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Archer Mafia

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Day 2

ISIS Headquarters

“Not going to happen Cyril. You’re not leaving this office until you tell me what happened to the money in my expense account.” Archer said, standing in the middle of the doorway to Cyril Figgis’s office.

         “And why exactly should I help you this time? You ruined my relationship with Lana, you drank all of my grandfather’s scotch, and you consistently berate and belittle me. So no. I’m not helping you with this. Not today, not tomorrow. Not Ever.”



         Chiming in from the main office, Dr. Krieger asked “Perhaps I could be of some service?”

         “Do you know anything about forensic accounting?” Archer asked, with some hope.

         Backing away slowly Dr. Krieger replied, “Ah, that’s what you were talking about. Nope, nope, can’t help you. Not with that. Never minaaaaaahhhh!” He yelled as he fell backwards into the lap of former field agent Ray Gillette, now paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

         “Well, well, well. What have we here? Oh just the man who LIED to me and TOLD me I could walk again.”

         “Take me to my office! We’ll get you walking right away.”

         As Ray wheeled away with Krieger in his lap, Archer turned back to Cyril, ready to use some more advanced methods of persuasion on Cyril. Cyril, having realized it would just be easier to do what Archer wanted than be stuck in his office all day with the drunken oaf, used good accounting legwork to discover…

         “There’s a worm in the ISIS accounting software!”

         “A worm? And how exactly did a worm get into the ISIS system?”

         “I’m not exactly sure but I know I can beat the worm...”

         “I’ll bet you can.” Archer interrupted, knowingly. “But where did it come from?”

         “Give me a minute, give me a minute.”

         “Geez Cyril, phrasing. Make it harder, why don’t you? Oh man, I just can’t help myself sometimes!”

         “Quiet, Archer. I need to think.” After a little while Cyril had an answer, an answer he knew Archer wasn’t going to like. “So it appears the worm was put into the system by the KGB.”

         “Russia? I’m going to need my fur-lined tactleneck for this. Thanks Cyril, really. Now keep this to yourself. Do not tell anyone about where I’m going. Especially Mother!”


In Archer’s penthouse apartment

         “Mother can never know, Woodhouse. I’ll be back in a couple of days, after I kick some major KGB ass. Just tell her I went off to Vegas again. That is if she even asks.”

         “Yes sir.” Woodhouse said, resigned as always.

         “Now I need my bugout bag and my slightly darker black turtlenecks. Let’s say three of them.”

         “Yes sir, right away sir.” Woodhouse went into the bedroom to search for the appropriate turtlenecks while Archer drank his twelfth manhattan of the day, enjoying his bourbon before heading to the land of vodka. There were plenty of White Russians in his future, all full of alcohol, but unfortunately not all of them would keep him properly inebriated.


         “No Woodhouse, you decrepit house elf. Those are the black turtlenecks. I need the slightly darker black turtlenecks. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself eating a big bowl of spiderwebs when I get back if these turtlenecks get me caught for being not black enough.  Atonement tastes like gray cotton candy... Gray as in 'not even remotely black enough' just like these turtlenecks.”

        “Yes sir.”

        Woodhouse got the correct turtlenecks and packed them securely into Archer’s bugout bag. Now the spy was equipped with all that he might need to secretly get his revenge on the KGB who had set him up. It maybe wasn’t the most well thought out mission, but Archer was more of an act first, think later kind of spy. Now he had the proper mustache disguises, fake passports, and enough vodka to kill a horse; it was time to head to the Danger Zone!


Some time later, still in Archer’s apartment



      Woodhouse was very relieved that Archer was gone. Still, he was worried for his boss. Even though Sterling treated him as subhuman, he had been taking care of the drunken bastard since birth and worried about when he did foolish things. Like head to infiltrate the KGB without backup.

      But since there was nothing he could do about it and Archer would be gone for a couple of days, it was time for a hit. His skin felt like it was crawling with ants, it had been too long.  You see, Woodhouse was a longtime heroin addict.



         He grabbed his stash and headed to the den. Had to get rid of these ants. Everywhere ants. It took him no time at all to get everything prepared, this was far from his first time at the rodeo. Moments after the injection he had that feel of bliss wash over him. It wouldn’t last long. Someone had messed with his stash, upping the concentration, causing him to accidentally overdose.

        When Malory Archer came to the apartment days later, searching for her son, she would walk in on the body. The police found her weeping silently, stoically mourning the loss of one of her oldest friends.


Living In The Danger Zone:

  1. Lisin
  2. CP
  3. Jesse
  4. saoirise
  5. caprice
  6. Dougal
  7. BizBuzz
  8. SilverStormm
  9. Deadpool
  10. The Crazed Spruce
  11. aquarian1
  12. MMCS
  13. Machiabelly
  14. The Hanged Man
  15. Ser Jorah Mormont


No Longer Rampaging: 

  1. Oinky Boinky - Woodhouse / Team ISIS - You are Woodhouse, manservant to Sterling Archer. Despite your own storied military career, you’ve been in service to the Archers since Malory Archer gave birth in your Tangiers bar. You are one of the few consistent things in Archer’s life, having raised him since he was a baby and always being there while his mother was off on spy missions. The heroin helps you overlook the fact that he treats you as subhuman. Good thing you know how to cover your tracks when you need to: knock him out, splash scotch and women’s underwear about, and tell him he slipped chasing an Asian prostitute. He’ll never be the wiser. You have no additional powers in this game. 


Important stuff:

  • There are 2 clues in the Day 2 story. 
  • 8 votes are needed for a DL. 
  • There will be 36 hours for Day discussion and voting.  Day will end when a majority vote has been reached or the time limit is up. 
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In the entire time I have played Mafia here at PTV, this is the very first time this has happened to me.  I had some time to go over the show a bit last Night, and learning what I learned, there is a player who seems to be claiming the character that I am.  I honestly don't know how to deal with this ... I don't know the strategy.

I don't have any information to share, as I am completely powerless.  

I don't see any clues either, but that isn't unusual for me.  If someone can point me to the right direction and convince me, I will be happy to jump on a DL.

Nooooo!!! Not Woodhouse! Goddamnit!! I always loved that junkie... @MuuMuuChainsmoker I don't have any info on @Dougal unfortunately, so I can't help you there. 

Just want to point out that dearly departed OB was the only person on a @BizBuzz DL at the end of the day which has got me thinking that Silver may be on to something. Sorry, my @ mentions keep hanging so I'm just going to get this posted before my computer crashes. Sorry for not tagging you Silver!!

I agree with what has been said above by Silver and Ser Jorah, I think it would be really ballsy to point at Dougal this early with no back up so I'd definitely be willing to go along with that one. I definitely trust Silver's instincts at this point as well so I'd be on board. 

Investigators? Did anyone look at TCS? Or Biz? 

BizBuzz, you're saying someone is hinting at your character? Who is it? What are they hinting? 

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Hmm losing Oinky is not good, there is always a place for a rabble rousing argument inciter.

I'm going to need to hear some sort of reason why peeps are focused on Dougal and while I may trust some of the peeps on the Dougal bandwagon there may be one that I do not trust

Did anyone see any clues?

Big bowl of spiderwebs stood out for me

maybe also house elf though not sure about that one

So, I'm totally not against going with this DL and if we get closer to the end of the Day and need another vote I'm all in, I just want to hear if anyone investigated anyone else and if anyone else got any night info since we have plenty of time. And after the day I've had even though it's Day I'm having a drink. Pouring one out for our homey Woodhouse too. 

I'm with Lisin on this. We had much better leads on Biz and Spruce on Day one, two more clues at Night, and another two today. I'm certainly not going to jump on a DL without a reason for it. You need to do better than that, MMCS.


Now, since we still have a ton of time, has anyone seen anything from the Night story? I like house elf, but am not sure where to go with it.

Ok, so we have 7 official votes (MMCS, CP, SilverStormm, Ser Jorah Mormont, Deadpool, Jesse, aquarian1)  and 3 people who have checked in to say "Maybe, but not yet." (Spuce, Lisin and caprice). 

That leaves: @saoirse, @Machiabelly and @Hanged Man to check in.  (I'm going to assume that @Dougal is going to vote no.)  :) 

WTAF? People, the story went up ELEVEN HOURS AGO!! I really hope this wasn't a mistake and that we weren't led in the wrong direction by someone who gave us no damn information. Where were the clues?

Id love to know both that and why any discussion of what we thought we'd found yesterday didn't continue, and why we didn't try to build on any of that with the FOUR NEW CLUES we were given.

Well, we have until sometime tomorrow to discuss clues so people with night actions have some ideas as to who to protect/investigate whatever... anyone see anything? 

The house elf thing did jump out to me too, but I don't know who it would point to. I'm going back to read again. I will only be up for like another half hour and then my morning takes me forever and ever to get online, so... that's why I was hoping we could discuss further. I'm not saying it was a bad DL (we'll see in time anyway) I was just saying we could maybe take some time to talk about other theories so we'd have more to help people with night actions going into Night.

On 6/6/2016 at 0:57 AM, Drogo said:

His man inside the KGB (ODIN was an excellent organization and had men inside most major dictatorships. Unlike some offices we know).

This might be tinfoil, but this phrasing (Phrasing!) has been sticking in my mind.  Is the KGB really a dictatorship?  Seems like a weird inclusion of that word.  If that is a clue, it seems to point to @Machiabelly (Machiavelli -> The Prince -> advocating a form of dictatorship).  A possibility at least. 

Anyway, FWIW, my suspect list currently features @saoirse, @caprice and @Machiabelly.     

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If @Dougal does indeed turn out to be a villain, whoever has protection powers PLEASE protect MMCS toNight, as the villains will be gunning for her and we need to keep her alive.

The whole reason that Twilight exists is so that game discussion can continue even after a DL, so not sure why toys are being thrown out of prams over a fast DL - based on 'because reasons' - which DL's have happened over numerous times in past games?

We can continue to discuss clues/look for clues etc. I still have my eye on Biz, idc if something is show related, it doesn't mean it can't be a clue also!

The way my schedule is these days, morning is the only time I have to play.  

MMCS must be pretty powerful when everyone in just moments is jumping on her bandwagon.  All I saw was a "I have reason to be suspicious" ... and BAM, people are on the Dougal train.  Gosh, I hope Dougal is a villain, we can't afford another Hero loss.

I don't think I had time to jump on the vote, which I would have if I had been given some sort of reason except ... I can't right now.  WHY NOT?  That sounds fishy to me.  Just sayin'

You can keep your eye on me all you want SS ... just sayin' again.  Someone is claiming my role and I don't know how to play that.

2 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

If @Dougal does indeed turn out to be a villain, whoever has protection powers PLEASE protect MMCS toNight, as the villains will be gunning for her and we need to keep her alive.

The whole reason that Twilight exists is so that game discussion can continue even after a DL, so not sure why toys are being thrown out of prams over a fast DL - based on 'because reasons' - which DL's have happened over numerous times in past games?

We can continue to discuss clues/look for clues etc. I still have my eye on Biz, idc if something is show related, it doesn't mean it can't be a clue also!

Agreed on all points. 

  • Love 1



A note from your loving Game Mods...

The first 12 hours after the Day stories are posted will now be considered "morning" and should be for discussion only.  Day will still be 36 hours: 12 hours of discussion without voting, then 24 hours for more discussion and voting. 

This should allow everyone time to visit the forum and disclose findings, discuss clues, etc. before a vote begins or goes through.  We will post the morning end-time in the "Important Stuff" section of the Day story so everyone's on the same page as to when voting can begin. 

Following Day, Twilight will last until the Night story is posted.  So basically, don't vote the first 12 hours and thank you. :)


                                                                                                           Game Mods, out!


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