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"YOU'RE DISGUSTING! YOU ARE!" The Worst Parents on SVU

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Bringing back the TWOP thread of worst SVU parents!  Here are the ones I hated the most:


The cheating parents on "Families" whose children unwittingly slept with each other.  The mother was especially horrible: he lets her daughter die in the street, acts like she didn't know anything, and pretends to accuse her own son of raping his sister when the police found evidence of incest.  And all to protect the married guy she's sleeping with?!  What a piece of work.


The judge who was molesting his stepdaughter and the mother who killed her to keep it quiet in "Justice."  I really hated how the mother not only claimed her daughter "seduced" him, but basically blamed the whole thing on her for "betraying her."  Ugh.


And finally, the parents in "Home Invasion."  I really didn't blame the daughter for having her parents killed because her dad was raping her and her mom didn't do anything to stop it because she didn't want a scandal.  The fact that her mother was also cheating on her husband with another woman and was planning to leave her family once the daughter was grown made it even more despicable. 


There are other terrible ones, but I'm sure I'll think of them later.

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I mentioned this before, but in "Juvenile", the mother of the older boy (who was mentally challenged) basically played Russian Roulette with her son's life and drew the bullet. He would've gotten a deal otherwise, but she was adamant about continuing the trial. So, the boy ends up facing life in prison.


I forgot what episode it was, but Elliott had that one line to the father: "You know, that handicap that makes you slap your wife around". Hated that guy.


The parents (mainly the dad) in the Michael Jackson ripoff episode were pretty foul as well, taking the money and running instead of trying to get their molested son some justice. Maybe they can justify it by figuring that it sets the family up for life and they can get the boy help later, but I dunno.

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The parents (mainly the dad) in the Michael Jackson ripoff episode were pretty foul as well, taking the money and running instead of trying to get their molested son some justice. Maybe they can justify it by figuring that it sets the family up for life and they can get the boy help later, but I dunno.



Ooh, good one.  That dad was a real scumbag.  I wish they'd done a followup episode where the boy grows up and takes his revenge on his parents.


I forgot to add the abusive dad in "Desperate" who beat his first wife, then murdered his second one in front of his son when they tried to get away.  Poor little Tommy broke my heart.  I don't blame the first wife for running and not taking Tommy when she had the chance, but I got to give credit to the stepmother for taking Tommy with her because she knew it was only a matter of time before he started beating him too.


And let's not forget the dad in "Annihilated" who was leading a double life and killed not only his mistress, but HIS ENTIRE FAMILY because he "didn't know how they'd survive without him if he went to prison."  Are you freaking kidding me?!

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I forgot what episode it was, but Elliott had that one line to the father: "You know, that handicap that makes you slap your wife around". Hated that guy.


That's Mercy (the one where Judd Hirsch), and yeah, that dad was a total creep.


Sherilynn Fenn was pretty mad (cannot remember her character's name for the life of me): Murders her husband, has an affair with her steps-son, let's the step-son take the fall, and then marries him while having an affair with her personal trainer.  Nice.


Those two parents in Burned were pretty bad too - not necessarily to their child, but between faking a rape and committing actual murder, they aren't winning parents of the year any time soon.

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Those two parents in Burned were pretty bad too - not necessarily to their child, but between faking a rape and committing actual murder, they aren't winning parents of the year any time soon.


Ooh yes!  They were awful!  That's an episode that despite how god-awful the ending is, I have to watch each time it's on.


The parents (mainly the dad) in the Michael Jackson ripoff episode were pretty foul as well, taking the money and running instead of trying to get their molested son some justice. Maybe they can justify it by figuring that it sets the family up for life and they can get the boy help later, but I dunno.


Wasn't Cindy Williams a crappy grandma in that episode too?  

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Aw, somebody beat me to the grandma poisoning her granddaughter to scam a billionaire (who really was a child molester; he just never touched the granddaughter). And then she tried to justify it because the guy was a legit pedophile who sexually abused kids. And the case gets thrown out because of her. Ugh.


Anyway, I figured this might be cheating since this is the episode from where the thread title comes, but here goes.


I wanted to add the guy who was such a control freak towards his family that he pimped his wife out to have more babies after he couldn't father any more children. Then, when she became infertile, he forcefully artificially inseminated his fifteen-year-old daughter (with somebody's else's sperm, of course) so he could have more people to control. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he actually killed a college student who was renting their extra room because she figured out what was going on (though I always get confused about this plot point; did the father kill her because he tried to get her pregnant, too, or because he didn't want her calling CPS on him?). Yeah. The dude was scary. His daughter even had a mental breakdown and temporarily reverted to a child-like state of mind because she was so traumatized by what he put her through.


Then there's the singer who keeps going on tours even though her children were hurting themselves due to her and her husband's prolonged absences. Her son got hit by a car, and they initially thought he was being molested by his teacher (who actually was his biological father just wanting to meet his child). Olivia becomes concerned about the singer's surviving daughter because of her numerous injuries. Then they find out about the singer leaving for weeks and sometimes months at a time. There's this big court case to see whether or not the singer is a fit parent or something. She wins, and smugly threatens to have Olivia arrested if she ever interferes with the family again. The next day or whatever, they find out that the singer performed in London and once left again abandoned her little girl after promising to be a more involved mother. Maybe she's not the worst, but her smug attitude was certainly worthy of punching her in the face.


I'm sure there's plenty more, but I am drawing a complete blank.

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The mother Grace Rinato in Denial is a piece of work. She murdered her child (IIRC two of them, or was it one??) because 'she couldn't deal with the crying' etc and her other daughter Claire who did everything she could to love and protect that child is then accused of the murder. Grace is totally happy for her daughter Claire to go to prison for murder and Claire now being a heroin addict isn't a credible witness or whatever, i love Fin in this episode and when he hugs her at the end! ah the days when SVU made you feel something real and was powerful not-too-over-the-top emotional drama...so yeah It's only cos the grandmother comes forward and admits that her daughter Grace was the murderer that saves Claire.

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I've got a few more:


The old rich woman who was grooming her teenage grandson to rape and brutalize women because she thought that's what real men did. She even blamed the kid's father for corrupting him when the father was a perfectly normal guy who tried and failed to stop his mother from ruining his son.


Piper Laurie's character, who tied up and beat her foster granddaughter because the little girl wasn't putting up with her abusive crap and was going to tell CPS on her. She had done the same thing to her daughter, whom she forced to take in foster children so she could be a grandmother (and even though the daughter knew about the murder, she was somewhat sympathetic because her mother's abuse had clearly mentally damaged her). The old woman had a teenage foster son who had witnessed the murder, but wasn't all there himself, so she scared him in court to keep him from testifying against her. She was found guilty, but died of a heart attack in prison shortly after arrival. In the wise words of Fin: "Bitch didn't even suffer."



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The old rich woman who was grooming her teenage grandson to rape and brutalize women because she thought that's what real men did. She even blamed the kid's father for corrupting him when the father was a perfectly normal guy who tried and failed to stop his mother from ruining his son.

Which one was this? I don't think I saw it.

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The mother Grace Rinato in Denial is a piece of work. She murdered her child (IIRC two of them, or was it one??) because 'she couldn't deal with the crying' etc and her other daughter Claire who did everything she could to love and protect that child is then accused of the murder. Grace is totally happy for her daughter Claire to go to prison for murder and Claire now being a heroin addict isn't a credible witness or whatever, i love Fin in this episode and when he hugs her at the end! ah the days when SVU made you feel something real and was powerful not-too-over-the-top emotional drama...so yeah It's only cos the grandmother comes forward and admits that her daughter Grace was the murderer that saves Claire.



I love that episode, and I think it's so great because of the two actresses involved - Martha Plimpton and Mary Steenburgen.  In the hands of two lesser actresses, the episode wouldn't have been nearly as great as it was.

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Marilyn Nesbit in "Home."  Talk about a psycho bitch.  She controlled her children through food and homeschooling, beat her youngest son (and oldest), and brainwashed her middle son to kill the youngest...all to spite Social Services.  She really hit the trifecta of terrible mothering.

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The trashy grandmother from the episode in which Hilary Duff played a Casey Anthony-like party girl accused of killing her daughter. It turns out that the little girl died of measles after coming into contact with an infected boy whose mother refuses to get him vaccinated. The boy's mother is put on trial, but found not-guilty. Duff is devastated, and her father encourages her to go back to school and better herself so her daughter will be proud of her. Duff starts to listen until her trashy mother shows up and convinces her that revenge is what's best in this situation. The net thing you know, they're drunkenly throwing bottles at the woman's house and challenging her to fight. All because of the mother's trashy influence over her grief-stricken daughter. It evens drives Duff's character's dad to suicide because he now has nothing to live for, with his granddaughter dead and his daughter lost to him for good because of her mom's ignorance.


I also know there were a couple of episodes in which it was discovered that the pregnant victims of the week had actually been impregnated by their fathers-in-law due to an extramarital affair. They may not be the worst parents on the show, but it's pretty bad when you feel the need to not only sleep with your son's wife, but you can't even be careful enough to not get her pregnant.

Edited by geekamonggeeks
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They may not be the worst parents on the show, but it's pretty bad when you feel the need to not only sleep with your son's wife, but you can't even be careful enough to not get her pregnant.


I actually do think sleeping with your child's spouse DOES make you a shitty parent.


Case in point: the mother in the teen drunk driving/partying episode that enabled her daughter into being an alcoholic, gave out booze to her classmates, and slept with the boy her daughter had a crush on.  Not to mention getting her lawyer to blame everything on her daughter during trial.


How about the mother in "Charisma" who took her children to live in a cult and let the leader impregnate/kill them.  People always talk about how unnecessarily harsh Liv was while interrogating her, but I don't blame her for being disgusted.  And to top it all off, it turns out the cult leader had murdered her husband.  So she unwittingly slept with her husband's murderer because she was dumb enough to believe his story that he had abandoned her.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Case in point: the mother in the teen drunk driving/partying episode that enabled her daughter into being an alcoholic, gave out booze to her classmates, and slept with the boy her daughter had a crush on.  Not to mention getting her lawyer to blame everything on her daughter during trial.



Oh man, that woman was HORRIBLE!  I'm going to go ahead and assume she was childhood friends with the Sherilynn Fenn character from a different episode, because they had a lot of the same MO.

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you feel the need to not only sleep with your son's wife, but you can't even be careful enough to not get her pregnant


One of them was RevCam from 7th Heaven! Although I think it was "only" his son's fiance, but I believe he killed her as well. Coffee-importing former Jesus freaks: avoid at all costs.

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I forgot to add the abusive dad in "Desperate" who beat his first wife, then murdered his second one in front of his son when they tried to get away.


"You killed Jill."


I don't like kids, but that one was great.  And I can't stand Signy Coleman, but this was the one performance of hers I liked. 


That guy was so realistically evil, it was hard to watch.  Nice job of showing a "DV Underground Railroad," how many abusers are regarded as pillars of the community, the lack of rights stepmoms have when wanting to save their stepchild alongside themselves, etc.  And I love the neighbor who, upon being asked what he thinks happened to the first wife, says something like, "I just assumed he killed her."


The old woman had a teenage foster son who had witnessed the murder, but wasn't all there himself, so she scared him in court to keep him from testifying against her.


By knocking over a cane - her weapon - that a stagehand clearly puts in place.  Takes me right out of an otherwise-compelling courtroom scene, as that "it's the Gorgon" kid is pretty good.

Edited by Bastet
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I think I should add the Dana Delaney character in "Obscene," who would rather run around and try to censure television rather than actually be a mother to her own children, which more or less caused her own son to become a rapist.  What a bitch.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Anybody remember the episode the where this guy had his wife get pregnant by other men so they could have as many kids as possible, then when she got too old,  he used a turkey baster on his daughter ? The episode begins with the daughter attempting suicide in a subway I think.

Edited by The Kings Foot
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Anybody remember the episode the where this guy had his wife get pregnant by other men so they could have as many kids as possible, then when she got too old,  he used a turkey baster on his daughter ? The episode begins with the daughter attempting suicide in a subway I think.

That might be Resilience in Season 4, which I remember because Titus Welliver is the father. 


ETA: I think this episode features the thread title!

Edited by tilly
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I love that episode, and I think it's so great because of the two actresses involved - Martha Plimpton and Mary Steenburgen.  In the hands of two lesser actresses, the episode wouldn't have been nearly as great as it was.


And Estelle Parsons played Grace's mother, who Grace tried to blame for her having killed her son. "You promised me, Momma. You promised you'd never tell." "I always knew you'd kill again. The only reason Claire's still alive is because I took her away from you." Just the exhausted way she says it, that she always knew it was going to come to this, kills me.

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Clearly not the worst of the worst.


But John Stamos played the ultimate deadbeat dad who poked holes in condoms and slept around to have as many kids as possible. Sure he said he loved them but he clearly abandoned a ton of children.


I believe that episode was appropriately titled "Bang"

Edited by Maximum Taco
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Is that the one where he's killed by an exploding knife?  Because that episode is freaking hysterical.


Oh wow!  That one was awesome.  It was right up there with Wildlife for episode where I had my mouth hanging open the entire time.  I love how all of the 97 baby mamas were brought into the station for the big confrontation.

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How about the parents in "Locum" who adopted a little girl just to turn her into a replacement child for their missing daughter.  Maybe I ought to have been more sympathetic because of their ordeal, but making a child undergo plastic surgery just to look like their daughter is just SICK.  It was pretty obvious they didn't really love her.


And you have to wonder how their real daughter when she was found at the end of the episode.  If I had gone through hell and come back to find that my parents had their own little clone child I would have been horrified and disgusted.

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Ok, I can't believe I went this long without mentioning the freaking parents in Raw.  The ones who adopt a black child, take out a life insurance policy, and then let him be murdered by white supremacists because "they really needed the money."  Those might be the worst pieces of shit to ever be on SVU.   

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The parents in "Savant" definitely weren't winning any parental prizes, even though they probably weren't the worst parents on this show.  The mother was definitely horrible: she has sex with her best friend's husband while her daughter is in the other room, all for the purpose of wanting a NORMAL baby.  That's a really shitty thing to say.  It's a good thing poor Katie was unaware of what exactly that meant, but it's clear that she really crapped out in the parental lottery.

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The parents (mainly the dad) in the Michael Jackson ripoff episode were pretty foul as well, taking the money and running instead of trying to get their molested son some justice. Maybe they can justify it by figuring that it sets the family up for life and they can get the boy help later, but I dunno.

I think you're thinking about "Sick" in season three.

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I think I should add the Dana Delaney character in "Obscene," who would rather run around and try to censure television rather than actually be a mother to her own children, which more or less caused her own son to become a rapist.  What a bitch.

I think of her as a tad less disgusting because at least she was rightly disgusted when she found out her son was a rapist.


Ok, I can't believe I went this long without mentioning the freaking parents in Raw.  The ones who adopt a black child, take out a life insurance policy, and then let him be murdered by white supremacists because "they really needed the money."  Those might be the worst pieces of shit to ever be on SVU.   

I was just coming on to say that.  I literally dropped my jaw when that revelation came out.  They were probably among the worst parents to be seen.


Even though we really didn't get to actually see them until their murders, I'm gonna throw in the parents killed in "Alternate."  The father was molesting both of his daughters, apparently even into their adulthood, causing one of them to get DID, and their mother apparently knew and did nothing about it.  So they killed them.  Yes, killing is wrong, but having had to go through a whole life of that, I can't one-hundred-percent blame them for it.

The parents in "Savant" definitely weren't winning any parental prizes, even though they probably weren't the worst parents on this show.  The mother was definitely horrible: she has sex with her best friend's husband while her daughter is in the other room, all for the purpose of wanting a NORMAL baby.  That's a really shitty thing to say.  It's a good thing poor Katie was unaware of what exactly that meant, but it's clear that she really crapped out in the parental lottery.

Was this the Katie that ended nearly every statement with "the end?"  If so, at least her father wanted her away from her mother in the end.


And I'll add the mothers in "Shaken" and "Poison."  One mother kills her daughter with Shaken Baby Syndrome just because she wants a quiet night with her boyfriend.  The other poisons her daughter because she's too difficult to take care of, and she gets off largely because of an overly-biased judge who likes that she's on his level of the social chain.  And this was ten years after he purposely sentenced a woman he knew was an innocent of her own daughter's death to prison because she was beneath him on the social ladder.  And later, after the poisoning mother gets off, she is re-arrested when she actually smothers her daughter to death, at the suggestion of the same biased judge.  She was . . . I have no words.  But Diane Neal is wonderful in this episode as she shows Casey's outright disgust and pure hatred toward that judge.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Was this the Katie that ended nearly every statement with "the end?"  If so, at least her father wanted her away from her mother in the end.


Yes, Katie was the little girl in Savant, and her dad was no prize either. He basically drags the kid out of her mom's hospital room while she's kicking and screaming, and he tells Stabler that he doesn't care where his soon-to-be ex will go or what she'll do because he's divorcing her. This was after the son of her boyfriend bashed her head in and left her with amnesia, so she didn't even remember what had happened, and when she woke up from the coma she thought it was six months prior to when it actually was or something.

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I was just coming on to say that. I literally dropped my jaw when that revelation came out. They were probably among the worst parents to be seen.

The worst/ most laughable part is when Olivia accused them of being racists, and the mother is OUTRAGED that they could be considered racists. "We just really needed the money". Oh, that's much better lady.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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Yes, Katie was the little girl in Savant, and her dad was no prize either. He basically drags the kid out of her mom's hospital room while she's kicking and screaming, and he tells Stabler that he doesn't care where his soon-to-be ex will go or what she'll do because he's divorcing her. This was after the son of her boyfriend bashed her head in and left her with amnesia, so she didn't even remember what had happened, and when she woke up from the coma she thought it was six months prior to when it actually was or something.

That's always kind of a hard one for me because that is cruel to Katie.  But her mother got where she was through her cheating, so I can't feel too badly for her.  At least her father had been faithful.  So I'm hardly lumping him in with the worst parents.

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That's always kind of a hard one for me because that is cruel to Katie.  But her mother got where she was through her cheating, so I can't feel too badly for her.  At least her father had been faithful.  So I'm hardly lumping him in with the worst parents.


Actually, the reason her dad didn't want her to testify about her mother being attacked was because he was selling some military thing, a prototype he'd been working on, to another country, and he knew Katie would be able to identify to guy he was selling it to. He tried to justify that to Stabler by saying that the prototype didn't actually work, but to me it made it seem like he already didn't care enough about his wife - or Katie - to want her near-murderer caught.

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Yeah, like I said, Katie really crapped out in the parental department.


I think of her as a tad less disgusting because at least she was rightly disgusted when she found out her son was a rapist.



Well, she was willing to blame the whole thing on the rape victim and later the B.J. Cameron Show instead of accepting responsibility for her own shitty parenting.

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Actually, the reason her dad didn't want her to testify about her mother being attacked was because he was selling some military thing, a prototype he'd been working on, to another country, and he knew Katie would be able to identify to guy he was selling it to. He tried to justify that to Stabler by saying that the prototype didn't actually work, but to me it made it seem like he already didn't care enough about his wife - or Katie - to want her near-murderer caught.

I totally forgot about that part.  Holy shit.  In my defense, though, it's been a few years since I saw it, and the very ending keeps me from ever wanting to watch it again.

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I'm not sure it's fair to blame a mom for her son becoming a rapist just because she was busy.


It wasn't a matter of her being busy: she was more concerned about making everything PC for children than actually being a parent to her child.  This was obvious from the fact that she basically used her son's situation to shoot BJ Cameron and be a martyr for her cause.  Not to mention the fact that she was too busy with her cause to take five damn minutes to drive her kids to school.


Yes, her son made his own choices, but this is the kind of stuff that happens when parents don't pay attention.

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As I said in another thread, "Careless" is a great Fin episode, if you like Fin.  Seriously.  So little Elliot and Olivia in it.  Once they leave for trial prep, they're not seen again.


But anyway, that episode also has another terrible parent in it.  I adore Malinda Williams, but Lori-Ann was a total narcissist bordering on a sociopath, taking in all of the foster kids, using them for the checks she got for taking them in, possibly killing a few prior ones, and definitely killing poor Jamie.  And to really stick a pin in it, she sends Megan, her foster daughter, to a psych ward when she witnessed it and makes sure she's kept drugged up (after she also ran a cheese grater over her face, by the way!) and lets her husband take the fall for Jamie's murder.  I mean, good God!


At least her husband, Sam, seemed like a decent person, aside from taking the rap for her.


And as I said, Ice-T was amazing in that episode.

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The particular thing she was busy with was ironic, but still, she didn't do anything bad to her son or neglect him to any extreme extent - with regards to parenting, she was busy and unfocused, but didn't do anything awful. Plenty of parents are busy and unfocused on parenting because of their careers, and people usually don't blame them for their kids committing crimes - at least not when its a dad who's busy with a career. There are plenty of dads out there who don't have time to drive their kids to school, but only moms get blamed for that kind of thing. Blaming a mom for being busy and failing to magically know her son was going to commit rape reminds me people blaming "refrigerator mothers" for their kids mental illnesses. There are tons of parents on this show who actually did really horrible things, and all this mom did was be distracted by a cause/career that was important to her. She was horrified when she found out what he did and she made him own up to it, take his punishment, and learn from it. Maybe she could have done better (or maybe her kid would be a jerk no matter what), but by the standards of this show she's an excellent mother.

Edited by LeGrandElephant
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It's been awhile since ive seen it, but doesn't she say that at first and then quickly change to telling him to own up? And was it her or the detectives who set up the conversation between the boy and the girl where he apologized and had to see that he had hurt a real person?

Anyways, she's not a great parent by real life standards and I certainly wouldn't want to be friends with her, but I don't think she's anywhere in the same league as the other parents on this show who actively do awful things.

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It's been awhile since ive seen it, but doesn't she say that at first and then quickly change to telling him to own up? And was it her or the detectives who set up the conversation between the boy and the girl where he apologized and had to see that he had hurt a real person?


She did neither of those things.  It was the detectives and the DA that set up the confrontation between him and his victim.  And even after he had confessed, she still maintained the fact that it wasn't his fault, that none of it would have happened if he hadn't listened to that stupid show.  Basically, she blamed everyone else except him.


I get it that she wasn't maybe the worst parent on this show compared to the others, but I still didn't like her very much.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Ok, I'll amend my opinion to this: she's not a good parent, and was not doing a good job dealing with her son's obsession with that radio show, but it's still not fair to say that it's her fault her son raped somebody.

Also, I think her habit of slut shaming was worse and more damaging than her being too busy to take her kids to school.

Edited by LeGrandElephant
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Also, I think her habit of slut shaming was worse and more damaging than her being too busy to take her kids to school.


Definitely.  Worse than that was how she basically used her son as an excuse for shooting that guy when she set up the shooting on purpose just to be a martyr for her cause.  I think it's telling how, after her son finally turns on her after seeing how full of shit she really was, the tears quickly dry up and maintains she didn't do anything wrong: that proved she didn't really care about her kids as much as she should have.

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After watching it late last night/early this morning, I'm gonna throw in the cheating, two-timing dad in "Annihilated."  He cheats on his wife while making his mistress think he's a secret agent.  And then, when she demands too much of him, he strangles her to death.  And when he realizes his family is falling apart, he murders his wife and three children and tries to make it look like he was a victim of his wife doing so instead by staging an attempted murder of himself.  And when he's finally busted, he keeps trying to make everything either his wife's fault or his mistress's fault before Elliot finally breaks him into admitting that it was his own fault, even though he still tries to claim that he had no choice, even though he did.  Such a disgusting excuse for a man.


I never got why Elliot just went directly home after that without even getting an okay, though.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Amen, Donny Ketchum.  That guy truly was a piece of shit, especially at the end when he kept wailing about how he "had" to do it because they wouldn't survive without him in jail.  What a croc!  Hope he got the death penalty.

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