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Fantasy Salem

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For fun, here’s another game to try. Make your own Days character and decide the following based off your personal preferences. Feel free to fill in the blanks with characters past and present.


If I lived in Salem…


My best friend would be ____________________.  Why? _______  (because he/she is fun? loyal? better to have as a friend than an enemy? Etc.)


My husband/boyfriend would be ___________ (Feel free to have one of each. It doesn’t stop some of the Salemites).


My arch enemy might be ______________________


I would live ________________ (Pick a location: Above the Brady Pub, a hotel like Nicole, the Dimera mansion, etc.)


My job would be ___________________ (Are you Hope’s new partner on the force? Another doctor at the hospital? A maid at the Kiriakis mansion? Marlena’s research assistant, etc.)


I would probably spend most of my time __________________________

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If I lived in Salem…


My best friend would be Kate.  Why? For the snark and the ability to help me when I get in a jam. 


My husband/boyfriend would be a back from the dead (again) Jack because he is fun, smart, quick witted and has a wicked sense of humor.


My arch enemy might be Jennifer because like hell she'd get Jack back from me.


I would live in the Kiriakis mansion because of pop-up Victor.


My job would be a writer so I could work with Jack.


I would probably spend most of my time going on adventures with Jack, Steve, Bo, Kayla and Hope to solve the latest crisis/bring down the latest villian in Salem.


Can you tell a fan from the 80's/90's era lol?

Edited by cmahorror
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If I lived in Salem…
My best friend would be Victor, because the man is a Word Warrior and one mighty good judge of character.  Plus, I would get to hear him call Brady "my idiot grandson" on an hourly basis.


My girlfriend would be Kate because her marvelous revenge streak is only outdone by the workings of that devious but utterly brilliant brain.  But I wouldn't make her mad.


My arch enemy would be Jenn, of course.  While it wouldn't be a fair fight, I'd be writing her name and phone number on all the bathroom walls in Salem and nearby towns.  "For a good time call Jenn at 555 ###-#### - just make sure she takes out her teeth first".


I would live in Abigail's hair bun.  And I'd build a staircase from there into her brain cavity.  Why should all that space go unused?


My job would be the official Salem "Smell the Fart" inspector.  My one and only job would be to follow Jawn and write him up every time he leans his head back, narrows his eyes, and lets one fly.  No longer would the innocent be blamed for his misdeeds.


I would probably spend most of my time drunk on my ass at the Brady  Pub complaining to Caroline about my job.

Edited by boes
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My best friend would be Kate Roberts because she keeps it real.

My husband/boyfriend would be T because he's fun and a nice personality.

My arch enemy would be Nicole, cause I would slap that bitch everytime I see her.

I would live in an apartment like Will & Sonny.

My job would be a receptionist at Mad World. (Don't need no rich job, me and T would make our finances work lol.)

I would probably spend most of my time kicking Nicole's ass and kissing T. 

  • Love 2

My best friend would be Kayla because of how much fun she was during the Stoner Book Club.  She won't approve of my wild ways but she will understand because that's what friends do in Salem.


My husband would be Victor (for the money and so we can talk about how stupid everyone is) and we would have an open marriage.  I would have lots of boyfriends starting with Eric because he really needs to lighten up.


My arch enemy would be Marlena because I think it would be fun to mess with her robot head.  I also would be mean to Jennifer and Abigail every chance I got.


I would live in the Kiriakis mansion because 24/7 wet bar with never-melting ice cubes!


I would have no job because I am rich but I would make sure to show up at everyone else's job and tell them how they are doing it wrong.


I would spend most of my time spilling secrets to upset people and also picking out new boyfriends.

  • Love 6

If I lived in Salem…

My best friend would be Tad because he seems to be pretty chill, easygoing, and open minded. 


My wife would be Chelsea because she's spunky and relatively normal. Plus I would get free food at the Brady pub and could get all the cops in her family to cover up my various crimes. We would have an open marriage and I would have Sami and Kate on the side because they would always keep things interesting.

My arch enemies would be Abby, Jen, Nicole, and Julie - for obvious reasons.

I would live at the Kiriakis mansion so I could get Victor to be my life coach and mentor. 

My job would be Director of Public Relations at the hospital. It requires no qualifications, pays a nice salary, and I wouldn't be expected to do any work.

I would probably spend most of my time spending Victor's money and introducing Eric to a life of crime. 

  • Love 6

This is the best thread EVER! 


If I lived in Salem…

My best friend would be Sami, because only her trusted best friend could safely get away with telling her that she needs to wash her hair and buy a whole new wardrobe, and that's advice my Sami needs to hear. Oh, and also because I adore her despite my better judgment---I think she'd be snarky, clever fun, very loyal in and caring her own warped way, and at times surprisingly insightful (never about her OWN life, but still!) Plus, if I made enemies---which, let's face it, I totally would---who better to shoot them or push 'em down the nearest river?! Runnerup: Kate, for much the same reasons. And Kayla. 

My husband/boyfriend would be Victor. I don't care about the age difference. I don't care about that minor 'oh-yeah-he's-kind-of-an-evil-gangster' thing. I just adore this man beyond the telling of it. He's extremely smart and snarky and courageous and caring (again, in his own very warped way)...and the mere fact that he has so much personality automatically places him above nearly every other male Salem-ite! 

My arch enemy might be ...um, almost everyone with whom I crossed paths?! I just CAN'T with Daniel, Jen or Abigal, though, and can't imagine that I'd be able---or willing---to refrain from telling them exactly why I loathe them at every given opportunity. 

I would live in the Dimera mansion...with Victor :) 

My job would be a homicide detective. I have a feeling there'd be a whole lot of mysterious deaths which coincide with my arrival in Salem. I'd be the perpetrator, but would merrily use my position to frame Abby, Jen and Daniel instead. I'm ethical that way. 

Edited by mstaken
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My job would be a homicide detective. I have a feeling there'd be a whole lot of mysterious deaths which coincide with my arrival in Salem. I'd be the perpetrator, but would merrily use my position to frame Abby, Jen and Daniel instead. I'm ethical that way. 

Ha!  I came very close to picking the job of private investigator simply so I could track down "missing" Salem citizens and drag them back into town to face the music.  First one would be that rat bastard Bo - "deep undercover" my ass.  But I really like the idea of being a crooked cop too.  Can I be your partner?


PS.  Hands off my husband, Victor, you tramp!

  • Love 2

If I lived in Salem…

My best friend would be Kate.  Why? She is loyal to her friends, would be fun to snark with, would know where to shop for the best fashions, and would give me free makeup samples from Mad World.   

My husband/boyfriend would be Steve Johnson. I would make up for the neglect he has suffered over the last few years and let him teach me harmonica lessons, how to eat an egg with beer, play pool, and have adventures on the lam. I would make sure he always had fresh tight jeans and eye patches.

My arch enemy might be Adrienne, just on general principle. When she got sanctimonious, it would be hard to resist slapping her.

I would live in a renovated loft on the riverfront. (Bring back the riverfront!)

My job would be director of public relations at the hospital, as I would never be required to show up for work.(Left Phalange, I see you beat me to this!) I would also be a silent partner in a local PI firm, as it could certainly give Salem's Keystone Kops a run for their money.

I would probably spend most of my time talking to myself in the park, catching the ferry to the island for my latest rendezvous, or playing Mad Libs with Pop-up Victor.

  • Love 4

If I lived in Salem...


My best friend would be Sonny, because he's fun, loyal, and possibly the only Salemite under age 50 with more than two brain cells to rub together. Plus being Sonny's bestie would get my foot in the door with Victor, Justin, Kate, and T. Who else can you say that about? 


My husband/boyfriend would be a resurrected Jack because he's funny/snarky/witty, genuinely tried to become a better person, and oh yeah, I've been in love with him since I was eleven. 


My archenemy might be Ciara, because no one else in Salem seems to realize that kid is up to no good. 


I would live in the Kiriakis Mansion because Pop-Up Victor and a full bar.


My job would be anonymous gossip columnist for the Spectator. I would hide in the bushes and eavesdrop on everyone, and create drinking games for my readers such as "Dannifer broke up again, do a shot." I would get Anne to cover for me and claim I worked in the hospital basement by promising to write lots of snark about Jennifer. 


I would probably spend most of my time drinking, snarking on people, and reading Jack my latest column complete with impersonations of the idiots of Salem. 

  • Love 5

If I lived in Salem...


 My best friend would be Victor because he is a boss, he's rich, he's intelligent, he stays out of the drama but knows how to use it to his advantage.


I don't think that I would have a girlfriend/wife because no one on the show is doing much for me.  I might talk to Chloe if she came back.  Maybe Maxine has a daughter or a niece.  I'd probably work to make Salem more diverse.


I wouldn't have an arch enemy, because I'd stay off on the sidelines while discreetly adding fuel to already burning fires.


I would live in the Kiriakis mansion because I am Victor's long lost grandson.


I would be working at Salem University Hospital as a resident in psychiatry and eventually become Salem's first competent psychiatrist.


I would make it my life's work to reunite Dannifer and then arrange for Abigail to suffer an injury/illness that would require long-term, treatment from Daniel.  Then, I'd wait for the inevitable.

Edited by drtslim
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If I lived in Salem...


I'd  spend most of my time ....gossiping about Abigail and make everybody turn against her. I'd do this free of charge for Kate and Sami. Meanwhile, I'd also cut EJ's hair off in his sleep. I'd also do this free of charge for Kate and Sami. I'd also force Stephano to inspect the Dimera Sex Couch for bacteria. I'd get Harold to collect the bacteria for me and stick it in Abigail's soup.

Edited by bantering
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My best friend would be Lucas. He's sarcastic and witty and makes me laugh. Maybe I'll grow to love him someday but until then...

My husband would be Jack. Which might be awkward because I hate his daughter but he knows how she is. That ex-wife of his too.

We'd live in Bo and Hope's house. Not with them - we'd buy it from them.

I'd work part time at the yogurt shop in Horton Square. I've always wanted to see inside there. Most of the time, Jack and I would be off having adventures though. He'd actually invite me on his "walkabout" with him. Haha, Jen.

My archenemy would be Abigail because...Abigail.

I'd spend most of my time, when not off on adventures, trying to bring logic and common sense to the people of Salem. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Edited by serenitynow
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