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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Kat didn't understand the term "pissing contest".  She thought it was literally a contest involving piss.  Kemi and Jess had to explain to her.  For context purposes, Jess was talking about how Jack is always having pissing contests with all the other alpha males in the house.

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8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Because he [Jackson] read that one book.

And became a waiter. 

7 hours ago, missyb said:

I like when the camera stays on Davids face. He is taking in absolutely everything.

I do, too. 'Cause dude is hot

7 hours ago, zorak said:

Jackson and Holly were talking.  Jackson made a comment speculating about how high the number is regarding the number of men Kat has slept with.  To her credit, Holly more or less called him out on his shit and said that Kat's number probably rivaled his own.  He tried to say that he doesn't think his number is that high and she disagreed.  She said the number of people he had slept with in one year was more than her lifetime number.  It sounded like he said 23 people one year but he tried to say it was all because he was having a bad year.  He's not like that anymore and he's growing as a person.

Jackson claimed his lifetime number was 64 (+1 for Kat?) a couple days ago. 

I hate that I know these things.

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Jackson claimed his lifetime number was 64 (+1 for Kat?) a couple days ago. 

I hate that I know these things.

IKR?  I've never been one to judge anyone, male or female, for their "number".  To each their own. But you know who I judge very harshly?  Someone so laughably hypocritical *ahem, Jackson* that they would judge someone else for their number knowing full well that their number is in the sixties. 

Can we just have one houseguest who isnt awful this year?  This season is no fun. 

Edited by me5671
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7 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Here it is, in all its grossness. Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, Jack. I'm doing my best to not hate your fine ass, help a girl out!!!

4 hours ago, Nashville said:

There’s actually more than one difference.

Okay, sure. 

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3 minutes ago, me5671 said:

IKR?  I've never been one to judge anyone, make or female, for their "number".  To each their own. But you know I judge very harshly?  Someone so laughably hypocritical *ahem, Jackson* that they would judge someone else for their number knowing full well that their number is in the sixties. 

Well, it's different, right? 'Cause if it's a dude, he's just sowing his wild oats and it's expected of him to play the field before he settles down. But if it's a woman, she's a dirty whore. 

But it's okay because Jackson read Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and now he's growing as a person and a waiter. 

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

But it's okay because Jackson read Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and now he's growing as a person and a waiter. 

That's all old stuff.  The kiddies nowadays talk about love languages.  For example, Jackson's love language is "hypocritical slut-shaming."

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I have never understood why everyone hugs each other after these nomination ceremonies.  Like why are 2 people who weren't even nominated hugging each other and neither one is the HOH?

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Bella just ratted herself out to Nicole as the one who ratted out the Black Widows to Jack. 

Jack to Kemi: "I do respect you. Don't think that I don't."

Yuh-huh. Suuuure, buddy. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jack to Kemi: "I do respect you. Don't think that I don't."

Yuh-huh. Suuuure, buddy. 

Yeah, he's only been calling her a stupid fucking bitch like 25 times a day since the feeds came on. 

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More false flattery from Jack to Kemi.

I hope she's not buying the BS, but she's giving out some on her end, too. She's just happy she's not being backdoored and just wants to have fun this summer. Uh huh. 

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The smugness coming from Jack and Son is gross. 

Jackson: "Oh, she [Kemi] didn't want to talk game for 17 days and now she does?" *shrugs with a smirk* "I mean, I'll listen. I'll listen."


Jackson: "Who's going to unravel most this week?"

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I can't believe how universally despised this cast is on social media, specifically the people in the majority alliance. I don't think I've ever seen Reddit, Sucks, Jokers, Twitter, and here all in agreement on a group of people. Shades of BB15.

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Just now, Cutty said:

I can't believe how universally despised this cast is on social media, specifically the people in the majority alliance. I don't think I've ever seen Reddit, Sucks, Jokers, Twitter, and here all in agreement on a group of people. Shades of BB15.

Yeah, seriously, I've been on reddit boards (which tend to skew conservative) and other boards and it seems like people of all political stripes hate the Jack(sons), Holly, Analyse and Christie. 

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Jack just told Christie that he sometimes worries about how these 2 nominations are coming across to the feedsters.  He said he didn't want people to think it was "because of..." and his voice just kind of trailed off.  So pretty much he was talking about people thinking it was racially motivated without outright saying that.

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Jack: "I just don't want, like, I get external sometimes and think about the feeds and the people that are like - I don't want people to think that I picked these people, like -"
Christie: "Nah, I don't think you're thinking, like, too much about that."
Jack: "Yeah."
Christie: "This is a fucking game."
Jack: "It's a game and that was my play."

4 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I can't believe how universally despised this cast is on social media, specifically the people in the majority alliance. I don't think I've ever seen Reddit, Sucks, Jokers, Twitter, and here all in agreement on a group of people. Shades of BB15.

The only thing that can bring together the very fractured BB fan-base: absolute seething hate for two douchebags. 

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Jess is talking to Kat.  She doesn't trust Bella.  She says that Bella will tell anyone anything to save Kemi.

Bella is telling Nick that she told Jack about the Black Widows.  She's worried that Nicole doesn't trust her now.

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I'm looking forward to the day when Nick and Bella realize they are on the outs with their alliance because it'll probably be when one or both of them hit the block.  I know Bella has said that she feels like the 8 were tighter this week and Nick thinks things are back to good with Jack but I'm sure it will be short lived.

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15 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I can't believe how universally despised this cast is on social media, specifically the people in the majority alliance. I don't think I've ever seen Reddit, Sucks, Jokers, Twitter, and here all in agreement on a group of people. Shades of BB15.

Yuck. I hate this. On the one hand, I totally understand why people don't like them. Well, some of them. A few of them are behaving horribly.

On the other hand, there's nothing I dread more than seeing the internet start piling on people. Suddenly someone, say Jack, is declared fair game, and reason just leaves the building. It's disturbing. 

I watch BB because it's fun and ridiculous and silly. Usually. As others have noted, this is all turning very dark. Very Lord of the Flies both inside and outside the house. Hard to believe this is only week 2. 

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6 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Yuck. I hate this. On the one hand, I totally understand why people don't like them. Well, some of them. A few of them are behaving horribly.

On the other hand, there's nothing I dread more than seeing the internet start piling on people. Suddenly someone, say Jack, is declared fair game, and reason just leaves the building. It's disturbing. 

I watch BB because it's fun and ridiculous and silly. Usually. As others have noted, this is all turning very dark. Very Lord of the Flies both inside and outside the house. Hard to believe this is only week 2. 

I mean, I like our version of "hate" (which isn't really hate but is shorter than typing "serious dislike to the point that you become an insta-feed switch") - which is really just saying super snarky shit about them and providing receipts when they start talking out their ass (which is often). I'm not down for the pitchfork-and-torch riots on their workplaces and whatnot. 

But, like, I can't hate on Analyse. I just don't have it in me to hate furniture until I stub my toe on it in the dark. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Nicole is telling Jess to be careful of what she says in their bedroom because it might get back to Jack.  She says she is curious to see if Bella will tell Jess this info about revealing the Black Widows to Jess.  Jess called it a bitch ass move.

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Analyse is truly furniture. Hot furniture, but I sometimes barely remember she's in the game.

If she continues to just drape herself over, under, and around Jack and have chemistry-free flirt sessions with him every night, I might have to downgrade her to "area rug". 

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Just now, MrHufflepuff said:

Just had another earthquake in LA.

They're all discussing where the best place to go is and now we have the fish cam yet again.

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2 minutes ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

How long do these “well be right back” last ?

It varies.  Usually not a super long time but it kind of depends on why they're doing it.  Like in the morning when they wake them up, they play  3 songs for them to help wake them up and the fish cam is on during that whole thing so we can't see or hear them during the wake up stuff.  Other times, it's because someone starts singing or talking about something they shouldn't be or they don't want us to hear and it's not usually for a long time.  It just depends on what is happening.

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Jessica is catching a clue way too late.  She says she's so mad at herself for believing that the girls could have each other's backs.  She says the last thing she wants to do is throw another woman under the bus.

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