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Futurama Mafia

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I'm in for this, and I love all the discussion that went on. Sadly I was asleep, and then I woke up to go to classes, but I read all of it when I could and think it was very helpful!


1 to DL BizBuzz (Oinky Boinky) 9 to slosh alllll the water

7 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, CuriousParker, aquarian1, saoirse, silverstormm, Athena, Lady Calypso) 3 to go right the wongs that were done. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Drogo, your chart is MMCS nerd-approved. That being said, it looks to me like the "evidence" against me consists mainly of "does not believe Drogo". How conveeeeeeeeeeeenient.

Has anyone actually investigated Drogo to confirm that he really is a hero? Because although he is a convincing silver-tongued devil, we don't have anything to corroborate his assertions. We narrowed in on Biz based on OB's trustworthy info. Now he's trying really hard to switch us away from Biz on a day we should have a good chance of taking her out.

I know I'm painting a target on myself by coming at the King, but I continue to think there is something rotten in Denmark.

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Tomorrow we vote Biz, toDay is Mark's funeral.


Speaking of, I thought Biz "would be happy to!" join the Mark DL. What, uhh... what happened to that sentiment?


Love the arrogance ... I am here ... so now go play with things that make you happy ...


9 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, CuriousParker, aquarian1, saoirse, silverstormm, Athena, Lady Calypso, The Onion Knight, BizBuzz) 1 to say that one is not finished when one is defeated, one is finished when one quits

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Okay to close out the day proper 10 to DL MarkHB (Drogo, CuriousParker, aquarian1, saoirse, silverstormm, Athena, Lady Calypso, The Onion Knight, BizBuzz, Machiabelly) 0 to add any more votes. 


Thus we enter Twilight (or Evening). I think the discussion went well and y'all still managed to complete a DL in under a day (you monsters! Do you think I'm just a story churning machine?!?!?!). For those of you who have Twilight actions, please get them in by 10 am EDT Tuesday morning. The Night story will go up sometime Tuesday afternoon/early evening. Please feel free to continue game discussion until then. 

  • Love 3

Jesse - Officer Smitty - investigator pair

[...] You may communicate with Officer URL outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate.

I misread this the first time, and just in case anyone else did, since only one villain needs to notice things but heroes don't have that safety line: this seems to mean that we now all know for sure that OB is an investigator, possibly the most important role. Protectors, maybe keep that in mind....

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Everyone, I'm so sorry to miss another vote, especially after I'd said that I'd be in.

As HM was nice enough to let you know, my immediate next-door neighbor came over in a panic, hoping I'd be able to sit with her sons "for a couple hours" while she ran her husband to the ER. He was only running a temp of nearly 105....

I just got home. Fortunately, he's fine and I was able to let them know that the boys were perfect angels. Which, they were.

  • Love 3

I misread this the first time, and just in case anyone else did, since only one villain needs to notice things but heroes don't have that safety line: this seems to mean that we now all know for sure that OB is an investigator, possibly the most important role. Protectors, maybe keep that in mind....

Thanks Dougal and you are correct and please don't anyone think it is selfish of me to ask for protection again.
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MuuMuuChainsmoker - VILLAIN, I'm telling you.

    D1 Clue:  Human females-->Lady Calypso

    D1 Clue:  Damien Lewis-->Brody-->Hanged Man

    D1 Vote to no DL

    D2 Commentary after Biz DL was started:  “I’ll need better evidence”

    Doubts Hedonismbot’s heroism several times

    D2 Vote to kill Drogo

    D4 Vote to kill BizBuzz



Drogo, your chart is MMCS nerd-approved. That being said, it looks to me like the "evidence" against me consists mainly of "does not believe Drogo". How conveeeeeeeeeeeenient.


I noticed that, too.  The evidence against you would have been more varied if you didn't have such a big crush on me. 


Every other post is Drogo is a prankster, Drogo puts on my dresses and makeup, Drogo once ate a bat onstage, Drogo's lying, Drogo is exceptionally handsome, has anyone investigated Drogo... 


I like you too, but less of a romantic Benedict Cumberbatch way and more of a 1986 Mickey Rourke way.  (You can leave your hat on.)





Anyway, MMCS, I have a feeling you know something I don't know, or you wouldn't be swinging this hard at me after a successful DL on a Villain.  Really it seems like you're setting up to get the Heroes to mistrust me Tomorrow.


Or maybe you're trying to manipulate me into giving up my own protection toNight in order to try and kill you... and I dig that kind of foreplay also.

Well, assuming Selfie is the clue (I noticed it also), where does it point?


But a thought occurred to me. The story is set in PTV, meaning here. And there are a lot of moderators playing....

Very interesting point, but the official mod list on Selfie (a list egavasc doesn't have access to, and would probably be unfair to use anyway since not everyone does) is dearly departed Lisin and non-players photo fox and Chip. Glancing at the forum I'm not seeing anything that points to any of us either.

Chain smokers seems strong though.

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Hi guys

I'm posting this here at the suggestion of egavasc who was kind enough to help me out :)

Invitation to The Mafia Championship Season 3

Hello fellow Mafia enthusiasts! :)

My name is Thingyman. I am making this post with the hopes that your community would be interested in participating in Season 3 of the Mafia Championship.

The Mafia Championship is an annual online tournament series that pits representatives from various forum Mafia communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. The representatives are officially and democratically chosen to be “Champions” by their respective communities.

Season 1 (2013-2014) featured 100+ players from 45+ different communities, and the Season 2 (2015) boasted an even more impressive count of 70 different communities represented. The creator of Mafia himself (Dmitry Davidoff) has even supported and endorsed the series by previously offering to privately chat with the ultimate winner.

This year we’re expanding once again; 136 communities will be invited to participate, making this not only the biggest Mafia event ever, but also the largest cross-forum event in the history of the Internet.

Are you interested?

I am hoping very much that this all sounds exciting! If interested, I would need you all to name one representative to play on your community's behalf. How you decide this representative is completely up to you. To guarantee your community a spot in Season 3 of the Mafia Championship, I will need to know of your community's interest within the next week (until April 4th). Following this, you will have an additional two weeks to decide your nominee (until April 18th). Additionally, it would be a very good idea to also name an alternate.

When deciding your nomination, please consider the following: You should of course be aiming to send one of your best players. But more importantly this individual needs to be able to participate adequately in terms of activity. Be prepared for at least upwards of 500 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. The representative needs to not only be able to read all this, but should also at least be able to manage 10+ posts per day phase. I repeat: These games will be active.

Season 3 Specifics

• 136 different communities are invited to participate. If some decline the invitation, I may opt to allow larger communities an additional nominee.
• 8 Qualifying Games will be played with 17 players each.
• 2 players advance to the Finale Game from each game based on post-game votes.
• 1 Wildcard Game will be played (Wildcards are decided by a jury consisting of former finalists), determining the 17th and final spot in the Finale. Runner-ups in this game will be first in line to replace any finalists who may have to drop out.

Season 3 Timeline & Important Dates

The first Qualifying Game is set to start April 25th. Additional games will take place in the 1-3 months following. I will create a Doodle and find out the best times to start the various games so that preferably everyone gets to play during a time that suits them well.

In addition to this, it is also a priority to ensure as much as possible that all the players in any given game has no prior history of playing with each other to ensure a level playing field (but I cannot 100% guarantee that this won’t happen).

Season 3 Game Design & Setup

For each season, we’ve changed it up. This time, we’re doing something new again!

The setup is called Matrix12 and is inspired by mafiascum’s popular Matrix6 setup, if any of you are familiar with that. In short, the concept is that there are 12 different possible setups and the host randomizes which one is used. The players know what setups are available, but not which one will be used!

I can link to the setup if a link is okay.

Regarding lynch mechanics: There will be a deadline each day phase, and the person with the most votes at the end of the day is lynched, unless a majority has already been reached before then, in which case the day ends prematurely.

Days will last 36 hours and nights 12 hours, meaning 48 hours (2 days) per game day. With one exception: The weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will be one game day (so day will be 60 hours and night 12 hours on weekends).

Night 5
          We rejoin our hapless heroes as they resume their mission to the EHG planet. With Captain Brannigan, President Nixon, and the headless body of Spiro Agnew all safely aboard and 100% intact, Captain Leela was taking no chances. She had managed to narrowly avoid all of the tomato bombs on the previous excursion and now she had cargo aboard that put them at an even greater risk. As such, she had demanded everyone in the main cabin remain completely silent. Kif and Amy had gone elsewhere in order to rekindle the flame of their relationship; he had been aboard the Nimbus for months and they hadn’t seen each other in all that time. Most of the trip had gone smoothly, but of course we’ve joined them just before things got relatively interesting. Suddenly there was a loud crash.
          “Fry! What did you do?!” Leela yelled angrily. She didn’t turn to look to see what happened both afraid that he had broken something and determined to not take her eyes off the skyline.
          “Nothing! I got bored so I started playing with stuff.” He replied.
          “Oh yeah you did!” Bender interrupted.
          “Besides, I didn’t break anything. I promise. Sort of.”
          “Sort of? Fry. I can’t come back there and look so you better make sure everything is in proper working order.”
          “Alright, alright, I’m fixing it. You know Leela, we could just turn back. There’s absolutely no shame in wussing out.”
          “Yes there is and no we can’t. We’ve been entrusted with carting the maniacal leader of the planet and his idiot war leader through a war zone to construct a peace treaty for a war created on a whim. This job is important and I will get us there safely, if it’s the last thing I do!”


          Emperor Lrrr (OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8), headed to planet Earth to conquer it. NdNd had been nagging him as of late. “Lrrr,” she groused, “You haven’t conquered a planet in ages. Are you even a man anymore? No wonder you need Human Horn to get me in the mood.” He’d show her. He could still conquer planets. Then she would see.
He landed his ship in Central Park, having determined from his previous attempts at conquering that particular planet that that location would provide him the most visibility. “Puny humans of Planet Earth.” He commanded. “I am Lrrr, OF THE PLANET OMICRON PERSEI 8. I am here to conquer you. From now on you all are officially my slaves.”
           “Ohhhohhooho,” a voice from the crowd could be heard amongst the gasps of fear and terror (yes I know that’s redundant. But the people in Central Park were both in Fear and terror. It happens). “Sex slaves perhaps?” Hedonismbot asked with a chortle. He had been sunning himself, enjoying his newfound freedom with the simple pleasures of a picnic in the park. Sure the picnic was a seven course meal served by Elzar himself (Bam!), but whoever said Hedonismbot was one for the simple pleasures?
           “Speak up slave! I could not hear you. Repeat the question,” demanded the Emperor, feeling successful in his conquest. Oh if Ndnd could see him now!
           “I said, oh fearless leader, shall we be sex slaves?”
           Thrown by this question and slightly embarrassed, Lrrr stuttered “No, no...just the usual kind. You know, the kind where you work very very hard and die an early death.”
           “Ah, pity. There are still whips involved, yes?”
           “Um, yes? You know what, no. Slaves don’t get to ask questions. Slaves have to be quiet and obey orders. So be quiet!”
           “Oh well,” Hedonismbot replied sadly. In protest he said, “Men, fire at will!” As those amongst him began flinging grapes at Emperor Lrrr, utterly ineffectually.


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight

Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.
    You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.
  • Jesse - Officer Smitty - investigator pair
    You are Officer Smitty, the human half of the buddy cop pair of Smitty and URL. You became a cop after watching the many many dine-and-dashers at your father’s restaurant go unpunished. You often use excessive force, even in non-violent circumstances. Your baton looks not unlike a light saber, although is noticeably duller. You may communicate with Officer URL outside the main game thread and together may select one person per night to investigate.


There are no clues in this story. For those of you who haven't already sent in night actions, you have 24 hours in which to do so. Enjoy the bar! 

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