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Futurama Mafia

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I'd agree with that, actually. And I absolutely agree with the sense of humor being the most important factor to me. Lennie Briscoe did it for me far more than Chris Noth or Benjamin Bratt. Now Jesse L. Green...well, he edged Lennie out, but just barely!


Jesse L Martin/played Ed Green. I have a dream about being married to him, which would be hilarious because we are both Jesse, and then we could sing "I'll Cover You" from Rent together all the time.  TMI??

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I will say I saw him live and it was not great. He would start a song and throw it to the audience to sing and he would stop.

I was thinking I paid 120 $ to hear you sing when doves cry not the guy sitting beside me. Maybe it was a bad night. Maybe he was tired.

Now Ozzi - full on energy for two hours and when he was done he hobbled out of there like an old man. Loves his fans

I live a few miles from Paisley Park. Traffic on my way home from running a few errands was insane, yet there were no disgruntled drivers. As I approached, I could see two helicopters in the vicinity and I was driving behind a police tactical van that was coming from a nearby city. When I left the grocery store, I drove along a secondary road that parallels the highway and was amazed, not only by the sheer numbers of people turning out to pay their respects, but the orderly way they were all driving and parking (some in no parking zones). I was also struck by how the city had immediately turned a park's parking lot into designated Memorial Parking. There were even police directing traffic and pedestrians.

Okay, the guy behind me was a bit of an ass, but isn't there always that one guy?

aquarian, I totally get why this would be hitting you hard.

For myself, there's so much about his music that... I'm hearing songs right now that I'd practically forgotten. Hours upon hours of hanging out at clubs and dancing while in college and high school. "Boys and Girls" that I used to be able to recite the part in French.... Soundtrack of our youth, indeed.

  • Love 3

There's also an all night dance party going on at a local club. First Ave, made famous in Purple Rain.

I will say I saw him live and it was not great. He would start a song and throw it to the audience to sing and he would stop.

I was thinking I paid 120 $ to hear you sing when doves cry not the guy sitting beside me. Maybe it was a bad night. Maybe he was tired.

Now Ozzi - full on energy for two hours and when he was done he hobbled out of there like an old man. Loves his fans

I'm sorry to hear your Prince concert experience was so bad.  It was the opposite for me.  One of the best concerts I'd been too.  He sang many of his hits and a few other songs (new tracks, I'm sure and other more obscure stuff), but mostly the hits - and there's a LOT of those. The band and backing vocalists were also great and they all got solos or special songs, and not just solos of his songs.  It was 3 hours, IIRC, and all Prince.  Granted that was here in Mpls/St Paul (his home town), at the Excel Energy Center.  The concert was in the round, there were no bad seats.  I couldn't believe his energy and charisma.  He really was something else to see.  


ETA: This was the 2004 tour, I believe.

  • Love 2

Day 12
          “Good news everyone!” Fry said in his best impression of his nephew the Professor, trying to keep up the facade that the Planet Express crew was fine despite the loss of their leader (who got their delivery orders), their bureaucrat (who made sure that they never truly went bankrupt), and their doctor (who, well, wasn’t really all that useful but was still a loss to the company).
          “Fry, stop. It’s not worth it. The Professor is gone, there is no more ‘Good News,’” Leela said mournfully. This was the best job she had ever had and she wasn’t sure how they would continue without their leader. Sure, Bender was the associate director of sales and should have been responsible for getting new deliveries but when had the word responsible ever described Bender.
          “Yeah, we’re boned.” Bender said, drinking his seventh mid morning beer. He let out a loud belch before putting his feet up on the conference table. “Guess I should get back to bending.”
          “Perhaps I may be of some assistance,” Nibbler spoke up. Fry, Leela, and Amy all looked strangely at the small creature, forgetting as they often did that he was more than just a pet. “In my many years of observing this planet, I’ve certainly learned a few things. I could help manage for a little while, at least until a replacement could be found.”
          “Replace the Professor? It’s not possible!” Amy said while weeping. “He was my mentor! I don’t know what I will do without him.” She hadn’t realized how much the old crazy man had meant to her. There was no one who could fill his shoes at Mars University and she would miss his advice on how to construct a proper doomsday device.”
          Suddenly, a wild robot burst into the office wielding a stabbing knife. “Don’t anybody move or I’ll stab you with my knife. I’m taking you hostage.”
          “Roberto? Friend is that you?” Bender asked, recognizing the insane robot from his past antics.
          “Who is that? How do you know me? Stop talking or I’ll stab you!” Roberto angrily replied. He had only gone further mad since the last time the gang had seen him.
          “Roberto! It’s me, Fry! Remember? We robbed that bank together? We were in the Asylum for Insane Robots together? We fought when I thought I was a battledroid. C’mon man, you don’t want to stab me.”
          “Aw man. Now that’s all I can think of. I’mma stab you you stupid memory man.”
          Fry tried to run desperately from the crazy robot as Leela and Bender did what they could to block Roberto’s path. But no one wanted to get too close to him. They all knew from experience that Roberto was incredibly dangerous. Eventually, Roberto had Fry cornered in the corner of the office next to the refrigerator.
          “I’ve got you now! It’s stabbing time.” Roberto said as he repeatedly stabbed Fry in the gut. Officers Smitty and URL burst through the door, moments too late, to stun the mad bot. Leela had pressed the silent alarm to call the cops into the office. They quickly stunned Roberto, got him bundled in a strait jacket and took him away, leaving Leela, Bender, and Amy to mourn yet another loss of a dear, dear friend.


          Sometime later, having commandeered Leela and the Planet Express ship, Amy was headed home to Mars. With all the deaths around Planet Express lately she thought it would be best if she was far, far away from the office. A good visit home would remind her how much she hated being home (there was nothing like being shamed for not producing grandchildren to make you willing to risk death).
           After landing on Mars, Amy went off in search of her pet buggalo Betsy. Betsy would give her the warm welcome she craved. Arriving at Betsy’s pen, Amy discovered that it was open and her buggalo was gone.
          “Betsy! No! Not you too!” Amy cried, dreading another loss. “Leela! We have to go find her! She’s always been a pet, she won’t know how to live in the wild.”
          “Fine. We can go find your pet. Just let me go get my hiking boots.”
         “Oh,” Amy said with mild derision. “Those aren’t hiking boots? I always assumed…They aren’t, well, you know, cute.”
         “Look, do you want my help or not?” Leela asked, frustrated. She had no interest being on this planet when she should be properly mourning the loss of her love.
         The pair ventured out into the hot Martian desert in search of some roving buggalo. They wandered for hours, not finding or seeing any trace of any buggalo. There had been a wind storm that had swept the sands clean of any possible tracks. And of course, the buggalo could fly so there was always the possibility of no tracks at all. Leela grew especially tired, not caring enough about the plight of Amy’s pet to continue the search. She and Amy fought for over an hour about turning around and heading back to Earth. Eventually, Leela headed back alone leaving Amy alone to search the desolate desert. When Amy hadn’t returned back to the Wong plantation by morning, Leela took the Planet Express ship out to search for her. Some time later she spotted the familiar pink tracksuit covered in red dirt stains. When she landed to investigate, she discovered that Amy had been trampled. There had been a stampede and Amy was in the direct path. The Planet Express crew was down another member.


          Back on Earth, Kif was on leave from the DOOP when he heard about the death of his Fonfon Ru. No longer wanting to live without the love of his life, Kif found a quarter and entered the nearest suicide booth. He selected the quick and painless option, which vaporized him immediately leaving no trace that he was ever there. A voice could be heard saying, “You are now dead. Thank you for using Stop-N-Drop, America's favorite suicide booth since 2008.”


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • CuriousParker
  • SilverStormm
  • Machiabelly
  • SVNBob
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • Jesse
  • TJTrack99
  • aquarian1
  • OinkyBoinky


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-Trades
    You are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful!
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - Vanilla
    You are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game.
  • Spiro Agnew - NPC
  • BizBuzz - President Nixon - 2 kill
    You are President Nixon, President of Earth. The head of the 37th US President kept alive in a jar, you are carried around by the headless body of Vice President Spiro Agnew. You won the election for President of Earth by one vote and proceeded to enlist the people of Earth into pointless wars. Typically you can be found playing poker with the Robot Devil. Any attack against you will first kill the headless body of Agnew.
  • Athena - Zoidberg - Doctor (weak)
    You are Doctor John Zoidberg, alien from the planet Decapod 10. The only member of the original crew of Planet Express, you are the staff doctor. Your medical knowledge is suspect; for some reason they allow you to treat humans with absolutely no understanding of their anatomy. As such, you are incredibly poor and despised generally by the rest of the crew. Your skills may allow you to heal one person per night, provided the odds be in their favor. Heads, they’re safe. Tails, well, you snipped them in the wrong kerjigger.
  • The Onion Knight - Professor Farnsworth - 2 kill
    You are Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth! A misdirected genius, your inventions always take a odd bent. Like the Smell-O-Scope, because smelling space is clearly more useful than seeing it. Owner and CEO of Planet Express, you often send your crew on suicide missions due to your lack of a gooey moral center. That may also explain your collection of doomsday devices. Although you are practically decrepit, ancient, and falling apart, you are protected by the gargoyle Pazuzu who owes you a great debt. As such, it will take two attempts on your life for death to give you that sweet relief.
  • Firearcher - Calculon - vanilla
    You are Antonio Calculon, famous star of long running robot soap opera All My Circuits. You are known for your magnificent elocution and melodramatic nature on and off screen. While it’s rumored that you received your talents from the Robot Devil himself, you always seek to prove yourself. One day the Academy will recognize you for the talent you are. ONE DAY!
  • MarkHB - Emperor Lrrr - villain protector
    You are Emperor Lrrr, RULER OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8. Lover of Earth sitcoms, violence, conquering planets, and eating just about everything, you have a minor protective streak for things you’ve deemed worthy.  While obsessed with Earth pop culture, the nature of humans perplexes you as you do not understand why they often do not resort to violence. For example, why Ross, the largest Friend, does not simply eat the other five. Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps. Each night you may protect one member of your team, but you may not protect the same person twice. That person will be safe through to the next night.
  • caprice - Fry - Vanilla
    You are Philip J. Fry! Cryogenically frozen in the year 1999, your life is significantly better in the 30th century. While still a delivery boy, you now travel via spaceship and deliver strange and alien packages instead of pizza. Your lack of intelligence may be due to genetic inbreeding as you are your own grandfather. As such, you have no additional powers in this game.
  • Lady Calypso - Amy Wong - Lover
    You are Amy Wong, daughter to wealthy industrialists Leo and Inez Wong. Intern with the Planet Express crew and assistant to the Professor, you earned your doctorate in Applied Physics. Despite your advanced degree, academics are rarely on your mind. Too busy partying and having fun, your party board never gets dusty. Although you would hate to get tied down, you’re currently dating Kif Kroker (and was his Fonfon Ru). You and Kif may communicate outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one is killed.
  • saoirse - Kif - Lover
    You are Kif Kroker, long suffering assistant to Captain Zapp Brannigan and boyfriend to Amy Wong. You are invaluable to Zapp, who believes you to be his best friend and greatest admirer which frustrates you to no end. You are an Amphibiosan, very self conscious, and very dedicated to the love of your life, your Fonfon Ru Amy Wong. You may communicate with Amy outside the main game thread and both of you will perish if one of you is killed.


There are no clues in the story. Please allow 12 hours for discussion. Day will end at 10 pm EDT Saturday. 


*Edited for formatting issues*

Edited by egavasc
  • Love 2

Whatever Silver is, she's not a Hero.  And since we got the Villain protector finally, we know we can take her out toDay.  Which leaves one.


After dealing with Silver, there will be 9 players left.  4 are known to be Heroes, since they were cleared by death and brought back somehow:  TJ, Oinky, Jesse, and aquarian1.


That leaves CP, Machia, Spruce, Dougal, and me as the potential last non-Hero.  I know I'm a Hero, but I know that all of you can't just trust that.  So I have a plan.


Jesse, Oinky, and aquarian; it's time to be specific about who you've investigated.  By that, I think you should reveal who you checked, and exactly who you found them to be.  No allusions or vagueness, just facts.  If there's a question about any of us 5, we've got toNight to resolve it.  Questions would include anyone not checked yet, or a discrepancy in results.


This will only work because we're down to just one evil player.  This gives us a chance to equalize the information.

Bob do you really think there is just one other scum after Silver?


I am going to be a little more circumspect today and observe for a while.  


I am going back to re-read with the knowledge of how the villains have been playing this.  


The first vote on Biz and then Deadpool first vote day 3 was rife with scum - them knowing it was ineffective was used as a shield for a while.


We have been cautious revealing the heroes we have found if they did not want to be outed we kept mum.


Onion Knight - professor hero we knew that but my probing of Firearcher as being the possible professor didn't make him claim so we let  it be.


Firearcher we got Calculon - actor hero and when you re-read his posts he did say maybe he was just 'acting like a professor'

The claim he had been recruited that night we got hero - sounds like a BIG FAT LIE


Biz - Nixon - villain


Deadpool - villain 


MMCS - villain 


SilverStormm - Bender/Flexo. Undetermined. Sometimes Bender sometimes Flexo.  


Flexo is a misunderstood good guy so I was ready to buy that SS might be good or neutral  but being a proud villain, she proudly ended the last benefit of a doubt she was getting.


I will also say and I can only guarantee this for myself - I came back 100% the same hero I died as and I have not been recruited. 

Oinky, why would you assume there isn't just the one scum left?   The only person who said that there is more than one is Silver herself.  And we know she's not trustworthy.  We proved that, then she blew her own game shortly thereafter.


Could there be more than one left?  Possibly.  But the odds say no.  Unless an investigation or two says otherwise.

SilverStormm - Bender/Flexo. Undetermined. Sometimes Bender sometimes Flexo.

This explains why Silver and I were butting heads. I can guarantee that she's Flexo.  The same Flexo we saw at the Poker Table of Villainy on Day 1.  And the confusing result comes down to her power.  Check back on the Night 8 story for the explanation.

If I've been investigated, go ahead and reveal me.  I've pretty much done so already, between hints at the beginning of the game and this post.

Also SK you ROCK! I knew you had more sense than to listen to the feeble plea's and yips of the poor deluded heroes.


I am going to laugh sooooo hard, esp when they realise who Bender really is and how he's connected to me. 


Yes, do go on OB et al - tell us who you investigated and what you know, that'd be great and extremely helpful, ta muchly.


Btw OB don't worry, you DEF won't be targeted for death toNight. Then again, remember rule #1 Silver lies. 


Or does she?



On 22 April 2016 at 1:29 PM, Jesse said:

FWIW, I think the idea of mass recruitment is a red herring perpetrated by baddies. And I know there is at least one more Villain, and am inclined to think there is only one more. 


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

If turnips were watches, I'd wear one by my side.

If "if's" and "and's" were pots and pans,

There'd be no work for tinkers' hands.


Come on hapless heroes, do it, don't let your dreams be dreams. YesterDay you said tomorrow, JUST DO IT!

Listen to Shia, he knows what's up:


Use that mind bogglingly brilliant strategy of continually DL'ing the same villain over and over, because you've ALMOST won! No really, I'm totally serious, it's worked 1000% in your favour, trust me on that. Us villains are all-but dead, kill me toDay and you win toMorrow. Oh wait, no...that's right damnit - here comes the SK to chop off your head!

Edited by SilverStormm
Tidied up post because OCD.

Oinky, need I remind you who brought up the idea of recruitment in this game in the first place?  It was Silver. On Day 8.


I am going to laugh sooooo hard, esp when they realise who Bender really is and how he's connected to me.


You're not paying attention, are you Silver?  Because the Heroes should know who Bender is.  And that he's not connected to you, other than that you can disguise yourself as him when investigated.  Which accounts for the inconclusive results on Oinky's investigation on you.  And since you're admittedly a Villain, that means Bender is conclusively a Hero.


By the by, I do note that the SK didn't exactly take you up on your offer.  They didn't kill a "confirmed" Hero, just a Hero.  There are really only 4 confirmed Heroes, and they're all still alive.  Which is what I predicted would happen the entire time.

  • Love 1

Oinky, need I remind you who brought up the idea of recruitment in this game in the first place?  It was Silver. On Day 8.



You're not paying attention, are you Silver?  Because the Heroes should know who Bender is.  And that he's not connected to you, other than that you can disguise yourself as him when investigated.  Which accounts for the inconclusive results on Oinky's investigation on you.  And since you're admittedly a Villain, that means Bender is conclusively a Hero.


By the by, I do note that the SK didn't exactly take you up on your offer.  They didn't kill a "confirmed" Hero, just a Hero.  There are really only 4 confirmed Heroes, and they're all still alive.  Which is what I predicted would happen the entire time.


Oh I AM paying attention Bob, it's the heroes who aren't ;) Bender and I have a connection, only we know what that is.

FYI, it was Biz who first hinted about recruitment not I...pay attention please.



If Deadpool can taunt the Heroes during the Day, I'll be damned if I'm not going to taunt the Villains. 


Drogo you have posted more during Day/Twilight as a dead person than anyone ever has, pot, kettle, black?

FYI, it was Biz who first hinted about recruitment not I...pay attention please.

Citation needed. Because I checked. I can find no post by Biz inferring anything about recruitment prior to your lie.  I did find a reference to possible recruitment before that.  From me, based on a post by Oinky.  Unless you can find the hint you're talking about, I'll just chalk this up as another lie.  Same as most of your claims since we smoked you out.


2 to DL SilverStormm (Oinky Boinky, Bob) 4 to deactivate a bad robot.

Citation needed. Because I checked. I can find no post by Biz inferring anything about recruitment prior to your lie.  I did find a reference to possible recruitment before that.  From me, based on a post by Oinky.  Unless you can find the hint you're talking about, I'll just chalk this up as another lie.  Same as most of your claims since we smoked you out.


2 to DL SilverStormm (Oinky Boinky, Bob) 4 to deactivate a bad robot.


Sigh, if I have to prove you wrong, I will: please read this post more carefully. Paying particular attention to the following sentence:


All I can do is welcome you to the dark side … you know who you are …


That constitutes inference.

You're welcome.


Yes you are totally right, ALL of my claims have been lies. Your deduction skillz are truly amazing:



Well then.  I did miss that.   I apologize.


However, that did happen on the same Day as your post about Firearcher getting recruited.  2 hours later in fact.  As such, it could be a concerted effort between the two of you to sell a lie.  We know that your part is a lie; you never gained any tracking power.  Time will soon tell if the whole thing was a lie or not.


But you didn't pay attention again Silver.  I didn't say ALL your claims were lies.  I said MOST.  For example, your claim about being a Villain is obviously true.


Oinky, assuming the name you have is a standard Villain, and not the SK, then we would need to find the SK too.

Edited by SVNBob

Well then.  I did miss that.   I apologize.


However, that did happen on the same Day as your post about Firearcher getting recruited.  2 hours later in fact.  As such, it could be a concerted effort between the two of you to sell a lie.  We know that your part is a lie; you never gained any tracking power.  Time will soon tell if the whole thing was a lie or not.


But you didn't pay attention again Silver.  I didn't say ALL your claims were lies.  I said MOST.  For example, your claim about being a Villain is obviously true.


Oinky, assuming the name you have is a standard Villain, and not the SK, then we would need to find the SK too.


Most/All - potatoes/potAtoes.


Not quite sure what you're trying to prove here? That I lie? Of course I lie, that's my job, but not always. Which you will very soon discover... ;)

After I'm dead, know that I'll be laughing my spectacularly shiny ass off in Robot Hell! hehehe

What I'm trying to demonstrate is that people are likely jumping at shadows. 


I believe that we're down to the final 2 evil players; Silver and one other person.  Oinky and Jesse apparently have a name, and I believe that person is the SK.  Which means that we Heroes can and will win this tomorrow.  So I believe that anything to the contrary is a lie created by the Villain team to keep us scared and off-balance.


Victory is close Heroes.  Stay the course.

  • Love 1

LOL, stahp.


As I said before; your deduction skillz are stunning to behold. 


Which hero to choose toNight, hmmm...decisions, decisions!


SK, you did a fantastic job last Night, I heart you. If you know who the last protector is (as we do), I suggest killing them toNight, that way we won't duplicate our kills, just a suggestion. BTW, if you need a clue as to whom the last protector is; the evidence can be found in the thread from a few Days ago if you look for it.

Edited by SilverStormm
Added info for our friendly neighbourhood SK

I wonder if Silver's taunts don't actually have something to back them up, given how hard it has been to get villains to stay dead, and we would be better off taking out the quieter remaining villain toDay.  I'm also not sure why we aren't naming names, but my partner is usually so forthcoming, I am happy to take her lead here. 


Yes you should def take the other one out and leave me alive.

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