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Breaking Bad Mafia

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16 hours ago, Drogo said:

Lederhosen locked and loaded.  Pictures or it didn't happen, Bob. 

I don't have any lederhosen... well, a really old pair from when I was a kid, but nothing I could wear now.

I do rock a kilt like nobody's business though...

2 hours ago, caprice said:

How humid will it be then? That's totally something I'd be into.

Forecast isn't up all the way, but based on what is... somewhere between 50% and 80%?  Which is about normal for that weekend?  But no matter what the weather is, I will be there.  (In 16 days.)

2 hours ago, caprice said:

Game-related, I really want to play (I've missed y'all like crazy!), but I didn't watch Breaking Bad. Will that matter?

That's a question I'd like an answer to as well, 'cause I'm in the same boat.  I know I said earlier that I was going to avoid games if I was unfamiliar with the theme, but it difficult to be on this site (or on the internet at all in recent times) and not know anything about the series.

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Man! Texas RenFest is my favorite! We went every year when I lived there and I had tons of friends who worked there every summer. Pro Tip, if you want to work at a RenFest try to get a character that has an animal, my friend always had a goat, you get more breaks and get to go to an air conditioned tent with the animal during those breaks because of animal cruelty guidelines. People don't get those perks! Goats do! 

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Our RenFest (MN) goes for 8 weeks (I think that's standard).  And so many of my friends work/perform there.  Puppeteers (of giant puppets), tightrope walkers, clowns/jesters, etc.  I've even been a beer wench pouring beer (through the Jaycees).  I love RenFest.  They are everywhere in the US, aren't they?  I know we had them in MI and MN, and friends travel to other states to participate.  It's great fall fun, imo.  It also helps that ours is near an orchard where I can get free apples, so we stop there on the way home.

Never been to one (although have been to a number of castles here in old blighty). I found this though; apparently, we call them Medieval Festivals, huzzah!

Each day culminates in a recreation of the Battle of Northampton from 1460, staged by the Medieval Siege Society. This battle, from the War of the Roses, was remarkable in many ways. The Lancastrian faction, led by the Duke of Buckingham, had control of the mentally ill King Henry VI, and were camped at Northampton. The Yorkists, who were feeling hard done by because they were excluded from the king's council, arrived under the leadership of the Earl of Warwick, and demanded to see the king. Permission was not forthcoming, and the Yorkist army took to the field to try and decide things through force of arms. They had the larger army, but the Lancastrians were in prepared defensive positions and had the advantage of the Royal Artillery Train. After a lot of fierce fighting, things were at pretty much stalemate, until a sudden downpour soaked the black powder and silenced the artillery.

I spent the majority of my life in Northampton and it's also famous for being the home and later, burial place, of the late Princess Diana.

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16 hours ago, Hanged Man said:

Ah, I have been there numerous times. Back in the day I went once or twice a year. Actually two of my friends were married there.


15 hours ago, Lisin said:

Man! Texas RenFest is my favorite! We went every year when I lived there and I had tons of friends who worked there every summer.


15 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

Our RenFest (MN) goes for 8 weeks (I think that's standard).  And so many of my friends work/perform there.  Puppeteers (of giant puppets), tightrope walkers, clowns/jesters, etc.  I've even been a beer wench pouring beer (through the Jaycees).  I love RenFest.  They are everywhere in the US, aren't they?  I know we had them in MI and MN, and friends travel to other states to participate.  It's great fall fun, imo.  It also helps that ours is near an orchard where I can get free apples, so we stop there on the way home.

I knew there was a reason I liked this crowd...

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I have watched this show a lot and binge watched whole seasons to catch up but it never turned me into a rabid fan. Maybe I missed something at the beginning that drew everyone in or maybe this game will turn me on. I love these games. 

You know as a Canadian I never empathized with people being desperate for money because they are sick. My brain just doesn't go there.  Sounds stupid and I know it is a huge problem- just not one I identify with. 

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Mafia is back! Sorry for the delay but now we are up and running. This mafia round will be a limited reveal round. No powers or character description revealed until the end of the game. We will continue with the Twilight format with Day being 36 hours, Twilight being 12, and Night being 24. And without further ado! 

Day 1

         The sun was starting to rise over the Albuquerque mountains; the cool crisp air waking Walter White from his early morning drowse. Another fall day, another day to be spent inside doing something he loved: working the chemistry. Chemistry was reliable, was predictable, was controllable. The molecules and compounds beautifully combining and reacting to form new confections. It was simply an act of creation.

          Walt had to suppress a cough, as the cold oxygen hit his lungs. He was reminded yet again why he was doing what he was doing, utilizing his mind and his skills to provide for his family. Stage III inoperable lung cancer. The combination of his teaching salary and his demeaning second job at the carwash provided nowhere near enough to cover treatment and he was determined not to bankrupt his family. So he did what he could do. He did what he had to do. He did the chemistry. The chemistry would save his family. It would provide for his family long after he was gone.

         He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, dialling his partner,

         “Jesse. Let’s cook.”

         Walt and his protege, Jesse Pinkman, arrived at the laundry facility that housed their superlab. Pinkman was one of Walt’s former students and his entry into his new career. The pair aimed to make themselves invaluable to their new boss Gus Fring, a local fried chicken magnate. Gus Fring kept them off the streets, away from the hardships of the business where they could focus on what they did best. The chemistry. Working with Gus’s home chemist Gale Boetticher, their output was impressive. The White family would not struggle after Walt was gone; that was all that he could have dreamed of. All he wanted, all he told himself he was doing this for, was to provide for his family.

Still Breaking Bad

  • TJTrack99 

  • HangedMan 

  • CuriousParker 

  • Drogo 

  • MuuMuuChainsmoker 

  • The Crazed Spruce 

  • Oinky Boinky 

  • caprice 

  • Dougal 

  • SVNBob

There is 1 clue in the story. Day will end at approx. 5:45pm EST Wednesday. Good luck. 

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7 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Relating to that, I saw random blog post that references both The Act of Creation and Dougal, but that seems like a bit of a stretch.  


Edited to fix "Art" to "Act"

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