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Futurama Mafia

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My apologies for the delay on this story y'all! I had a very good excuse for the last delay, less so for this one. Thanks always for your patience. 


Day 4
          At MomCorp, the world’s most huggable industrialist and her leading scientist had hit a snag in their latest attempts to monopolize the world’s commerce. Their greeting card brainwashing scheme had backfired on them.
          “You fool! Are the lights on and no one home? Did you think Darth Vader was your father? Did you learn science from Magnum PI? These greeting cards aren’t convincing humans to buy MomCorp products. They’re sending messages to robots!” Mom said angrily to Dr. Wernstrom.
          Trapped in the corner, a robot firmly duct taped to the wall muttered “Kill All Humans. Kill All Humans”
          “It’s going to be just fine. I just need to recalibrate the settings. But I’ll need a whirligig razor and the only one in existence belongs to my greatest enemy, the only man to ever give me an A-. Dr. Hubert Farnsworth.”
          “Farnsworth you say. Hmmmm, well we’ll just have to find a way to acquire it now won’t we. Now where are those idiot sons of mine. We’ll need their help.”


          “Good news everyone! We’re off to see Hermes compete in Madison Cube Garden. The Olympics are here!” The Professor said excitedly.
          “But Professor, Bender, Leela and Fry already left on the mission. It’s just you, me, and Zoidberg,” Amy replied, still a tad worried about the Professor’s mental capacity. He was always a little off, but perhaps the stupefication field had had lingering effects.
           “To the Madison Cube Garden!”


           At the arena, Hermes was preparing to limbo for his life. Or at least his country. He was representing Jamaica after the entire Olympic team was detained at the airport for celebrating the country’s other national past time. His wife, the lovely LaBarbara Conrad, was nervous for her husband. “Husband! You haven’t been an Olympic class limboer in 20 years. Quit lyin’ to your pudgy self. This is unsafe!”
           “Quiet woman! This Jamaican can always limbo. It’s in the blood! Now help me squeeze into this spandex suit the Professor made. It’s going to help me win this.”
          “But Husband! You’ll be competing against Barbados Slim whose figure hasn’t changed since the last time you limboed against him. You can’t beat him.”
           “We’ll see about that woman.”


           Out on the court, the limbo competition was fierce. Country after country was outed as the limbo stick went lower and lower. Finally it was down to Barbados Slim, and our man Hermes Conrad. The men went toe to toe, round after round, setting new universe records. Finally, the referees wished to stop the contest fearing for the safety of the competitors. But the fierce rivalry between Barbados and Hermes would not let either man be satisfied with a tie. Hermes went to limbo below an impossibly low limbo stick, bending practically at the ankles (the man seemed to be made of rubber and had impeccable balance). Suddenly, throughout the arena, a horrifying CRACK was heard.
           “Sweet tornados of Barbados!” Hermes cried out.
           “Husband!” Yelled LaBarbara in concern as she rushed to the field.
           “I’ll save you Hermes my friend!” Said Zoidberg, following directly behind LaBarbara.
           “Keep your grubby claws off me ya filthy crab. I’ll be better as long as you don’t touch me”
           “But Hermes, friend, just a few minor adjustments and I’ll have you good as new.”
           Despite Hermes’ best efforts, he couldn’t move and thus couldn’t keep Zoidberg from attempting to doctor. Zoidberg, an expert in alien anatomy but an idiot when it came to doctoring humans, grabbed Hermes head and yanked. He believed that this would straighten the man’s spine and solve all their problems. He was of course wrong.
           Seeing that her husband was about to die, LaBarbara went chasing after her former husband Barbados Slim. With his dying breath, Hermes yelled “Wife! On my deathbed you leave me?! Sweet llamas of the Bahamas!”
           LaBarbara replied, “I’m only looking out for Dwight, Husband. A boy’s got to have a father.”
           Sad, broken, and alone, in the arms of Zoidberg his least favorite coworker, Hermes Conrad died a limboer’s death. The proper paperwork would be filed to record his passing.


Still Alive and Well in New New York

  • MarkHB
  • CuriousParker
  • Drogo
  • SilverStormm
  • Athena
  • MuuMuuChainsmoker
  • Jesse
  • Machiabelly
  • saoirse
  • SVNBob
  • Firearcher
  • aquarian1
  • Lady Calypso
  • OinkyBoinky
  • Dougal
  • The Crazed Spruce
  • caprice
  • BizBuzz
  • The Onion Knight


Now in Robot Hell

  • HangedMan - Scruffy - Magistrate
    What else can be said, you are Scruffy. Planet Express’s janitor, most of the employees have no idea you exist. Regardless, you have a deep and abiding love for Planet Express (and your mop bucket). Where else could you do so little and get away with viewing so much Zero G Juggs? As such, during twilight you may protect someone from the results of a day lynch if you fear they have been wrongly accused.
  • TJtrack99 - Nibbler - double vote.
    You are Lord Nibbler, a proud and ancient Nibblonian. You live in New New York, disguised as a pet owned by Leela. Leela believes she rescued you from the Planet Vergon 6. Your race (who live long and are celebrated poopers) serve as protectors of the universe. Despite your small size, you have a voracious appetite and will eat just about everything in sight. Your intelligence grants you a second anonymous vote during the day.
  • Deadpool - Huge Brain - role blocker
    You are the Huge Brain of the Brainspawn, an alien race set out to understand the whole universe. Once your race has compiled all of the information on the universe, you will destroy it to ensure no future information can be created. Your race has the power to stupification fields, making everyone in the vicinity dumber. Your ability to block the Delta Brain Wave allows you to select one person per night and stop their abilities for the night.
  • Lisin - Hermes - Tracker
    You are Hermes Conrad, Grade 36 bureaucrat and proud of it. If there ever was a man born to file, stamp, and collate it would be you. Before becoming a bureaucrat professionally (let’s be real, you’ve always been a bureaucrat. You were requiring applications in triplicate to your tenth birthday party!), you were an Olympic limboer who was only bested by your fiercest rival Barbados Slim. Although you are anal only 78.36% of the time, each night you may fill out the proper forms to track the movements of one player.


There is one clue in this story. You have 36 hours to discuss. Day will end at approx. 10:45am Friday EDT. 

  • Love 3

We will avenge you Lis! :/

I trust both Oinky and TCS so

3 to DL BizBuzz (Oinky Boinky, The Crazed Spruce, SilverStormm) 7 to use the fly swatter

By my count it's 10 required for a DL not 11.

So when I said 10 to prove 'I am not a thief' it should have been 9?

Is it correct now?

You know if we do have a serial killer they are terrible at it.

  • Love 2

Dernit, y'all... don't you know Daddy has a bedtime?! 


I was coming to post about this album listing:


The World of Ruth Crawford Seeger

-Little Waltz (1922)

-Little Lullaby

-Jumping the Rope (Playtime)



-Mr. Crow and Miss Wren Go for a Walk - A little study in short trills

-Sonata (1923)

-Theme and Variations (1923)

-Five Canons (1924): No. 1

-Theme and Variations (1923)

-Kaleidoscopic Changes on an Original Theme, Ending with a Fugue (1924)

-Five Preludes (1924-25)

-Four Preludes (1927-28) (corrected versions)

-Piano Study in Mixed Accents (1930) (three performance versions)


While I do love killin' me some Villains, I have to admit I feel we're playing this poorly. 


I trust you, OB, and you have good intel.  But starting the DL immediately only helps us to kill one Villain.  Also, if something happens to you toNight, the Heroes don't have your intel for Tomorrow and the next Day.  You could hold onto your info and then use it to root out and isolate more Villains.  The thing about Villains is, they only give you info if they believe you trust them.  Once that DL is started, Hero or Villain, the scrambling begins and nothing can be trusted.  So if you knew Biz was a Villain, and you held onto that info until halfway through the Day, you could watch what Biz does in order to add to your trust list (ex: if she starts pointing a finger at Firearcher, you'd be able to safely assume Firearcher wasn't a Villain.)


I do love that you're extremely forthcoming with your intel, though it might be a little immediate for my liking, and I hope our Protectors will continue to keep you in their pockets.  :)


That said, I'm here for this DL all Day. 


7 to DL BizBuzz (Oinky Boinky, The Crazed Spruce, SilverStormm, CuriousParker, Maciabelly, MMCS, Drogo) 3 to bring an object that spins or whirls (or has at least one member that spins or whirls- hee!) to the boudoir

  • Love 2

I am concerned.  I know 1 villain is voting in this DL.  Although the caprice clues are strong, and this recent BB one seems good, too.  As we know, there are plenty of villains left in this game.  We also know villains will vote to DL other villains for various reasons.. Ugh.  I'll think on this some more and vote later this morning.

  • Love 1

OB, I've got plenty up my sleeve but I've also got plenty of time left.  Sorry I can't go into more detail. 


So I know there's a snake in the grass with toDay's DL, and I'm interested to hear more about who you think is just pretending to be good.  We've also had a few people with under 5 posts in 4 full gameDays.  Clearly I'm suspicious of caprice but Mark and Firearcher have been very quiet, too.   


And I've got my eye on MMCS who was all too happy to jump on fellow rookie Deadpool's DL of me 2 Days ago for the same reasons he put forward:

  • "You're pointing too many fingers at too many people- that's suspicious!" - You know what Villains don't do a lot of?  Pointing fingers at many players based on different possible clues and bring boatloads of attention to themselves.  They hang back, watch us eat each other, and pick us off one by one during the Night.  
  • "Is Hedonismbot even a Hero?" - This line of thought sure seems like a conspiracy theory the Villains would have cooked up in their Private Villain Chatroom to get the Heroes doubting my sincerity.  Classic Villain strategy- one of them throws it out there, then the others trickle in to support it.  


Deadpool and MMCS... Rule #9:  Come at the king, you best not miss. xo

  • Love 1

You guys are getting way too fast for me to keep up!




1.a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.

Nothing stands out to me in this one, but I still like caprice for that clue yesterDay.

It's a little soon to start voting, since I don't really *know* for sure, but that's where my head is at, Heroes.

Drogo, I really don't know why you're after me like this. I might not be the smartest person around, but I have a big heart! Edited by caprice
  • Love 2

One who has puzzled me from the beginning Is Firearcher.

Immediately after our first story where the professor took 5 minutes to sit down- FA'S only post was about his creaking joints. That to me he is the professor. That night I learned who the professor is in this game and it is not him.

It makes no sense to come right out of the gate with a fake claim on day 1.

So a puzzle. Maybe just his sense of humour at play.

  • Love 2

Wh-I was asleep when all of this was going on, and I've missed another DL! You guys need to slow your rolls! But seriously, I wish we actually took advantage a little bit of the day, and more than 12 hours, because I would have liked to take a pause and listen to BB's defense. I always love listening to defenses, even of villains. Again, not that I wouldn't have joined the DL, because there are now certain people I trust, but maybe taking more time for the next DL would allow more discussion and more chances to see who plays what cards? 

  • Love 2

One who has puzzled me from the beginning Is Firearcher.

Immediately after our first story where the professor took 5 minutes to sit down- FA'S only post was about his creaking joints. That to me he is the professor. That night I learned who the professor is in this game and it is not him.


I believe the real Professor was one of the last to vote with us toDay.  Yes?

  • Love 2

OB, I've got plenty up my sleeve but I've also got plenty of time left. Sorry I can't go into more detail.

So I know there's a snake in the grass with toDay's DL, and I'm interested to hear more about who you think is just pretending to be good. We've also had a few people with under 5 posts in 4 full gameDays. Clearly I'm suspicious of caprice but Mark and Firearcher have been very quiet, too.

And I've got my eye on MMCS who was all too happy to jump on fellow rookie Deadpool's DL of me 2 Days ago for the same reasons he put forward:

  • "You're pointing too many fingers at too many people- that's suspicious!" - You know what Villains don't do a lot of? Pointing fingers at many players based on different possible clues and bring boatloads of attention to themselves. They hang back, watch us eat each other, and pick us off one by one during the Night.
  • "Is Hedonismbot even a Hero?" - This line of thought sure seems like a conspiracy theory the Villains would have cooked up in their Private Villain Chatroom to get the Heroes doubting my sincerity. Classic Villain strategy- one of them throws it out there, then the others trickle in to support it.

Deadpool and MMCS... Rule #9: Come at the king, you best not miss. xo

Drogo, my little sauce pan. Don't see conspiracy and collusion in my game play where you've got the perfectly good duo of incompetence and paranoia.

That being said, I still don't 100% trust you as I still think you a bit of a rascal who is very good at just throwing out glittery shiny things until everyone is a bit dizzy. Though I admit, I am coming around to your particular charms.

  • Love 3

First I was accused of being too quiet.  Then I was accused of being the professor.  I’m not too quiet!  Who says I’m too quiet?  I’m not the professor.  Who says I am the professor? My joints do creak.  I admitted that.  Maybe……I’m just trying to draw attention to myself…….  OR…..maybe I’m just trying to be quiet and act like an incognito silent stoic quiet professor with creaking joints.

  • Love 3

Wh-I was asleep when all of this was going on, and I've missed another DL! You guys need to slow your rolls! But seriously, I wish we actually took advantage a little bit of the day, and more than 12 hours, because I would have liked to take a pause and listen to BB's defense. I always love listening to defenses, even of villains. Again, not that I wouldn't have joined the DL, because there are now certain people I trust, but maybe taking more time for the next DL would allow more discussion and more chances to see who plays what cards?

EXACTLY!!! When the DL is completed before a person can even read the story, why bother going back to look for clues? With the range of time zones we have, if this continues, I'd be wondering if it is worth it to play.
  • Love 2

Caprice - I have no reason to trust. I have just re-read everything and I don't see her voting or committing or in fact saying anything at any time.  



very interesting

On the second day vote where we were trying to DL Biz, the ones who latched onto the Drogo DL were DeadPool, MMCS, Curious Parker and SilverStorm.  However CP and SS were the first two on the Biz DL and switched to Drogo DL when Biz told her 'my daughter was in an accident story' and people switched off her. 

So the two very firm on deflecting off of Biz by way of you were DeadPool and MMCS.  


MMCS did jump on to the Biz lynch today. Since Biz was caught out and identified kind of a skin saving thing to do for a villain. 

  • Love 2

Mod Note


Technically it has been Twilight since the vote earlier and Twilight actions should be in by midnight EDT (giving extra time because I'm nice and the Day was over so quickly).


A proposal: an extended day (a full 48 hours instead of 36) but no one is allowed to vote for the first 12 hours. I know there is concern about not getting to participate and that doesn't seem exactly fair. And I know that no one wants to end a Day without a DL. But the last two Days have flown by without many people having a chance to participate. 


Thoughts? (And also please feel free to discuss the actual game at hand). 

  • Love 3

Mod Note


Technically it has been Twilight since the vote earlier and Twilight actions should be in by midnight EDT (giving extra time because I'm nice and the Day was over so quickly).


A proposal: an extended day (a full 48 hours instead of 36) but no one is allowed to vote for the first 12 hours. I know there is concern about not getting to participate and that doesn't seem exactly fair. And I know that no one wants to end a Day without a DL. But the last two Days have flown by without many people having a chance to participate. 


Thoughts? (And also please feel free to discuss the actual game at hand). 

  • Love 3

Caprice - I have no reason to trust. I have just re-read everything and I don't see her voting or committing or in fact saying anything

WTF? I missed a vote once because I was on vacation, also why I didn't comment much in the first week of play. I'd also announced that this would be the case. I've missed the following votes because you all have been so fucking INSANE about getting voting started the first damn thing after a story posts!

My god, I might be in the Central time zone, but that doesn't mean that I'm in here at the crack of dawn. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Let some of the rest of us participate, FFS!

egavasc, yes, please, can we have a "no speed voting" rule?

Like I said before, I'm not the smartest person here, but I have a big heart. If we keep on this way, my big heart will break.

  • Love 1
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