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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Jackson, Tommy, Holly, Analyse, Nick, Bella, Christie, and Sam are in the HoH talking loudly about calling out Nicole.
Cliff walks in.
Nick: "Cliff, can you just give us a second."
Cliff walks out.

I really fucking hate these people.

Sam: "JACK! Come on upstairs."


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Analyse amongst all the talking:  "Bring her up here.  I'm going to go off."  And then she just referred to Nicole as a dumb bitch.  I fucking hate Analyse.

And now Jackson is trying to say this is proof that Nicole stirred the pot with the rogue vote.  

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Jack told Nicole "Not a good time" and closed the door in her face.

Nicole: "I'm not seven years old. I'm not a child."

1 minute ago, zorak said:

And now Jackson is trying to say this is proof that Nicole stirred the pot with the rogue vote.  

"Houseguests, this is a reminder. IT'S HINKY VOTE! HINKY! NOT ROGUE!"

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Did Tommy start this because he is trying to ingratiate himself back with Nick and Bella, who already made nominations, when they have a power that can save them even if one is nominated ?

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I feel like I'm watching Paul work up his alliance to hate the new Target of the Week.

Jessica: "Are you sure they weren't yelling about, like, something random? Like, a movie or something?" Jesus, woman. Buy a fucking clue.

Edited by Callaphera
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Ovi is speaking up to the HOH crowd saying that if they don't want to let Camp Comeback in, that's fine but that he doesn't think it's cool that they're doing this to Cliff, Nicole, and Jessica.  Cliff was yelling at him to protect his game.  Ovi went up in my book for that.  I know he doesn't have a whole lot to lose, but still.

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FOr the love of BB and 21 years  of faithful watching, production, so some major manipulation and let Ovi use his power NOW!!!

Edited by missyb
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Now they're dismissing Ovi, who was at the HoH door, telling them that they're being jerks (well, "mean") and trash talking  the game talk conversation earlier. 

Christie: "He literally threatened us that he wasn't going to work with us because we won't talk game with him."

It's only 7. Is it too early for vodka?

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Jack really thinks that it will stick it to all of them not in the cool kids club if they all go down there and when they are asked what they were talking about they just say, "Oh nothing."

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Christie: "Ew, I'm grossed out."

She must have gotten that from the Universe, as all of the feed watchers were manifesting that thought watching this HoH shit show.

"This calls for a name." (Alliance name)
"The Nasty 9?"
"No! I don't like that."

Too late. You're the Nasty 9. 

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Now they're trying to come up with a name for the nine of them.  I feel ill.

hoh circle.png

Christie is telling them that Cliff can't sleep in the bedroom with them.  She says he can go sleep in the RV.  

They seem to have decided on Unde9able for their name.

Edited by zorak
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If Analyse keeps squealing "Oh my God" at Mariah Carey/dog whistle levels, I'm definitely running for the vodka.

Unde9able is the name of the new alliance. I still think Nasty 9 is best.

Nick, with a bandanna tied around his mouth: "We're going out [downstairs] like hoods."

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Kat seems to have now moved into the best position in the house. The wanna be influencer is playing the best game by not influencing anyone and letting everyone think she can be influenced.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Nick's trying to claim they were all fighting up there.

Meanwhile, five minutes before that,

Kat to Jessica and Kemi: "They let me in. They weren't fighting, they were just laughing about something. But they weren't fighting."

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If I was in the house I think I would want to save Jessica for as long as possible. She is just clueless. A real sweet person but clueless.

Another way production can help, let Ovi give his power to the person who does get back in the game.

Edited by missyb
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Jackson's telling David that he wants David to come back in the game.  I hope if David gets back in the game that he will really try to blow it up as he said he wanted to do.

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Meanwhile, five minutes before that,

Kat to Jessica and Kemi: "They let me in. They weren't fighting, they were just laughing about something. But they weren't fighting."

But Cliff wasn't in the room when Kat said that.  I doubt he believed Nick when Nick said they were fighting.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Jackson's telling David that he wants David to come back in the game.  I hope if David gets back in the game that he will really try to blow it up as he said he wanted to do.

I've lost all faith in all these people so I expect David will get back in, win HOH, and then nom Nicole and Cliff/Jess.

Christie is fucking heinous. I mean they all are but she's really working my last nerve right now with her arrogance.

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If Tommy really did start that, FUCK him. I thought he was basically a nice guy, but he's just as bad as the rest of them if  not worse.

Edited by vb68
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Christie to David about having a re-vote about the No Game talk: "This is a democracy!"

Now Jack is being a smirking, laughing dick to Ovi. "I can't touch you. You're Camp Comeback, right?"

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Jack is being such a dick to Ovi.  Thinly veiled threats when Ovi just asked him if everything was ok.  Jack said everything was fine.  But then he said, "You're fine.  You're not in the game.  I can't touch you."

David is advising Nicole to act like nothing just happened.

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Tommy, Bella, and Holly in the kitchen are basically squealing and talking about this in the open while Jessica is standing there because who cares! 

Analyse: "I'm going to kill everyone in this house. I'm so pissed."


Analyse: "Because she's a dumb bitch!"

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Thanks for the updates, guys!

frankly, I hate the Camp Comeback Twist.

You were voted out!  Gone! Completely disrespect to HOH and the other HGs.

The only way (to me) CC Twist would have been juicy if it was kept a secret from the HGs still in the game.

That way everyone would think it was a normal Battle Back.

Plus, for future seasons....it would keep all HGs paranoid for the first few weeks.....that an evictee was spying on the house...... before Battle Back.

oh, well!

I do not like how David and Ovi walk around the house all entitled! They should be on Slop, too! 

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

David is basically saying, "I'm not mad, just disappointed," to Ovi lol.

Why are they pissed at Nicole?

They were all in the HOH comparing notes about various things that Nicole said and probably came to the conclusion that she was playing them all.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

David is laying into Ovi saying Ovi let his emotions get the best of him.  Said Ovi didn't tell him he was going to do that and just did it.

I dont think he is "laying" into him exactly. He is giving him some real good advice and support.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Sam: "This is the best season."
Christie: "Like, we're the best!"
Bella: "Best season ever!"


Nicole apologizing to Cliff for taking his game down with her. If anything, Cliff took her game down with him.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nicole apologizing to Cliff for taking his game down with her. If anything, Cliff took her game down with him.

I was just about to say the same thing.

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I want to know what Sam thinks about all this crap.  Now he's part of a 9 person alliance that has a name but he knows that he was the 9th person in an 8 person alliance, so officially making it a 9 person alliance shouldn't really change his position in the grand scheme of things.  I hope he's smart enough to realize that.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

I want to know what Sam thinks about all this crap.  Now he's part of a 9 person alliance that has a name but he knows that he was the 9th person in an 8 person alliance, so officially making it a 9 person alliance shouldn't really change his position in the grand scheme of things.  I hope he's smart enough to realize that.

Sam is like BB19 Kevin. Just glad to be part of something even if they don’t include him in anything. 

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Kemi has been sitting at the dining room table this whole time while they're been giddily almost celebrating and talking to each other. She better be soaking all of this up like a motherfucking sponge.

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