Meredith Quill April 3, 2016 Share April 3, 2016 If the DL happens fast, I doubt I’d get a chance to vote considering voting starts at 4am for me… :/ Same here. So with that in mind; if anyone starts a DL on Biz, please add me to it, as I’ll be in bed asleep at 4am when voting opens. (I reserve the right to withdraw this request between now and going to sleep, should other more compelling evidence come to light). Link to comment
Machiabelly April 3, 2016 Share April 3, 2016 I agree with CP...if at first you don't succeed, Lynch and Lynch again Link to comment
BizBuzz April 3, 2016 Share April 3, 2016 Gosh people, I keep telling you to not waste your votes on me. Link to comment
halgia April 3, 2016 Share April 3, 2016 Interesting swap...wonder what the story is behind the scenes for that resurrection. egavasc: are there actually no clues in this one or is it a copy-paste mistake again? Link to comment
egavasc April 3, 2016 Author Share April 3, 2016 Interesting swap...wonder what the story is behind the scenes for that resurrection. egavasc: are there actually no clues in this one or is it a copy-paste mistake again? There are actually no clues in this story. I was trying to get the story up late last night and was in a rush to finish it so I wasn't feeling clever enough to add clues (of course when I went to post it the forums were hiccuping so it didn't matter) . 1 Link to comment
Jesse April 3, 2016 Share April 3, 2016 I appreciate your efforts, egavasc! I agree with CP, we know there's a protector and they can't protect the same person twice in a row usually. I have a horrible feeling that Mark might have something else going on as well, like being the emperor maybe he can't die until all of his 'minions' are all dead or something? Biz has only been DL'd once so far; so how about we just keep DL'ing her until she dies, if she's protected toDay, we know that it's unlikely she would be toMorrow. Who knows, maybe she is even the protector herself? I'm on board with this. The only new information I have from URL is to trust Athena. Link to comment
Firearcher April 3, 2016 Share April 3, 2016 Democracy sucks. Better to have some hard ass in power who knows what he is doing. The Tiger will light the lantern at 7:12AM. 1 Link to comment
egavasc April 4, 2016 Author Share April 4, 2016 Mod Note: Dear dearly departed dead people. Please remember that you are dead. Ghosts! Ghosts cannot like things during the day. They don't have enough mass to hit the like button. The more the merrier for the drinking and gaiety come nightfall, but until then please refrain. - Your loving mod. 4 Link to comment
caprice April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 A rare, warm day and migraine conspired to keep me offline today. That said, I am so confused! Welcome back to the land of the living, Jesse, but why don't we seem able to kill off these darn villains? I'll be back in the morning (I promise) to see if anything makes sense. Link to comment
Jesse April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 It's time for voting, right? 1 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse), 8 to avenge my partner! Link to comment
Guest April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 2 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse, CP), 7 to avenge Jesse's partner! Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 3 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse, CP, aquarian1), 6 to hopefully do something! Link to comment
Athena April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 6 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse, CP, aquarian1, The Onion Knight, SilverStormm, Athena), 3 to fly the moon Link to comment
caprice April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 I hope it works this time. 7 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse, CP, aquarian1, The Onion Knight, SilverStormm, Athena, caprice) 2 to take a long nap. Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 8 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse, CP, aquarian1, The Onion Knight, SilverStormm, Athena, caprice, saoirse) 1 to start the week off right.. Link to comment
halgia April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 9 to DL BizBuzz (Jesse, CP, aquarian1, The Onion Knight, SilverStormm, Athena, caprice, saoirse, Dougal) 0 to go smashing head jars. Link to comment
egavasc April 4, 2016 Author Share April 4, 2016 And that's day! Please get your twilight actions in. With any luck the story will go up early Tuesday morning EDT. Link to comment
Machiabelly April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 Work is interfering with my voting. Link to comment
BizBuzz April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 Well, hmmmm, what can I say? Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 4, 2016 Share April 4, 2016 Whoever our benevolent protector is, please look after our newly arisen Jesse toNight, we cannot afford to lose our dear re-animated investigator again! Hopefully, you won't be saying very much after toDay Biz... ETA Thanks TOK for adding my vote to the DL. Link to comment
Drogo April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 1 Link to comment
Athena April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 Whoever our benevolent protector is, please look after our newly arisen Jesse toNight, we cannot afford to lose our dear re-animated investigator again! It makes me wonder though, when requesting to protect someone in public won't the villains target someone else? Link to comment
halgia April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 In that case, I request that we protect everyone but Biz and Mark. Then the villains will have to target themselves! 3 Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 A request is only a request, there's no guarantee the protector will do it. As long as that element of doubt exists, the villains won't truly know who's protected so it's all good and the villains can jog on. If they want to kill me toNight, go right ahead, I have no powers anyway and better me than Jesse in that respect. 1 Link to comment
Jesse April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 I feel so supported, you guys. Link to comment
egavasc April 5, 2016 Author Share April 5, 2016 Night 7 We finally rejoin our hapless heroes as they arrived on the EHG planet. Really, they could have arrived days ago, but as they weren’t relevant to the plot so they meandered around in space for a little while. Sure, it was a waste of dark matter and they didn’t have Nibbler’s supply anymore, but eh, sometimes these things happen. Leela had successfully navigated through the minefield that was a galaxy at war and landed safely on the planet. Now the whole crew had assembled with the leaders of the PTV galaxy in Fort Awesome to negotiate a peace treaty. The head of Earth President Richard Nixon was seated at the center of the long table ready to crush those previously neutral bastards. Well Nixon was technially seated ON the center of the long table; the headless body of Spiro Agnew was in the chair behind him. Directly across from Nixon was Highlander Hero DAVE, chief moderator for the PTVers. On DAVE’s left side was TimeTravelling Doctor TARA; on the left Suspected Witch SARAH. Together, they ensured hilarity and happiness in the PTV galaxy and had strange methods for negotiating a peace. Nixon had been placed down on the table, ready to run things when he was interrupted by DAVE who asked, “Do you know what time it is?” “Sexy captain time?” Replied Zapp Brannigan, representing Earth. “Nope!” Said DAVE. “Time to begin negotiations. So Earth will end…” Nixon started “Nope!” Interrupted DAVE. “Time for a raid?” Joked TARA. “Nope! It’s game time!” Said DAVE. “Now here’s how this will work. Each side will have three competing members in the game. Whichever team has the winning player will determine the outcome of the peace treaty. The name of the game is Before and After. I will give a description and you will name both television shows mentioned in the description. They will be connected by a shared word. Also playing for the PTVers will be Potential Villain/Lover JOE. Team Earth, your team needs a third player.” “Oooh oooh, me! Pick me!” Said Bender excitedly. “Bender hush,” said Leela. “No one wants to place the fate of Earth in your hands.” “Oh bite my shiny metal ass! None of you knows nearly as much about TV as me. Well, maybe Fry.” “Yes, Bender will make an excellent third player for Team Earth. Let’s win this men!” Said Nixon, confident in their chances of success and sure that they would crush the PTVers. “Order of play will be determined by the Person in Charge Choosing Initiative. PICCI, who goes first?” DAVE asked the robot. “We will start with Bender.” PICCI chose. “This is going to be fun on the bun! Let’s play!” Said Bender. “Yes, let’s play Before and After. Order of play will be Bender, Zapp, Nixon, JOE, SARAH, TARA. First question for Bender. A lesbian and her best friend’s decision to have a baby is complicated by the sudden arrival of guy in a biker jacket who can fix jukeboxes.” “Ooooh oooh! I know this one. It’s One Big Happy Days.” “That is correct. Next question for Zapp. A team of law students work with their professor to cover of the crimes investigated by an elderly amateur detective.” “Hmmm, are any of the law students sexy? I feel like I would remember the show if the students were sexy. Could I get a hint please?” Asked Zapp Brannigan. “There are no hints,” replied DAVE. “Rats. Well then, hmmmm. I don’t know. AAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Brannigan yelped as electrical currents swept through his body. “Did we not tell you?” DAVE chuckled. “Every incorrect answer will result in a large electrical shock.” “Arrroooooo!” Nixon howled. “No wrong answers then, men. Let’s do this. It’s my turn.” “Yes, Nixon, your shows. A comedy show set behind the scenes of a sketch comedy production gets a visit from a California private detective.” “C’mon Nixon, you can do it. One of those shows is from your original time!” Hollered Bender knowingly. “No hints from the peanut gallery! Next time you will be shocked,” warned DAVE. “I...I....I don’t know.” “Is that your final answer?” Asked DAVE. “Unfortunately yes,” replied Nixon. He was not worried about the shock since he wasn’t sitting in the chair. But suddenly Agnew started a weird noise and then began convulsing. His body shook and shook and then went limp. Nixon had turned around to see what was happening. “Agnew, get up! Agnew? AGNEW!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!” He cried out, realizing that his long standing Vice President had finally died. Still Alive and Well in New New York MarkHB CuriousParker SilverStormm Athena Machiabelly saoirse SVNBob Firearcher aquarian1 Lady Calypso Dougal The Crazed Spruce caprice BizBuzz The Onion Knight Jesse Now in Robot Hell HangedMan - Scruffy - MagistrateWhat else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused. TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day. Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blockerYou are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night. Lisin - Hermes - TrackerYou are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player. Drogo - Hedonismbot - Jack-of-all-TradesYou are Hedonismbot, a robot with with the concept of hedonism written right into your very code! As your sole purpose is to seek pleasure, you over indulge in just about everything - chocolate icing, sex orgies, opera, you name it. You are made of solid gold and have a robosexual relationship with your valet Djambi. You have the ability to indulge in powers, to once investigate, once protect, and once operate as a vigilante. How delightful! MuuMuuChainsmoker - Donbot - VanillaYou are the Donbot, head of the Robot Mafia. You are from the planet Sicily 8 and are accompanied by your goons Clamps and Joey Mousepad who do your dirty work. You are out for revenge, seeking penance for the many crimes Bender has committed against you not limited to sleeping with your wife and your daughter! You have no additional powers in this game. OinkyBoinky - Officer URL - investigator pairYou are Officer URL, the robot half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL (pronounced Earl). Programmed to be a cop, you have many features to employ in the capturing of bad guys such as a siren, a megaphone, and a violations printer. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticably duller. You may communicate with Officer Smitty outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate. Spiro Agnew - NPC There is one clue in the story to make up for no clues in the day story. Please get your night actions in by 7:35pm EDT Wednesday. Enjoy the bar and welcome ghosties! 5 Link to comment
halgia April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 That was amazing. Link to comment
BizBuzz April 5, 2016 Share April 5, 2016 OMG, all kidding aside, that is a kick ass night story! BEER ME UP!!! Link to comment
FormerMod-a1 April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 ?? It's night, so I'll have some red wine! ETA: Great story! Link to comment
Athena April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 I know Dave doesn't play with us anymore, but he really should read that story. Bravo! Cognac, straight, please. :) Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Awesome job on the story! Link to comment
Guest April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Neat-o story! Link to comment
Jesse April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Seriously, great story. (Also: How to Get Away With Murder, She Wrote? 30 Rockford Files??) 1 Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 (edited) (not sure if I am supposed to preface everything with floats in...) floats in... I miss you guys and being dead is boring Something clear, please bartender so my puddle is not too embarrassing thanks (floats out?) Edited April 6, 2016 by Oinky Boinky 2 Link to comment
MuuMuuChainsmoker April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 (Also: 30 Rockford Files??) Ha! I was getting annoyed that Studio 60 on 77 Sunset Strip didn't really fit strict Before and After rules. 1 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Awesome story. Beer me Link to comment
formerlyfreedom April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Beer me, please. Let's go for a vat today, troughs just aren't classy enough... Link to comment
Meredith Quill April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Cool story! I'll have some more jelly shots please bartender! Link to comment
egavasc April 6, 2016 Author Share April 6, 2016 Guys, I'm so glad y'all liked the story. I've been planning it for awhile and just only now got to it. It was so much fun to write! 4 Link to comment
Drogo April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 (Floats in) Twerks some. 2 snaps. (Floats out) 2 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 I bought some of the new Pepsi Ginger...not bad, Can I have some gin so I can see how it is as a mix? Thanks Link to comment
MarkHB April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 (Floats in) Twerks some. 2 snaps. (Floats out) Some things can never be unseen. 1 Link to comment
Jesse April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Quite a list of orders! Let's see.... we've got a selection of gin: A vat of beers: And some jelly/jello shots: (sorry that they seem to be leftover from Halloween -- I'm sure they're still good, right?) Anything else for anyone?? Now I need a drink! Cheers! 1 Link to comment
Drogo April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Link to comment
Machiabelly April 6, 2016 Share April 6, 2016 Tanqueray is what i buy when I buy. Link to comment
Oinky Boinky April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 FI... Is that French 75 for me? FO Link to comment
Jesse April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 I mean, I was going to drink it, but it's easy enough to make you one, too! We've got plenty of supplies.... Edit: I'm sorry, I'm afraid that's ReaLemon in the picture, and I need you to know that I would never. 1 Link to comment
caprice April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 Gin. Blech. I'll have a cowgirl's prayer. Link to comment
Athena April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 Best way to make gin: Make your own with spices that you'd like. My standby is Hendrick's. I'm starting to get into gin though which is bad. Good thing I've stopped buying liquor. Link to comment
Firearcher April 7, 2016 Share April 7, 2016 Tis a matter of chance whether we enter the world unto a countess or a washerwoman. You reach. You grapple. You grow. You take the dive launching your struggle to stay alive! Your torch may be lighted but will it stay lit. Helpless you witness the listless as others around fade away laying fallow in the ground. Things just never stay the same. And although your candle may flicker and crawl or wrestle with the flame, Whether you are left to burn another day depends upon those still in the game. 1 Link to comment
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