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S25.E10: Talk To The Hand

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During Battle of the Exes, Camila & Bananas won numerous times & never threw in CT & Diem. They had their backs the entire time. But then when it was down to the final, CT threw in Bananas & Camila instead of Emily & Ty. Why is Bananas wrong for returning the favor?

Actually, they threw in Mark and Robin. Johnny and Camila finished last in the Challenge and went in automatically. Not saying I have a problem with Johnny voting in CT, just clarifying. 


They never deal well with people who won't take sides in their little dramas, and 99% of that drama comes from drunken fights.  Dating Abe should be more than enough to scare her far away from those for the rest of her life.

She's still dating Abe, so maybe she's not quite scared enough. Though to be fair, Abe does NOT need to be drunk to act crazy.


I have really enjoyed CM this challenge, but I was embarrassed for her when she sat there crying before the voting. And turning on Theresa was unfortunate and made her look petty. The decision wasn't in Theresa's hands, and while I normally can't stand Theresa, I do think she handled the situation in a generally classy way. She DIDN'T campaign against CM. I think part of why people have had a problem with CM is that, when she is upset, she puts it right out there in a very guilt-inducing, passive-aggressive way that I think people find highly irritating. I find it irritating, and I'm not even there.

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I think Cara and CT have known each other before the Shows and their family's go back too. I saw the fight too , and I think there's portions we didn't see and then I think a case happened of everybody being drunk and yelling. Also CT was one of the people sticking up for CM when Wes poured soda on her. I think they may fight but I think he sees her as a little sister and can swallow his pride with her and say sorry. Unlike Laurel who hilariously doesn't even know how to say sorry.

He sees her that way now, as a little sister. At the time, he did not like her & he's said in interviews that he thought she was annoying. Now that their parents go to the same gym he's gotten to know her over the years & she's matured, hell he's matures too. Time can make you get over things. I just thought it was funny that it was Bananas who comforted her at the time.


But I do wonder how they alternate how the games will go on this season from the three since the challengers don't have the option to choose. Does a producer be like, "hey Cara Marie has a broken hand, it will be cool for her to have to do the wall breaking thing because she only has one hand and it'll make good tv?" like how does the process of elimination work in this? THIS IS WHAT THE AFTERSHOW SHOULD ANSWER. Maybe I'll write a letter.

I'm pretty sure they've just rotated them over in the same order from the beginning. It's just bad luck for Cara that this was the elimination that happened to be next in the rotation. They would have been given the wall regardless.

Edited by Universalhunter

Speaking for myself, I would probably only hang out with CM on these things. I can relate to her and I'm not an only child. I also understand why she broke down when she was voted in, she's been though so many, she has physically broken her hand. Not that I think it's smart to stay with a fractured hand but all these people in their THS and TJ would have railed on her for leaving. You know it's true. Also, Teresa, while she shouldn't volunteer herself, she hasn't fought that hard. Has she won any challenge? And yes she went in to a elimination but like someone said above, with Camilie. Who didn't even fight. But whatever. I'm more upset Devyn is still there, I say it all the time but she has been on for so long and isn't that funny anymore. It's more of the same jokes.


 I also don't like that apparently the producers throw in the towel as for as games go(there are only three different games for this one, right? wall thing, rope thing, balls out-and I only know the name of that one because it's been used before) and we circle back. I also liked the spinning wheel where they got to choose. But the producers just don't seem to care that much and the arenas aren't even all impressive anymore, it's like, "here's a sandpit, let's throw in a trashcan and kickball". I remember when they used to build kind of impressive arena things like the infernos. 


But I do wonder how they alternate how the games will go on this season from the three since the challengers don't have the option to choose. Does a producer be like, "hey Cara Marie has a broken hand, it will be cool for her to have to do the wall breaking thing because she only has one hand and it'll make good tv?" like how does the process of elimination work in this? THIS IS WHAT THE AFTERSHOW SHOULD ANSWER. Maybe I'll write a letter. 

Theresa won the last challenge and almost won the challenge this episode. I don't know, Theresa's a good competitor and has only been in the draw like once. It's not her fault that Cara has seen so many draws and had such bad luck. Cara's a good competitor too, but obviously she hasn't been having the greatest luck in the challenges if she's seen the draw so many times. And Camila may not have been giving it her all, but I still give Theresa props for that win.


I used to not like Theresa, but for some reason I'm digging her this challenge haha.


Theresa was annoying in that episode where she rallied all the girls to vote in Laurel and then pussed out cause for some reason she didn't think the other girls would rat her out? I didn't really see her reasoning on that. She did it last season too and it backfired spectacularly so you would think she would knock it off. This episode though she competed very well in the challenge and was nothing but a friend to Cara Maria and didn't deserve her attitude.


Speaking of Cara she posted a really snarky picture on twitter of her and Laurel, http://instagram.com/p/pL-jvoHilX/ and then tweeted something else in favor of Aneesa (didn't Aneesa hate her on the rivals 2 reunion?) so I'm guessing their rift is not over. 

Edited by larrybear

I'm pretty sure they've just rotated them over in the same order from the beginning. It's just bad luck for Cara that this was the elimination that happened to be next in the rotation. They would have been given the wall regardless.

They do rotate them. That's why CT & Leroy knew it was going to be the wall.

I agree it's idiotic. Like Devyn said, it'll cost all your money just to fix it!

I really don't know why they even let her stay. On Exes, didn't they send Dustin home for like, a bad cut on his knee? But Cara can play with a broken hand?

Yes, Dustin had to get stitches below his knee & Aneesa stayed with stitches inside her lip. Evan stayed with a hernia, until it was too late & dangerous. 

They basically had Cara Maria sign her life away in order to stay. If she has a permanent injury as a result of the fracture, she will not see a penny from the show. Even Timmy, who sustained permanent damage from that injury he received in Smash House during I3, had a very difficult time getting the show to pay for his damages and he hadn't signed a waiver anywhere near the one they had Cara sign. In fact, he even immediately retired after sustaining that injury.

I keep reading about this alleged Bananas/CT alliance. (I loathe referring to Johnny as "Bananas" but I get where it helps figure out which Johnny is being referred.) CT's primary alliance was with Zach, Johnny, and Cara Maria. His alliance with Bananas was a looser one, they would help each other as much as they could but their primary loyalties were not to each other. Neither one is/was screwing the other by voting him in. The only reason Bananas wanted to talk to CT is because his only other gameplay at that point aside from having to absolutely win the next challenge was to see if he could make a deal with CT. He knew he couldn't make one with Zach. But CT was staying true to his primary alliance, which is what Bananas has done in the past in the same situation, so fair is fair.

CT also threw in Bananas during Battle of the Exes, when Bananas never threw him in after his wins. Bananas also didn't make CT & Diem go 1st which is a huge deal in these games. No one wants to go 1st. But when CT & Diem won, they made Bananas & Camila go 1st too. So fair is fair. I agree they have each others backs to a point. When it comes down to newbies vs vets they will stick together in both of their best interests. I also agree about the Boston alliance. Plus, Bananas is friends with Leroy outside of the show. In these 4 particular eliminations Leroy stood a better chance against CT than Zach. Not that I think Leroy can beat CT either, just a better shot than against Zach who is faster, heavier & taller than CT.

Cara Maria has said on Twitter that she also had a family death while she was in Uruguay. In regards to the Theresa thing, she was told Theresa was going behind her back and campaigning for CM to get voted into the elimination. I am a big Cara fan, but I don't think she behaved herself appropriately in this episode, except where Laurel is concerned.

It seems like it was the perfect storm for her. What could go wrong, did go wrong. It wasn't one thing, but one thing after another. Losing a friend in Laurel, probably didn't help. I think she's stronger then when she first started doing these challenges, both physically and mentally, but in general, thicker skin would go a long way.

I also remember that during FM2, they did a series of completions and then ranked the newbies. If I remember correctly, Cara finished one and Laurel two. She's capable, but sometimes she lets the competition get to her.

Loving the CT/Cara love. I adore their platonic relationship.

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I gotta say that CT looks like a complete different person on this challenge, I mean the way he handle Johnny B. when he told him that he probably was going in, he was really calm, old CT would probably have snap on him. I actually liked that part just shows how till this day bananas is afraid of going against CT on a final.

Props to CT because it seems that he finally has grown up.

Oh and does anyone know if it's true that he and diem got back together? I've been hearing that rumor since rivals 2 but don't know if it's 100 percent true, that would explain why he is not hooking up with the girls this time around.

I think I read a post at Vevmo that they saw them together in public. Add that to his behavior at the Rivals reunion and him not banging every girl this season makes me think so as well. I don't get that relationship but if they are happy then great.


Say it ain't so!  I would rather CT be with anyone else besides Diem.  She's just so, ugh, for the lack of a better word.

  • Love 2


CT also threw in Bananas during Battle of the Exes, when Bananas never threw him in after his wins. Bananas also didn't make CT & Diem go 1st which is a huge deal in these games. No one wants to go 1st. But when CT & Diem won, they made Bananas & Camila go 1st too.


As I stated upthread, no, he didn't. CT never put in Johnny and Camila. He put in Mark and Robin against Johnny and Camila, who were going in by default for

having the lowest score. The latter part is correct, though. CT and Diem had Johnny's team go first, because they knew they had to win the challenge to stay out of the dome. 



I think I read a post at Vevmo that they saw them together in public. Add that to his behavior at the Rivals reunion and him not banging every girl this season makes me think so as well. I don't get that relationship but if they are happy then great.


Yeah, they're together. They've been spotted together frequently since the last challenge was filmed, in both NY and Boston, and I believe a few people even took pictures of them making out at a bar tour they both did last monthish. The girlfriend someone referred to earlier this season as CT living with rather than having his own place was Diem. 

Laurel has an oddly-shaped body.

But she's much prettier than I remember her in past seasons. What changed?

I don't know if I would call it odd, but for a tall girl, she has short legs. I have the opposite problem. She's also pear shaped, so her upper body is thin while her legs are heavier. I've always thought her beautiful. She probably could have modeled. If she were more laid back, her looks would be more noticeable.

I didn't understand the "twist."  Had no one asked before what would happen if the two winners were unable to arrive at a consensus?


Wouldn't you want to face Cara Maria in the final since she would have to do it with only one hand?


This confuses me too!  And, in general, why aren't they keeping the weakest players around to compete against in the finale?


Full disclosure: I didn't see the first few episodes of this season.  Maybe these things would have made more sense to me if I had?


Which one of these idiots said they were "literally going apeshit" during last night's challenge? Was it Laurel?


And Leroy could "literally see the challenge winnings."



I didn't understand the "twist."  Had no one asked before what would happen if the two winners were unable to arrive at a consensus?

Seems like when it's just been two people voting there's always been a consensus (or at least an agreement to like the woman pick the woman to go into the elimination, man pick the man), so I guess no one's had to ask before. What I think would've been a way better twist if, after two attempts to get a consensus, Johnny and Nany were just sent into the elimination rather than warning them them they would be if they didn't agree. THAT would've blown minds.



Also, like someone said above, this isn't much of a free agents game is it? I mean, most of the challenges were team ones, whether it be groups or two person teams.

I've been thinking of it as "free agents" in the pro sports sense, ie, players can switch to different teams and aren't loyal to any one team. In this game, teams can change from week to week and ultimately players are in this for themselves over any one team.


This confuses me too!  And, in general, why aren't they keeping the weakest players around to compete against in the finale?

Well, I think in general the reasoning is the men don't want to keep a weak player because they may be paired with them in a mission and then be eligible for elimination. In this case Johnny wants Cara to go cause she will vote him in if she wins, but with her hand there is no way she would win anything going forward. I really think if Nany thought it through better she would have put in Theresa. 

Seems like when it's just been two people voting there's always been a consensus (or at least an agreement to like the woman pick the woman to go into the elimination, man pick the man), so I guess no one's had to ask before. What I think would've been a way better twist if, after two attempts to get a consensus, Johnny and Nany were just sent into the elimination rather than warning them them they would be if they didn't agree. THAT would've blown minds.


That would have been awesome.  It obviously only would have worked once, since any time after that, they'd be aware it could happen, but seeing it happen the first time would have been great.  

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