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Archer Mafia

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Does anyone remember the days when Day 1 was all sunshine and rainbows?  We used to just dangle our feet in the water of whatever the hell it is we dangle our feet in, when we want to make it look like we're trying without pissing too many people off?  Oops, wrong game again.  ::giggle::

Wow, can I just say RUTHLESS.  

I kind of like the clue directed at TCS, however, it would be out of my usual game play to do any sort of DL on the first day.

@egavasc has a habit of pretty obscure clues, and I just spent more time that I officially have this morning to dig down deep to find anagrams, so I give and will move on to the next Day.

Like @Dougal, I have offline life getting in they way today (work and school) ... so my action is:

1 to DL @Ser Jorah Mormont (The Crazed Spruce) 8 to move in an L direction
2 to DL @BizBuzz (SilverStormm, Oinky Boinky) 7 to get stung
1 to DL @The Crazed Spruce (CP) 8 to go up the wrong tree
1 to NO DL (BizBuzz) 8 to call it a Day.

Oh, and by the way ... I am about as vanilla as I can get, like vanilla ice cream, like the vanilla beans I wanted when I went on my cruise but I couldn't get because the island that is famous for them is divided into two countries and the one country where it grows is lousy neighbors and wont give them any and I happened to be on the side that didn't have them.  Ok, I know, TMI.

Hmmmm, given that Cheryl/Carol actually IS batshit crazy, I'm not super convinced that screw = Crazed Spruce.

On an unrelated side note, we know from "The Job Offer" that Lana has never exactly put a Welcome mat outside her back door.  Framboise, on the other hand, is the Pele of anal.  

Back to the game though, I'm a No Lynch vote for the first day.  I just don't think we have enough to go on.  If we are just lynching at random, we've got better odds of lynching a villager than a wolf. 

32 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

I just thought the way it was wrote seemed out of place 'missing a few screws', it would normally be  'a few screws loose'


23 minutes ago, MuuMuuChainsmoker said:

Sorry, wasn't trying to discourage brainstorming.   Just saying it's not enough for me to vote to lynch at this point.  :)

I agree with both of these points... but then if you add in the possibility of a Shining clue relating back to Timberline Lodge which is trees which is maybe also TCS... maybe? Though I also am not against a no DL on day one. 

1 to DL @Ser Jorah Mormont (The Crazed Spruce) 8 to move in an L direction
2 to DL @BizBuzz (SilverStormm, Oinky Boinky) 7 to get stung
2 to DL @The Crazed Spruce (CP, Deadpool) 7 to chop down the tree
1 to NO DL (BizBuzz) 8 to call it a Day.

I am going with my gut instinct, there's been a few suggestions towards TCS and I feel not every single one of them can be wrong.


Of all the clues found there have been a couple of clues against 2 people - 


  • The Shining Lodge -Timber – TCS
  • Screw Loose – Crazy – TCS


  • Pansy – Flowers – Bees – BizBuzz
  • Honeypot – Bees – BizBuzz

If I die tonight you will know that I am likely right on at least one of the players above. I would also suggest maybe one of them being investigated tonight? 

Edited by Deadpool
Correcting my awful grammar

In the interests of moving things along, how about we don't let the villains take a day off?:

1 to DL @SER JORAH MORMONT (The Crazed Spruce) 8 to catch greyscale
1 to DL @BIZBUZZ (Oinky Boinky) 7 to drink the sweet, sweet vanilla nectar of success
3 to DL @THE CRAZED SPRUCE (CP, Deadpool, SilverStormm) 6 to be CrAzY not to
1 to NO DL (BizBuzz) 8 to give the villains a day off (maybe they went to the seaside and had vanilla ice-cream?)

Got my little eye on you Mz Buzz! ;)

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I haven't been around much, but I'm always up for a DL, even if I kick myself later when it's wrong.

1 to DL @SER JORAH MORMONT (The Crazed Spruce) 8 to catch greyscale
1 to DL @BIZBUZZ (Oinky Boinky) 7 to drink the sweet, sweet vanilla nectar of success
4 to DL @THE CRAZED SPRUCE (CP, Deadpool, SilverStormm, aquarian1) 5 to shout it from the rooftops
1 to NO DL (BizBuzz) 8 to give the villains a day off (maybe they went to the seaside and had vanilla ice-cream?

1 to DL @Ser Jorah Mormont (The Crazed Spruce) 8 to catch greyscale
1 to DL @BizBuzz (Oinky Boinky) 7 to drink the sweet, sweet vanilla nectar of success
5 to DL @The Crazed Spruce (CP, Deadpool, SilverStormm, aquarian1, Ser Jorah Mormont) 4 to shout it from the rooftops
1 to NO DL (BizBuzz) 8 to give the villains a day off (maybe they went to the seaside and had vanilla ice-cream?

I'm absotively convinced that The Shining is a clue, but y'all are barking up the wrong tree, 'cause I sure as hell ain't a bad guy.  But since y'all seem to be torn betwixt me and @BizBuzz....

2 to DL @BizBuzz (Oinky Boinky, The Crazed Spruce) 7 to NOT KILL ME
5 to DL @The Crazed Spruce (CP, Deadpool, SilverStormm, aquarian1, Ser Jorah Mormont) 4 to kill a good guy
1 to NO DL (BizBuzz) 8 to give the villains an edge

I'm going to mention a minor peeve, but y'all should feel free to ignore me on this one, because I'll just have to deal with it anyway.


It irks me when people change the reasons for DLs on the DLs they don't vote on.

That said, I'm sorry to have missed the vote. I was having connectivity issues and m. caprice took me out for dinner. We are now having margaritas. Anyone want one?

2 hours ago, caprice said:

That said, I'm sorry to have missed the vote. I was having connectivity issues and m. caprice took me out for dinner. We are now having margaritas. Anyone want one?

I'm not a fan of tequila but I might take a margarita.

Sorry I missed the vote, busy day here. Plus I don't like day 1 DLs. I  love day one votes, just not DL's since more often than not we kill a good guy which helps the villains, regardless of how Oinky feels.

Went to the Texas Ranger game today and the first pitch was thrown out by Stan Lee who was escorted to the mound by Todd McFarlane and Frank Miller. it was pretty cool. He bounced the pitch but he's 94 so we cut him some slack and cheered anyway.

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2 hours ago, Oinky Boinky said:

Of course it will be a consolation once it turns out it was true. 

My pet peeve is that in these games the bad guys can skate for at least two days simply by not posting. 

No DL always = a skate. I do really appreciate that so many voted today.

Eh, if we are just blindly lynching we have a much greater chance of doing the wolves' work for them than we do of precenting the wolves from "skating".  



Night 1

In the KGB headquarters in Moscow...


Major Nikolai Jakov was happy with how his plan was taking shape. He would have grinned gleefully if he weren’t so damned Russian. He had just gotten off a video call with his former lover Malory Archer, a woman so fetching he could barely contain himself when she called. Fortunately for his trousers, she spent the majority of their last call complaining about her subtly audacious, openly idiotic, royally stupid, egotistical son and how he managed to misplace two hundred thousand dollars. What she didn’t know was that Major Jakov had had his assistant Boris siphoning off funds from Sterling Archer’s account. Large enough sums as if one really did spend everything, but small enough that it would look like Archer’s own doing. The spy was not well known for his frugality, what with the numerous call girls and gambling expenditures. Yes, Major Jakov’s grand plan was fully in motion now. Archer would protest that he wasn’t responsible for the missing money and after some time and a little persuasion, ISIS accountant Cyril Figgis would do some forensic work and see that the KGB had been lifting the money. Then an enraged Archer would charge off to Russia without informing his mother and part two of Operation Daddy Discovery would take place.

        “Katya! Major Jakov vould like to see you in his office. It very urgent matter,” said Jakov’s assistant Boris. Boris was a large man with perennial stubble though never a beard, a buzzcut and a dopey face who never seemed to be fully appreciated for his skill set. "What you think he vant?"



       "He probably vant you mind you own business," Katya purred as she stood up and began sauntering her way across the office, her boots clacking against the cold, wood floors. All the eyes in the room followed her as her incredibly impractical for Russia clothing clung to her every curve and showed off her long legs and marvelous breasts. She entered Jakov’s office, eager to learn of her latest mission.

          “Katya Kazanova. My favorite operative. Let me tell you your part in my master genius plan. Sterling Archer coming to Moscow soon and I need you to seduce him so ve can steal his DNA for the paternity test.”

         “Oh, is that all? I thought this might be more of a challenge.” Katya smiled. She had been in love with Archer ever since she first learned of Russia’s greatest number one enemy. This would be a very rewarding mission. 


Meanwhile... over in Paris, France...

          “…mission to kidnap Sterling Archer before Nikolai Jakov gets his hands on him.” Said Len Trexler, head of the Organization of Democratic Intelligence Networks (ODIN)

         Trexler was briefing his head agent Barry Dylan on his latest assignment. His man inside the KGB (ODIN was an excellent organization and had men inside most major dictatorships. Unlike some offices we know). Barry was the best equipped agent to head inside Russia, he was fluent in the language and performed the best out of the whole office on the disguise portion of the IFAAB. Besides, Lucas Troy had long since defected. So Barry it would have to be. He assured Trexler that despite his many, many grievances against Archer, he would bring him back to ODIN HQ entirely unharmed.


         Headed back to his office, Barry muttered to himself, “Are we really going to keep Archer alive, Other Barry?”

         His more bloodthirsty alter ego replied “Of course not, Barry. Of course not.”   


Living In The Danger Zone:

  1. Lisin
  2. CP
  3. Jesse
  4. saoirise
  5. caprice
  6. Dougal
  7. BizBuzz
  8. SilverStormm
  9. Deadpool
  10. The Crazed Spruce
  11. aquarian1
  12. MMCS
  13. Machiabelly
  14. Oinky Boinky
  15. The Hanged Man
  16. Ser Jorah Mormont


Important stuff:

Twilight has ended; no gametalk until the next Day story is posted.  

There are 2 clues in the Night 1 story.  Those with Night actions have 24 hours (until 10am Eastern on Monday) to submit them.  

Bar's open! 

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I woke up TWO HOURS EARLY this morning because of a ridiculous wind storm. After closing windows that had been left open all night, I thought I could sleep a little longer but then the winds got worse, pushing deck furniture around and creating a lot of racket. It also rained a little and as it was pelting my window, all I could think was, "If that is my new topsoil, I'm gonna be pissed."


Coffee, anyone?

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