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White House drama series The Oval, starring Ed Quinn, Kron Moore, Paige Hurd and Daniel Croix Henderson, will begin principal photography this summer at Tyler Perry Studios.

Written, directed and executive produced by Perry, The Oval will introduce viewers to the new first family moving into the White House.

I'm definitely here for Tyler Perry's attempt at a Scandal-esque show. I say Scandal because this show is centered around melanin in the white house, which is a pretty niche theme in television but one I find interesting. I've kinda been on the fence when it comes to him and his career. On one hand he's accomplished and has created many job opportunities for a talented actors. And on the other hand, I think he's written crappy movie after crappy movie after crappy play after crappy tv show. This is no different, but it sure is entertaining. 

Starting off with a Mr. and Mrs. Smith-like fight seen was so out of left field that if I hadn't been spoiled to it in previous trailers, I would've dissolved into a laugh-cry. I get that the actors were trying to portray a weary, bitter marriage, but the writing and choreography was so badly done that it was like watching a story on fast-forward. It was so cartoonish that I kept expecting the wife to stab the husband with her angular face. The first family so far is insufferable. Snobbish and annoying daughter, bland and slightly creepy son, bland and douchey dad, and nightmare-fuel mom.  Also, a cheating president? How shocking.

The butler's family was the most interesting segment of the episode. Especially the out of nowhere cult-takeover. I was rolling for literally 10 minutes. I swear, I had to pause just to laugh. 

The cheating fashion designer storyline feels like snippets of some forgotten Temptation-rip off that got shoved into the show for the sake of runtime. It seems so out of place, yet it truly exemplifies whats wrong with the show. It's rushed and feels sloppy, like the rough draft of script just got rushed for filming. I'm aware that a show will feel clunky in its pilot episode but this is ridiculous.

The daughter's attempt at acting drunk would be cute if her acting wasn't so laughable. The cliffhanger ending of the sloppy, drunken daughter claiming that the butler's son raped her is so freaking dumb. The minute he walked into the room with her, I thought, Hmm, wonder if she's going to pounce him once the door's closed?

All I have to say so far is; do better, Tyler.

Oh man this show is terrible and I'm watching just to see how bad it will get.  The acting is absolutely the worst.  Could Tyler not get better actors?  Daytime soaps have believable actors.  This looks like a bad stage play.  I'm guessing the fashion designer's husband is gay.  The first lady's acting is so over the top it's cartoonish.

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On 1/27/2020 at 12:02 PM, vmcd88 said:

Does the first lady only have one dress?

You know, I thought that too, but apparently all that crap happened in one day!!!

I just binge the whole series, and I have got to ask:

1. Who keeps greenlighting Tyler Perry shows?

2. What is his issue with women? 

Cause damn. The only women (besides Priscilla) to survive are evil, adulterous, sneaky as hell, or some weird combo of the three. I loved Yuma, she was an excellent character, a sea of calm in the madness. So of course she had to die.

And towards the end, TP was doing the work to set Priscilla up as being unreasonable and selfish by constantly denying Sam some booty. So of course the poor put upon man would be helpless to resist FLOTUS's advances. 

Also, the mother daughter relationship as portrayed by Victoria and Gayle and the grandmother(can't remember her name) is just so evil. I know there are people who speak to their kids that way, but it's just so over the top!

And this crap got renewed.

I’m wondering how all  scenarios may tie into the main plot ?  Barry’s daughter is kidnapped into a cult, lost count of all the murders “ off police radar” and the President is obsessed with Sharon.  So now we know that The Vice President is sleeping with Victoria, is she in on the take down of the President ? 
Was the President’s daughter sent to the Rakadushian compound and she helps Barry free his daughter then they both save the day together ? Is the second lady clueless or is she in on it too ??? And now they say Jason was not the President’s son nor was he Victoria’s ? What is that all about ??  

6 hours ago, Fancy55 said:

And now they say Jason was not the President’s son nor was he Victoria’s ? What is that all about ??  

I know!  I know!  It's a hot, hot mess!  That was NOT Jason in the bed when Victoria pulled the plug.  Sam had already arranged for Jason to be moved because he knew Victoria was evil enough to do just what she did.  I think maybe the body in the bed was already dead.  Surely they wouldn't switch Jason with a live person knowing that person would be killed?  But if the person was dead, why were the machines still running like he was alive?  Maybe the writers think we'll overlook that little nugget.

They are all over the place this season.  Two many characters, too much going on.  I hope this is the last season and the whole thing crumbles around the president and the vice president.  I feel guility for wasting 40 minutes watching this trash, and I so want it to be over and done.  I've invested 3 seasons into this show, I HAVE to see it through.  That's my story and I'm sticking it with it - LOL!

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