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I'm going to grant myself an arbitrary extension; I didn't realize the Patriots are the late game tonight.

And this matters because...?

My fellow ghosts, there will continue to be food and drinks for our enjoyment. :)

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I'm going to grant myself an arbitrary extension; I didn't realize the Patriots are the late game tonight.


** Floats in **


Are they still playing? ;)


** Floats out **

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Day 4:

Bullock came back to the surviving group of friends, saw the arrow in Laurel and the knife on the ground, looked at the Arrow and asked, "Self defense, right? Looks it to me; you're free to go." And with that, Oliver and Diggle, and Barry and Caitlin, left their friends behind for good.


When Oswald saw Laurel vanish in a red whirlwind just as she was about to enter his car, he had immediately fled. Early the next morning, he was at the import-export company, listening to Falcone and Merlyn, and the Don wasn't happy. "Victor has to be stopped. Regardless of what he thinks he knows, we can't have him running around taking out our assets. Right, Oswald?" "Absolutely, whatever you say, Don Falcone," replied Cobblepot. "Well, then, I'm giving you the assignment of taking him out. Use any means necessary, but make sure it can't be traced back to us! We've had too many slips lately with the young lady."

Oswald gulped and promised he would not fail.


Oliver and Diggle met Barry and Caitlin back at the conference dining room for a late breakfast. Barry and Caitlin looked awful; he was haggard, and she appeared to have spent much of the night crying. At the moment, though, she was on the phone. "Yes, ok, Cisco, I get it, they animated someone walking in front of a slide projector. Yes, I'm sure it was cool. Do you have what I called you for?" She hastily scribbled on a piece of paper. "Thanks, yes, we'll be home as soon as we can." "What did you get," asked Oliver. "Yes, what did you get," asked Allen, who with Montoya had just joined them. "I had Cisco pull the list of towers Laurel's phone had registered with since she got there... I doubt she did all this alone. Here; see if anything jumps out at you." Montoya took the list, and her eyes grew large as she realized.... "Crispus, this tower... it's near one of Falcone's fronts! I think we have him!" The two of them ran out just as a voice rang out from the balcony. "You know what I hate worse than cops???"

It was Victor Zsasz, and he was armed and looking at Constantine, who had used his pilfered badge to come back in and was currently holding a cup of coffee in each hand.


A shot rang out, and suddenly Zsasz tumbled over the balcony and fell to the floor below. Across the room, on the opposite balcony from where Zsasz had been positioned, the handsome man with the blue eyes was putting an automatic pistol back into a concealed holster. He turned his head towards Constantine and gave him a quick wink. On the floor, Caitlin, Barry, Oliver and Diggle rushed towards Zsasz, who managed to gasp one word before going off to tally his own scorecard.


Oliver's and Diggle's eyes grew very, very large.


At the import-export building, Merlyn had left to attend to his scheme, and Falcone was on the phone as Allen and Montoya made their way to the outer room. "Dr. McNider, This is Carmine Falcone," he was saying. "I'd like you to look into a case for me. Patient's name is Quentin Lance. Send the bills directly to me; if the patient asks any questions tell him his daughter arranged it. Thank you very much, Doctor. I'll remember the favor." He hung up the phone and called out, "You wanted to see me, detectives?" The pair from MCU looked at each other, holstered their weapons and cautiously entered the room. "Thank you very much for allowing me to finish that call," the Don calmly told them. "I always settle my debts. Now, what can I do for you?"

"Well, we actually came to ask you if you knew a young lady by the name of Laurel Lance, but I think we have our answer," said Montoya. "Carmine Falcone, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder. Crispus, can you go call for backup?" Allen looked at her quizzically, but the look in her eyes let him know she thought she'd be okay. As he got back to the car, though, he heard a gunshot. Running back to the back room, he found Montoya standing over the body of Carmine Falcone. "He was resisting arrest" was her only explanation.

As they walked back to the car, she looked heavenward and mouthed, "That's for you, Barbara."

As they left, the phone began to ring. If they had stayed to listen when the answering machine picked up, they would have heard Oswald's voice saying, "I took care of it, Don Falcone."

Cancelled Comics Cavalcade:

  • caprice: Barbara Kean, a HERO. It is said you own an art gallery. However, you have never been seen there, and as far as anyone can determine all you do is hang around your magnificent watchtower condo in a state of semi-undress, drinking and smoking pot. Consequently, you have no other powers.
  • CuriousParker: Det. Jim Gordon, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person you wish to INVESTIGATE per night.
  • HalcyonDays: Leonard Snart, better known as Captain Cold, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to PROTECT per night; that person will be unable to be killed by night action or by the lynch the following day. You may not protect yourself and you may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Your protective ability is not 100% foolproof, however, as there's someone better than you in the game.
  • SilverStormm: Felicity Smoak, a computer genius and a HERO. You are allowed to communicate with Barry Allen because I'm Team Barricity and I said so!
  • JayKay: Laurel Lance, a drug-abusing, blackmailing ADA, wannabe superheroine, and VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. Beyond that, you're pretty useless and have no other powers.
  • Dougal: Victor Zsasz, a particularly nasty piece of work and a SERIAL KILLER. Each night, you may PM me the name of your next victim. You work alone, and you win if you are the last person standing. Also, you keep track of the number of people you have killed by slicing tally marks into your flesh. Method acting is not required to play this character.
  • TJtrack99: the honored Don Carmine Falcone, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. (One other reserve power was not triggered.)

Soliciting for Next Month:

  • writingdreamer
  • jessied112
  • stacey
  • Athena
  • egavasc
  • Tabbyclaw
  • photo fox
  • BizBuzz
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • SVNBob
  • Tmunz


There is one clue in this story.  You will have until at least 11 Pm EST Friday night (12 December) to complete a lynch.  Day is now open.

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Ok, I am seriously confused ...


A shot rang out, and suddenly Zsasz tumbled over the balcony and fell to the floor below. Across the room, on the opposite balcony from where Zsasz had been positioned, the handsome man with the blue eyes was putting an automatic pistol back into a concealed holster.


The handsome man killed Zsasz, right?


Running back to the back room, he found Montoya standing over the body of Carmine Falcone. "He was resisting arrest" was her only explanation.


Montoya killed Falcone, right?

"Victor has to be stopped. Regardless of what he thinks he knows, we can't have him running around taking out our assets. Right, Oswald?" "Absolutely, whatever you say, Don Falcone," replied Cobblepot. "Well, then, I'm giving you the assignment of taking him out. Use any means necessary, but make sure it can't be traced back to us! We've had too many slips lately with the young lady."

Oswald gulped and promised he would not fail.


Falcone told Cobblepot to kill Zsasz, right?


As they left, the phone began to ring. If they had stayed to listen when the answering machine picked up, they would have heard Oswald's voice saying, "I took care of it, Don Falcone."


Yet Cobblepot said he took care of it, right?


Can there be two different people that killed Zsasz?  Because Cobblepot cannot be the handsome man, right?

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Here is a list, something to think about. 


11 players are left.  2 villains and 9 heroes.




Merlyn and Cobblepot




Barry, Snow, Allen, Bullock, Oliver, Diggle, Montoya, Constantine and the handsome man


Now the question is, who is who?

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Wow. Real life renders me useless for a while (really sorry about that, guys; new job is taking a lot more out of me than I expected it to) and I come back to this. I feel like I need that .gif of Troy coming back from getting the pizzas in the Darkest Timeline.

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Ok, I am seriously confused ...

I've known that since you tried to get me killed for no reason.


The handsome man killed Zsasz, right?




Montoya killed Falcone, right?

Yes. :)



Falcone told Cobblepot to kill Zsasz, right?


Yet Cobblepot said he took care of it, right?

Per story, yes to both.


Can there be two different people that killed Zsasz?

Kind of. Since we're talking about the death of the SK (with a Villain being the other death and not attributed to the SK), that means that Zsasz was the target of the Villain team kill.  So technically, at least 2 people killed him, even if only one did storywise.


Because Cobblepot cannot be the handsome man, right?

Not per the story we have so far.



Here is a list, something to think about. 


11 players are left.  2 villains and 9 heroes.




Merlyn and Cobblepot




Barry, Snow, Allen, Bullock, Oliver, Diggle, Montoya, Constantine and the handsome man

Are we sure of these numbers and rosters? Because while I'd prefer to believe this (better odds for us heroes), I really think it's 3 villains and 8 heroes. The key point of difference is the handsome man. He killed the SK, which has to be the Villain kill for the night as I've deduced. So the handsome man has to be one of the Villains. And we do know who that person is.

1 Spruce (SVNBob) 5 to get back on the right track.

Edited by SVNBob
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I've known that since you tried to get me killed for no reason.


Ah but, I did have a good reason ... you deflected the vote away from HD's lynching which made you look terribly suspicious.  However, I now know you are a noble hero.


The mark of a good detective is having the courage to know when they are wrong if new evidence comes to light rather than doggedly pursuing someone blindly.


Not ready to DL TCS yet ... need more convincing.

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Sorry I've been quiet the last couple of days. Been taking care of some personal business.

My take on it, given what I know about how my powers work, was that the villains targeted Dougal (with the kill order probably sent by Cobblepott), but the incredibly handsome man took him out before he could be killed. In-story, that lead to Oswald claiming credit for the kill.

As it stands right now, there's one person (besides myself) who I know for a fact is a good guy, two more that I'm pretty sure about, and maybe a couple more that I'm ready to take a chance on. I'm gonna need to go over the stories again before I can say for certain just who I want to target.

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This is what I know. Tabbyclaw was quick to jump to HalyconDay's defense when BizBuzz first started pointing out the calm references and then this

Wow. Real life renders me useless for a while (really sorry about that, guys; new job is taking a lot more out of me than I expected it to) and I come back to this. I feel like I need that .gif of Troy coming back from getting the pizzas in the Darkest Timeline.

The darkest timeline when after a night where a villian was killed and so was the serial killer? After the heroes managed to lynch a villian? As a hero, I was personally feeling pretty good reading this. Makes me suspicious.

Edited because I hit submit accidentally before finishing my thoughts!

Edited by egavasc
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Sheesh, I'm busy for a couple of days and come back to two more Villains dead!  :)  Great job Heroes, I'm guessing that the big question is who is the handsome man and is he a Villain or a Hero?  I honestly don't know, though I'm noticing TCS pointing out clues he's posted.  He keeps mentioning "target", does that mean anything to anyone?

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Sorry I've been quiet the last couple of days. Been taking care of some personal business.

My take on it, given what I know about how my powers work, was that the villains targeted Dougal (with the kill order probably sent by Cobblepott), but the incredibly handsome man took him out before he could be killed. In-story, that lead to Oswald claiming credit for the kill.

As it stands right now, there's one person (besides myself) who I know for a fact is a good guy, two more that I'm pretty sure about, and maybe a couple more that I'm ready to take a chance on. I'm gonna need to go over the stories again before I can say for certain just who I want to target.



By the way, if you want proof that I'm a hero, you can take a chance and target my other posts for the clues to my identity that I've left in every single post I've made this game.  (Including this one!)

I think I see what you're saying here, but I'm not 100% sure of one reference.  Research into one very likely possibility hasn't lead to anything matching that.

And if you're claiming kill-steal via power...ok, why the hell not?  Same research into the same character would bear that out.


I probably do owe you at least the benefit of the doubt after yesterDay, 'cause I'd have been shot dead otherwise.  So I hereby rescind my vote for now.


0 everyone () 6 to keep the action going.

Edited by SVNBob
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This is what I know. Tabbyclaw was quick to jump to HalyconDay's defense when BizBuzz first started pointing out the calm references and then this

The darkest timeline when after a night where a villian was killed and so was the serial killer? After the heroes managed to lynch a villian? As a hero, I was personally feeling pretty good reading this. Makes me suspicious.

Edited because I hit submit accidentally before finishing my thoughts!


Could you please expand on the Darkest Timeline thing?

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Ok, so Bob's rescinded his vote and I honestly have no idea about anyone else.  We need to keep discussing though, in order to hold the Villains at bay for as long as possible, so I'll bring up that, at least the way the last story was written, it looks like whoever the handsome blond man is, he saved one of the Heroes from a Villain attack.  Now, he could be a Hero or he could be a Rouge agent, someone who's just working for themselves.  I know we've had these characters before in Mafia, but I'm unsure about which this character is, and it doesn't help that the way he's written is very mysterious!

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RE: darkest timeline. I was referencing Tabbyclaw's reference to the Community episode. In the "Darkest Timeline" all the characters are seriously wounded or dead. It's generally referred to when bad things happen. In my opinion only a villian would call the events of last night (the death of a villian and the serial killer, greatly boosting the heroes' odds) the Darkest Timeline.

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Very interesting egavasc as I have had my eye on Tabbyclaw since way back.  Tabbyclaw was very quick to HD's defense, like you said, even calling the clue about calm being a terrible clue.  As the game played out however, we see that it wasn't so terrible. 
JayKay, who we now know is Laurel said something interesting here:


That reference to copper is interesting, because I keep thinking of redheads. We have ginger-ale, Opie, "sanguine," which is another word for red, now copper. I don't know what it would mean though and I think the stories so far have been 1 clue each so it's probably me being paranoid.


This was probably a redirect, but could the red reference be pinned on someone whose name could be linked to that color?


Such as a RED tabby (cat)?


Like I said, not convinced about TCS - and so Bob, I am glad you rescinded your vote.


With all that being said ...


1 to David Lynch Tabbyclaw (BizBuzz) 5 to end this day cause the cat ate my mouse.

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This was probably a redirect, but could the red reference be pinned on someone whose name could be linked to that color?


Such as a RED tabby (cat)?

That is an interesting point.  And Tabby was the only person that did not participate at all in the cluster that was yesterDay.


But for the sake of thoroughness, I must point out a couple things.  The "copper" "clue" was not actually in the story, but part of the background research Stormm did into Ketel One.  That may just be coincidental to the other references.


Second, if the red/ginger references are indeed a clue, there is one other person it could point to.  Well, animal.  And one that was on the same side of the vote as TJ and JayKay yesterDay.  Not a cat, but a (photo) fox.


However, I won't start anything new and go with the open vote this time.  Don't want to go through that foxtrot again... 


3 to David Lynch Tabbyclaw (BizBuzz, egavasc, Bob) 3 to tame the beast

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Like I said, there's one person I trust, and two more that I'm pretty sure about.  Beyond that, I got nothin'.  But we need to get this lynch moving, if we have any chance of finishing this game before Christmas, so I'm gonna take a chance and go with the rest of you, unless someone can come up with a compelling argument to target someone else.


4 to David Lynch Tabbyclaw (BizBuzz, egavasc, Bob, Spruce) 2 to declaw the tabby

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I'm with Spruce. I know I'm a hero, and one other person, and building on that, there are a few others I'm guardedly confident about. So by process of elimination, combined with tabby's defense of a known villain....

5 to David Lynch Tabbyclaw (BizBuzz, egavasc, Bob, Spruce, photo [GRAY] fox) 1 to send tabby to the pound

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there's one person I trust, and two more that I'm pretty sure about.  Beyond that, I got nothin'.

That's about where I stand too.  A short list of 3 or 4 others I think I have figured out.  Everyone else is under question.  Some more than others.


But we need to get this lynch moving, if we have any chance of finishing this game before Christmas, so I'm gonna take a chance and go with the rest of you, unless someone can come up with a compelling argument to target someone else.

That's basically my stance with this vote too.

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....floats in


A cool breeze follows....


The click of buttons is heard...The lights on the jukebox flicker....


Sympathy for the Devil begins to play....


Everyone feels ice cold shivers run along their neck.


....floats out

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Night 4:

Diggle and Oliver were stunned by Zsasz's last words. They had lived through the devastating earthquake in The Glades, and felt certain that, if there were an earthquake-related scheme in Gotham, that Malcolm Merlyn had to be involved. Of course, they had believed until that moment that he was dead, but it seemed impossible that anyone else could carry out such a plan. They turned to Bullock. "The earthquake in Starling City last year? It was deliberately created. Is there a, well, particularly bad slum district here in Gotham?" Oliver asked. "Yeah, the Narrows. You think the same guy's going to try the same thing here?" Bullock was incredulous; he found it hard to believe that anyone could come in from out of town and try something like that without going through channels, specifically Falcone. But instead he asked, "You think we can search the Narrows? It's impossible... that place is out of control!" "Impossible for you, maybe, but not for me," said the Flash who had just joined the conversation. "Where are we going?" Bullock pulled a map out of his pocket and started to show them the location. Meanwhile, across the room and left out of the action, Caitlin was feeling very alone.


Some time later, Barry had found what he thought to be Merlyn, working on a piece of equipment in an alley, and had called Bullock, Diggle and the Arrow to the scene before leaving to search for similar equipment. The man was wearing a black, hooded cloak and had a bow strapped to his back. "You guys shop at the same outlets?" Bullock asked the Arrow, who just shook him off. "No, but that's definitely Merlyn," he replied. "Hey! You! GCPD! Put your hands up!" Bullock called out, but instead Merlyn started to reach for his bow. That was all the signal Bullock needed, and he immediately fired three shots into the Dark Archer's torso, causing him to fall backwards. Bullock lowered his weapon and started to approach, when Merlyn suddenly sat up with a deep, gasping intake of air, brought his bow around, and fired an arrow skyward before the heroes could react. The arrow was rigged with a line and grapple, and the Dark Archer suddenly rose up, onto the rooftop and out of sight.

Pausing on the roof for a moment to catch his breath, Merlyn said to himself, "What, they've never heard of Kevlar in this town? He sure knocked the wind out of me, though."

And the Dark Archer returned to his tasks....

Cancelled Comics Cavalcade:

  • caprice: Barbara Kean, a HERO. It is said you own an art gallery. However, you have never been seen there, and as far as anyone can determine all you do is hang around your magnificent watchtower condo in a state of semi-undress, drinking and smoking pot. Consequently, you have no other powers.
  • CuriousParker: Det. Jim Gordon, a HERO. You may PM me the name of one person you wish to INVESTIGATE per night.
  • HalcyonDays: Leonard Snart, better known as Captain Cold, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. In addition, you may PM me the name of one person to PROTECT per night; that person will be unable to be killed by night action or by the lynch the following day. You may not protect yourself and you may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Your protective ability is not 100% foolproof, however, as there's someone better than you in the game.
  • SilverStormm: Felicity Smoak, a computer genius and a HERO. You are allowed to communicate with Barry Allen because I'm Team Barricity and I said so!
  • JayKay: Laurel Lance, a drug-abusing, blackmailing ADA, wannabe superheroine, and VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. Beyond that, you're pretty useless and have no other powers.
  • Dougal: Victor Zsasz, a particularly nasty piece of work and a SERIAL KILLER. Each night, you may PM me the name of your next victim. You work alone, and you win if you are the last person standing. Also, you keep track of the number of people you have killed by slicing tally marks into your flesh. Method acting is not required to play this character.
  • TJtrack99: the honored Don Carmine Falcone, a VILLAIN. You may communicate with the other villains and participate in the nightly kill. (One other reserve power was not triggered.)


Soliciting for Next Month:

  • writingdreamer
  • jessied112
  • stacey
  • Athena
  • egavasc
  • Tabbyclaw
  • photo fox
  • BizBuzz
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • SVNBob
  • Tmunz


There were no clues in this story.  Night officially begins now; you have until 11 Pm Tuesday night EST, or slightly less than 24 hours, to get in night actions.  Look for the new story sometime Thursday evening.

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