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Baby Daddy - General Discussion

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I understand why Danny was mad after he found out Riley knew. He was and is sure of his love for her and never wavered on it and to found out that she first had to try it out with Ben in order to know she loves him must have hurt him deeply. He feels like he is her second choice. Her safe choice which no guy wants to hear. 

But I didn't get that sense that Danny was the "safe choice." Riley never had romantic feelings for him; she was always in love with Ben. Even if she knew Danny had feelings for her, she didn't reciprocate; what was she supposed to do? Tell him she knew even though she didn't feel the same? I think that would have been worse.

While Danny turning Riley down is just another reason to drag this SL out, I totally got Danny not wanting to be with Riley after hearing that she knew for quite a while that he was in love with her.  It's like wow you knew I loved you yet you were still all over my brother without at least giving me a heads up that you knew about my feelings. It's kinda like she'd been laughing at or pitying him all this time.Danny's her best friend she should've just talked to him especially since she was trying to date his brother. In The  the block party episode when she sang that song to Ben I remember thinking wow, so she's just going to sing that knowing that Danny's in love with her. Way to twist the knife. 

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I completely agree with you, @miracole. Danny is probably imaging all these scenarios where he felt like Riley might have been pitying him or just leading on him on as the second choice.




@SmithW6079, I meant Danny must have felt he was the safe choice. Not that we sense he might have been the safe choice. 

Wasn't Riley's mom played by Aunt Hilda or did I imagine this? And her aunt is actually her bio mom?

Just keep giving me shirtless Danny please. Also more Tucker and Bonnie being awful people.

That fall Ben did was hilariously over done.

Yes, I think Riley's mom was Caroline Rhea previously. Her aunt (biological mother) was another actress entirely.


I can't help it -- I still want Riley and Danny to get together. I think it comes down to the fact that he fell in love with her when she was fat and he was the school jock.


I knew Riley was going to end up getting that apartment. They never really explained where her old apartment was supposed to be.


If the boys live in the Village (and I believe they do), I always thought Riley's apartment was downtown, closer to the financial district.


Yes, I think Riley's mom was Caroline Rhea previously. Her aunt (biological mother) was another actress entirely.


I don't remember them ever showing Riley's mom prior to last week's episode but you're right, she's got a credit from 2013 for this show on her IMDB page.


This episode was pretty weak, and the show really feels like it's running out of steam. They are just beating this Riley/Ben/Danny triangle into the ground and it's way past it's sell-by date. The only funny parts were the 10-year old who showed up to baby-sit and that random guy in the restaurant who got the crap slapped out of him when Riley grabbed him and pretended he was her boyfriend.


But the way the episode started out with Ben being so callous about using everyone to take care of Emma and thinking it was great just made him look like the biggest jerk in the world. I don't know why this show consistently paints Ben as such a horrible person when he's supposed to be the main character.

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I don't know, I liked that we saw Ben struggle to be a single dad dating. Also it feels like Ben and Riley are done but Riley has pretty much lost her damn mind at this point and I love that they either stick Tucker with her or Bonnie.


Speaking of Bonnie, awesome storyline for her. We still got crazy Bonnie but Melissa tends to give Bonnie depth when she's in Mama Wheeler mode.


I think the best part about the episode was Emma waving to Ben's date. lol


I'm kind of surprised Danny was able to save enough money to buy a bar. He looked great in a suit though. Cleans up real nice.

Well the league minimum for the last 6 years in $525,000.  Not sure if its been mentioned how long he has been in the league and I can not remember if he was called up or traded for in the first episode, but I would say he would be making over a million a year.  Plus he lives with friends, does not have a car, and we really have not seen him spend that much.  Conceivably, even with paying mom/agent, he should have a decent nest egg.  

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Not to be a TV snob or anything but . . . how hard up for work is Eddie Cibrian?


Has he done anything lately except marry Leann Rimes after breaking up both their previous marriages?


I usually don't mind Ben being a hound dog, but this time it bothered me -- does he bring women home to sleep with while his baby is in her crib next to him? I believe there are only three bedrooms in that apartment (which is already huge), so that means one each for Tucker, Ben, and Danny, but not one for Emma. 


I kind of wish they'd stop making Riley so stupid. Seriously, how could she hold her head up at that office after the scene she made?

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Ugh, I wanted to slap Bonnie and Tucker in this (and not Ben for a change).  Bonnie was just horrible (even though she apologized) and Tucker....ugh.  Riley should have let his ass go to jail.  He perjured himself, and he calls HER a bad lawyer?  Is he really that stupid that he didn't know lying under oath (or on a written legal statement) is against the law?  The fact that he got 5,000 out of it too...terrible.

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I agree that Tucker was horrible in the last episode with the perjury nonsense, but usually he's my favorite.  But I watched the latest episode, and holy love triangle that will never end.  How has the Ben/Riley garbage not ended yet?  Is there anybody that roots for them even in the slightest?  Ben is awful like 99% of the time.   It's like this show never moves forward and we are still spinning our wheels in the same stupid love triangle that we have been since the beginning.  Nothing ever happens.


Oh my gosh! Why won't Ben and Riley die!(not the characters just the ship).  Ben is such a self centered jerk   and Riley completely annoys me  with how she put no effort into showing Danny she wants to be with him. It's stupid that she's already with another guy.  Danny's way too good for both of them. 


Tuck is usually my favorite too. He was dumb this epi but I still found him funny.

Edited by miracole
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The best part was when Brad whipped off his glasses and Bonnie did that overblown gasp of realization "Tad" was really Brad. Like there's this huge difference between Brad in glasses and Brad without glasses. 


I wonder if the actor playing Brad did his own singing in the flash mob proposal. Probably not - or at least not without some major-league auto-tuning. I've seen that guy in a Sears ad in my Sunday paper. Like, recently. I think Baby Daddy is probably the biggest gig he's ever gotten. 

This was easily the funniest episode of the series in a long time. Everything worked. Drunk Tucker was hilarious, and whenever they pair Bonnie and Tucker up it's always comedy gold. (I honestly want to know what embarrassing thing(s) Tucker has hidden away in his drawer.) Danny trying to figure out what Ashley's last name was made for a good B-plot. Even Ben and Ross's rivalry worked for me. 


Of course, the drawback is the same as always - Ben is such an asshole. Right after Danny manages to smooth over things with Ashley Ben walks out and asks - right in front of her - whether Danny used a classic "line" on her. Geez this guy, what's his problem?

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This episode had me laughing the whole time. Tucker ducking the flying pigs at the start of the show was hilarious as was everything he did the whole episode. I liked Brad knowing Bonnie would hate the small ring however I wish for once that Bonnie wouldn't be so horrible about something. But then she wouldn't be Bonnie. Ben, Ben,  Ben...well his faces were funny. I like Danny and his new girl she can stick around for awhile. I wonder what her last name is though. I actually know an Ashley Ashley. Riley still  acting like Danny's not important, whatever.

Another thing I noticed about this episode: the set they're using for Riley's apartment appears to be identical to the set they used when she was living in another building. In fact I completely forgot she had moved across the hall from Ben until she walked out of the apartment and into the hallway. Her apartment looks exactly the same. And when Ross said he was going into the bedroom, he walked upstage right. But that's where the stairwell is on the other side of the wall, so a bedroom couldn't be on that side.

  • Love 3

We've only seen Ben's bedroom, it appears to be the first one off the living room. It's possible there's a hallway beyond that which leads to 2 others, however unlikely. I guess that could explain Riley's mystery bedroom location too, although it seems far more unlikely given the position of the stairwell. 

Edited by iMonrey

Clip show? Rip-off. Even with Danny wearing the bridal gown and the gratuitous shirtless scene this episode was a waste of time. This show hasn't been on long enough to merit a clip show. Melissa and Joey had a clip show on the same night. I can't imagine it's a way of saving money since they have all the actors there reminiscing for the flashbacks so what's the point?

Edited by iMonrey
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I loved last nights show and realized how the accidental marriage trope just got a whole lot more variations with the legalization of gay marriage.  The pretty that is Brad and Danny will live in my mind for a while


Glad that Danny finally told Ben that he has been in love with Riley his whole life.  I do hope that someone points out to Ben that Danny stepped aside for Ben to have a chance with Riley, which Ben blew, and now its Ben's turn to be a good brother and step aside.  I still hold out hope for Danny and Riley and hope they are the end game happily ever after.  I just don't like Ben he has shown NO growth in my opinion

I really enjoyed the episode. As soon as Vegas was mentioned I knew we were getting some form of marriage, but I thought it would be Bonnie and Brad, or even Danny and Riley. Danny coming out of the bathroom was the highlight of the episode for me, I'm so glad the writers threw a curveball there. 


And when Bonnie was talking about how she 'turned another one' I was laughing so hard. That was great. 


Tucker and his relationship with older women will never fail to amuse me.


The only annoying thing was the ending. It's like there cannot be an episode that doesn't remind me why I really hate Ben. I'm glad Danny spoke up, finally, and I just want to him and Riley to get together so we can focus on other aspects of the show. 

I really hope this is the beginning of the end of this god awful triangle. If it was any other character but Ben, I'd be optimistic but Ben has proven to be one of the most selfish assholes in the history of TV. The very fact that he was completely oblivious to Danny's feelings is in large part due to his complete lack of awareness of anything that doesn't have to do with him. God he really sucks. I hope he realizes the countless sacrifices Danny has made for him and becomes a better brother, but as I said...its Ben so I doubt it.

i am glad Danny finally spoke up. Now I hope he stands up for himself and refuses to let Ben walk all over him.

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