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Ghosts of GH Past Viewing Party: '80s, '90s, And All Eras Of Non-Suckitude!

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Did you know Luke almost assassinated Tracy's fiancee back in the day?  Ever wonder if poor AJ was just cursed from birth (according to Nurse Jessie, the answer is yes)?  Want to revisit the 80s on GH, or are these episodes you never got to see?


Well this is the thread for you!  The idea here is to watch full episodes and clips online from the very beginning of the 80s onward, and discuss. 


I propose to start with some episodes from the tail end of '79, which set the scene for some insane Quartermaine goodness throughout 1980, as well as the beginning of the adventure stories that started with Luke and Laura, and go in order chronologically as much as possible.  There are a lot of full episodes out there, so one can follow the stories -- however, I'll fill in with links to clips where there are gaps, where I can find them. 


I propose we start with November 9, 1979:


Part 1: 

Part 2:


Tracy is engaged to a politician ... who is about to be targeted by an assassin.  She throws a giant party and looks amazing, but this party is not going to end well.  This is also about a month after Luke raped his employee, Laura (who has not turned him in to the police to rot in jail, as he so richly deserves - obviously, I condone nothing about how this storyline was handled).  Bobbie is engaged to a man named Roy.  MacGuyver - I mean, Jeff Webber - is also hanging around. 

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At 13:18 on the second clip, Luke falls right on his stupid face and it's hilarious. 


Luke really is a shouty, annoying spazz.  And Laura has to go ahead and save him from getting killed - thanks a lot, Laura!  Now we'll be stuck with him for another three decades!


I love the giant mess Roy makes looking for the gun.    


It's really nice seeing Steve Hardy and Audrey again, though!  And original Edward and Lila!


Also, I don't know who that Jeremy kid is, or why he's in the Hardy's home, but he's super-annoying.  I had to fast forward through his stuff ... yikes. 

Edited by SlovakPrincess

JE is so damn beautiful.


Wow, Luke, you rape a girl & then spend most of your time yelling at & manhandling her?  I don't know if I'm supposed to swoon or throw up?  Spoiler alert: I went with the latter.



Also, I don't know who that Jeremy kid is, or why he's in the Hardy's home, but he's super-annoying.


Yes, he is.


I never saw this stuff before, I was three months old when it originally aired. LOL

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I'm disappointed Luke didn't rip off his shirt at the end there too after he screamed "LAURA!!!"





Before there was Sonny (shouting at random intervals, abusing women and bitching about his crappy Bensonhurst childhood) there was Luke (shouting at random intervals, abusing women and bitching about his crappy Elm Street childhood). 


The viewers got a nice break from this pattern when Robert was the hero of the show.  Of course, Robert didn't talk about his childhood at all, which is how we ended up with the Surprise!-I-Have-A-Brother-Named-Mac! story in '92 ...

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Ok, this episode is really good (if you ignore that boring Annie Logan):

Roy wants to try out his mad assassinating skillz, and Luke and Bobbie race to try and stop him.  Quartermaines! -- especially Alan, in all his sarcastic glory.  Scotty wants to know why Laura is a nervous wreck pacing around their tiny, ugly apartment. 


The viewers got a nice break from this pattern when Robert was the hero of the show.  Of course, Robert didn't talk about his childhood at all, which is how we ended up with the Surprise!-I-Have-A-Brother-Named-Mac! story in '92 ...


I still don't believe Mac is really Robert's brother. Mac is a tool and Robert is Robert Fucking! Scorpio. 

Awesome idea!  I started watching about a year after this with the Ice Princess Storyline so I am excited to watch things I never saw and looking forward to rewatching the ice princess story line.  Since Luke & Laura were together by the time started watching, I didn't know about the rape.  I was very crushed when I learned about when I was in college from a friend.  She was in a women's study class that used L&L (as well as a scene in Moonlighting) as examples of media "glamorizing" rape.  They retcon so many things, I wish they had retconned the rape to never have happened.  It would be less icky to watch Luke now if they had done that.

Awesome idea!  I started watching about a year after this with the Ice Princess Storyline so I am excited to watch things I never saw and looking forward to rewatching the ice princess story line.  Since Luke & Laura were together by the time started watching, I didn't know about the rape.  I was very crushed when I learned about when I was in college from a friend.  She was in a women's study class that used L&L (as well as a scene in Moonlighting) as examples of media "glamorizing" rape.  They retcon so many things, I wish they had retconned the rape to never have happened.  It would be less icky to watch Luke now if they had done that.


They did . . . they later said it was a seduction, but in 1998 they went back on it and said it was a rape again.

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Ok, just watched the first two and have a few comments/question.  First are comments:  Luke and Laura, eeew.  This was the final blow to my adolescent fantasy og L&L.  "I will never hurt you gain" -- am I  supposed to feel sorry for him or something?  That's Roy DiLuca!   Never saw him first time around.  MacGyver is really big glasses!  


Questions:  That was Annie Logan, correct?  I forget why she is with the Hardys.  Anyone remember? Macgyver/Jeff  is Liz's (and Steven Lars) dad, correct?  Jeff is Tom's son, but not Audry's??

Edited by ElleMo
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Okay, finally watched that second episode tonight. Is it bad for me to say that AG has improved as an actor? I'm not saying he's awards level, but he really did like the shouty back in the day.


Laura and Scotty kind of break my heart a little. He so clearly doesn't know what to do, but he wants to help. And she just looks like a deer in the headlights (with maybe a touch too much make up? But it's the late 70s, almost the 80s, so I'll let it slide). I could probably write a paper on Scottie, he has had such a character transformation on this show.


And Jackie Zeman's forehead moves! Maybe for the last time? (Oh, I'm an awfulawfulawful person, I know.) Honestly, it's a bit of a shock to see all the actors who still show up occasionally as such youngsters! Monica and Alan (RIP), Scotty, Bobbie. I'm so sad we don't still have Joe Kelly around, because I always did think that Doug Sheehan was a fox. And I was quite young when he was on, so that was some progressive thinking on my part!


(Not sure about the Irish brogue thing. Was he supposed to be first generation Irish from New York City or something?)

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I've been traveling (on WSB business, obviously ...) or would've posted earlier.


I can't find the next actual episode or even clips to fill in the gaps.  The next full episode I can find is two weeks after Roy's death.   So how did we get from "Frank Smith's going to kill Luke for fucking up the Mitch Williams hit!" to ... Frank Smith totally didn't kill Luke.   (Well, thanks for nothing, Frank Smith!).  No idea.


Here's the next episode, in which: Monica and Alan (and basically all their co-workers) fret over Monica's difficult pregnancy; Laura tells Luke she wants to tell Bobbie it's Laura's fault Roy is dead (great idea, Laura!  except, not); MacGuyver (Jeff) and Joe Kelly try to find out where Crazy Offscreen Heather has stashed MacGuyver's son, or stepson, or whatever - with no help from Heather's mother Alice (apparently Jeff is married to Heather at this point, while Heather is locked in an institution).

Don't be a hero, guys - fast forward through the Richard Simmons stuff.


Part One:      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTRZV43i6zQ&index=9&list=PLSow-EgQdmMFhUi9PjygfBGLAKAhwKG2Y

Part Two:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BcgujiAvTA&list=PLSow-EgQdmMFhUi9PjygfBGLAKAhwKG2Y&index=10


Bonus clip:  Here's why Crazy Offscreen Heather is both crazy and offscreen in this episode - she previously tried to dose Diana with LSD to make Diana go crazy (and get custody of Diana's kid, apparently), but throught the magic of said kid turning a lazy susan, Heather ended up with the wrong glass of ice tea and dosed herself.  Oops! 

Here she is, having a bad LSD trip, hilariously:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37wazXU34A


Bonus clip 2:  GREAT Tracy scenes.  Some months before, Monica had to testify in a deposition in a malpractice lawsuit about her whereabouts a certain night ... and had to admit under oath she was cheating with Rick  - Alan doesn't know and now the deposition transcript has been stolen.  Tracy suspects something. 

And apparently, Tracy married Mitch after all ... guess she really wants to be a state senator's wife!



Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Susan's a little firecracker, isn't she?  I really like her.  Mitch is a dumbass, but I find the actor to be loveably goofy.  And Frank Smith the deadly mobster is played by the same guy who was Punky Brewster's foster dad!  Hee hee!  That fills me with joy for some reason.


The chalkboard lady on set at the beginning of the February 1980 clip (posted by ulkis) seems to be enjoying herself - love her, too!


Holy frijoles!  Bobbie figured it out!  That was kinda awesome.  & I liked that Luke couldn't face her once she knew the truth.



As much as I think Tony Geary can be an egregious over-actor, he does a fantastic job with Luke's panicked, anguished reaction to Bobbie realizing his crime. 


Now perhaps it's time to jump back to December of 1979 (the next full episode I can find), in which AJ begins his tumultuous, doomed life. 

Lesley helps Monica deliver AJ in the middle of a blizzard at the Q mansion - and gets nothing but bad news for her trouble.  Rick and Alan worry (while looking gorgeous). 


(This clip includes annoying and/or helpful pop-up bubbles - try not to read them if you don't want to be "spoiled" for stuff happening later in the 80s.)


Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHBd2uQnjg8&index=15&list=PLSow-EgQdmMFhUi9PjygfBGLAKAhwKG2Y

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEzFNwgE2v0&index=16&list=PLSow-EgQdmMFhUi9PjygfBGLAKAhwKG2Y

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnGw7Jzxk-s&list=PLSow-EgQdmMFhUi9PjygfBGLAKAhwKG2Y&index=17

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Bonus clip:  Here's why Crazy Offscreen Heather is both crazy and offscreen in this episode - she previously tried to dose Diana with LSD to make Diana go crazy (and get custody of Diana's kid, apparently), but throught the magic of said kid turning a lazy susan, Heather ended up with the wrong glass of ice tea and dosed herself.  Oops! 

Here she is, having a bad LSD trip, hilariously:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37wazXU34A


Bonus clip 2:  GREAT Tracy scenes.  Some months before, Monica had to testify in a deposition in a malpractice lawsuit about her whereabouts a certain night ... and had to admit under oath she was cheating with Rick  - Alan doesn't know and now the deposition transcript has been stolen.  Tracy suspects something. 

And apparently, Tracy married Mitch after all ... guess she really wants to be a state senator's wife!




Loved Heather's LSD trip!  RM is fantastic.  & JE was just as good.  Tracy's conversation with Rick Webber was great!  I liked that he overplayed his hand since she isn't the guilty party (I wonder who is!).



Now perhaps it's time to jump back to December of 1979 (the next full episode I can find), in which AJ begins his tumultuous, doomed life.

Lesley helps Monica deliver AJ in the middle of a blizzard at the Q mansion - and gets nothing but bad news for her trouble.  Rick and Alan worry (while looking gorgeous).


Loved Lesley in this episode.  I especially liked her delivering the baby with skill & efficiency before allowing herself to think about what Monica told her.


& again, loving Tracy.  JE may be my favorite actress on this show, then & now.

Edited by OnceSane
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I'm so sad we don't still have Joe Kelly around, because I always did think that Doug Sheehan was a fox. And I was quite young when he was on, so that was some progressive thinking on my part!


Joe Kelly is so cute!  I wish he had someone more interesting to date than that boring old Annie Logan, though!  


I get the impression he's from an Irish family, and fakes the occasional Irish brogue sometimes to impress Annie.  (Which is wasted effort, when he should go after someone fun like Susan!)



Loved Lesley in this episode.  I especially liked her delivering the baby with skill & efficiency before allowing herself to think about what Monica told her.


She was fabulous!  I loved how, when Monica blurted out "Rick's the father!", Lesley just paused, like "oooo-kay, I'll deal with that later" ... and went right back to helping deliver the baby. 


I like Gail, too - something about her voice is very soothing.  Gail and Lee Baldwin are like the Lovely Speaking Voices Couple. 



& again, loving Tracy.  JE may be my favorite actress on this show, then & now.



The interesting thing about Tracy is you can't tell when she's being sincere and when she's being calculating.  She probably does care about her brother and his (maybe) baby's welfare ... but possibly not as much as she wants Edward and Alan to believe.  JE does a great job conveying that. 

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Would people be more interested in skipping to the Ice Princess story?  I certainly have no problem speeding up the arrival of Robert Scorpio in town, if people want! 


However, I do highly recommend the episode ulkis posted above, if only because of the Dan / Jessie scenes:


      Jessie: It's all fine for the young people to fornicate Dan, but we can't go away for the weekend together!

      Dan: But I have needs, Jessie!


(In all seriousness, I really like their scene, and love the dialogue.) 


Also, the Frank Smith / Luke / Laura stuff starts to pick up a little, with Laura finding out Smith has been tapping her phone line.  Lesley urges Monica to tell Alan the truth (that Monica thinks AJ's father is Rick) ... and Monica's all "aw, shit, do I have to?!"


Here's the episode, both parts:




Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Jumping ahead to the iconic moments - in March of 1980, Alan has gone temporarily insane after learning Monica cheated with Rick (and now thinks AJ is actually Rick's kid).  Here, he is carrying out a plan to drop a roof (yes, a roof) on both Rick and Monica. 


Apparently, the Q mansion roof is made of about 10 times more lumber than is normal .... it creates quite a woodpile!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Terrible quality clip, but here is the follow-up to the roof cave-in:

Tracy and the rest of the Q's were a whole basket of crazy and dysfunction.  But at least they were highly entertaining about it.   And I still think stupid Michael would've been better off with them!  Still messed up in the head - but not quite so bad as what Sonny and Carly turned his life into. 


In May of '80, Edward tells Tracy she's about to get disinherited - and then she seriously loses it and lets Edward writhe on the floor having a heart attack.  She is creepily nuts in these scenes!


Part 1:

Part 2:

Speaking of Beecher's Corner, I just finished watching Luke and Laura's first summer on the run, i.e., the Left Handed Boy saga.  And as Stefon on Saturday Night Live might say, this story has it all!


- Angry Scotty finding Laura's "I forgive you for raping me!" letter to Luke in Laura's purse, freaking out on Laura and then rushing off to beat up Luke.  Scotty punches Luke right off of a boat in front of the whole town (on which Luke's supposed to marry Frank Smith's daughter).


- Everyone thinking, for like a week, that Luke drowned to death ... then realizing that, yeah, he probably just ran away with Laura.


- Luke and Laura running around in a succession of increasingly ridiculous outfits.  (The funniest part is that Luke thinks it is imperative that Laura cover up her hair with a wig - but never considers that his blonde, frizzball afro might be recognizable). 


- They basically wreak havoc on a poor, innocent department store.  At one point, Luke pretends to be a French hair stylist ... and hacks off a woman's hair while Laura looks on in horror.  Then they pretend to be employees in the shoe department, and are too stupid to do anything right. 


- Luke and Laura stay in a crappy motel, a department store, a barn, in the spare bedroom of the corniest and nicest farming couple you've ever seen, then a rundown shack, then another rented room.  So many trees died in building sets for this three-month adventure!


- Hutch the Hitman, who wears his jeans so tight you can basically see the outline of his balls.  Also, he sings.  Also, he pretends to befriend Luke and Laura and follows them around for months, not killing them because he thinks they might lead him to a stash of Frank Smith's money.  Some of the excuses he makes to Frank Smith - as to why it's taking him a millenium to just shoot two people already - are fantastic. 


- Another hitman, who dresses up as a woman.  The scenes where he's all made up as a woman but drops the fake female voice to talk on the phone are awesome, somehow.  (The scene where he takes his wig off in private - and the audience realizes what's going on - is effectively creepy).


- Frank Smith, played by Punky Brewster's foster dad.  He finally catches on that Hutch is fucking up the hit on Luke and Laura, and sends another hitman out to kill Luke, Laura, and Hutch.  This hit man also fucks it up.  Then he sends female-impersonator hitman out to finish the job.  More lunacy ensues.  (Eventually I started to feel a little bad for Smith, since he cannot catch a break with this thing.)


- Gold bricks, people.  An actual stash of solid gold bricks. 


Basically, it's completely awesome and fucking insane all at the same time.  '80s Luke even grows on me by the end, a little.  When he starts yelling and flailing around like a spazz, he's kind of like an over-excited puppy.  Down, boy!  I've decided to find it cute.

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Finally finished the Ice Princess story.  It's insane, it's ludicrous, it drags in parts, and it involves diamond dust and weather control and the world's ugliest sculpture that turns out to be a giant diamond painted black.  I know the premise is crazy.  But it's thoughtfully plotted out and wildly entertaining.  


It works in huge part because of the vivid characters they created for it, as well as the way the longstanding characters react to things:


- Robert is just glorious and gorgeous and fun.  It's kind of cool to go back and see a time when he was presented as a mysterious and possibly sinister character ... Luke and Laura can't figure him out and don't trust him for the first half of the story.


- Tiffany!  She seems frivolous at first, but turns out to be gutsy and outspoken.


- Alex Quartermaine is a ruthless bitch on wheels but she's also kind of fun ... and to her credit,  she's horrified when she realizes her scheming with the Cassadines was part of a plot for world power - her death with Tony Cassadine actually manages to be tragic because, although they were bad people, they were mostly just greedy and weak.  


- The three Cassadine brothers (and especially Mikkos) are fascinating -- as short term characters!   (I can't stress that part enough - on today's GH, Mikkos would probably become mayor or something, and some character's long-lost father, completely ruining the effect of his character). 


- Laura becomes more independent, getting a job and a tiny apartment because that's what she can afford, and later refusing to be left behind when Luke and Robert sneak onto the Cassadine yacht.  I really like this Laura.


- Lesley and Rick falling back in love while looking for clues about Laura's whereabouts, is sweet.


- The minor characters like O'Reilly and Slick and others are fun and used in appropriately small doses. 


- While it's silly that the WSB sets up in the hospital (not the police station) for the weather crisis, I appreciate that they did that to give the hospital a focus in the story.  How the PC residents handle the freakish temperature drop, and the health crises this causes, makes for some decent drama. 


- I have to give props to TG.  He does a good job in scenes where I really expected him to overact wildly.  And while the Scorpio fangirl in me wanted Robert to be the one to save the day, in the context of the story it ends up making sense.  Luke is seen as less of a threat and thus able to flatter Mikkos and get into the weather machine control room with him:  he uses stories of his poverty stricken childhood to claim he understands Mikkos' plan to be a benign dictator who dispenses charity. 


I will say I enjoyed the build up of the mystery in Port Charles more than the eventual summer of '81 on the Cassadine yacht and then the island.       And one minor quibble: why does it take Luke twelve attempts and a near panic attach to come up with the computer password to stop the weather machine?  Isn't "Ice Princess" the first thing he should have tried?  What stupid phrase has everyone been saying for an entire year, Luke?!  Geez! 


In conclusion, I now want my very own underground lair.  Complete with a constantly running champagne fountain ... that was really cool.

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Somehow I missed this thread when it was started! I spent my day off today watching the episodes posted back in June. I'm up to AJ's birth, which I will probably watch tonight.

My thoughts so far:

- I wasn't born till 1983 and didn't watch GH till the early 90s (I think) so it is really bizarre to me to see Luke and Laura in the rape aftermath. Like Elle said upthread, my introduction to them was as a happily married couple with a son and soon a daughter. I remember the rape stuff coming out when Liz was raped, but it seems different somehow. Like hearing about it isn't as bad as seeing how damaged Laura is by it...if that makes sense. I'm honestly baffled how they ever got together after that, but I'm hoping we'll get to that in clips :-)

- Fascinating to see how many of the core cast were doctors! Lesley, Rick, Gail, Steve, Audrey, Monica, Allen, plus a Dana. And seeing Jessie ! Did they all have different specialties?

- Tracy and Bobbi were gorgeous! Makes all the work JZ has had done even sadder.

- I'm amused that AJ was only born in very late 1979, a mere 3 years before myself when I think he is meant to be quite a bit older in the current time frame (40ish?). Gotta love SORAS...It's how Lulu was born when I was 10 and is now about the same age I am.

- I don't remember Joe Kelly...was he on long? Also was that Susan who was sleeping with Tracy's fiance that Susan who is Jason's mother? When is her murder mystery? I'd love to see that someday too.

- when did Bobbi have Carly? I know that wasn't shown onscreen,but if AJ is born I would think Carly would be around this time too. Was Bobbi off screen for a while?

- I think the biggest thing that stands out to me comparing the show then and the show now (aside from all the doctors) is how integrated the cast is- multiple different characters interact at the hospital, in exercise class, and at the disco...and it's a normal activity! Now we need some sort of catastrophe or the nurse's ball to get that much natural interaction. It's sad, because it really makes the town feel more real and cohesive.

Sorry that was so long :-)

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The doctors did have specialties, I believe! Gail is a psychiatrist, Monica and Rick are surgeons, Lesley and Alan are internal medicine I think, Steve is chief of staff and I'm not sure what his specialty was ... And then there were the nurses, Dan who was the hospital administrator, Brian who is a social worker, etc. not sure if Jeff Webber was also a surgeon. Of course, when the story called for it everyone did every kind of medicine - for instance, Rick runs a free clinic on the side.

Bobbie had Carly before she ever came on the show. So in 1980, there s a toddler Carly growing up offscreen in Florida... not that the audience or even the writers knew this yet. ;)

AJ and Jason were at boarding school for a long time and then SORAS- ed in the early 90s to teen/college age. Robin should technically be older than both of them, but thanks to the magic of SORAS, she ended up at least two years younger than Jason. (In 1980, baby Robin was also growing up offscreen).

The Susan murder mystery is early 1983.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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- The three Cassadine brothers (and especially Mikkos) are fascinating -- as short term characters!   (I can't stress that part enough - on today's GH, Mikkos would probably become mayor or something, and some character's long-lost father, completely ruining the effect of his character).



I HEAR YOU.  It's like the Cassadines were invented for Elizabeth Taylor - an inebriated Liz Taylor.  This show would be so much better today without the Cassadines (and the Corinthos). These idiots who run the show today forget the roots of the namesake of the hospital.  This show was so much better before LUKE came into town.  Too many guns and way to few Doctors.  Now -  GET OFF MY LAWN.

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something that has always bugged me though is Bobbie had baby woes for years.She was desperate for a baby of her own.However during all this she never mentioned carly the baby she gave up.I know it was a recton but to me that would be like sam all of a sudden having given up a child for adoption after all the years she had problems with having a baby.

Thanks everyone for the answers! I'm up to watching the Luke and Laura on the run episodes.

I'm going to agree with Jessie that AJ was cursed. How he goes from this baby that everyone loves and wants to second best to Jason is sad.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks Alan would still want to claim him if he was Ricks son though...was having any heir better than having one that was actually his? And why is Edward so determined to leave his wealth to only one grandson? Surely he's rich enough that there's enough money to split between Ned and AJ?

What happens to Jennifer Smith after the failed wedding to Luke? I haven't seen her since, though there are some gaps in the playlist I'm watching.

Young Genie Francis reminds me of young Sarah Jessica Parker for some reason.

Oh, poor stupid Jennifer Smith.   When I watched the failed yacht wedding episodes, I just kept snorting with laughter every time Jennifer was all "oh, daddy, I'm so happy!  I'm going to be so happy with Luke!"   The writing so obviously telegraphed that the day was going to be a complete and utter disaster.  


Jennifer gets over it, eventually, I guess ... she pops up later when Lesley comes up with an absolutely asinine plan to get close to Jennifer and use her to find out if Frank Smith knows Laura's whereabouts.  Poor Jennifer, getting used again! 


I'm going to agree with Jessie that AJ was cursed. How he goes from this baby that everyone loves and wants to second best to Jason is sad.


I'm not sure why everyone thinks Alan would still want to claim him if he was Ricks son though...was having any heir better than having one that was actually his? And why is Edward so determined to leave his wealth to only one grandson? Surely he's rich enough that there's enough money to split between Ned and AJ? 



I'm also a bit sketchy on the AJ paternity thing and why Alan was so determined to hold on to him, even if he might have been Rick's.  Everyone kept switching position during that story - Monica wanted everyone to think it was Alan's, then she wanted everyone to think it was Rick's.  Everyone messing around with the baby's blood type records got confusing, too -- Tracy's messing around with the records, Alan messes around with them and even persuades Amy to do so, as well.    Of course, Alan was also losing his mind and plotting to kill Monica and Rick, so who knows what his actual thought process was at that point.  ;)


I think the issue with the Quartermaine heir had to do with whatever complicated way Edward set up the family trust.  Ned was going to lose out somehow if Alan produced an heir within a certain time period, or before Ned reached a certain age.  Maybe it was some thing where Alan's kid (since Alan was the older sibling) would get preference over Tracy's, unless Ned turned 3 first or something?    I think Ned would still get money, just a whole lot less.

I'm glad Jennifer gets some closure. I didn't really care about her, but it would have been odd if she was never seen again especially since her dad continued to be a presence.

I'm finally up to the Beecher's Corner stuff (August 1980 episodes). Laura is kind of dumb- she doesn't want to sleep with Luke because she doesn't want to break her marriage vows...So apparently running off with another man, kissing him, and declaring her love for him are all a-ok under those vows?

Maybe it was explained in an episode that isn't uploaded, but how did everyone in PC go from thinking Luke was dead to knowing he's alive and off somewhere with Laura? I know they found his suit thrown away, but even before that they seemed to know.

SlovakPrincess, I agree that Annie Logan is boring. I don't care that she can't marry Jeff or about her roadblocks to adopting that kid.

I'm finally up to the Beecher's Corner stuff (August 1980 episodes). Laura is kind of dumb- she doesn't want to sleep with Luke because she doesn't want to break her marriage vows...So apparently running off with another man, kissing him, and declaring her love for him are all a-ok under those vows?

Maybe it was explained in an episode that isn't uploaded, but how did everyone in PC go from thinking Luke was dead to knowing he's alive and off somewhere with Laura? I know they found his suit thrown away, but even before that they seemed to know.


I think part of it was stubbornness on Laura's part - Scott had called her a tramp after finding her letter to Luke (he didn't believe it was rape), so she wasn't going to cross that line with Luke and "prove him right", so to speak.


I think there wasn't one thing that tipped people off to Luke being alive, it was a whole series of things ... Laura disappearing at the same time, Frank Smith's men watching Bobbie and Ruby's places and harassing them (a tip-off to Bobbie/Ruby/Joe that the mob at least still believed Luke was alive) ... and I think Frank Smith figured it out when his Black Book of Coded Mob Secrets got stolen (he realized Luke probably came back and broke into his office to get it).  


Jenniferbug, are you enjoying the hilarity of Hutch the Hitman and his too-tight pants?  

Oh I think I missed stealing the black book back. I thought he already had it when they went on the run. Thanks!

I haven't seen too much of Hutch yet, and at the same time I've seen more than I'd like- those pants leave little to the imagination!

SlovakPrincess, what YouTube channel did you watch these on? I'm wondering if there's a more complete one than what I've found.

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I think I did a search for "gh full episodes 1980" to find the playlists I watched.  Might have been one called GHRickLesley.   When there were gaps, I had to do some scrounging around on Luke and Laura fan playlists, to fill in some plot points for the summer on the run.   


I haven't seen too much of Hutch yet, and at the same time I've seen more than I'd like- those pants leave little to the imagination!



I just died laughing every time he walked into a scene and it was like, whoa!  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I finally finished the Luke and Laura wedding extravaganza (it was kind of a chore at times with the whole town trying to plan the wedding... October 1981 was basically filler and the show spinning it's wheels while trying to get Liz Taylor to visit, apparently).

The good:
- Scotty catching the bouquet, looking like a bearded deranged mountain man. Made. Of. Awesome.

- Robert getting tanked at the bachelor party and having a killer hangover the morning of the wedding. Adorable.

- Luke and Laura both looked nice. And it was nice to see the whole town there. As well as outdoor scenes! It was all very, very pretty!

- The drama over Laura's divorce papers gave us Lee's fantastic little story arc of falling off the wagon and burning them in a fit of rage and sadness over his estrangement from Scott. And then his efforts to make things right. Actor Peter Hansen = awesome.

- Liz Taylor. The only version of Helena I can tolerate.

The bad:
- What kind of nimrod plans an outdoor wedding in upstate NY in the middle of November? They did have Luke say they were having an "Indian Summer" but still ... why would you bank on that.

- Why were there no chairs?! That drove me nuts. Everyone's standing for the ceremony, standing around eating off of tiny plates ... I was waiting for Laura to just drop a bunch of food with red sauce all over her dress.

- At times the folksy background music and all the colorful supporting characters talking about the wedding made me want to slap someone. I totally get why Lee started drinking again ...

- I love Ruby, but having her jump out of a cake in an old timey whore costume for Luke's bachelor party? Um ... that was just strange. Clearly Robert was already drunk when he planned that, or he was fucking with Luke.

The ugly:
- Bridesmaid dresses. Nope. Also Lesley's dress. No bueno.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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