling folks and will actually be working on Friday anyway, so Thanksgiving a but a speed-bump on my work week this year (although a very welcome speed bump!)


And @SilverStormm is one of our resident non-residents of the USA - she's in England, so she's not familiar with our habit of overindulging in the delightful L-tryptophans in turkey that zonk us out on the couch around this time of year. We have a fair share of Canadians in this round as well, don't we?

Edited by stacey
  • Love 4

*No idea what that means??


L-tryptophans are an amino acid, commonly believed to be the component of turkey that makes you want to spend the afternoon after Thanksgiving dinner asleep on the couch. The implication was that I'd be napping on Thursday rather than working on the story :-)

And @SilverStormm is one of our resident non-residents of the USA - she's in England, so she's not familiar with our habit of overindulging in the delightful L-tryptophans in turkey that zonk us out on the couch around this time of year. We have a fair share of Canadians in this round as well, don't we?

Jinx!  Buy me a Coke! :)

  • Love 3

L-tryptophans are an amino acid, commonly believed to be the component of turkey that makes you want to spend the afternoon after Thanksgiving dinner asleep on the couch. The implication was that I'd be napping on Thursday rather than working on the story :-)

Jinx!  Buy me a Coke! :)


Ahh ok, that's far too science-y for me. Lol I find I want to fall asleep after any roast dinner on a sunday afternoon, regardless of which meat is involved! A full tummy usually makes me feel sluggish.

  • Love 4

Y'all are really making me want a pina colada! And I'm about to be in the midst of a snowstorm! Hmmm... pina colada made with snow sounds pretty yummy. 


For realsies though, if you have snow and Baileys and you pack snow into a cup and then pour the Baileys in you won't be sad about it. Promise.  

Assuming you get to the snow before a dog or skunk does, that is... :)

  • Love 5

Y'all are really making me want a pina colada! And I'm about to be in the midst of a snowstorm! Hmmm... pina colada made with snow sounds pretty yummy. 


For realsies though, if you have snow and Baileys and you pack snow into a cup and then pour the Baileys in you won't be sad about it. Promise.  


Don't eat yellow snow.


Oooh I will try this *if* we get any snow this year!

  • Love 4

Y'all are really making me want a pina colada! And I'm about to be in the midst of a snowstorm! Hmmm... pina colada made with snow sounds pretty yummy. 


For realsies though, if you have snow and Baileys and you pack snow into a cup and then pour the Baileys in you won't be sad about it. Promise.

I think I'm about to get a snowstorm, too. I'd rather just have the Bailey's and to hell with the snow.
  • Love 5

Sorry for the delay, folks... RL intervenes at times.

Night 2:

Laurel came down off the rooftop into an alley, stuffed Barbara's underwear into a Dumpster, and then met Oswald as they had planned. "How did it go," he asked, although he could tell by the blood what the answer was. "Fine," she answered, "she's gone." Her body was still flush with the excitement of what had happened, her blood hot with adrenaline and endorphins. She eyed Oswald hungrily, considered the possibility, and dismissed it; even bad girls were allowed to have standards. Besides, she rationalized, she wouldn't be surprised if his injuries made him... non-functional, so to speak. Something about that nickname - the one she had been warned by some of her other new friends not to use - suddenly seemed gloriously appropriate. "Can you take me to my hotel," she asked him politely. "I'm going to need to keep up appearances tomorrow." Oswald, for his part, recognized a kindred spirit in her, saw that she shared something with him that Falcone, for all his power, lacked: bloodlust. "Of course, my dear," he patronized her without her even realizing it, "anything for a new friend. By the way, there are some wipes under the seat; you may want to clean your hands."

Neither of them noticed Constantine retrieving the panties from the garbage bin. He had seen enough people fleeing murder scenes over the years to recognize when it was happening, and relics of the violently dead carried powerful energy. Plus, these smelled nice.


A lame continental breakfast was provided as part of the tech conference, and Oliver, Barry, Felicity, John and Caitlin were sitting around a table eating day-old bagels and drinking coffee distilled from turpentine. "So, Laurel left me a voice mail; she's going shopping and thinks she might meet us for lunch." Diggle was nonplussed. "What, did she spend my tax dollars to come here and redo her wardrobe?" he was grousing, when some of the Gotham cops showed up asking questions. "Do you mind if we join you," asked the apparent leader, a woman whose eyes were puffy; Oliver remembered her name as Montoya. "We have some follow-up questions from last night." "Absolutely, please do!" Barry said without looking around; he was the most familiar with Captain Cold and was anxious to hear where their investigation was going. "By the way, I'm a CSI from Central City, so if there's anything I can do to help, I'd be more than happy to."

"A CSI, eh?" replied Bullock. "Are you weird and creepy? Because I already got one of those."

"Barry's one of the least weird people I know," interjected Oliver. "Trust me on that." The ladies both nodded in agreement as Bullock continued, "Well, he could have been faster to offer last night, but we'll take what help we can get." "Harvey, has there been any luck with the security footage from the condo building," said Crispus Allen in a way that made it clear who he thought was in charge. "No, not yet... we have to get it developed." This caused Felicity and Caitlin to roll their eyes almost all the way to the back of their sockets, leaving Barry to ask what they were referring to. "Jim Gordon, my partner who was killed here last night?" said Bullock. "It turns out his girlfriend was killed in her apartment as well."


Falcone, Merlyn were conferring in the Don's office, with Oswald standing by to perform any tasks they required. "So, Malcolm, normally I hate loud and sloppy, but between your 'Captain Freeze' and Jim and Barbara's deaths the papers seem to have dropped everything else. Good work." "Thank you, Don Falcone. And it worked perfectly; my men are out in the Narrows right now setting up the devices. By the way, I noticed you kept referring to Starling City as Central City when you were talking to Miss Lance last night; a test, I presume?" "Of course," replied Falcone. "I make it a practice never to trust drug addicts; their senses are dulled and they're unpredictable. That's why I leave that trade to the Maroni's; all the dealers are users. And Miss Lance failed that test; we'll use her as far as we can, but we'll keep her on a short leash. You hear that, Cobblepot? Can you handle that for me?" "Absolutely, Don Falcone. I'll keep a very close watch on her."

Falcone's mind was spinning in a very different direction from what he let on. This business about transposing the cities had been a total mistake on his part, and he wondered if the rumors Fish Mooney had been spreading, about his getting old and going soft, might have some element of truth to them.


Laurel was exploring the racks at Shreck's Department Store, looking for something that would be appropriate for the new her and thinking that whoever the new her was, she wasn't going to be Black Canary and she needed a new name as well. She was finding it hard to concentrate, though, as a bratty teenager was yelling at his mother constantly. "No, mom, I'm not going to wear that suit! It looks stupid! Can't I just have a jacket?" The poor mother was at the end of her rope, reminding the little snot that his father had made the suit specifically for him. The whole scene made Laurel glad she hadn't had children.


At the conference, security had understandably been stepped up. It had made it hard for Oliver and Barry to stash their "alternative" clothing, in fact, but they had managed to do so, although Barry's was in Bludhaven, about 2 minutes away for him. The afternoon had been uneventful, and things had seemed to relax. But as the keynote address let out, someone shouted from the crowd, "That man! He was acting funny at the reception last night!" If Laurel had bothered to make an appearance, she would have recognized him as the handsome man with the blue eyes she had wanted to bring up to Barbara's, the one who had disappeared into the crowd. But she wasn't there, and whoever was doing the yelling had simply engendered chaos. The man took off running, which made him look suspicious, and the police gave chase. Montoya even got a shot off, but it apparently just nicked him, and by the time the Flash showed up and wound his way through the crowds the man had vanished.

"Worst. Conference. EVER!" spat Felicity, even as she admired Barry in his flashy duds.


Knowing Oswald was waiting downstairs for her, Laurel gave herself one last mirror-check. She had kept Sara's jacket; it kept her sister close. She had also gone for a black bustier similar to the one her sister had worn. But the rest of the outfit was all new: her natural hair instead of an awful wig, knee-high boots, a leather miniskirt, and black fishnets in between. Under the skirt in a thigh holster was the knife she had used to kill Barbara. She had spent the afternoon holding it, playing with it, getting a better sense of its weight, and somehow it already felt like a part of her, less a tool than a talon.

Oswald was suitably stunned when she arrived at the car. Once they were safely on the road, he asked her, "The legendary Black Canary, I presume?"

"Black Canary is dead," replied Laurel, and the finality of it tasted like copper in her mouth.

"Call me Blackhawk."


Cancelled Comics Cavalcade:

  • caprice: Barbara Kean, a HERO. It is said you own an art gallery. However, you have never been seen there, and as far as anyone can determine all you do is hang around your magnificent watchtower condo in a state of semi-undress, drinking and smoking pot. Consequently, you have no other powers.
  • CuriousParker: Det. Jim Gordon, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person you wish to INVESTIGATE per night.


Soliciting for Next Month:

  • writingdreamer
  • TJtrack99
  • jessied112
  • stacey
  • Athena
  • JayKay
  • egavasc
  • Tabbyclaw
  • SilverStormm
  • photo fox
  • BizBuzz
  • HalcyonDays
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • SVNBob
  • Tmunz


There was one clue in this story; the change in the titles of the player lists was not it.  Night officially begins now.  You have 24 hours to get in your night actions, and once I have them I'll do my best to get the story up ASAP. 


And if anyone wants to come get some snow, I believe I'll have plenty for you tomorrow.

  • Love 3

I'm waiting on one more night action before I can post anything.  Once I do, I'll give you all until 11 Pm Monday night to work something out.


And all of you cheering for snow, you're welcome to come up here and help me snowblow the driveway tomorrow.  I already had to do it once tonight just to get back from the store.  :-P


And with that, I'll have a hot toddy.

Edited by MarkHB
  • Love 4

I, for one, am NOT cheering for snow. Because I have to scrape my damn car, and of course, it warms just enough that its a sheet of ice under the snow.


And on that note, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I shall be enjoying a stress-free day tomorrow in pajamas and with the Hallmark Channel on, as we are doing our family stuff on Saturday. Sláinte, all!

  • Love 2

Another rum and coke, barkeep! Hell, make it a double....

Remember, that's on my tab. And a beer for me as well.

So, story time. The reason I planned for a proxy over the weekend. Like at least a couple others here, I'm having to work this Black weekend. So last weekend was my last opportunity this year to go to one of my favorite places, TRF. I normally go at least twice a year so this was my last opportunity for 2014.

I decided to do something different this year, starting with camping on-site. Friday morning I finished packing the car and drove up to the campgrounds. Shortly after arriving, I found a good spot. Well good-ish. Just off the road in the quiet section of the grounds, and only about a minute's hike from the nearest portasan, but not the most level of spots as I would find out later. I got out of the car and started to set up camp, and that's when the weather stopped cooperating. Wind picked up a little bit and it started to sprinkle shortly after I got my foundation tarp laid out. But I still got my tent up rather quickly and with very little hassle. The air mattress was another story. The compressor I had didn't really work for the mattress, and the valve on the mattress broke so it would no longer hold air. That meant sleeping much closer to the ground, which was when I found how uneven the ground actually was.

However I was thoroughly exhausted, so I was able to sleep fairly well. I do recall waking up at least once during the night, but I was able to roll over and go right back to sleep. Until it was time to wake up on Saturday and get ready for opening cannon. I got garbed up (I wear a mean kilt, if I do say so myself), and hiked my way to the opening gates with time to spare. After the earth-shattering kaboom, the day started. A couple hours later, so did the rain. And it continued to rain off and on throughout the remainder of the day, putting a damper (pun semi-intended) on the proceedings. Still I did some shopping, had some good food and drink, saw some great shows, and visited with friends throughout the site. However I did leave earlier than I intended. Between the weather and the uncomfortable ground from the night before I was rather tired.

But my day was still wasn't over, even after that. I hiked back to my campsite for a little rest and some food before I had to change again. Something new is happening at the festival this year and I decided to go see... King Midas's Masquerade Ball. This was a special late-night event taking place in a new pavilion set up in the campground. Just about a five to ten minute walk from my campsite. Another reason I had picked that location.so once I was dry and rested, I changed into a different outfit (including a different kilt), put on my mask, and made my way over to the site of the ball. I arrived just as they were starting to let people in for the evening. The concept for the ball is a combination of past, present, and future; so there was a wide variety of costumes. There was even one person in a full French aristocracy dress like that of Marie Antoinette, including a white powdered wig with a model ship and a treasure chest inside it. And man, did that dude rock that dress. He really looked good, even with the full beard. It was a little hard for him to get on the dance floor though. He tended to stay off to the side while the DJ was spinning some wicked beats in between the entertainers. There were dancers, singers (well, sirens), aerialists, magicians, and clowns. Gods, satyrs, and muses. Wine, women, and song; the whole nine. Even the thunderstorm around midnight couldn't intrude on the rest of the evening. And when the festivities were over, I made my way back to my tent and fell asleep.

Sunday morning, I broke camp and headed home. Once there, I went back to sleep until I had to get up for work again. That's when I could finally check back in here on what had (and hadn't) transpired.

So that's what I was doing away this weekend.

Edited by SVNBob
  • Love 7

Nope, not yet. It's a heavy, wet snow and there are tons of outages. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

And being in Maine, there's a good chance that I won't see my lawn again until spring. Yay winter.


Aww that is poopage, sorry to hear that. Here it is still only autumn, winter usually arrives in full force around Jan, if we're lucky we get the occasional white christmas. Damn snow, always late to the party and then outstays it's welcome after 24hrs...

  • Love 4

Nope, not yet. It's a heavy, wet snow and there are tons of outages. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

And being in Maine, there's a good chance that I won't see my lawn again until spring. Yay winter.


We've had a good couple of feet of snow up here for weeks now. It would amaze me if we see bare ground between now and Easter.

I'm told we had snow here in May this past winter. I must have been visiting my family when that happened, because I didn't see it.


Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow USians and Happy Thursday to everyone!

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